Planting Carrots and Dahlias, Pinching Cosmos and Wintersowing Container Update.

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hello and welcome back to growing in the Cove it's May 25th and today I'm going to plant some carrots things in the garden seem to be growing now at a really fast rate and this is the time of year that I love the most where every day I come out and I see something else is emerging from the ground I've got spring flowers in bloom and it's just such a time of Hope and hope is planting a seed there is nothing more hopeful in this life than planting something that we have yet to see to fruition so today I'm going to be planting some carrots in this bed I always like to do a full bed of carrots because they're one of the best things that you can grow in your garden they grow really well here in New Finland and they don't really require a whole lot of inputs from me other than I give them some really good compost at the beginning of the Season we keep them watered and we so I've got two types I'm going to be growing today both are pelleted seeds I've used non pelleted seeds before and I find those great too but I just find these a little bit easier to plant so I've got two types I've got napoi which is a non type of carrot they're known as the really sweet coreless carrots they do have a core but they're just really sweet and I've also got Bolero which is a a great storage carrot so I'm going to get some compost spread onto these beds I'm going to be using the Pisces compost which is a great local product that you can get one of the best things you can put on your garden um so I'm going to spread that and I will get back to you when that's done this year I did things a little bit differently and I actually started by forking my whole garden this is going to make it easier for hopefully for the carrots to actually grow down into the soil so that's why a lot of people add sand to their soil because if your soil is too compact the carrots will not be able to form their root deep into the soil so this year I decided to try to loosen up my soil a bit by using my fork and making holes this is one of the best composts that I can find to purchase from a store of course it's always great to make your own compost but if you are looking for a product this is excellent I like to put at least two bags down on my 8x4 beds I did this to my garlic bed um last year and I had really great garlic and I also did this to my carrot bed last year I spread this on at the beginning of the season and I had fantastic carrots so I'm not going to change that up and I'm now going to spread this um all over my beds you can find this at a lot of garden centers here in St John's they also sell a Triple mix but make sure you get the compost uh because the bags look really similar for for so for planting carrots I like to use two sticks and a string to keep my uh lines straight I like to use this little diber that I bought at my local um garden supply store and seed store gay seeds in downtown St John's I use this for everything for transplanting for planting seeds but you could use you know a a stick you could use a trowel to make um a little trench for your seeds you don't need this to be super deep okay so now that my trench is done I'm going to take some pelleted carrot seed this is what it looks like and I'm going to space each seed about an inch apart now if I had regular carrot seed I would not go through the trouble of painstakingly putting each carrot seed in its place I would just sprinkle kind of thinly down the row because what you'll find is that one if they all germinate you're going to have so many carrots to thin out and once these do Sprout we will be thinning to make sure there's at least a couple of inches in between each carrot to give them Room to Grow now that all my carrot seeds are planted in this row I'm going to cover them with soil it takes about a/4 in of soil over the row so I just tend to fluff up the soil enough to cover up the carrots and then pat down so they have good contact with the damp soil I like to space my carrot rows about a foot apart so now I will move my stick on each side and start my next row of carrots giving them a foot of space in between each row seems like a lot for something small like a carrot but you would be surprised once they actually start filling in and the greens start bulking out that you're really going to want that space it also gives you an opportunity to plant the areas in between with a fast growing crop like lettuce or spinach or radishes that will be done long before your carrot matures and my carrot bed is complete I'm going to water it and try and keep it watered until I see some germination with pelleted seeds I find it takes longer for them to germinate because that little coating around the seed has to break down first so it could be a couple of weeks before I see anything but keeping it wet is the best way to speed up the germination I am planting up my Dalia bed these are all last year's tubers that I saved over the winter um they all have this flagging tape just so I can keep track of the varieties as I plant them you can see a lot of them have sprouted so that's really good I like to plant them about a foot apart and I bury them about 6 in down so I am going to start planting these up it's now been 2 weeks since I planted my carrot seeds and I wanted to give you an update on how they're doing and how it really does take a few weeks for things to germinate and get going especially if you're using pelleted seeds so I'm going to give you an up close and personal look at how my rows are doing as you can see in this row right here that I have a row of carrots that has [Music] germinated as well as over here I do find with carrots that it takes a while for them to actually show themselves because they're so teeny tiny microscopic for a long time it looks like I don't have anything up in these rows yet but I do have one right [Music] here so they're doing fantastic and it is June the 9th today and it's still a great time to plant carrots and I think you've got pretty much until the end of June to get them in the ground and you'll still have a fantastic crop in the fall here at the bottom I also direct seated some nestum which are coming up just for some color so that is my carrot bed update if you did some winter sewing with me um this winter past I am checking in on some of my containers and as you can see and this happens every year that they have germinated well but then they kind of just Halt and stop growing likely um the conditions are maybe even too wet in this container since it's been raining so much so these are scarlet peie poppies and I'm just going to plant some of these in my asparagus bed and when you deal with things like poppies or other plants that don't like being transplanted I use the chunk or hunk of seedlings method which is super simple so all you're going to want to do is very carefully dump out what's in your bottle or container and you're left with this chunk of seedlings and all I do is I split it into a few chunks like so I'll probably split this into maybe three or four chunks so we've got a chunk a chunk and another and then this is very very very simple all you do is figure out where you want them to go I want mine to go right here and dig a hole and put the entire chunk trying not to mess with the roots too much into the hole like so and press and that's how you plant winter sewn plants like poppies um or whatever you have now if you have something that doesn't mind being transplanted then you can separate them one by one and that's not a big deal but like this is very specific to poppies and how they will die if you mess with the roots too much so there we go another trunk and press in this is so simple and in a few weeks hopefully these will be blooming I find with winter sewing winter sewn plants once you put them in the ground they take off so they've been kind of stalling in the bottles so if you check your bottles and they're still looking really small it's worth getting them out and into the ground or into a pot whatever you plan to do it's now time for me to pinch my Cosmos that I've grown from seed I started these about 6 weeks ago indoors under my grow lights uh you could absolutely grow them from seed straight into the soil and direct seed them but you're probably going to get a later Bloom of maybe later into uh September before they bloom so I like to pinch my Cosmos every year so instead of each plant growing very tall and leggy instead it will promote the side branches to grow and create a bushier plant which looks better in the landscape so I'm going to give you a look at how to pinch them it can be a little bit stressful to take some of this beautiful Healthy Growth off of plants that you've painstakingly nursed to get to this point but I promise it makes such a difference in plants and there are some annuals that really benefit from this um Cosmos definitely zenas if you have branching sunflowers they also um benefit from a pinch I also have some Mexican sunflower here and they can be pinched um impatience there's so many that will really appreciate this and form nicer plants okay so for this job you can use pruners or I have a pair of scissors here or you can literally just use your fingernail and pinch them off with your finger so this one's really easy to see because you can see this one's getting really tall so this is the main stem of the plant and if you separate this top growth you can see that right here between these two leaves is where this main stem comes up and this is where the new growth is coming from so I'm actually going to take this and snip so that is gone and although this plant looks beheaded it still has multiple branches on it so it can photosynthesize and all these tiny little new branches that are coming out in the armpit of each Leaf node are now going to grow and make this plant a lot bushier so let's do this again this is a lot of plants here but this one right here if we separate great you can see right here we have two side branches and straight from the middle is this main growth point I'm going to take my scissors and snip and there pinched over here again if you just look at them and separate the leaves you can see a side branch Side branch and then this is the main growth point snip so as long as you leave at least two sets of leaves below your plants will be fine so all of my Cosmos are now pinched I had already pinched one a few weeks ago and I wanted to show you the result already so I pinched right here a few weeks ago as you can see right here and since then I think that was maybe a week and a half ago that I pinched them you can see there's two side shoots here two side shoots here and even down here on these lower branches you can see there's new branches that are starting to form so although it looks kind of funny right now it is going to fill out and be more of a full plant rather than tall and leggy so I really think it's worth doing this if you grow Cosmos um or other anals that appreciate a good pinch so this has been my gardening attack fire for the last week black flies have hatched here in New Finland and it is almost unbearable to get any gardening done so if there are any locals who see me outside you will definitely recognize my bug net um I just wanted to conclude this video by thanking everyone who likes and comments and subscribes um I really appreciate it um I started out my gardening Journey on Instagram when I started doing videos and just showing photos of what's been happening in my garden and I've been on there for a few years and I had a few requests from people to start a YouTube channel so I am fairly new to YouTube um and I know my videos are not the best quality and I'm hoping to improve on that with time um but the main reason I'm here is just to show people what I'm doing and if I can teach you a thing or two that's great but I just want to share my love of gardening with everybody and if I can promote others to get out and start growing it's just such a rewarding hobby to have so that concludes this week right now we're at a time where it seems like day by day the garden is changing certainly weekly by week so I will be keeping you posted on all the changes that happen again thank you so much for watching um it would help me out if you could hit the like button um or subscribe if you would like to follow along and keep up with my videos but otherwise thanks again I hope everybody's having a great weekend and until next time bye
Channel: Growing in the Cove
Views: 264
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Id: MP6JHybduug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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