Everything You Learn In RED PHASE At Army Basic Training!

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what's going on guys so you decided to join the army and you're curious what it is that you actually learn in red phase at basic training so today's videos gonna be a very high like just informational video where I'm gonna be talking to you guys and reading you off a whole bunch of stuff kind of like what I did whenever I made my video on what red face is like where I basically just read off what we did every single day at basic training during red phase if you missed that video if I can remember I'm gonna link that up for you guys right now but what I want to cover in this video is the things that you actually learn and are taught from the drill sergeants at basic training so from day one until the end of read phase what are some of the things that you're gonna learn during those few weeks in this video I'm gonna try and cover them as quickly as possible while still actually talking about them a couple of these topics that I'm gonna talk about right now are probably definitely at least one of them are gonna have their own dedicated video which I am working on so just to get it off off the table some of the things that you're going to kind of teach yourself just real quick is things like the soldier's creed the army song the General Orders the chain of command all the way up from the president all the way down to your platoon you know drill sergeant or whatever just like just all the way down to the company level all the way up to the President of the United States and all of the the generals that are there the TRADOC commander trade art command sergeant major you're gonna have to remember those just everything you're gonna learn the chain of command that's gonna be really important and the first day of basic training you don't really do much as far as learning it's basically just paperwork's and you're getting your gear and everything but it's not until the next day day two usually where you're gonna be learning the first thing and that is the Army's way of doing PT so you're gonna learn the preparation drill the different conditioning drills you'll learn the climbing drills all during the mornings of red-faced so that's kind of what PT is gonna be dead dead to the first few PD sessions that you have and that's going to be learning the Army's way of doing PT so the preparation drill if you want to look this up up on your own I'm definitely not gonna demonstrate it because you look you look kind of stupid when you're doing this but there's definitely I'm sure videos on YouTube and you can google or different workouts the preparation drill the conditioning drill the climbing drills and as well as the conditioning drill is the conditioning drill one and two and there are also several others but you will learn all of those the first week or so at basic training during the first week of basic training or the first two weeks actually you're gonna have a lot of classroom time and during that time you're going to get a whole bunch of different instructions on different classes such as EEO and sharp and yo is equal opportunity which is basically kind of like don't be racist to somebody else sharp is basically sexual assault sexual harassment what not to do there you're also going to get an OP SEC training which is operation security which is basically don't post on social media when you're about to do a mission or just anything that could basically give the enemy away any sort of information about what's going on right now so that's kind of what operation security is you're gonna have a training on that one of the next trainings you have it could be the first training out it'll just depend on the order that you go in is BRM training which is basic rifle marksmanship training and that is basically going to be where they're gonna be teaching about the m16 so you're learning how to take apart and put together an m16 I did make a video where I showed you guys how to take apart an m16 I didn't make one put together because if you saw that video you know why but I do have an assault rifle and an ar-15 myself now so I should be able to make a video on taking it apart and put it together and showing you guys you know maybe different little tricks on how to put it together fast take it apart fast different things like that because you're gonna get tested on taking it apart and put it in together for time add bass training for a part of the red end of red face test so first off you're gonna learn some of the basics about the m16 or the m4 whichever one you're using for me at my base training we use the m16 so I have the paper right here you know you learn like basic information about the weapon so it's you know nine point zero eight pounds without a sling if you add the sling a sling as point four ounces apparently or point four pounds and then an m16 with a 30-round magazine is ten point zero nine pounds the maximum effective range of an m16 is three thousand one hundred meters so I made a mistake so when I made this video I am about to say that the maximum effective point target range of an m16 is 800 meters that is wrong it is actually 600 meters in the maximum effective area target range of an m16 is 800 meters I read that off without actually looking at the notes because I didn't have that on my notes I was going off of a terrible memory apparently but the way I explain a point target is still the same an area target at 800 meters eclis think of it as a group of people walking down the road that's basically how you can think of an area target maybe a car or something like that bigger than a person point target person I'm gonna clink - all right now the maximum effective point target range of 9/16 is 800 meters you know for those of you who don't know I'm kind of gonna teach you guys this real quick whenever they say the maximum effective range that is basically like if there's a huge just area that you're shooting at the bullet is not you're gonna be able to aim like that for it's gonna be you know really really far but technically you could kill somebody at that distance if you shot them from 3100 meters so that's what it's talking about maximum effective range it's not necessarily gonna be engaging in combat that far away with an m16 but you could technically kill somebody the maximum effective point target range which is 800 meters that is basically you're aiming at a person you're aiming at somebody like an actual target you're not kind of just a me in general direction kind of hoping you know there's enemies over there we'll just shoot a couple and hopefully we'll kill somebody but you'll never actually know whenever with a 3000 freakin meters away but 800 meters that's gonna be your point target range for the m16 so along with your training on the m16 you're also going to learn the different mechanical sequences of the m16 so basically when you fire around what specifically is actually going on and that is feeding chambering locking firing unlocking extracting ejecting and cocking so that is basically you feed around to the chamber the round is chambered the chamber of locks you fire it unlocks the extractor pulls the round out and ejects it and then you wreak arc another round into the chamber and the whole process starts over again so that is basically what that is and you will have to know that I believe that was on our red face test and I did talk about that and that red face video that I talked about before and finally you're going to learn the three shooting positions whenever you're gonna be shooting at the range that's going to be the prone supported the prone unsupported and the nailing position the difference between the two propositions is the prone unsupported and are the prone supported you're gonna basically have you're going to have a sandbag under the barrel and that is going to be supporting the weapon itself so you don't technically have to use your hands at all to fire the weapon you technically you should what you should be able to do is have the weapon on there have it pressed up against your shoulder and without using your hands the weapon should still stay there so it's prone supported front unsupported there's no sandbag green thing you're using your hands to actually hold the weapon up and then the kneeling position is pretty self-explanatory you're in the kneeling position so you will never qualify standing up like every you just don't qualify standing up one of the next big major things you're going to learn is combatives and basically it's just brazilian Ginsu and it's it is pretty much the basics right so if you have done I would say one month two months three months especially of presenting to do two training you're gonna know more than what they're gonna teach you at basic train they're just going to teach you basic guard positions maybe like an armbar or a key lock or something like that just super super basic stuff but they should and will teach you some combatives at basic training in red phase and I mean it would be kind of cool like if you could like I said just just take some lessons maybe you know somebody knows presenting you did two maybe you could take a couple lessons with them I taught my brothers some stuff every time I learned some things whenever I was doing MMA and just like that basic knowledge like you don't have to be an expert and really anything in the army I just feel like just being that little bit prepared so things aren't when you're getting taught something it's not the first time you've heard it so you're not like totally lost in the sauce whenever they're teaching you how to do an armbar or a key lock or the different full guard positions and everything so you kind of know what you're doing and maybe you can actually beat some people you know and I think that would be kind of cool for me might be cool for you too before I move on to the next topic I did forget to mention one thing that has to do with your weapon and that is sports that is an acronym for slap pull observe release tap and squeeze and that is basically the sequence that you're going to go through every single time something happens to your weapon when you're firing it so if something jams if for some reason you're firing something just messes up with your weapon that's going to be the sequence that you go through whenever you are trying to figure out and clear out something out of the chamber of your weapon make sure all the ammo is good to go fix that and you can start shooting again this is something that sounds really simple you slap the magazine you pull the charging handle to look into the chamber to see if there was maybe a double feed or the round just got jammed up in there somehow you check the chamber so that's observed you cleared out release the charging handle and you tap the forward assist and we trigger if I said out of order I am sorry but basically I have it kind of down like you just kind of do it so if you're firing at the range it is really important because if your weapon jams you want to be able to perform sports as fast as possible so that you can get your weapon unjammed and able to fire again so have a functioning weapon again with without being able to miss so many pop up targets going down because that's the range you're gonna have these pop up targets in their own at timer so you only have so many seconds like it's three to five or six seconds I think I'm not sure but you have a few seconds to shoot the target and if your weapon jams in that time so you shootin target your weapon jams you've basically got three to five seconds to fix your weapon and get it firing again so you don't miss the next target because that'll tend to happen people who are not good at sports their weapon jams and they're just like oh crap what I do what do i do what do I do and before you know it they've missed two three four freaking targets and that just sucks so the big thing that I've talked about with you guys and the thing that I definitely want to make a video for you guys super soon I've been talking about for a little bit but I feel it it's coming up soon guys which is land nap you're gonna learn land nav how to do it and you're gonna perform it during red phase of basic training and lay map consists of not only map reading you're gonna learn what the different things are on the maps are like when you look at a map it just doesn't look crazy to you can actually understand you're gonna learn like these contour lines and what they mean the different colors on the map and what they mean you're gonna learn plotting distances and stuff like that plotting your points you're gonna learn things like if you don't know where you're at but you know where two points are app on the map so you know they're coordinates then you're gonna learn how to figure out where your location is likewise if you know where you're at and another position at where another position is that as far as the grid the grid goes latitude lunch to those eight digits that you're gonna have and you don't know where another point is you're going to be able to learn how to figure out where that point is where that point is that and that's called intersection and resection and that's that's a pretty interesting and there's slightly a little bit more advanced tactic but I do want to explain to you guys not only the basics of land nav so like plotting the points on the map and you have to get that right but in my video I I might sort of split it up into two parts which will be actually plotting the points and then learning some of the things that you're also gonna learn the basic training which is the five major terrain features the minor training features and the supplementary terrain features basically I can show you guys what those are kind of on a map maybe if I can find one of the maps that I've actually used I can demonstrate to you guys what it's actually gonna look like when you're at basic training and I think that will help you guys out a lot whenever you actually get there so you're not totally lost in the sauce lost in the freakin woods when you're doing laying now especially at night because being lost at night I mean it's it's really dark it's just and it kind of it kind of sucks so don't get lost if you watched my video I want red faces like you're gonna know that during red face you're gonna go to the gas chamber and to go into the gas chamber you have to have a gas mask now in the military they're not just going to hand you some equipment and be like here you know use this they're actually going to teach you how to use it so how about actually properly done and clear the mass which is put on the mask and clear it so that if there are if there is any chemicals in the air you can blow all that out so that you can actually breathe again right so you're going to learn how to dawn and clear your gas mask so it's basically that's the basics of the gas mask you're also going to learn about sea burn which is chemical biological radiological and nuclear so that's what CBRN stands for otherwise known as C burn you're gonna have a class on that and that is I mean it's kind of you learn it you kind of all you really need to know is what Sebring stands for and then some of the basis of it ad basic training now in real life you kind of need to know the stuff because if you're in a situation where there's a chemical attack and you don't know how to put on your gas masks or you don't know you know different things like the gas gas gas side first of all don't ever do that if you're on like a base or somewhere like I mean if I'm in uniform and I do that that's that's not good so you're gonna learn the basics and stuff a basic training but don't get too caught up on everything all you really need to know at basic training is how the dawn and clear your gas mask so you can go through the gas chamber with as little problems as possible and you'll be okay because gas chambers not really that bad at all moving on to the communications class that you guys are going to have in red phase of basic training that is basically just a radio and how to work a radio they're gonna give you one of the basic standard radios I do not know exactly what it's called but if you just google the army base training radio that will totally come up but yeah you're gonna learn how to just input different frequencies you'll probably call somebody and that'll be the extent of that but you will have some sort of familiar ization with a basic radio now after that you're going to learn some stuff about first aid and first aid is another one of those big topics kind of like land nap but I I'm currently trying to think of how I can explain to you guys some of the things with first aid because you kind of have to have a demonstration to do it but what you need to know with what you're going to learn for for first aid is basically just the major things right so in a military situation you're not going to be getting like CPR certified or anything like that but in a military situation if you know crap really goes down and people are getting shot people are like bad things are happening you need to kind of know how to prolong that person's life so if they get blown up their legs are cut off right or blowing off you need to know how to properly put on a tourniquet we need to know how to properly approach that casualty identify whether or not they're breathing whether or not they are conscious and understand what you're doing what's going on you need to be able to identify any other issues that they might have you know to basically not you're not going to be like a doctor anything at the end of this you're not going to be really you know like I'm being a medical expert but you should be able to learn the basics of identifying the casualty going up to them assessing them figuring out what's wrong which it should be obvious if there's a shot in the arm figuring out how to bandage and patch that up if their leg is blown off if their arm is blown off where and how to properly put on a tourniquet and prepare them for the next higher medical aid to come along now along with that you're not just you know treating them for gunshot wounds and stuff you're also gonna be assessing them for shocks and burns you know chemical wounds and stuff like that and you're gonna learn a little bit about how to treat them for all of those different scenarios so you will learn how to call in a medevac request to get that injured person to safety and to hire medical help so a medevac is basically a 9 line medevac I didn't explain that yet but a 9 line medevac is basically different statements and things that you have to say whenever you're calling in on a radio that somebody has been injured so they're just listed different things that you have to say different categories you know where you're at what frequency you're on how many is injured how are they injured what kind of equipment are they gonna need whenever they come to help this person are they gonna need an aid and litter so basically something to carry the person so they're gonna need to know that they're also going to need to know how you're going to mark the landing zone so if a helicopter comes in they need to know where they're going to come in at right so all of that stuff is going to be in the nine line medevac and they're gonna learn how to do that a base train but I will tell you guys don't get too caught up in like being become an expert at it now you you basically just have to read it you'll have you know in real life you'll have a few minutes to write the stuff down and figure out what you're gonna say before you actually say it on the radio so don't worry too much about reciting a 9 line medevac from memory so one more thing that has to do with first-aid and that's gonna be drags and carries and that's basically how you're going to literally drag somebody and carry somebody to safety so some of these different things are going to teach you different movements I'm carrying somebody different methods and ways to do it they're gonna teach you different methods of dragging somebody to safety whether or not the person is like conscious like so if they can hold on to you there's different methods on how you can drag somebody if they're fully unconscious you think and you can just carry the person they'll teach you a couple different ways you can carry somebody to safety and that is just in the event that something happens if it is safe for you to go and basically get that person to safety then you will be able to utilize one of the drags and carries to get that person to safety so that is it for the red face training and what you're gonna learn during the red phase of basic training not too in-depth on everything but I wanted to give you guys a list of all things that you're gonna learn like in my past video where I talked about what you do on a day-by-day basis I don't really break down in a different way of what you're going to learn but I hope this video was beneficial to you guys if you learn something that would be awesome but you know watching these things I hope that I'm giving you guys maybe just a slight leg up on the other guys at base training so you again it's not the first time you're seeing things maybe you have just some sort of idea of what's going to happen to basic training what kind of things are you going to learn and I hope I hope that I accomplish some of that in this video today so if you guys enjoyed it hit that like button if you have any comments whatsoever leave your comments down below I will possibly be doing another video like this just specifically the rest of basic training things that you're going to learn because you learn a lot in red things made it kind of sounds maybe not as much as it actually is but you do learn a lot in basic training and I do want to talk more about that but if you have any comments leave your comments down below subscribe if you want to stick around for some more of my videos and I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 18,834
Rating: 4.9741101 out of 5
Keywords: Shootemup89, Army, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is basic like, What is basic Training like, What is AIT like, What is red phase like, What is white phase like, Blue phase, Red phase, White phase, Army Training, How To, Army Basic Training, Army BCT, Army BCT Red Phase, Army Failures, Failing Basic Training, Basic, Training, USAR, National Guard BCT, USA, What you learn are basic training
Id: qo88CtPBIhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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