Everything New With Bannerlord Modding In 2023

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hey how's it going guys welcome back to the channel and welcome back to some more mountain blade to a battle Lord news today I'm going to be starting a little bit of a new series I don't really have a script for this we're just going to kind of go off and see how you guys like it and if you want to see more videos like this let me know Down Below in the comments but the main idea is pretty much just to kind of go through all the newly released mod news so you guys can stay up to date with the mods that necessarily aren't out yet or if anything crazy happens in the community which we definitely have a few things I'll basically just update you guys so you don't have to be searching around them but you know find out a thing or two about your favorite up and coming mod I'll also leave timestamps down below in the description so you guys can kind of find the mods that you're most interested in and just skip ahead to them ones so let's start off with probably one of the most anticipated mods for Banner Lord and that is kingdoms of other this is the Lord of the Rings modification and definitely one of the more quiet mod teams I don't post stuff regularly so over the past couple months we've recently got a whole wealth of a custom action drops so we can actually kind of start to see what a bunch of them will look like we started off with some of the elite infantry from donland they look absolutely amazing a very unique look as well because dunland I guess is one of those factions we don't really see in the movies and when we do they're depicted as being just wild men so it's actually really cool to kind of see some of the heavily armored soldiers that you'll be wielding because again nobody wants to just be using rabble we want to be seeing these Elite infantry on top of that we also got a glimpse at one of the actual main menu mock-ups that they're working on again this is when you first load into the game this is what you'll be seeing and they later went on to say as well they do plan on having an evil version of this as well probably of minis morgo or Baroda and I think this would be really cool if they could tie it into depending on what your last campaign if you're playing good or evil that would kind of reflect that we then also got a little Glimpse at the white company for the men of Gondor these are going to be some of these soldiers recruitable from a specific Thief inside of the lands of Gondor and then we also got a little look at Prince Emma Hill and his Knights of Dom Rother Knights of Silver Swan who again just looked great and then finally we have also been getting a whole dump of these amazing soundtracks which are being created by their very very talented musician and you can find all of these over on his YouTube channel will of course lead every single mods Discord that has one down below in the description along with anything else I speak about so you can go ahead and follow up on anything that kind of piques your interest so that was Kingdom of other again it seems like they are really starting to ramp up a bit of production now we've been getting a lot more content from them they have been speaking about dropping a trailer at some point so I'm very much looking forward to that to see exactly what they you know what they've done with Vermont and maybe even get a glimpse at a release date I definitely don't think we'll be getting a release date anytime soon but you know again seeing more progress in my mod is definitely very positive and you know if they're just working away slow and steady they want to release the mod in a very finished state which I think is a great way to go about it that way when it releases you know you people have tons of content to mess around with and I definitely like that approach now let's move on to the 15th century great of Britain War of the Roses mod I'm not going to try and pronounce it because I'm going to butcher him and you guys are going to laugh at me in the comments and I just my ego can't handle that this mod has been making some really good progress over the past couple months they've been posting absolutely tons of these beautiful pictures from their battle scenes and their their castle sieges and stuff like that the mod itself looks incredible like I can't tell you just how good this looks I mean you guys can see for yourself right now they are doing so much attention to detail to these cities and castles which we haven't really seen in battle Lord too much normally this is one of the things that does get neglected in a lot of battle mods though they just kind of don't go in and change every single castle one city and it seems like every single city is going to be unique and that's gonna just again take that immersion level to be next level they have also been posting uh updates over on their mod DB page so you guys can check that out if you're interested in it and in their most recent posts they've been saying that they've recently implementing and integrating a custom version of banner Kings which again if you if that's a mod you haven't heard of it's basically a mob that makes Crusader Kings free in battle Lord to the best of its ability as in tons of depth with features such as population new dimension management adds into jurora kingdoms and ways to claim people's titles and in a cancel system it's like it's very expensive so it's awesome to see that they're making a custom one for this mod obviously in corporations with the modder they also gone to speak about how with the more recent Battlelog updates you can now customize the coat of arms depending on the flag of the people leading that Army which is actually really big for a time period like this so now we should start to see actual soldiers which you know normally would just have like a plain black or red Overcoat actually have the colors of the coat of arms of that faction and this will completely vary from depending on what army is being led so we'll actually see the coat of arms you know shown on just the average old soldier who has the appropriate equipment I honestly think that's gonna go a long way with this mod again just immersing you along as long as I'd be Banner Kings being implemented and all just but truly you know astonishingly beautiful city maps and Castle Maps this morning is a hundred percent one to be on my radar this mod doesn't actually have a Discord so the only place you can really follow it is over on their mod DB page but again they post pretty regularly new photos and updates so 100 checking in now and again with this mod okay next we have some really really interesting news and also kind of sad news from the trials of these Seven Kingdoms but this is one of the largest Game of Thrones modifications for Banner Lord if you don't know there is currently two of two major ones we have realm of Thrones out which is based more off of the TV show and then we also have Trials of the Seven Kingdoms which again is based more off of the book version and they recently came out with a post over on their Discord basically saying that the mod itself is pretty much dead in the water apparently there are some major issues with their massive map development which they were working on which was like 20 times the size of the battle of vanilla Matt and seemingly that process of trying to get back to work and then I think some battle Lord mod tools really corrupting a lot of the data that they had been working on had pretty much killed the project as a whole because the main model King of the North just went completely radio silent didn't reply to anybody else's messages and seemingly just got very burnt out and just kind of put it to one side and moved on with some other personal issues that he was having having this obviously sucks because people have been putting a lot of time into this mod this is one of the first mods out there for battlelord so it is really sad to basically see it being dead in the water however this isn't the end of the trials of the 17 a lot of them have moved over to the realm of Thrones team which is the other Game of Thrones mod team which honestly is what a lot of people wanted to begin with they wanted to you know see these two teams work together to make something incredible but of course most teams did have different Visions so it's understandable why they wanted to work their own separate ways and it does seem like that vision is going to continue the trials of the Seven Kingdoms team I'm sure are going to be helping out Rome phones with assets and other things that can kind of be crossed over but they're also going to be working on their own sub mod for realm of Thrones to basically go ahead and bring their vision of more of the book style of Game of Thrones to uh to a sub mob which again is cool they're working on their own separate thing whilst also hopefully helping the realm of Thrones team which did just get a lot of very very talented models to help support them as well um I believe Ramsay uh ski stuff sorry if I butchered that and also uh Swan have joined that team block unfortunately who did recently join the trials of the Seven Kingdoms mod team has this kind of gone his own separate way after this happening which is a shame because block is extremely talented and again it would be amazing to have him working on realm of Thrones as well to give us the best possible mod but you know who knows what will happen and what's it what's in store for us now that block is continuing to work on his own crazy Creations in the lab so overall it is really sad that the trials of the seven mod team is basically dead and again if you are supporting that patreon and everything make sure you cancel it I believe they're going to be canceling it so no more payments do go out but just again make sure that you do have Bank case you know someone does forget it or it slips their mind but yeah I mean I guess we have to look forward to realm of Thrones now uh getting a bunch of more uh talented artists and other modders and speaking of which Roma Thrones the other Game of Thrones mod which we've just been talking about has been showing a ton of new features they're currently working on a big brand new update for the latest patch of battlelord and as you can see they're planning on adding goddamn dragons which is very exciting they have a really talented guy currently working on these uh Dragoness creatures and we're actually starting to kind of like be developed really nicely the animations uh the way they function in battle are actually really really well done um and yeah it's gonna be interesting to see of course how they balance them but you know but having functioning dragons actually work in battle is actually really really cool and yeah they're doing a great job there that's only kind of a handful of the things that they're currently working on I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty more in the update I believe is going to be an extremely big one so again that's gonna be awesome the last Model I want to talk about in today's video is the feudal Japan mod it seems like it is making great progress I've been recently posting pictures of the campaign map which looks great on top of that we also have had a glimpse at a Portuguese ship and some of the Portuguese armors and then finally a couple weeks ago we actually also got some more gameplay apparently this was pretty old gameplay of the mods so I think it's come a little way on since then however it looks great and they have also mentioned that they've got a big uh update video coming in the work so that's going to be very exciting I'm hoping we're gonna get maybe a glimpse of some castles or even some you know more campaign and maybe even like an open or closed beta look at them what that'd be very exciting but yeah the mod looks great the armors are incredible you know the detail on them is second to none really impressive stuff and it's gonna be really interesting to see now that they've put a lot of effort into these Portuguese ships like how are they going to play are they going to be able to be used in battle I mean who knows what they've got cooked up for us but overall they look great and uh definitely I think you can make some good use of them whether it's going on into the Portuguese ships to do trade or something hopefully they're like used in a very very nice way and that's gonna be I don't want to go and talk about every single mod in these videos I want to kind of keep it a bit more short and concise but I'm definitely down to do another one of these when we get some more news on certain mods so let me know if this is something that you want to see you know it saves you guys having to scour the forums and stuff to kind of find out everything new of mods as I said of course I'll leave a link to all the mods I talked about Down Below in the description if you want to check them out for yourself to keep a bit more up to date and of course drop a like And subscribe if you haven't already it really helps out the channel and I very much appreciate it and I hope everybody has a great day
Channel: Jackie Fish
Views: 39,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best bannerlord mods 2023, mount and blade 2, jackie fish bannerlord mods, bannerlord mods 2023, bannerlord mods, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord mods, bannerlord, bannerlord best mods, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord mod, best bannerlord mods, bannerlord update, jackie fish bannerlord, bannerlord online, bannerlord eagle rising, bannerlord 2 mods, bannerlord patch 1.1.0, bannerlord new patch, bannerlord 1.1.0, banerlord
Id: FovjKHAssjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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