Everything Cut From Cataclysm (Full Compilation With No Fluff)

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[Music] within cataclysm we were told that we would get the abyssal maus array during the first patch what is the abyssal maw well during the quest and experience of one of the first zones of the expansion vashir has you eventually wandered to a whirlpool leading to the abyssal maw a portal to the elemental plane of water and there we fight various creatures of the old god and even try to assist hillary to lord of water himself neptulon but at the end of the fight we fail and he's dragged away by a massive kraken if we ever have a chance anytime we deliver a patch we don't want to leave anyone out so one of the biggest things is trying to always deliver a five player dungeon along with a raid and patch 4.0 won't be any different so we're planning to deliver a new dungeon which would be abyssal maw abyssal ma will be a continuation of the story that players are playing through in vashir so in bashir we already have a dungeon that's shipping with cataclysm the throne of the tides so players are going to play through that and already get a base of the story of what's going on um and it's the same issue that we're dealing with in hyjal where basically you're going to play through the quests all the way through and when you get into the dungeon you're going to actually know what's happening so it's not going to feel like something that's foreign to you oh and it's nothing like oculus you're going to see the layout here of what this dungeon looks like and it's a it's it's separate areas like almost like underwater we've got these risen areas and players are going to play on these each individual areas and then they're going to travel from one to the next so you'll get a view of what that looks like here we're planning on four bosses for this anything between three and five we feel like always feels pretty good for a dungeon so this is a look at the layout same same deal here this is what we start with and how we get things going so you can see all that blue area is basically like a chasm because this dungeon takes place underwater the entire dungeon is similar to the our entire first zone of bashir so everything about this will be under the water in the elemental plane of water and we have a ton of new tech that we're introducing with cataclysm that helps deal with players being underwater whenever you touch the ground you actually lock to the ground on the bottom and then playing with your character at that point feels just like you would be on land so we've done all new animations for the races so when they walk underwater they feel like they're actually moving through the water plane but for you as a player you're not dealing with odd camera angles or creatures that are swimming above you or 3d you know perception issues that might feel weird so we want to get that vibe and that feeling that players are underwater but historically obviously underwater combat has not been a strong point so we wanted to make sure that doing something like this didn't affect the gameplay and i think we can definitely say that we know that's going to work out well because we've already seen it in bashir this was supposed to lead into the raid which originally was even supposed to deal with n'zoth in some way but the raid was even partially done and can be found in the files but after feedback during the beta of how players absolutely hated the underwater combat of the zone even one underwater boss could be seen as too much for the raid and while they did like that they could reuse a lot of assets for the raid making it extremely easy to make they felt it would pair in comparison to the firelands so they eventually just put all the work into the firelands putting all the boss numbers that they were going to work on in the abyss of ma into the firelands and then they just cut out the abyssal mall itself and because it was cut we didn't actually get to know what happened to him until legion when he shows up and we find out that he just kind of escaped himself off screen although short something to mention firelands was intended to launch at the start of the expansion with skywall bastion of twilight originally called grim baton which may imply that the dungeon was supposed to be a raid or the raid itself was supposed to take place there instead of wherever the portal the top of the spire teleports you and blackwing descent as shown at the blizzcon announcement deathwing was given a humanoid model that he was supposed to show up in however we only ever see this model in-game once which is with a bunch of drunkards telling stories about their encounters with deathwing with one of them telling a story about how they punch a deathwing in the face funny enough as they tell you about his humanoid form which is seen nowhere else in game this could almost act as evidence in his favor that he did in fact punch deathwig in the face we did get to see him originally in this form of the twilight highlands class where you and alex drazza fought against him as making him humanoid allowed you a chance to actually fight him however when they brought the game to live they fought in dragon forms while you were forced to fight a random chromatic dragon instead [Music] the biggest tie-in with the artifacts and then this is is actually in the in the end game uh is it's going to unlock the potential for your paths the paths of the titan which uh i think greg went over in one of his tomorrow earlier okay we're really not going to talk about that that much then but it gives you more flexibility in that system that you know nothing about but it's very cool and secondly it's going to give you some very cool unique rewards things like vanity pets you might have a little t-rex that's you know skeleton or you might have instant travel to a dungeon because you you know discovered an underground passage going to be able to get these artifacts and take them to these different world groups that that we'll talk about more later that have to do with the different paths of the titans and they'll help players advance along the titan progression so the path of the titans are a new way for players to kind of customize their characters the idea here is that while we aren't doing while we're doing a whole lot of new talents in the expansion we aren't actually extending the trees any farther than they are right now so the 51 point talents that we have now will continue to be the 51 point talents in the expansion you will get five new talent points to spend along the way as you get up to level 85 but rather than deepening the talent trees further we're going to give you a little bit of a chance to get more points in the talents that we already have right now to make sure you're not stressed too thin and then introduce the path to the titans which is a completely new type of advancement every player is going to be able to choose which path they want to follow and they're not limited by class so one of the interesting things about this system is that a rogue for example would be able to choose any one of the paths so you know some roads might choose one path those might choose another one there also might be priests that are choosing the same path so there are a bunch of new abilities and kind of passive bonuses that sort of stuff in each one of those paths that you'll be able to choose between so it adds kind of another dimension to your character customization path of the titans was a system that would add a path around the glyph system we had at the time this system funny enough was going to be the first expansion long progression system something has kind of become a norm in wow ever since legion players would need to first find these special glyphs by doing archaeology and doing quest lines for cults that worship their respective titan power locked behind locking yourself into a specific covenant sounds kind of familiar to something we have today this progression system gave players a choice of a path each to do with the titan these paths would unlock by doing things like questing raiding pvp and even professions maxing out each week then with these special glyph slots players could insert glyphs of increased ranks one to ten each rank having two to three choices at first with the dev saying it would increase your player's power by about 20 percent over the entire expansion which these days seems rather small for an entire expansion system although it becomes extremely understandable when you see actually some of the abilities in one of the paths they showed us golgoneth for rank 1 we have earth's embrace which reduced physical damage taken by 4 percent and battle harden reducing durations of bleeds and stuns by 20 rank 2 we have medec giving your bandages 30 extra healing fortification a 5-minute buff which reduces nearby alley's damage taken by ten percent for six seconds and rank three breakthrough five minute cooldown and increase your damage by 10 for 10 seconds only usable after you deal a crit the system was scrapped pretty early on as that was all we were shown before it just vanished and with their vanishment the path of the titan system was simply replaced with just the prime glyph system which just acted as second major glyphs but even stronger although most of them were just major glyphs moved up with new major glisses created in order to take their place something to note the system sounds almost exactly like the covenants of shadowlands however the only different thing is there be no cosmetics but locking yourself to a specific group that affects your power by up to 20 percent while also locking it behind quest content that seemingly takes some time it almost seems like the path of the titans might have later been reworked into what we see today in covenants originally the war of the ancients dungeon was supposed to be a rate although what we know of it is extremely minor but with how much lore significance the war of the ancients has and how much effort they obviously put into the dungeon it's easy to see why they were trying to turn this into a raid so battlefront gilneas is one of those the idea being that players are going to be able to fight through the city in the streets of gilneas city and uh take control of the different districts and fight it out gilneas as originally shown was supposed to be a full-on battleground within the city itself acting almost as a full-on city siege between two factions maybe even being an epic battleground as it was still supposed to be a capture point battleground but within the whole city and with a city of that size it would have to require lots of people within it but what we ended up getting instead was a rocky basin ii electric boogaloo with two less bases during cataclysm a player made a request about warlock pets asking for the possibility of an incubi for those who don't know the sayad is a race of demons found within the burning legion the ones we see of them are all females the succubi but there is a theoretical male version called the incubi however with little references to them there's no models or official artwork made for them outside of some possible concept art players have wished to see these demons for a long time and after so much requests one of the community managers responded to the ever-growing thread saying that blizzard had plans to soon offer a choice between male and female versions of all warlock demons although with no time frame given and it being over 10 years later i'm pretty sure they scrapped the idea our plan is actually to have three battlegrounds with the expansion so one of those things that we want to do in terms of adding more in-game content than we've had before is to add more battlegrounds we've ever had in the past speaking of battlegrounds there was originally supposed to be three with cataclysm however the third one never came out where you would push carts in a mining based battleground within stranglethorn jungle a diamond mine planned seemingly even since vanilla it was a key point marked on the early location map in the warcraft diary you would think this place never came out but it did silver shard mines one of the two battlegrounds that released in pandaria was originally going to be released in cataclysm shown as a cataclysm battleground where it worked pretty much the same as it does now except a slightly different shape and with the rocks that could be attacked to block paths for a bit and it makes so much sense too the entire mine looks nothing like pandaria it splashes you with the mass amount of goblin architecture rocks that look straight out of deep home and of course the literal troll ruins that were just copy pasted models from stranglethorn whatever happened to this place that made it get delayed for an entire two years it likely had to do with those rocks as creating collision where players are nearby can be difficult to get to work right so deep home is a is like tom is trying to explain it's not actually connected to azeroth it's in the elemental plane of earth the connection that it has to azeroth is where deathwing actually broke through the ceiling and and actually came into azeroth thereby causing the cataclysm and players will actually be able to use that scar left on the earth as a on as an actual way to get back and forth into deep home so here you can see a little a little uh schematic of the layout of what we're planning for deep home there in the center is the temple of earth which is actually it's it's an important place in deep home it's a central location uh it's now overrun by twilight's hammer and that's basically where deathwing was kind of nursed back to bring him back to the state of what he needed to be to break back into azeroth and cause the cataclysm deepholm lore wise is where deathwing was held with its portal being within the mouse drum until he was able to break free and cause the cataclysm even though the amazing cinematics showed him coming out of some random mountain seemingly near the barrens so deep home is a subterranean looking environment so it's almost going to feel like an enclosed cave but it's huge as far as scale goes it's uh probably the biggest zone that we're building for cataclysm especially since it's going to be the hub of all five of the new zones we're going to allow flying in there even though it's going to feel like an interior you're going to be able to fly with your flying mount as we mentioned this is basically after deathwing kind of went crazy ended up here and this is where you're going to you're going to get to play through and figure out the story of kind of how he's gotten back to where he is now the temple of earth in the center is also going to play a huge part in that role and like we mentioned this is the central hub so there's actually going to be portals in deep home that will take you to bashir to hyjal twilight highlands and old doom and you'll be able to go back and forth between those as a quick form of travel deepon was actually planned to be a major hub for cataclysm much like the portal room in dalaran with us using the place as a way to teleport to all the other zones and it makes sense too as we'd be working to repair the damage deathwing did so we could possibly imprison him again although going a completely other way of the story d-pawn was not used even though it had plenty of room amongst its side rooms for everything that a hub would need it was obviously designed to house a whole bunch of portals but only ended up having about one or two vashir easley is one of the biggest zones for scrap stuff so we got a lot here to cover first the water combat was going to be overhauled in order to make the zone much more enjoyable we will make sure that it is not annoying to play underwater that never happened instead blizzard just ended up launching vashir as is and cut all future underwater content they had planned originally the focus was supposed to be the city with the sunken city of asher after the sundering hit and water flooded ashraf it actually ended up on the sea floor and it's been down there for a number of years and only recently has it just started to come to light with the cataclysm however that never really happened the city we arrived to only being an extremely minor part of the full story for the subsection of one of the zones continue on with vashir we have a few things about the ancient gods there the giant shelled beasts there who fun fact used the c'thun model as their eyeball these creatures were meant to be so much more and there was a lot cut about them so let's go over this we're also planning to have selected areas in this year that are actually indoor kind of like these big um these big there's creatures down there that no one really knows a lot about of yet but they're they're they're ancient and they've been there for a long time and we're gonna find out what's happening with them through the quest flow in the zone first off we were supposed to have far less water sections of the zone originally with water being a majority but not all of it a good portion of this would be spent inside these naga cities situated within these shells shown originally in this bit of concept art second we were supposed to find an old god corrupted version of one of these gods a twisted amalgamation of undersea life acting as the end boss of the zone however this was moved to the abyssal marae to act as one of its bosses and as mentioned before that never came out third we were actually supposed to have a major hub within one of these ancient gods as when we arrived to some of the naga they've turned them into their home bases and so we would do the same possibly even making it a major city however with the layout of the inner shell i totally understand why they cut it a giant circle shaped city with no buildings and no flying sounds horrible also spending all day inside of fish's body doesn't sound very fun and enough about a zone full of fish fishing was supposed to be updated with little events and special quests however this would not come to fruition at least to legion when we finally got at least some little fishing events with the baits and special fish as well as the fishing artifact with its own little questline scenario and artifactry that required quite the long grind in order to max out uldum originally was supposed to be a zone focused on the explorers league and the newly founded reliquary fighting off against each other for the most powerful artifacts of course leaning more into archaeology as these two factions were the archaeological factions and the zone itself is an ancient egyptian zone so it was perfect all over a giant super weapon although instead blizzards seemingly scrapped the storyline rather late too shoving in instead a whole bunch of indiana jones references rather well shown by the fact it is the zone with by far the least voice acting and the least serious out of all the zones overall acting as a failed comedy more than a compelling story [Music] ever since the cataclysm beta we've had a few unused voice lines first of those being the unused traitors in cataclysm you find within your ranks traitors members of the twilight hammer who've infiltrated the factions archbishop benedictus was planned to be the alliance traitor and grand magister romoth was planned to be the horde trader ramoth you stand accused of high treason to silver moon and of being a member of the twilight council ah the long knives come out is there proof to these accusations this document it's your handwriting i'd recognize it anywhere you leave me no choice then it's a pity really i had plans for our people there is a war coming and i've chosen to be on the winning side you disgust me traitor you forced my hand a little early perhaps but i think you'll find i'm still playing from a position of strength feel my wrath however they seem to have dropped this idea early on and scrapped both of them only to then use the idea anyway except instead of the horde trader being robot they instead gave the role to a random nobody named saranac the mystic roboth and lore is a blood elf who was a staunch kael'thas supporter and didn't change his mind on him until later on in the burning crusade but was shown to be very loyal to lorthemar after he decided to change his mind and so his betrayal didn't make much sense although they could have just easily said he was pretending to be loyal to lorthamar to gain his trust but honestly it could have gone either way on to some more voice lines we have voice lines from bane speaking on the gate that being the great gate the massive gate that separates the northern barrens from mulgore open the gate i will not let a single human step past me into mulgore my people will not be harmed [Music] this event seemingly having been in retaliation to the alliance's attack on camp tarajo however with bane taking a very small role in cataclysm it seems they may have intended for him to take a larger role especially after his father's death but as soon as they did bring him to the story they seemingly gave him a full 180 from their original idea as he was staunchly against any kind of retaliation against the alliance this explains quite well why there's this massive detailed wall to mulgore that is used for literally nothing this could have been an extremely epic moment with him opening the gate to unleash torn armies upon the alliance within the barons however instead the orcs simply kicked the alliance out of the southern barrens on their own later on as i know it's kind of daunting to think oh i have to enchant my my thing and i have to put gems in it now i have to reforge it but reforging is going to be relatively cheap on the scale of things so you will need uh you know someone to do it and it's going to be given to blacksmiths leather workers tailors jewelcrafters and engineers and so each one of those professions gets a specific chunk of items that they get to reforge uh for example blacksmiths get to do plate and weapons and engineers would do trinkets and ranged weapons originally reforging was going to be a profession thing instead of being an ethereal traitor he would need to go to a player with profession relevant to the piece of gear to enchant it in a way a jewelcrafter to reforge your rings or necklaces haste into mastery a tailor to do so with your cloth as scribe for your staff offhanded trinkets a blacksmith for your weapon or plate armor leather worker for your leather engineer for your ranged weapons you get the deal however this was scrapped in preference for just an nbc as with each new piece of gear you'd have to go out buy new gems enchants and then find various different players to reforge all your gear to get the exact hit expertise cap would be kind of exhausting c'thun was one of the most interesting old gods and so blizzard planned to bring him back within cho'galls and madan's storyline in the comics cho'gall captured and forced medan to resurrect the old gods corpse and since at this point madan was still planned to be part of the game and had yet to be scrapped this lined up perfectly with cho'gall planning to be a major villain in the expansion even being a raid boss for the basket of twilight although this never happened as medan and his comics were abandoned and then later retconned however in the alpha you would get whispers from c'thun and silthus implying his possible return overall cataclysm feels like it would have been done far better if it was split into two expansions with one focused on the twilight hammer and the followers and the zoth with it then leading into deathwing into the firelands maybe it had been done that way far less of the content would have been cut and we could have seen so much more [Music] you
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 213,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: A1T39BOSz5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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