Everything Wrong With Can't Be Erased In 14 Minutes Or Less

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] for the amount of animations recently that haven't included a seizure warning i'd say it's safe to give this one a sin off for actually warning us this time [Music] the an echocoaster animation text is so dark blurry and presented so quickly that i wasn't able to tell what it was until my second watch around as the camera zooms in a shadow was cast onto the tv guess the cameraman accidentally got into the shot via his shadow wow that's loud first off if you're gonna add sound effects please make sure to keep them leveled for the viewer's poor ears and second considering how slow the camera was moving there wouldn't be a woosh sound in the first place wow hold the phone what was robo bendy doing here before the cameras started rolling ew also the blur on bendy's head becomes visible before he's even on screen at all he is definitely falling backwards with that pose [Music] robo bendy goes from leaning back in one frame to leaning forward in the next shock continuity never heard of her i guess robo bendy's legs connect at where his um ink machine should be and it's not that way in the game either so it's kind of confusing [Music] robo bendy looks like he's spongebob trying to bring it around town here at the beginning of the spin robo bendy's eyes squish to blink this looks really strange especially on a robot it being a robot it probably shouldn't even have to blink in the first place also robobendy's eyes disappear when he blinks [Music] more inconsistent poses between shots also why are we no longer in black and white and instead everything is tinted orange a few moments later it goes back to black and white and then back again to color is the black and white supposed to be in the tv it's hard to tell because the static went away when we entered the tv but the black and white still means there's a filter from the tv out my brain i think i'm getting ahead of myself bendy's eyes break into three strips at the bottom which i think are supposed to simulate dripping but it looks inconsistent as we see some actual ink simulations later in the video random smoke has a good sense of dramatic timing bendy's neck clips through his face i'm just gonna take this time now to add five sins for all the clipping throughout this video bendy linearly floats towards the camera also mendy completely misses the camera and flies past it this almost seems like it's supposed to be a blooper bendy laughs with his teeth clenched which should sound more like this the fact that this catwalk isn't centered on screen as the camera pulls away is severely triggering my ocd instead of having the last few drops of ink hit the floor the ink instead keeps dripping at the same intensity while shrinking into oblivion dear friend the hips here are so far to the side that there's no possible way he could stand up that seems to be a common thing with all the posing in this video so i'm gonna add three sins for all the unbalanced posing bendy's mouth bounces kind of awkwardly all around his face and this happens throughout all the video i'm giving two sins for this [Music] the spiderweb is completely out of style it's not pixely and it's super realistic looking it's almost entering the uncanny valley bendy's foot doesn't stay planted as he walks bendy breaks his ankle as he walks off screen the transition between these two scenes wasn't synced properly you can see the right side shake a bit before going back to normal [Music] both bendy and the ink blobs are super reflective in this scene and it's really distracting why does this ink trail lead straight into the wall is he supposed to have come out of the wall if so why did he come from the very bottom did he have to crawl as this rolling gay opens the background that's being revealed is moving to the right this walk cycle henry shoots back while he's walking well that was unnecessarily long did we really need a full 10 seconds of henry walking henry has the same frozen expression all the way to when bendy opens the door [Music] whoa whoa whoa calm down there henry he was having a full-on spasm also there's several moments where henry's arm goes right in front of the fill light this artifacting on bendy's hand looks like a comic book style effect would have been a cool detail if these were comic book characters but unfortunately they're not though i wouldn't mind seeing bendy join the bring avengers light bendy stops lip-syncing here i can't believe bendy's been singing to a fake audio track this whole time and henry fell 100 feet broke his legs and perished the end what is this gesture bendy is doing with his hands [Music] bendy is just straight up asserting his dominance over all of us ceiling the line that bendy is drawing is so much thicker than the finger that's drawing it the particle simulation stops at the end of the shot and you can see what i assume is the particle emitter here the orders of this effect are visible as you can see the god rays being cut off the god ray center clips through the record then just completely starts collapsing in on itself with a lie that smoke just sitting there is completely still connection has it been 30 years it appears mickey mouse might have been murdered here he reacts to the letter he hasn't even read yet speaking of that letter it decides to disappear in between shots okay this mouth has moved way too far to the side it's giving me fly again vibes but like amplified by 12.6 percent and yes that exact number mickey mouse might have been murdered the blood under poor mickey here is made up of two red squares his blood likes to be very clean and it's spreading here kind of reminds me why i quit but the way henry is positioned on the door here it would be near impossible to bend like that also he would definitely not be able to hold on to this completely flat door starts on the default positions then snaps to the animated facials at the beginning of the shot and then i might as well investigate or artifacting on the door this time in line form unlocking now chests are magically opening without someone touching them too why would there be a sign next to the exit that says still locked haha noob you might as well just seal the dang thing up if you're committing to hanging a sign next to it that tells people we'll be locked forever [Music] bendy is just completely still for these shots this canvas is so bumpy and thick that it looks more like a giant slab of stove [Music] the mouth shape that's shown is not the same shape that was drawn with a brush and i'm pretty sure they didn't invent line correcting styluses back then [Music] the teeth are z-fighting with themselves also the corners of the mouth are super rigid and weren't subdivided as much as they could have been [Music] what the heck henry just disappeared then stood up from the ground again that's such a confusing thing to add especially when it's completely dark the end of the teeth can be seen when the mouth finishes closing here [Music] henry lets out a massive fart and turns into herobrine seriously though what is this cloud of smoke supposed to be if it serves some symbolic or narrative purpose to the story that it completely went over my head bendy rips the board off backwards but it just falls straight down because it doesn't want to smack him in the face this happens a few times so we're just gonna send it thrice the camera angle switches positions to a shot that's almost exactly the same as the last so it looks like it's glitching backwards and it's pretty jarring [Music] suddenly the style the ink changes from cubes that meld into rounded blobs of ink wow i can really tell how henry is feeling in this scene based on his default facial expressions the ink blob can't quite keep up with henry here also if someone was pulled straight down through the floor like that all the floorboards would have gone cascading downwards not upwards the boards start falling before henry hits them at least they're on time some boards can't even bother coming in on time oh my dear lordy this is one of the most literal interpretation of lyrics i have ever seen they literally wrote your fate on the wall and it can't be erased when he tries to erase it oh hey an elevator shaft scene in a minecraft animation your elevator scene will make a fine addition to my collection this camera animation [Music] the video severely drops fps here i thought my internet was bugging out at first these fingers are hate to burst your bubble but i'm pretty sure square cogs don't work farewell henry's arm you will be missed also henry's eyebrows go below his eyes henry's fingers shoot to the left for a single frame the doorknob slides to the left as we zoom in on it or opening by itself in a minecraft animation cliche also more artifacting this type of artifacting can be avoided much more easily if you try to avoid directly overhead lights stop the projector bendy's off is real got a feeling here until we got it henry's eyes are so reflective he turns into the anime glasses meme for a moment here henry's arm looks like an inflatable tube man for a second an unholy bargain a demonic seal there's two things of ink hanging here and just kind of flopping around so does the ink behave more like water or slime it's been mostly viscous the whole video until henry got his hands stuck in it earlier and now we see it just freely wiggling around with the master plan that i must reveal don't belong to this thing camera cuts and then pans back down to the exact same shot again redundancy is redundantly redundant earlier we saw that henry couldn't wrench his arms out of the ink but now he's waiting knee deep in it and is doing fine for the most part bendy eats out of the scene i'll never watch another cartoon i quit the animator cut out a part of the song here watch another cartoon i presume it was because it said a word that might not be suitable for children but usually when songs are censored you either add an effect to the song to replace it or just bleep it taking an actual chunk out of the song messes with the timing and feels off [Music] or inconsistencies [Music] the backing under the lever z fights with itself for a moment here [Music] all of a sudden he's in the middle of a hallway and not right up against the wall henry has fallen down hatches so much in this video at this point it's feeling repetitive what the heck henry just completely won 80s with only his legs that is physically impossible [Music] henry floats right by the edge of a wall he could have grabbed onto and makes no attempt to do so these animations look very copy-pasted even adding just a little bit of offset to each one would have helped it look more natural these tape recorders just grow into existence like an animal growing pill oh no henry's about to go over that ink waterfall oh oh wait he did it and he survived and we saw none of it all right then [Music] henry's shirt is somehow completely stain-free i wonder what cleaner he uses the footprints change in the final frame of the scene alice angel isn't centered on the very last shot in conclusion this video was decent it had some interesting visuals and some pretty good lighting however the video felt like it lacked direction and kind of started to wander off overall though it was a decent watch and hinting to the next video should leave the viewers interested to see what's next [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Animation Sins
Views: 619,031
Rating: 4.7460618 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft parody, minecraft songs, minecraft animation, funny, funny moments, animation, top 10 minecraft animations, cinema sins, enchantedmob, fnaf music, fnaf, zamination, animation sins, wins, cant be erased, bendy, ekrcoaster
Id: adpswEEK6Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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