Everything about visiting Chichen Itza Mayan ruins (Updated)

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welcome to Chichen itzá this is where you will arrive if you've come by tour your bus will park here or you first self driving you can park over here there is paid parking so you do have to pay when you come it's just a few dollars now when you arrive there is a marcado of artisans there will be a lot of stuff but when you go inside you're gonna see all the same stuff like 100 times more so if you want to buy any souvenirs oh there's tons of stuff here now when you get to this point you pass in you buy your tickets and then you pass through in the entryway there is a section for lockers if you do bring a bag cuz big bags are not allowed into the ruins and this is great if you're backpacking you maybe take the bus here and you're going on to merida or on to the riviera maya you can store your bag while you're in the ruins there's also bathrooms restaurants you can buy some drinks although we do recommend bringing your own water things are a little expensive here and of course don't really plan on eating here because the restaurants not that good so for now let's get our tickets and we'll go in to see the ruins we'll give you more tips inside [Music] the price of entrance to Chichen Itza is about $25 it recently just went up but you can check the official price on ena website we'll put a link in our article and if you really want to break it down if you're balancing between driving yourself and coming on a tour well in our article about driving on the Riviera Maya to Chichen Itza we have a whole price breakdown it does add up you have to pay the tolls if they gas the car rental or parking the entrance and sometimes the tour is just efficient because you can hop on the bus and sleep the three hours it takes to get here and going back we do have on our website a great article about some of the best most recommended tours to come here we're always updating that and adding tours so you can have a really good quality tour now what makes a good quality tour well it depends on the other locations you'll stop at some of the places that you'll stop and eat the quality of the food and a good tour will have a really good guide so you can really have good information they'll also have things like umbrellas beverages so you can really enjoy your really special day the dishes this is a map of Chichen itzá it looks kind of small here but it will take you at least an hour walking around to all the sites some of these trails are actually pretty far now here's a tip for you we actually like doing it in a clockwise motion because you kind of see everything in a more organized fashion but you don't want to miss anything because some of the trails lead to really interesting things so be sure to check out the map when you come here here's another tip for you most people do want to get here early and if you've taken a tour especially for the Riviera Maya they'll leave about six seven o'clock in the morning don't complain if it's really early because you can only sleep on the bus you want to get here number one because there's about 10,000 people a day that come here so we want to keep the crowds this is about 8:20 in the morning and people are just arriving so it's also more fresh now it's missing we're filming this in October and it is about 85 this morning so you can imagine during the summer months sometimes it's 90 it's really hot during the day so you want to be prepared you want to bring us some rare oh you want to have your sunscreen and of course a bottle water is always good to have so that's just a few more tips for coming in the morning [Music] this is the ball court and when you're here be sure to check out the engravings on the side it's really good if you have a book because some of them are so detailed and they're so well preserved they tell a story so it's really interesting to check these out when you're here in the ball court [Music] you'll see a lot of lot of people selling stuff now of course they wouldn't be here if people didn't buy anything but so people do don't let it bother you there's always been a controversy whether they should be outside selling or inside but during the day they're just setting up now there will be hundreds of people if you're interested take a look if not just pass by just focus on the ruins and don't let it bother you [Music] [Music] [Music] here's another tip for you if you're coming by tour and you're coming from the Riviera Maya don't worry about the weather I mean this is gonna be one of their experiences on your vacation you are three hours from the coast so the weather can change a lot it can be raining in Cancun it can be beautiful here or it can be beautiful there and it can range good Tours will have umbrellas for you and you can still enjoy your time since most tours will be here for a couple hours it usually doesn't rain for a couple hours straight and you can still have some time to walk around here it just means that there is one traditional Mayan house here in Chiquita now of course when this was a city there would have been thousands of these houses they're built with sticks which can easily grow in a year they cut the fields and they use them to build the houses they cover it with a mud and then it's fetch with a Juan Oh palm now let's go inside I'm going to show you a few things about this house this is a door is basically just a woven door and this would be a closure and then inside the house sometimes there would be two houses one they use for cooking because the smoke goes up and there'd be a separate house for living but basically it's just a round space and in this side you see an altar which is more of a modern history of the Mayan people and you may wonder why the houses are oval well it's because the roofs on the house you can't have a square thatch because rain would enter so you have to have a round so that's why the houses are oval that's just a little history of mine houses and the Yucatan [Music] another cool thing about Mayan houses is when you're driving around this area you're gonna pass through towns and you're gonna see a lot of traditional Mayan houses now they're still in use people still use them because they really function in this climate and that's really incredible to think about because that's like a thousand two thousand years they've been building the same houses in this area [Music] here's another tip for you it is good to have a good map for a guide because a lot of people miss this part of Chichen itzá the trails really are spread out and the maps they have really don't tell you the directions or tell you how far it is so you don't want to miss especially in this area is the observatory which is probably the second most recognized building here so that's just another tip for visiting just inside Chichen Itza is so famous because it is restored most of the buildings have been restored somewhat and right now the restoring this one this is probably the third most recognized building here to change that also is very easy to get to not only from tour bus or driving here and it's in the center that Peninsula so people from merida people from cancun riviera maya can all come here and that's just part of what makes two cheats was so famous division thanks for watching our video about visiting Chichen itzá Mayan ruins there's a lot to see here we hope in our video been able to give you some good tips if you have questions you can put them down below you could also ask us in our article we'll put a link to it here in the article we'll have information on local things like the 800 year old Mayan ceremonial caves you can visit some of the cool cenotes restaurants and places to stay in the area also you can surf around our YouTube channel we have videos on visiting small Cove o mine ruins Tulum and many other things in the area you can also go to our website and use the search box we have hundreds of articles so you can discover the best things in the Yucatan Peninsula and Riviera Maya so thank you for watching and we'll see you online
Channel: EverythingPlayaDelCarmen.com
Views: 109,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chichen itza, chichen itza ruins, mayan ruins chichen itza, visiting chichen itza, chichen itza tips, information chichen itza, chichen itza information, tours chichen itza, chichen itza mexico
Id: Pq9Adaf8LeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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