Everything is fixed and were back at it Side Dressing Corn

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hey everyone it's my quest it is Friday morning June 14th June 14th eight months till Valentine's Day which also is gonna be the National Farm Machinery show in Louisville Kentucky anyways the applicator broke last night sprocket wore out blue hydraulic hose got the parts gonna put it back together had to change a fitting out on the applicator or the nurse dang that changing his fitting out turned out to be quite the ordeal it involved the sawzall and everything wish I would have had the GoPro setup but didn't even think about it I guess thought it was gonna be a five-minute job turn into about a 20 anyways gonna get this fixed here real quick and be back in business nice sunny day a lot warmer than yesterday so let's get some corn side dressed all right look at that we got our money's worth out of that sprocket it was a monitor it was still driving but it actually was I just looked back and saw the pump pressure was lower than normal and that's what I found so anyways ran up the west lake up there in Greenville got a new sprocket and put the hydraulic hose on here and be in business alright so getting kind of a later start here than we wanted to but I got the new sprocket on the applicator pump got the hydraulic hose on yeah I got the nurse tank is fixed that fitting there and hopefully on this nice sunny day we can get we can work the rest today without any trouble when that hydraulic hose blew you can see the back window there I'll clean that off the next time we fill up I wanted to get going here so will the tanks filling I'll clean the windows and look like a professional yeah so I got the windows cleaned up there on that last fill-up which was good with that hydraulic oil sprayed everywhere on the back window on all the dust and collected rained just enough yesterday to mess up the dust that was on the windows so it's feeling kinda Coster phobic on here plus I was having a hard time seeing out the side windows what's really needed the turn in so on the last fill up there I cleaned the windows they're not perfect but they're a lot better than they were and on the next fill up all maybe put the final touches on clean the inside so anyways one tank down working on the second one for the day [Applause] okay so right now I'm side dressed in the field that we started planting on May 19th and it was just too wet so basically just got the outside rounds done and a couple rows then I'm just side dressing the part that's up right now the rest of the field is what I replanted are not replanted I planted the rest of this field then one week ago today last Friday so that corn is just starting to plop out of the ground we're not going to side dress that but I'm just getting what was planted back on the 19th side dress for now then I'm going to move up to another 130 acre farm that we planted a couple weeks ago so I'm up here side dress in another field in this field was in a video a couple weeks ago we planted on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and [Music] this for soybeans last year we ran a vertical till over at last fall planted right into it I didn't have it sprayed yet we had some weeds here when we planted it it got sprayed and it's looking pretty good so I'm up here side dressing it now but overall I know when I posted the video of us planting this field some people would question the weeds and stuff about the spray on and so forth but anyways it's a pretty clean field in I'll get some videos out here in the field as I get going when I knock these end rows off [Music] all right so I'm gonna have to refill here and this weekend in dart County in the town of Versailles is their poultry days so famous for a lot of things but chicken dinners and my wife works up in Versailles so she brought some chicken dinners home after work and she is supposed to meet me when we get up to the room and I get up to the truck and the tank to refill so I have a chicken dinner from the Versailles poultry days coming right up the from Versailles poetry days were fantastic so I had my wife brought those Hank and I both enjoyed them and I got a full tank here get that put on we got one more in the nurse tank to fill me one more time and that'll probably do it for the day I think we're about it's about 7:15 p.m. right now and probably won't quit get this field finished tonight but gave it a good shot and due to the late start we still got a lot of acres cover today so and we will be getting the other applicator hooked up here pretty soon in a 16 row and once that tractor gets off the planter and then we'll really knock the acres out of course a lot of the corn was just it's just been in the ground a week or so so it's not quite ready to side dress but anyways after this field we will be caught up on on stuff that can be done I think not wait a minute we got one more field yeah one more field we could do here but anyways then by the time we get the other applicator hooked up should everything should be ready and we can just give her hell so about the only excitement today when I was cleaning the back window earlier I was standing on three foot arms a foot on each side here and I slipped coming down and I slipped and I don't know what I hit I think I hit either this or the hitch with my right thigh and buttock and it is it hurts it's sore so anyways I'm sure I got a nice bruise I will find out soon when I get home here okay that's gonna do it for today it's about 20 after 9:00 here on in his Friday night was a pretty productive day even though we got the late start with the breakdowns from yesterday and so forth but got this farm about finished up have probably need about another tank and a half to finish it and yeah there's a slight chance of rain in the morning then it increases through the day so we're gonna be up here at 6 a.m. tomorrow Saturday morning and try to finish this off then and see what happens so stay tuned and thanks for watching my videos everybody and subscribing my youtube channel
Channel: Mike Less - Farmhand Mike
Views: 9,514
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Corn, side dressing, feeding the corn, farm, farmer, farming, ag, Agriculture, Deere, John Deere, tractor, Case IH, Ohio, Versailles, Chicken, dinner, Darke County, weather, Equipment Tour, Farmhand, Mike, Less, Versatile, tractors, Welkers, grain, market
Id: uMvyp1jMEOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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