Everything You Know About Eren Is WRONG

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this video is sponsored by tokyo treat and soccer eco there is a lot of polarizing characters in anime i genuinely believe one of the things that anime does best is being able to drag the gray line between what is a good character and what is a bad character and by good and bad i don't mean well written or critically loved i mean traditionally good as in a protagonist and traditionally bad as in an antagonist and wow this has been happening four years in anime look at light from death note lelouch from code geass there truly is one person who is a step above when it comes to walking this gray area at least from a critical reception side it's not so grey to me the person everybody loves to argue about nowadays and the person that this video is about is aaron yeager you see aaron is the main character of attack on titan and therefore has been the protagonist of attack on titan for many a season however recent events of the anime and relatively old events in the manga have made it seem as though he's more of an antagonist than a protagonist and this has spurned a lot of conversation around aaron as a character and i believe that this conversation is usually pretty misinformed you see the way you're supposed to feel about aaron is relatively cut and dry and the fact that there's people on both sides of the argument about whether or not aaron is evil or good leads me to believe that a lot of people are misinformed about the show well more importantly misinformed about aaron's character arc and as your resident anime encyclopedia i believe it's important for me to clear some things up now mind you i have an opinion about aaron and you could identify that opinion as bias but i genuinely believe that the information we've been given from the anime and the ending of the manga which i will not spoil points in the direction that my bias is actually the correct one before i get to explaining anything biased or not guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell and while you guys are clicking things go ahead and follow my other two youtube pages ncgamer23 where instead of talking anime i play video games and hammer's collection where instead of talking anime i unbox things from it before we get into all that guys today we have our favorite reoccurring sponsor sponsoring today's video soccer eco in tokyo tree but we can only talk about one of these boxes at a time so we're gonna open with tokyo tree tokyo treat is a monthly subscription box for japanese snacks and not just any kind of japanese snacks the kind of japanese snacks that the average japanese household will be eating right about now you see because every month's box has a theme and this month is sugoi summer you see it being august that means it's summer vacation in japan right now which means that this box is themed with a bunch of summer themed snacks but here's the thing about japanese treats a lot of them are labeled in japanese and i can't read this and i'm assuming the majority of you can't read this but that's nothing to worry about because we have a 24 page pamphlet that tells us everything we need to know about this snack from its allergens to its backstory so from this pamphlet i've learned that this is a morning menu banana castella which is a banana sponge cake filled with red bean meant to be eaten in the morning and it's 10 30 and i haven't eaten yet so let's go it smells like banana and it smells really good oh my goodness i can't believe how spongy it still is and the red bean in there gives a nice little cut of sweetness to the sponginess of the cake but enough about tokyo tree we got a whole other box to talk about sakurako now sakurako is also a japanese monthly subscription box but it's different from tokyo tree while tokyo tree focuses on what's new in contemporary sakurako focuses on what's authentic and traditional all the snacks that you'll receive in sakurako are handmade by japanese artisans and are meant to reflect how japanese people have snacked for hundreds if not thousands of years but just like with tokyo treat every month has a theme and this theme is okinawa retreat on top of snacks sakurako sends one kitchen object per box this month's is chopsticks but since we're talking about an okinawa retreat let's go ahead and treat ourselves to a little something here just like with the tokyo treat treat i wouldn't know what this was if not for our pamphlet fortunately our pamphlet tells us that these are tana fucador brown sugar cookies they look a bit like a donut hole to me but let's see if they taste the same not at all a complex in a rich flavor incredibly dense oh my god it's delicious so what are you guys waiting for use code nc hammer at checkout today to get five dollars off your first order of either tokyo treat or sakurako well guys don't just go type in sakurako or tokyo treat into your search bars use the link in either my description or my pinned comments get access today let's get the snacking so typically with you know nothing series about certain characters i just talk about their history and their backstory and what propels them through the story however i've never done a you know nothing for a main character or generally for a character who doesn't appear outside of the main source material you see for things like donzo and kakuzo and itachi i can talk about their light novels and the data books and other ways that these people appear throughout our source material that you may not know of unfortunately that's not really the situation with aaron attack on titan is aaron's story so to talk about aaron and talk about who he is as a character we're gonna have to talk a lot of attack on titan plot so let's start these videos in the way that we tend to start these videos at the beginning you see the beginning is variable for aaron you could start the story at the beginning of his life or the beginning of his true life you see since aaron inherits the founding titan he can technically see the past and the present simultaneously in real time every single panel of history is available to him now usually this would only be available to people with royal blood like zeke however aaron broke the rules of the founding titan so now he can slide across timelines just like that so technically if you think about it in a quantum physicsy way aaron's life started long before he was born because aaron's impact started long before he was born but that's confusing narratively so we're going to start in a traditional timeline kind of way aaron is born in the shiganshina district which is one of my least favorite words so i'm sorry if i mess it up the shinganchina district is in the southern part of walmaria and he was born to parents carla and grisha yeager you see from the jump aaron was gonna have a very interesting life considering who his parents were carly yeager was a perfectly regular citizen of paradise her ancestors were aldians who had been shuffled to paradise island by king freaks 100 or so years ago and just like every other eldian who was brought to parody's island her ancestors memories were wiped using the power of the founding titan because the power of the founding titan allows complete control over the memories and basically mental states of every single eldian because every aldean has yamir's blood yamir was the original founding titan just in case you forgot i have a whole video about her go watch it back to grisham grisha was a key player in the ld and restorationist movement in marley so much so he was actually sent to parody's island by the eldian restorationist to acquire the power of the founding type and to do this he was given the power of the attack titan in a roundabout way but he got it and through will and wit eventually grisha found his way into the rhys family compound greece family being the real royal family of paradise island but gracia didn't want to kill the entire reese family there was children there in fact gracia pleaded with the rhys family to use their founding titan ability to stop the walls from coming down because grisha through the power of the attack titan and therefore being able to see the memories of future attack titans saw while maria falling however the reese families since they are dominated by the will of king freitz can't use the founding titan's ability to either start war or for any violence whatsoever and stopping the titans that are going to kick down the walls would go against king fritz as well however this is where aaron comes in and it's why we're talking about this see this is technically the first thing aaron ever does all ldns are connected to the path the path is an extra dimensional space that exists outside of the confines of space and time every ldn that ever has been in every ldn that ever will be exists in this plane but only those with the founding titan ability and usually royal blood can control this area but since aaron has achieved the founding titan's ability and broken the royal blood rule he slides back to grecia and tells him to murder the reese family well except for rodrice but why did aaron not kill rod well rod had a mistress and that mistress was historia's mother and then obviously if rod's mistress was historia's mother that would make historia rod's daughter royal families don't like mistresses or half royal children so the true reason that aaron forced grecia to kill every single member of the reese family even though only the holder of the founding titan needed to die was for historia you see aaron knew that if any member of the reese family was still alive outside of rod that the royal committee would murder historia's mother and historia but sensei story was the only royal child left rod would be able to protect her and just like that before the rumbling even began we saw aaron enacting killing the majority to save the minority aaron is obviously friends with historia and has plans with her later on but at the same time he basically gaslit his father with time travel in order to kill a family filled with children in order to save one woman now after grisham murders the entire rhys family except for rod the walls fall but it's at this point that grisha realizes that aaron wasn't the only person visiting him using the power of the paths zeke was also there and it's at this point that griesha realized that aaron was in control and apologized to zeke for being such a terrible father but also warned zeke that the only person who's going to get what they want in this situation is aaron it's at that point that grisha aaron's father begged his other son to stop aaron here's where the time wiggity stuff gets a little bit confusing to this point that grisha returns to walmaria and him in keith's shaddis you know the guy who was head of the survey corps and the guy who actually brought grecia into the walls in the first place go to look for grisha's family but after grisha finds out that carla has been devoured by a female titan and they find aaron together gracia realizes that he has to pass off the titan to aaron and this is what doesn't stick with me here see yes technically aaron has already visited grecia which implies that the set of circumstances in the history is already predestined but hypothetically if grisha didn't want aaron to achieve his goals he shouldn't have made him the next attack titan in founding titan but if gracia was able to make this decision then that would imply that aaron wouldn't have been able to visit him previously which thus implies that all set historical events have already happened meaning that the timeline cannot be changed by aaron he just becomes an integral part of said timeline aaron will always go back in time and will always become the attack titan and so grecia pulls aaron out into the woods and gives him the key to the basement he then injects him with titan spinal fluid and has aaron's pure titan form devour him and just like that aaron's story has begun oh actually aaron's story began before that i'm sorry i'm done before the wall even fell aaron once accompanied his father on a house trip to the ackermans his father being a doctor he had to do house trips to multiple different people however when they got to the house they realized both of mikasa's parents had been murdered and mikasa herself was missing grisha told aaron to wait at the house while he fetched the military police but aaron decided to track down the robbers himself nine years old and when he found the robbers she killed two of them stabbing them to death with a flurry of blows however after aaron killed the second robber he let his guard down only to find out that there was a third rob and as the third robber picked him up by the neck and began to strangle him he yelled at mikasa to kill the robber otherwise he was gonna kill them both and for some reason this made me cause to lose all inhibition and she murdered that robber why would mikasa lose all inhibition when aaron told her to do something well the ackermans were actually technically an accident they were the accidental spin-outs of science projects of using aldians and titan science essentially the ldn empire was trying to find a perfect right hand man to protect the king and by doing studies with subjects of emir and titan science they eventually kind of created the ackermanns but here's the thing they themselves are not subjects of ymir and therefore aren't true eldians however just like aldians they can be bossed around specifically by the royal bloodline and aaron claims that when he yelled at her on that day mikasa mistook him for royalty and therefore flew to protect him and awoke her powers this is why she was always protecting aaron and also so good at combat but there's more to the situation than meets the eye in the situation not only did a nine-year-old hunt down three full-grown robbers and kill two of them with absolutely no remorse he also ordered somebody else arguably an innocent little girl to murder somebody with no remorse this moment wasn't put in as useless exposition to show how aaron and mikasa came to live together it's to show you that aaron has always been exactly who he is he was a nine-year-old who stabbed two men to death and then had a little girl stab another man to death and the only thing he was regretful of was making his father upset the fact that he felt no shame or anger or remorse in that situation points to the fact that aaron has always been a sociopath listen i'm not saying that aaron wasn't justified in killing those robbers it's just how he dealt with the aftermath of the situation which points us in the direction that his personality never changes his scope just broadens well what do i mean by that think of mikasa as paradise island aaron hunted down and killed those robbers because they threatened paradise island with no remorse and no forgiveness sure obviously this is an event on a much smaller scale but you can't help but see the similarities and this was before he inherited either the attack or founding titan smash cuts to the falling of walmaria we all know the scene a giant titan appears above the wall and kicks a hole in walmaria debris lands on aaron's house and it crushes his mother carla han shows up with the intention to fight the titan that's in closing on aaron's house but kind of chickens out and decides to just take mikasa and aaron and run away and as aaron and mikasa board a boat that's going to take them away from this titan-infested city they see the armored titan run through the gate of shinganchina district and it's at this moment that he vows to kill every titan in existence immediately the second that the scope of danger broadens aaron realizes that he needs to murder every single titan because every single titan now threatens those that he loves and once again you could say this is a fair reaction to the circumstance the titans just murdered his mother they put armin and mikasa in danger and he always wanted to join the scout corps anyways so the fact that he would react to the situation wanting to murder every single titan is justified to a degree once again i'm just bringing up this point to establish a narrative for aaron when the scope broadens he overreacts aaron and mikasa and armin then work on a farm for two years until they're old enough to join the military and once they are old enough to join the military they all do where aaron tells everybody that he's joined the military to kill titans with the scout corpse you see to bring real life into this joining the military to kill somebody is not the correct reason to join the military this is what propaganda wants you to join the military for but you don't join the military to massacre the taliban or something like that the real reason you should join any military is to protect those being plighted by the opposition force obviously killing does come intrinsically with that but if the only reason you join a military force is to murder other people well the red flag it's justification of sociopathic desires however while aaron is training to join the scout corpse an interesting thing happens essentially all of the trainees are being trained in hand-to-hand combat and it's at this point that aaron tells raynor that he believes hand-to-hand combat is useless and that if you were to come into conflict with another human it would be better to run away than engage this is where a lot of people make the justification that aaron hasn't always wanted to kill humans and it's not a crazy leap to make and therefore people justify that aaron has changed over the course of the show you see while aaron was training to join the scout corps humans weren't the enemy titans were and you're not gonna fight titans with your fists what he was training for religiously was trying to figure out his odm gear because that's what would allow him to kill his current enemy the titans if anything this shows is that aaron prioritizes killing his current enemy efficiently and therefore wouldn't need something like hand-to-hand combat because humans weren't the current enemy aaron then goes on to graduate top 10 from his graduate class and him coney and sasha are sent to clean the cannons on top of a wall and this is where the colossal titan reappears aaron attempts to take on the colossal titan by himself with the rest of his teammates stand in horror but just as about to slice the colossal titan's nape it disappears into thin air this is because as you and i know the colossal titan is berthold here's my thing aaron has the ability to talk to all subjects of ymir across all times this is how he was able to talk to grecia this means by the way at literally any point aaron could slide back in time to any subject of ymir like hanji or heroin or armin or himself even maybe and reveal the identity of the colossal and armored titan stopping thousands if not tens of thousands of murders from happening on paradise island he could even go back and tell erwin to look in grisha yeager's basement using a certain key identify the threat of the titans significantly earlier find the traitors in annie bearthalt in reiner and essentially save paradise island keep that for later so obviously the colossal titan disappears and then aaron and mikasa are sent out on their first real mission beyond the wall where they see thomas wagner their friend get devour this throws aaron into a rage and he tries to kill the titan that devour thomas but aaron himself also gets eaten however it isn't until he remembers that he wants to kill every single titan on earth that he finally does his first attack titan transformation and then he proceeds to kill a bunch of titans but why was aaron so good as an attack titan off the rip well when grisha handed off the attack and founding titan to aaron he said our memories will help you learn its powers quickly meaning that the ability of the attack titan to see the memories of future inheritors would allow aaron to figure out how to use the attack titan almost instinctually and this is exactly what happens and this is also why aaron instinctually bites his hand when he wakes up after this attack titan rampage and he gets a cannonball fired at him by the military force who thinks he's going to be a danger this allows him to partially transform into a titan and catch the cannonball fortunately for armin mikasa and aaron commander.pixas shows up and interrogates aaron personally and it's at this point that they decide that they're gonna use aaron's ability to take back the trust district however aaron knocks himself out during this mission after attacking mikasa mind you but armin manages to wake up aaron by stabbing the attack titan in the nape in piercing aaron's body armin tries to bring aaron back to his good unconscious side by reminding him that him and armin are supposed to see the world but all this does is remind aaron why he wanted to join the survey corpse and that was kill all titans in this moment we see a differentiation that even armin himself doesn't quite understand you see armin sees aaron as somebody who wants to see the world with him and while at one point that might have been aaron's original motivation to join the survey corps the broadening of his scope to the titans now attacking paradise island has changed his motivation and now his motivation is to kill all titans aka eliminate all threats smash cut to the female titan arc it's a long very horse riding arc so we're going to skip the majority of the plot here basically now aaron is with levi and heroin squad he's being researched by hanji to figure out titan shifter powers and the squad is out on the 57th expedition outside the walls however while on this expedition they are attacked by an abnormal and that abnormal is the female titan who erwin believes he captures in a trap but annie is able to unshift from her titan form and escape aaron being arguably the most important asset is told to retreat while the rest of his team members go to fight the female titan and since earlier aaron had accidentally shifted into a titan and the rest of his team trusted him that he wasn't a threat he trusted them to fight the female titan wrong idea they all got murdered but this flew aaron into a rage and so he decided to fight the female titan himself disregarding the fact that han ji levi and erwin needed him for research but also fair decision he just watched a bunch of his acquaintances get murdered and aaron completely blows it against the crippled annie at that however thank god for ackerman's because mikasa and levi come to save him but once again the scout regiment gets a return with their tails between their legs however when they return erwin pulls armin and aaron into a room and explains to them how they're going to capture the female titan who armin has deduced is andy leonhardt this catches aaron off guard and he's angry at the accusation that one of his friends could be a traitor so when they're on the mission to trap annie aaron actually pleads with annie to admit that it's not her but and he can't do this because well it is her but also because aaron brings it up he kind of blows the hole we're gonna catch her discreetly thing and she transforms this forces aaron and armin into a tunnel and aaron is supposed to transform to fight her but he can't because annie is his friend this is truly the first real circumstance where we've seen aaron completely blinded by friendship but it's a long existing theme throughout his entire character arc like i said aaron identifies a threat and then overcompensates and those threats are to his friends and families and loved ones so making an enemy out of a friend is very difficult for aaron because in his ideology that's who he's supposed to be protecting and it's not until aaron has done a lot of mental rewiring that he reminds himself that annie has taken a lot of lives as the female titan and he made a vow once again to kill all titans this is the first real circumstance where we see aaron dealing with his own ideology and the outcome he chose is actually very important see aaron had to make a decision protect my friend in annie or eliminate all titans and the side that won was eliminate all titans this sets the president for aaron actively working against what he believes are his friends in order to achieve the greater goal of extermination of all threats and the fact that aaron has already had this internal struggle and decided that killing the titans is more important than protecting his friends really helps him in a later arc specifically the next arc clash of the titans arc when on top of wall rose after the oogard castle i guess debacle with ymir aaron is talking to reiner and bertholt when rhino reveals to aaron that they are the colossal and armored titans respectively and that they will continue to breach the walls unless aaron comes back to their hometown with them aaron shrugs us off as a weird joke for a little bit until reiner pulls back his bandages and shows aaron that they're already regenerating mikasa then goes to kill both of them but they transform and snag aaron who transforms to get out of the grasp of reiner but aaron's transformation isn't immediate he has to see both reiner and bertholt transform before he even begins to think about transforming himself after seeing them transform he becomes disgusted with them in the same way that he became disgusted with annie after he got over his moral conundrum this goes to absolutely solidify that aaron has gone to the kill all titans ideology way more than he goes to the save my friends ideology his transformation and subsequent battle took him way less mental effort than it did with annie which shows that he's strengthening in his ideology aaron uses the fighting skills taught to him by annie and dreiner to fight reiner and basically win on top of this the sheer rage he was feeling at both berthold and reiner basically gave him superhuman titan strength however bear thought rolls off the top of the wall as the colossal titan and then both yamir and aaron get taken hostage but this doesn't last for long ryan or berthold trying to offer yamir the ability to save their loved ones by joining them and to this point that aaron realizes that reiner has a split personality that way he can distance himself from the guilt that he feels were killing everybody on parodies however both berthold and rein are being pursued by all of the scouts corpse that were with aaron including mikasa and when reiner is attacked by a bunch of pure titans and therefore has to stop covering yamir and aaron mikasa swoops in aaron is then cut free from his captors however as they're running away on horses they get knocked off of their horse and mikasa and aaron are horrified to see as the titan that ate carla aaron's mother is approaching them however this titan is somebody important this is when hans the man who saved aaron and mikasa when they were both young after walmarea fell steps in to save the day and gets eaten because aaron can't transform into a titan he was too injured and after the smiling titan eats hans it then closes the distance between it and aaron and mikasa aaron out of desperation punches the smiling titan and screams however little did he know that the smiling titan is dina fritz grisha aaron's father's original wife and zeke's mother and also the reason that zeke is royal blood and by punching dina fritz's hand he now has connection to royal blood which allows him to use the founding titan and therefore all of the pure titans around that were attacking aaron's teammates now attack the smiling titan and devour now the real question becomes was dena frieds coming after aaron because he had the founding titan and therefore subconsciously as a pure titan she was trying to reestablish the founding titan within the royal family or was it pure happenstance we literally don't know and once aaron and mikasa are saved jon tells him that whether or not saving him would be worth it is dependent on what aaron does in the future it's at that point that aaron vows to never hesitate again thus solidifying the ideology that regardless of the circumstance aaron will do whatever necessary to save those he finds important smash cut to the royal government arc there's a lot of things we don't need to talk about all we need to talk about is the fact that erwin's plan was for historia to take the throne heroin knowing that the rhesus were the true royal family and that historia was on their side thought having history as queen would be perfect for parodies but in order to accomplish this they would have to lure out her father rod reese the only other living member of the reese family so they hand over aaron and historia as a trap to lure him out however both the reeves company and the military police see through this trap and take the blades that aaron was supposed to use to cut himself and activate the attack type and bing bang boom just like that aaron wakes up gagged and bound in a room he doesn't recognize sounds like my weekend's in college but he wakes up and you see historia is free and in fact she's walking towards him and this makes him happy because at least she's fine only problem is she's now on rod's side but unlike me in college aaron starts to recognize the room he's woken up in and it's at this point that rod recommends that he and historia lay their hands on his back specifically the memories of grecia his father eating the entire rhys family aaron is heartbroken over these memories but more specifically over the memory that frida had the ability to stop the walls from falling and didn't at this point that aaron begs historia to eat him and use the power of the founding titan to stop all the suffering and kill all the titans we see here that aaron does not care about his life he only truly cares about his goal and that goal is the protection of those he loves at least as long as that everybody else is an enemy he identifies historia moved by his words actually incapacitates rod and freeze aaron to this point that rod turns into a titan but aaron begs with astoria to let her father eat him because aaron believes that if the royal family gets the founding titan ability back they can finally defeat all of the titans and technically they could with the founding titan the royal family could just kill every single titan in a heartbeat or they could permanently change their anatomy to make them infertile like zeke wants however historia says no she says even if i am an enemy of humanity i am still your friend which is both an interesting line in a very interesting philosophy story is essentially just now stated that her friends are more important than the whole of humanity to her and technically this was the right decision in the moment because if the founding titan had gone back to the royal family they would have been bound by king freitas will but historia didn't know this she simply was choosing to abandon humanity to save aaron which is a sentimentality that we see in aaron which is most likely why he chose to spare rod reese in order to make sure that the like-minded to him would be around when he enacted his plan levi's squad then pulls up and saves historia and aaron apologizes for being useless to this point that he grabs a vial that says armor on it and injects it into himself to save the cave from collapsing and killing everybody he builds a bunch of armor spikes and it holds the cave from falling because rodrice's titan transformation is so large that it's collapsing the cave oh wait i lied actually historia did know about the brainwashing i'm dumb and then aaron and levi's squad have to kill rodris's titan for by shoving a bunch of black powder in its mouth and igniting it and then cutting away its nape and then we jump to the return to the shinganchina arc a bunch of reminiscing and all of that they're all eating dinner they get into a fight they have to hold sasha back meeting everything god do you guys remember sasha she was cool wasn't she so you know yeah cody if there's any way you could edit like a 360 no scope with an intervention in call of duty to like a quick cut of sasha just like bleeding that'd be hilarious but regardless of what happens in this relatively trivial arc armin mikasa and aaron are eating dinner and mikasa is pondering whether or not after they take juan maria back if they'll be able to return to a simple and easy life to which aaron responds probably not and that's why we need to make them pay them being every single titan and now probably reiner and bear thought even though aaron doesn't really understand where reiner and berthold come from at this point aaron has established she's no longer interested in returning to a peaceful life aaron doesn't even understand at this point that he has a certain amount of years as a titan shifter left with his life he just wants revenge then levi's squad and aaron go to walmare and they reseal it and then everything's happy right now reiner a group of pure titans and the beast titan all appear aaron then fights reiner with his new hardened fists and hanji blinds reiner with their new thunder spears and then they blow open reiner's nape and supposedly kill him god i'm sure he wished that happened but there's always somebody there to protect reiner and that's bertholdt who just walks up with his regular form and armin pleads with him not to transform because his transformation is quite literally a nuke berthold doesn't listen transforms and basically nukes the shinganchi in a district aaron uses his titan form to go protect his comrades and then grabs onto bertholdt's leg like a child bertholdt then kicks him into walmaria at a very high speed and knocks him out armin then creates the plan of frying himself like a piece of chicken and is only saved after he gets an injection of titan syrup oh and by the way this whole time erwin was fighting the beast titan and we got the my soldier's rage speech and then heroin died but the fact that aaron rode so hard for armin when it came down to who's gonna receive this last syringe of titan serum shows us a little bit about aaron's backstory you see obviously anybody would ride for their friends it's just what the logical person would do but when it came down to the commander of the scout corps versus just your friend who's kind of smart a logical person would have chosen heroin now i'm not using this as a moment to judge aaron i'm using it as an opportunity to show you that he's largely driven by emotion and obviously it's hard to not be driven by emotion and circumstances such as these but in a completely non-biased situation about 99 out of 100 people would choose erwin but before any of this even happened zeke as the beast titan was able to tell aaron that he's been enslaved by grisha's ideology which is an interesting albeit false idea see aaron wasn't created by grisha ideologically that is in fact it's grecia who is a hostage of aaron's ideology remember as the attack titan and only the attack titan grecia could see the memories of his future inheritors aka aaron but the attack titan can only see forward not backwards so aaron couldn't see his father's memories until he came in contact with royal blood that allowed him to access the paths and therefore all time and space grisha was afraid of the future he was creating with aaron he begged zeke to stop aaron and if we take what i said about the timeline being fixed as canon grisha was a slave to passing the attack titan over to aaron aaron is not a hostage of grisha's ideologies it is very much the other way around but since we're talking about grisha he's very important in this next part you see the next thing that happens after armin wakes up after inheriting the colossal titan is that they go to grisha's basement in ingrish's basement they find things like photographs and evidence that humanity is not dead outside of the walls and aaron actually confirms this by looking into grisha's memories and seeing him when he was in marley keep wanting to call it eldea however after they go to grisha's basement aaron and mikasa are arrested for going against the orders of the survey corpse and it's well on this president aaron mikasa and armin are able to confirm that there is people outside of the walls with grecia's books and aaron's memories and then with a nightmare aaron realizes that the smiling titan was actually dena fritz and he realizes the only reason he was able to control his founding titan abilities is because he was in contact with a pure titan of royal blood however he doesn't tell anybody this because he doesn't want historia turned into a titan because hypothetically if they did turn historia into a titan he could then come into contact with her and then use the founding titan's ability just naturally which by the way if they did that he would be able to end the war basically the war against titans so once again he is prioritizing the safety of his friends over humanity obviously turning historia into a titan is not lovely but having control over the founding titan ability is basically exactly what zeke is trying to do and what aaron is also trying to do and he could achieve it through this meme but something's starting to happen with aaron more and more he's starting to get the memories of grecia and as he gets more and more of these memories he's starting to see the outside world as it is largely discriminatory to aldians in fact he's already seen the grisly murder of his aunt faye grisha's sister however while he's receiving this memory historia is putting metals around the necks of everybody who survived the secondary attack on walmaria and as historia comes into contact with aaron he receives the memories of grecia on the night he murdered the reese family but this time it's different because he also receives the memory of grisha receiving a memory from aaron so it's kind of confusing the anime also completely skips over this essentially aaron sees gracia seeing aaron's future and therefore aaron sees aaron's future which shows aaron in four years time he will use the colossal titans hiding in the walls to activate the rumbling and kill eighty percent of the world's population and aaron is horrified by this because technically his scope hadn't broadened yet you see aaron was completely comfortable with killing every single titan even after he figured out what titans were because they were in the crosshairs aaron saw what he was going to do before his scope had brought in to realize in his mind that the rest of the world were the enemies and he was horrified by it however aaron has a year until they get to the ocean of repopulating shinganchina and over this year aaron's memories from grisha begin to flow in so when they get to the ocean he states that on the other side of the ocean there is in freedom there's enemies and just like that aaron's scope has once again widened he claims if i kill everybody else on the other side of this ocean will we finally be free once again writing with the philosophy that humanity is less important than the lives of those he loves for the next three years marley sends 32 ships to paradise island all scouting ships every single one is destroyed by aaron and armin and the next time we see aaron and armin they're at a shooting range and armin is wondering whether they can figure things out diplomatically aaron brushes armin off and says this will never happen and that parodies island has to take the first blow over time aaron begins to meet with yelena and flock in the manga he actually tells them so that the reader knows that he's gonna pretend to go along with zeke's plan yeah the manga you knew the whole time and then once he gets zeke's trust he's gonna switch up on zeke and kill everybody in marlon does that sound familiar to anyone like raynor or bear thought people that aaron had called hypocrites and monsters and then eventually aaron and armin and mikasa and connie and sasha all go to marley and while everybody is super excited to see the outside world aaron is stoic he only comments on the things he recognizes from his father's memories and he laments about the idea of having to kill everybody there it's at this point that he thinks about carl frieds who wanted to send the aldians to paradise island so they could die out he acknowledges that this would not only cause less deaths it would also eradicate titans but he just can't bring himself to do that it's at this point that aaron sees a little boy getting beat up by some bullies he saves a little boy but knows he shouldn't because inevitably aaron is going to be the thing that kills that little boy he then returns a little boy to his village and tearfully says goodbye and i'm sorry you see all of this to me just makes me angrier at aaron even when he told his plan to historia historia said you shouldn't do this she told him that the majority of people have nothing to do with the aggression on paradise island and clearly he understood that a lot of the people on marley didn't deserve to die specifically that boy and yet the broadening of his scope and his overcompensation led him to genocide he even goes so far as to tell mikasa that he sees a lot of similarities between their family and that boy's family when the wall maria came down aaron fully understands what he is about to do to these people because it's been done to him to this point that aaron cuts off one of his legs gouges out one of his eyes and tricks zeke into thinking that he's all good for the euthanasia plan and then the night of the tiber festival happens and aaron who's disguised as a hurt marley and soldier has falco bring reiner to him it's at this point that aaron explains to reiner that he has met both good and bad people in marley and therefore he understands the dilemma that reiner went through as he brought down the walls it's at this point that reiner asks aaron to kill him you see reiner is supposed to act as the logical foil to aaron reiner is a bad person who has done very bad things but he deals an insane amount of guilt in a split personality from what he's done ryden remembers every person he's killed he has to push it down into a separate personality in order to function and he's now trying to undo what he did in paradise reiner is supposed to represent what aaron could and should be that is after aaron does what he does to the tiber festival which is initiate an attack on marley that would lead to the rumbling and the destruction marley but aaron even though he acknowledges there's good and bad people in marley doesn't feel the level of guilt that reiner does because once again he's brought in his scope and he's a sociopath and it's at this point that aaron uses the jaw titan to crack lara tiber's crystallized body like a walnut and inherit the warhammer type and now aaron has three titans the attack the founding and the warhammer however this attack wasn't planned for parody silence aaron enacted it with very little heads up to parodies because this people like levi and mikasa and hanj had to scramble to back him up because of his actions sasha died oh my god but when aaron found out she died he didn't seem to care and when he asked about her final words and he heard they were mean he laughed you see i believe this is the true problem with aaron you see as your scope broadens too far you begin to lose track of what you initially cared about it's a bit like naruto saying that all of konoha is his family and that's why he can't spend time with his family now that aaron is focused on saving the entirety of parodies the individual people of parodies no longer mean anything to him while technically his motivations and his core personality have never changed he's lost track of who he used to be and him no longer caring about individuals most importantly his friends is no more apparent than in the next couple of episodes he yells at hanji when she visits him in a cell he tells mikasa that the only reason she's ever felt inclined to protect him is her blood on top of telling her that he hates her and then he beats the [ __ ] out of armin and then marley counter attacks with reiner and the jaw titan and a bunch of their soldiers and aaron has to get to zeke in order to activate the founding titan's powers and after he gets decapitated by gabby zeke catches his head and they enter the paths and now that they're together in the paths or the coordinate they can activate the founding titan's ability aaron then sees a little girl and that little girl is ymir fritz z tells aaron to take control of yamir in order to activate the plan to euthanize all aldians but zeke has put fake chains on himself that makes it look as though carl fritz's vow is stopping him from using yamir's power because this aaron reveals to zeke that he was never going to go along with the euthanasia plan but the chains are fake and zeke actually tells him that he found a way around the bow and he puts the chains on aaron because ymir will only listen to people with royal blood zeke then takes aaron through grisha yeager's life and shows all the times where grisha was brainwashing both him and aaron but this is actually when aaron takes control of the situation and tells grecia to kill the reece family he then encourages yamir to break out from under the royal family and finally people with non-royal blood can command her like aaron and at this point that aaron activates the rumbling see aaron was able to work against impossible odds to get the rumbling going but the activation of the rumbling is truly his final turning point a point at which even the most oblivious watcher of the show or reader of the manga realizes that aaron is the bad guy but it's not a surprise and it shouldn't be because this is who aaron has always been and always will be i hate to quote the prequels here but only a sith deals in absolutes when you play the game of absolute revenge and absolute annihilation of your enemies you yourself are the bad guy in fact this is largely the plot of naruto specifically the pain arc naruto is trying to close a cycle of hate naruto acknowledges the pain that nagato has inflicted onto him and forgives him for it in order to break an endless cycle yes obviously marley is a very bad place it is quite literally pre-world war ii germany but not every german in world war ii germany was a nazi sure i'm sure there was plenty of sympathizers but there was also children and old people people who disagreed with the government oh and the jews that they were persecuting which by the way all of the aldians in marley will most likely die this would be like if in the real world the jews who were being prosecuted during world war ii decided enough of all this and wiped out all of germany you could even say that they would wipe out germany's allied forces like italy and japan but on the way to japan from germany they also wipe out russia and kazakhstan mongolia china and india only leaving the countries that fought with them or the country that they come from so i guess technically they wouldn't touch russia but the thing is in aaron's case there's quite literally only one nation on paradise's side so all that will be left is parodies in one nation i feel like i need to say this because some people misconstrue this aaron doesn't care about paradise island he never cared about mikasa he never cared about armin anytime mikasa or armin ever tried to reach out to aaron he was reawoken by the ideology of murdering every titan not their friendship aaron is driven by anger and hatred not love paradise island being safe doesn't matter if the rest of the world is in flames obviously what was done to paradise island is unforgivable and marley should pay for that the people who sent reiner and barathel reiner and bertholdt themselves every eldean should be freed from internment camps marley should be stripped of its military all things we did to germany after world war ii i cannot believe i'm saying this and i cannot believe how many times i have had to say this genocide is never the answer aaron is the antagonist he is not justified and agree with that or don't but never try to say that what happened with aaron in the final season is a surprise or different from how he's always been his enemies just got bigger and that's it everything that you need to know about aaron yeager please send this to your worst friend and while you're at it like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification not saying i'm looking forward to the end of this show but i'm looking forward to the show [Music] um [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 151,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, attack on titan, anime, eren jeagar, mikasa, ackerman, founding titan, attack titan, jaw titan, warhammer titan, colossal titan, female titan, eren, levi, beast tian, grisha jeagar, armin arlet, erwin smith, sasha, pure titan, ymir fritz
Id: 1dsphFSdlz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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