Everything Wrong With Basics In Behavior In 12 Minutes Or Less

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] yes okay i know that the video's not even a second in yet but there's already some sinning to do [Music] first this lighting right here is way too blue this is supposed to be the outside of the building so unless they live on neptune or in the depths of the ocean then i'm not buying it also the front door to the school has no door handle but a perfect place for purple guy to stop by also also not even one second into the video and we have one two three four five six seven eight eight white voids that's gotta be breaking some sort of record [Music] did the camera just break through the door window why add a smoky effect on the text wouldn't a pixely effect fit the style of this video better this door has white numbers when in the game the numbers are black the kid in the green is not moving also ambient occlusion volumetric piercing every day what's with the proportions on this kid he's not even normal minecraft proportions now that i mention it i haven't seen anything related to minecraft in any way in this video so far no blocks no textures no anything maybe something will show up later in the video but for now sin this lighting doesn't look like a classroom it looks like some sort of club adding five sins for the overdone ambient occlusion throughout this video also the pupils would be better off without shadows or ambient occlusion also less extrusion would help while the depth of field pixelation effect is a cool idea and all the effect doesn't work around the edges of the characters this pencil model isn't pixely at the tip also his head is clipping through the table this is probably as good a time as any to add five cents for all the clipping throughout this video cue the dings [Music] aldi is literally in a black void scene here if you just got rid of the tiny notch in the corner he would be chilling with foxy and zamination's the foxy song the chalk appearing on flat plains is very obvious i don't know if this was done for effect or just out of laziness but sin [Music] basic math very easy what world are you living in matrices or algebra ii material [Music] these reaction lines shouldn't have shading or cast shadows that makes it more distracting than it needs to be those lines look like his chalk did he just do a duplication glitch that's cheating [Music] i guess the depth of field decided to peace out for this shot and in typical minecraft music video fashion a door closes on its own these background characters are absolutely terrifying they're just so dead-looking a teeny tiny white dot appears on baldi's face here for one frame i still don't even know how in the world i notice things this small i think it might be a curse wait weren't these numbers just on the other side of the chalkboard [Music] this kid's pencil isn't even writing anything on the paper no wonder baldi is mad at him actually i take that back why is baldi mad at this kid if the soulless possessed kid in the back isn't doing any work at all he doesn't even have his class materials if anyone should be getting the boot it's him the paper rigidly grips around the kid's chin instead of folding like a paper should and while you fixed one clipping mistake the kid's wrist still clips right through the sheet of paper baldi's thumb is the same size as all his other fingers [Music] is baldy kneeling here or something he definitely wasn't this short before maybe he's drowning in the water looking [Music] what is that is baldi supposed to be giving the kid a quarter or a minecraft smooth stone slab this is a really anticlimactic scene to follow for the first course of the song the song is so upbeat but the video just shows the kid walking up to grab a minecraft smooth stone slab what happened to all the other kids they must have all gotten thanos i i mean they all must have walked out of the classroom very very fast aldi doesn't properly grab the ruler the ruler just sticks to his hand as he lifts it up and then he grabs it also why give baldy posable fingers just to have one joint if you're adding fingers add the whole thing [Music] during this fast camera pan the saturation of the lights increases and immediately decreases after the camera stops moving [Music] all the colors in this shot look very washed out i believe this could be due to the volumetric ray casting on top of the camera [Music] this kid's super linear animation wait where was this going the screen went to black with no explanation are we just going to assume baldi just let the kid go and the kid forgot about it i guess so i would send the blue void scene here but this is what it looks like in the game so i can't really blame the animator for this i can however send the ao piercing on this plant here is baldi supposed to be looking at the kid here he looks more like he's just staring off into space the rotation on this kid's head is super jittery the kid grabs the book and just slides away also his slide slows before the camera switches haven't had to say this in a while but linear tangents why are the classrooms so dark when the lights on the roof are so big and bright [Music] the kid is unfazed after being slammed into the wall at a high speed also goodbye my overdone ambient occlusion also also baldi clips through the doorframe during this jump also also also baldi's pupils don't move once in this shot only his eyelids or white eyes do and uh it looks like baldy is concealing something in this shot [Music] what happened to the white lights everything is peach colored now [Music] this ambient occlusion banding really isn't doing you very good here pupils they are starting to look less blocky and more like a circle i know the video compression effect is to make the music video look like the baldy game but this wall compression is just too distracting it looks like insanely low global illumination render settings i thought those bright blue lines were due to some sort of strange wall geometry error but seeing as they're not snapped to the grid they must be coming from a geometry error in the door to the outside either way very distracting and out of place unexplainable volumetric ray casting in the back of the hallway has someone been smoking here where's henry there's no way baldi didn't notice this kid hide behind this wall he's only a few feet behind him either baldi is dumb or he's dumb all these lips are round here enough said beware of the sacrilege [Music] and the kid is looking into a mirror must be one of those target mirrors that make your hips look huge i can't tell where the girl's shoulder ends and the vending machine starts i also can't tell if she's a girl good luck trying to use that tiny jump rope little girl you can't even fit your head around that [Music] this girl's messy overlapping elbow bend mesh is it just me or does this kid look like he's growing some stubble what grade is this kid supposed to be in again it's quite confusing to have the kid run away from the girl and in the next shot to put baldi in the same location relative to the kid it looks like the girl transformed into a tall green baby with a stick oli's hand is in default position the kid is not even looking at baldi also the camera feels very static on this shot the camera should have a bump when baldi appeared also baldi goes into noclip and pops through the wall this fall animation feels so weightless the impact on the ground should be linear no easy this light flickering is distracting and looks like a low quality global illumination once again this kick feels out of place for a number of reasons from a plot perspective if the kid is afraid of baldi why would he be confident enough to roundhouse kick him and from a technical perspective the kid's landing is too slow and not linear enough and on top of that his pupils are going off his eye whites the broom is now above the ground and stops before hitting the wall consistency [Music] again you aren't looking at anything wait when did this happen a ton of time appears to be passing i guess everyone lost him this face lacks enough expression show t another black screen why no room this whole sequence is just filler i'm just lost to what the plot is at this point [Music] you missed a perfect opportunity for baldi to look at the camera in conclusion this video is okay the animation and lighting had its ups and downs overall pretty moderate my biggest issue with this video is that it's a lot of filler and not actually building towards anything the actual quality is decent but the directing definitely could have been better [Music] page 394. [Music] oh elbow [Music] [Music] brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have them [Music] you
Channel: Animation Sins
Views: 969,237
Rating: 4.7446914 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft parody, minecraft songs, minecraft animation, funny, funny moments, animation, top 10 minecraft animations, cinema sins, enchantedmob, fnaf, zamination, animation sins, animation wins, andybttf, basics in behavior, baldis basics, baldi
Id: BS1ib8c25ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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