Everything is impossible until it isn't | Harry Baker | TEDxZorilor

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foreign [Music] Baker I am a product and a mathematician and for a long time I told myself the two very separate things I like math because they were deaf and our rights dancers and I like probably true because they've won as many bombs and then more recently I started to look at the two together because I had a very special birthday they turned 10 000 days old enough my way of celebrating it was writing a show all around poetry advance and the things that they do have in common the idea of connections and patterns of trying to make sense of the world and whether they're three numbers or were worse it's an inherently playing one so the first poem I'd like to share with you comes from this sense of placement and wants to play around good language with alliteration but rather than just picking one sound and sticking with it for the whole poem I thought I'd try and go through the whole alphabet and pick a different thing for each letters I went as I started writing this poem about us at the same time maybe I would also trying about the history of the universe thank you first there was nothing I'm talking nothing but nothing that there was something in amongst that nothing was something and something is a hospital some things and some things either managed to become things so take out Adams before that it was black a Barren and it became big and banging out of the chaos to encounters crazy complex passes dinosaurs have happened through Evolution everything's edited every day that's how he finds you finesse and then finally find our way just as the Galaxy and we invent a much inspiring innovative foreign foreign is biography vibrates by a vegetables and then you can see if you want to I mean Wonder we explore and we explain we yearn for what this genre into space we can't forget us we will not refer to be here by any stretch we will not be in the last place and once we can't control the lights three or no by distant future we can make the most important we can't be kind and we can accept the kindness of us the world shall responsibly allow ourselves for time to discover we can listen truly listen to another person's needs not just wait until they've stopped talking to take our turns and people can be brave enough to try and make all kinds of mistakes we can be playful because what did they like in our life we can remind ourselves each day it's not too late for New Beginnings when a single woman cattle the whole universe foreign it's a Sublime trick or through the universe and space who want to explore Uranus him ask something about we realize how small it becomes so he said none of us thank you so much this next poem I've finished writing on the 16th of March 2020 because for an events in the UK around poetry and climate things I think they figured with climate change that they'd let scientists have a go that competitions get involved had a chiropractic yeah it's hard to break into the big deal if I make writing about something as massive as climate change you can feel very overwhelming is easy to feel like we as individuals can't make a difference why don't we just give up so I wanted to take inspiration from the world around us from the number of times that nature has surpassed of our expectations and showed us that in fact it is just our imaginations that are limiting practice and on the day that I was due to perform this part for the first time it was announced that we would go back into lockdown in new UK because of this thing called Corona and so I wasn't able to share that however on a stage in front of people the way that I intended for a very long time but it turns out I've just written a poem by trying not to give up in the faith of a massive existential crisis really came into its own the following weeks and months and yes so I wanted to share it with you partly just as a celebration of the fact that we can be here in this space together today but also as a reminder to myself as much as I think to not give up everyone thanks to a difficult and this problem is called the impossible as a mathematician as possible you've got a very clear definition but as a poet I think there's a lot more of a gray area and for me I'm finding it to tell myself things aren't too hard when facing the end it's too late to even make his thoughts but if you take impossible to mean that we don't have a chance we have lost sight of how unlikely it was we would get this far the way this thing will fish Outlets the shark by sticking with at school the way the Crescent Moon outspins its dark once again before even winter given long enough begins to lose its cooler which once exceptional abetting registers at all flamingos Adventure rather let the words we can't begin to comprehend all of the ways this world is white none of them asked if they were possible before they came to me none of them have ceased to existing the bug who finds the water he might compressor shuts off everything to have recovered and then summon up the strengthen the stressed with the snakes so full of itself but I cannot help a shitty skin but how instead of them the Hedgehog went to bed just let us pray to think the Earth exists at this specific distance from the Sun that's at the angle of the axis on which everything is Fun the facts the trees happen to breathe only if we need inside our lungs we all seem impossible it had already been done we are impossible to everyone who's ever gone before and everyone who's yet to come will pushed if possible just as indeed the dudes we did I'll do the judgments so everything's impossible considerations the thought of rivers changing force of body engagement down although the tide might turn off I'm sure before her livestream in the sand we cannot know how far our actions go the impacts they might have sometimes the only thing that we can do is to do what we can this is the night that is darkest one is introduced today just the driest of his harshest in the breath of water it's easy enough to believe in something when it's all okay but it's when times are at their hardest days kind of thing that when the light begins to fade that's what we needed the most is by survive every day to day that we see seasons if there was never any doubt there'd be no reason for I could be too late to do anything and I am tired of that Doom and Gloom and self-fulfilling prophecy I am trying to find room to bloom herself probably honest it's an act of Revelations whether a variety of features possible we may not truly know me but the further down towards that future is so as indeed the duties we did is impossible and when it's Oliver and we know more than all bones within the ground still the soil nose to sowing seeds from what is broken down what is lost is always lost until the moment it is found and these things only ever go one way and that's returned we are so constantly surrounding the earth ease to forget as well as built upon impossible that has not stop us we did how many states are possible so much it's so lovely to be able to be here and performing with other people in the room I did a lot of online gigs during lockdown I would say one of the key differences between the getting online and a gig like this is on something like Zoom you can see everyone's faces really clearly but they're all mutants that you can't hear them or is here I can hear you all fantastically because of the lights I can't really see your face and it's no expense like do you prefer this program there is the phrase in that last poem called when this is over which is a phrase I found myself using a lot in the past couple of years and there hasn't been a moment when things have magically got back to normal and there won't be a moment like that and I think it's going to take us all a lot of times and fully process this massive thing that has happened to us in the effects that it is happening but I did want to take this moment to say what a gene you're enjoying it used to be in this room sharing this moment I love this movie Lister and I've got one more poem I'd like to share with you that I wrote this after a conversation I had with a friend during coffee time here's a musician he had a similar experienced in the gates had disappeared overnight as well as a trunk in a big way as headline and I felt like I had trouble with it uh and he used the phrase that's not happening instead he thought he had to edit himself based on who he was talking to to fit in what they're expected and for me for a long time I worried about what it meant to fit in whereas these days I'm far more excited about what it means to fill it up to being the best most brilliant bold versions of ourselves and I feel like for me today being here 1700 kilometers from home at the same time that they're playing a crown and all around his head is this the best version of myself thank you and I'm certainly grateful to be able to say that because there was a while but that did begin to figure that possible it wasn't just that we couldn't have these live performances and form those meaningful Connections in the same way even when I was at home by myself I've gotten unable to write so I didn't have that capacity to be creative because all of my energy was going towards trying to cope with that day-to-day but another way I felt like I had lost my sense of playfulness and the only reason why I'm able to be here in front of you is in that moment when I felt most vulnerable and most broken I felt that there were people near me who could hold that space with I started against therapy for the first time in her friends who was able to share that with bit by bit but we could slowly piece me back together whatever that render so this last program is dedicated to my friends or things of myself also to anyone who has felt like they have lost a part of them so I had to hide a part of themselves because in those moments I think it needs to feel like that's never coming back but this is a reminder to listen to the people in your life who will lift you up rather literally now the people who will expand you rather than Trump you and to try and be those people for one another simply called it's not your job to make sure others feel more comfortable you need not all your clothes you need no water down your core to be more palatable may you be that you that you need you to do unashamed we cannot help others see us that we may work for our clients how we see ourselves to free ourselves to be ourselves regardless whom is when you can't be open-hearted where the truck or trapeze artist or comes down to how we harness our trauma free mummies like playing past the past or perhaps but the past that's when the Music Stops and no one is watching with you keep on dancing with us decorating then garnish any reputation is tarnished but despite it all I still fancy let us not file our way I'm not interested in an effort to be spent when the record show the events how we get to that room all that energy invested in the editing of you I hope one day or let's let me be the one you do I could have sworn I caught the Glimpse and I saw heaven and I shall stand itself oh Godly there's no point of adopting layers when the heart abuse the part to be this place and others may have tried to hide your bones you may have enjoyed English yourself but joy of Joys the joy of choice it shall not be overwhelmed you could be static or your static could cause lightning storms where there is Lions Forest iron or your core contains all types of raw that friction lucky feathers in their 194 so like the torch we can't see at ourselves then what's his brightness for we do those closest to us we deserve us if we only ever let them see the spool of us if we can open up enough there's so much more to love if we can show up in all of us the flaws in US the force of us the full on all of us the rise and all of us the wise and forwarding us yes all of us the final course of us us I have caught enough of you to remember Joanna and he boxes they may try and stop you with instead of building on before let's make a rocket feed them as Focus not negatives developed into positives but nothing on it simply a snapshot of things because all the benefits of your story must have yet to be answered you are the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly that flaps its wings cause an earthquake half a gram of the world and if they try to rain on your foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 1,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Climate Change, English, Entertainment, Grit, History, Poetry, TEDxTalks, [TEDxEID:52721]
Id: 9fWNgG_R7AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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