Everything (except herbs) Seeded & Transplanted! Plus New Row Cover Clips

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[Music] my basil is just starting to germinate and I'm always confused about what's the distance I should set my lights so I ended up just uh setting these at about 4 in and if the plants start getting laggy I guess I'll move the lights down and see how that works I got my pansies in the front here too and they haven't come up yet la la la la la la my greens are ready to transplant out into the garden mustard greens collared greens dazling blue kale tasana kale and bok choy which is intended for the bed ends out there in the garden to attract away slugs from the other crops I started it a little bit later because it always grows so much faster but I probably should have started a little bit sooner because it's behind the other guys a little bit I've got my salanova lettuce for my first weekly succession and I also have two other trays of Salen NOA lettuce you can see how much farther behind this is than this uh I did it on purpose uh long story let me explain I need two trays of salanova lettuce one red one green to do a weekly succession of 20 feet so half of one of my 40ft beds each week and I have multiple beds of salanova lettuce so I don't know why but last year I only seated one flat of Salen NOA lettuce half of it red and half of it green and that only covers a quarter of a bed and it wasn't enough I don't know why I did that I made some mistake in my head which I do and um so somehow I double tripled trying to correct my mistake and instead of doing two Flats one red and one green of salanova lettuce I did four flats two red and two green of salanova lettuce and so I um I am trying to slow down the growth of two of the trays last week I put the lettuce Flats out here during the day and then put them in the greenhouse at night because we were getting freezing temperatures at night but I think I'm going to go ahead and leave them out the day and the night for this whole week because temperatures at night are just you know down in the low 40s no more freezing la la la la la la leaks will go out this week if all goes well although I could wait a little bit I suppose um green onions will go out uh again I could wait on those but uh chard which I had to receed it should be ready to go out this week but it's going to take a little bit longer because I had to fix that mess and herbs will um take a little while to grow too all righty the plan is for the chard kale and greens to go in those three beds over there these three beds right here will be in Salen NOA lettuce in weekly successions and so I'll have one bed that won't be in lettuce for a while which I might want to seed with spinach or something and then this bed is going to be leaks and green onions now the birds the fox sparrows were out here kicking around and Roa tilling for me last week but they are gone the one thing I don't know is if the Golden Crown and the White Crown sparrows will show up and they eat vegetation so I'm going to leave my sugar snap peas covered for at least a couple weeks and um some of the seaweed still out on the surface of the bed I think I might scrape that off crunch it up in the pathways with my feet scrape it back on see what the consistency is and then I can plant right into it over here I've got my four beds of garlic which I'm going to pull that row cover off this week because those plants are you know outgrowing their hoops and uh I've got my three beds of carrots here they'll probably take a while to germinate but I wanted to check germination in this bed of baby chard mustard and spinach at this end I'm seeing the spinach come up in these three rows and I'm also seeing some mustard come up and uh so we'll see how that goes let's check the other end where I've got my baby charred okay so I'm seeing some charred just starting to pop their little heads up here and there here's some more taking a look here over at the sugar snap peas I've got 106 plants sprouting and the New Zealand white clover that I broadcast along the edges here that's germinating I got all of the seaweed raked off from the beds in to the pathways except for this one bed over here where it's going to be charred which isn't ready yet plus it's right next to the the covered greens that are coming up so I'm just going to I'm going to leave that bed alone but it was interesting to see that these beds over here where I use seaweed from a pile that was way more composted this stuff is really broken down and it it's not like crunchy or anything it's just already broken down can be just thrown back onto the beds and used as is whereas the beds over here I used a pile of seaweed that was kind of you know more freshly gathered and so it's you know kind of more intact and so I I stomped on that in the pathways trying to kind of crunch it up and so I may do a couple of passes where I go from the pathways back into the beds let it dry throw it back into the pathways and um you know crunch it up and see if I can break that down a little bit more so yeah um I also so pulled the row cover and the Hoops off of the garlic ore that I seated last week and these Edge bed things they're up can you see them la la la la la and over here this bed's a little bit drier so we'll see how the germination goes with these guys there they are la la la la ore is coming up in this section here too but boy it sure is shaded out by this Mauna which I need to cut I bottom watered all of these starts um these guys are the biggest so I think I'm going to deal with these guys first today the kale colar greens mustards got the drip running on all the beds in both green houses we got one little bird kicking around along with the Robins I am tring the pathways back under the beds this is the fluffy stuff I've got a twine marking the pathway okay dudes you'll notice that there's nothing planted out here so what I was going to do is just like you know dig out one bed and plant the biggest transplants today but then I was like oh if I don't dig out the other pathway then I'm going to be making a mess after I've already transplanted you can barely see the Grid in this dry chunky stuff okay dudes again kind of hard to see the grids can you see the grids barely barely oky do this bed right here is going to be lettuce I'm going to plant a half a bed so I use the four row gritter these two beds are going to be greens so I use the two row gitter I'm going to try and get everything planted all at once and then just throw the row cover on it um hoping that I don't get interfered with by birds Ms and butterflies a white or a Golden Crown Sparrow I think look at him wrecking my grid already who are you buddy I might have a picture of him I think I'm going to do these staggered right okay okay okay all planted I only have to chase off two birds and I've got a butterfly thing out here that I'm just having to watch um mustard greens too 2 4 6 8 10 11 um dazzling blue kale 25 colar greens 24 and then I Got U Naro de Tuscana kale 6061 and then I've got the first succession of Salen NOA lettuce back here on the North side and I've got 60 red and 60 green I am going to get these guys covered up as quickly as possible all righty so I've got 11 Hoops about every 4T and half bed here with the lettuce row cover next okay everybody's covered and safe I think check this out folks remember last year I had stupid Clips well this year I got some R cover clips that I hope will be jolly they get very good reviews um this is them here and I've got some extra kale and lettuce here and what my plan was is that I would do a trap patch of kale out here somewhere where the the pests the you know the spotted cutworm and stuff would come in and um there's my Robin friend you know so I got to figure out where I want to plant that kale trap plot or whatever last year's planting calendar says that I need to seed my third weekly succession of salanova lettuce seated and waiting for germination of up here in the house okay so I cut out one row of ore I suppose to give the spinach behind there a little bit more light and I cut out one row of Mauna to give the little Orit seedlings some light and we got two bags baby greens okay and over here I've got uh two rows of spinach that I pulled out of here trying to give this lettuce a little bit of light and um I pulled six plants from this boach Choy patch trying to start give this lettuce a little bit more light too it's planted in between here so here's my haul so pretty there he goes I just hand watered this half bed of celin lettuce gave each little guy a pretty good drink tried not to get the leaves wet but some kind of got wet I wanted to do the lettuce for sure because I transplanted it pretty shallow um so you know cuz like last year um I transplanted them really deep and then they didn't have room to grow their leaves out you know so they were kind of like and um the other greens you know I planted them deeper and um so they should be able to hold on we're supposed to get a bunch of rain starting Sunday so um I think it should be good I uh moved the seaweed from the bed into the pathway so I'm doing the little exchange crunch crunch crunch chunkiness of the seaweed ever's been moved on and off the path before and after okay dudes I've been hming and highing about what I should do and I'm just going to plant everything I'm just planting everything except for the herbs and the reated CH that need more time but these guys I've been just like oh my gosh if I plant Clover over here and then what if I need an extra bed what am I going to do well I'll just cut back the Clover I'll get some soil from this pile and I'll just suppress the Clover and I'll plant whatever I need to plant it's going to be fine folks I've been just worrying so I'm going to plant peas in this uh in this bed here in this next bed and clover around it and then I'm just planting clover in this third bed and I was just worrying about the peas cuz I'm starting a little bit soon because these other ones are only like you know this tall I had Tyler roaa because because I'm just like I don't know how I want to seed see these are my three beds of lettuce you know weekly successions well this one bed right here is going to sit for a whole month with nothing in it so I'm going to seed some Mauna and some spinach in it the whole bed and um so I needed I couldn't seed into chunks and so then this other one was chunky and it was kind of going to be kind of hard to see leaks and onions so I'm like okay Tyler till this thing and I am going to transplant out my second weekly succession of lettuce it was supposed to go out next week but why not plant it out now right everything's going to get rained on that's what I I'm I'm ready for the rain so I'm going to finish that half bed with my second succession of lettuce and um that's what's going to happen salanova lettuce third succession is popping up these guys need to go out to the greenhouse table and then my basil here I planted some pansies in this front row and I see one finally coming up unless that's a weed I thought these little birds were gone but there he is okay so I've got these two beds under swn with microc Clover down the center of the bed and I almost forgot I need to seed another 10 ft uh for a second succession of baby chard firefresh baby CH so look how perfectly that hand seating went I just ran the wire hoe down through the rows and so do another 10 ft I ended up hoing through the spinach in Miss spinach seated pretty good I don't know about the Mauna there's like clumps and then spaces we'll see how it goes I'd like to H through the carrots but I think they're too small third succession of salanova lettuce check this out bok choy is all grown up okay dudes I am planting bok choy two at each end of the bed [Music] ends I decided to use up some of that extra kale that I had you know I wanted to do a trap plot somewhere and I decided why not just do them in front of the garlic since these guys are uncovered you know and so hopefully the moths come in you know and go to the kale and Bach Choy or whatever and I've got them at the other end in case they come in from the other side I've got that bok choy and kale covered just because uh I've been seeing the occasional what looks like a White Crown Sparrow which will just nibble these guys down to the nib I use the four row gritter to Mark out this bed and this is where we've got the leaks in the back and green onions it'll be one patch and then I'll have two more patches later on yep so it's almost 6 feet with my 72 count soil blocks um some of these probably weren't worth planning little buddies but I put them in anyway and I um put at the edges and in the center and uh four rows there we go okay leak's next once I get it started it shouldn't be too hard I don't think I think they're just going to come apart and I can just plant them individually in each hole 56 * 4 is 224 leak plants same space in his green onions four rows covered except for the big gaping hole this chard is big enough now right why don't we just plant the chard okay so we got 60 little fellows see you didn't get left behind you get to do everything with everyone else out here okay just some herbs and that's it that's all that's left I actually had to put my bug hat on for the first time this year um I'm super happy folks I'm super happy about these clips we'll see how they hold up in a windstorm I'll tell you how they do when that happens see you guys next week I got some visitors out to the Garden checking things out it's awesome
Channel: Katherine Ivy
Views: 738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PasQQbWkKww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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