Everything About CB Radio, A Complete Guide to CB Radio Service

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[Music] eleven meters CB radio yes a video on CB radio why because I want to because I think there's a lot of people that would like to see it if it wasn't for CB radio I wouldn't be here today as a ham radio operator it's kind of like my gateway drug into amateur radio and it may be for you but regardless of what you think there are a lot of people that are buying and using CB radios today as you watch this video I'm not lying to you it is fact somebody that might be lying to you is an old-time ham that's been doing ham radio for many years that tells you he's never played with CB radio before he might be the liar 11 metres is what got me where I am and I started that way back when I was nine years old in fact my 10th birthday present from my dad was a Cobra 29 Ltd classic and it's exactly what I have here I have a lot of little things like to show you about where this came from and the CB days I wasn't around in those days but I can give you an insight on where it started from how it progressed and my time and CV started around the mid or early 90s and I can even show you some cool things like the legal CB amplifier that's right I got a few of them in my closet I'm not afraid to say it so we're gonna check out CB radio we're gonna show you a little bit of the things in between and if you're new to radio or you're thinking about radio this may be your stepping stone into amateur radio because it is radio and it used to be a hand band so let's get into 11 meters [Music] and radio [Music] the place to come for amateur radio videos now as I said this radio right here is not the exact one I had when I was a kid because I don't know where that one went but this is the exact radio model that I had a Cobra 29 Ltd classic one of the most famous and most solid CB radios you can get but I have several little Seabees hidden around here and if again if it wasn't for CB radio 411 meters I probably would have never been a little tech radio junkie I was 9 years old and I had a broken audio box 23 channel am crystal controlled CB radio kind of like the one you see in this picture here now remember that it really didn't work it wouldn't work I couldn't get it to work but I was already experimenting I had my soldering iron at 9 years old my dad would always solder stuff and my 10th birthday I really asked my dad for a CB radio he got it from a pawn store in Melbourne Florida and brought it home with a little gel cell battery and we put a little antenna outside the window and away I went 10 years old I was talking to people on CB radio locally now when you're 10 years old talking on the CB you know it's probably not the best thing for a 10 year old sometimes with the language or maybe the people that have adult conversations whatever but regardless of the fact I didn't you know scar me as an adult because I was going to live you know 11 meters of 10 years old but it gave me the knowledge to start playing and see how propagation worked you know we're gonna go into all this and for somebody who's never seen my channel my name is Eric and I'm an FCC license to amateur radio operator I play with ham radios like your grandpa I used to have 50 years ago or on top of the house with the rotating beams and stuff yeah I got stuff like that and a lot of my followers already have stuff like that but CB radio is something that whenever you bring it up on when you're talking to guys on the hand band a lot of times you hear o CB nah we don't talk about chicken band children's band a redneck band trucker band whatever you want to call it that's ridiculous for you to make up your own name on why you call it that if you don't like it why are you gonna trash it for somebody else maybe they want to play on CB radio you have no right to call it some chicken band but we're gonna go on a tangent here so bear with me so 11 meters you know is it has a big history behind it because of what's been on there but when you boil it down into a you know of a pot here it's the same thing it's radio it's communicating with radio waves that can propagate across the United States and all that which they used to call skip and and you know DX and all that kind of stuff but that can happen so let's first go take a little trip bro two seconds back into where the CB band came from and you know how long ago this has been around because I don't script anything when I make videos I'll just show you a reference here on the Wikipedia site for a couple things to talk about and you can go and learn more about 11 meters on the Internet now way back to 1945 that the FCC began to permit citizens banned for public communications personal or family general radio service for the general public now back in the day it was originally 460 or 470 UHF band and that wasn't really practical for the price point and the the radio technology and stuff so along came out gross and he was the pioneer for establishing citizens band he wanted to make handhelds for the general public to use and that anybody can quickly get a license simply not as elaborate as a ham license back in the day but he could manufacture and pioneer this technology for the average user to get a citizens band handheld and use radio to communicate and this is a 7 transistor superheterodyne transceiver check this thing out this is one of my little neat toys in the closet I got this from Patrick ki for lui who really got me started in ham radio once we met on the CB so there you go I met Patrick the Elmer to all Mike great ham radio stuff on the CB years ago when I was about 19 and down a roadie said hey I have one of these from back in a day now this was a crystal controlled so in the back here you put different crystals for different frequencies and ran on a 9-volt battery had the real long antennae and I have a couple of these I have another one I gotta find it but this one's in the box so imagine back in the day as a citizen with a license on the CB you could talk to your friends and family on a radio like this now this one was only I think 400 milliwatts so it wasn't very much power but the authority to have your own radio on 27 megahertz with a license back in a day was really a cool thing so we fast forward a little bit to the 1970s and CB was on fire I wasn't alive yet but I know stories from my parents from my friends and from a lot of hams that used CB back in the day the 1973 oil crisis imposed a 55 mile an hour speed limit across the nation and that's when truck drivers really got into CB because back then you didn't have cell phones and back then there was a smoky as they call the state troopers or the Highway Patrol they were on the side of the road shooting radar trying to bust people you know over the speed limit so the truck drivers who were on the road constantly adopted the CB radio in a day where there is no cell phones and apps to communicate with fellow truck drivers across the nation as they travel here's a fun fact I have a CB radio in my work vehicle currently because I'm on the road a lot for work and I can tell you this hands down your phone your apps your OnStar doesn't hold a candle to what the truck drivers on the road everyday know they know more about the road before you even get it on the app those truck drivers are the most informed on where the police are hanging out behind those guardrails where the best route is to take around that traffic jam and you'll know miles before that traffic jam listening to other drivers on CB radio I use the term truck drivers all the time with CB but that's not really what it is there are a lot of enthusiasts on CB that travel or even at their house with base stations that use CB every day but the truck drivers hands down you guys watching this video that drive trucks I envy you you know a lot and you have a long road ahead of you but you keep us informed on the CB radio and I thank you this app on my phone garbage we could both imagine that in the seventies CB radio was on fire everybody had one interest and explosion of popularity has made everybody get a radio and with the 23 channels that were originally allocated you were probably hard-pressed to find a channel that was free because everybody was on there so in 1977 the u.s. allocated the new 40 channel band plan which included those 23 channels with an additional 17 a 40-channel band plan from 26.9 65 megahertz to 20 7.40 5 you can still use your 23 channel radio but if you had somebody on channel 32 well you were Sol it allowed manufacturers to make more radios with more channels and the interest grew even more and at the same time in the 70s it was so hot Betty Ford the former First Lady of the United States used the CB handle first mama everybody had handles my dad's handle was frustration my mom's handle was Big Bertha my grandfather's handle was Silver Fox and mine at 10 years old what Snake Eyes and that stuck with me for a while until my dad passed away about 10 years ago and if I get on the CB I just use frustration if anybody asks but look at this voice actor Mel Blanc also used bugs or Daffy as his handle talking on the air in Los angeles-area in one of his many voice characters can you imagine talking to Mel Blanc on the CB and he's Marvin Martian on one end and one conversation and Bugs Bunny on the other that would be pretty fun you know so CB was on fire at the same time the original FCC output limitation was 5 watts DC input to the final amplifier stage which basically meant 4 watts out of the back of the radio when you get into technical calculations of it 4 watts was all we were licensed for and technically yeah for watch is still what the legal limit is but in this day there were so many people that were so hyped up on radio everybody wanted more power everybody wanted to talk farther everybody wanted someone to hear them introduce the CB radio amplifiers now here's a couple little goodies out of my closet here's a couple CB radio amplifiers some of the country folk call it lean ears or linear amplifiers some call it foot warmers some say you plug it in and walked the dog and kicked the cat whatever here's an older one that I this is a Texas star DX 350 Texas star made a lot of amplifiers back in the day and still make them but with the regulations they call them ten meter or CW transmitters but basically this is a they call it a 350 watt amp you can put four watts in from AM radio on CB get about 175 225 out this one over here is a Cobra XL 350 you might have not seen too many of these I'm not sure Cobra ever made this if they did please leave a comment in the description if you're familiar with this again XL 350 both of these have two 2879 Toshiba red dots two SC 2879 both of these work and these are what people used you know you see on the back here it's like any ole amplifier if your hand transmitter in antenna out boom you you know these were designed they were illegal to mind you they are illegal to use on the 11 meter band now people somewhere out there still use these these are only two out of many many people do use these on 10 meters for the hams that are watching you can actually use this on 10 meters I've done it before load drive got about 150 tuner Watts out on a little qrp rig and it sounded just fine now they're not spectrally pure they don't put out a very clean signal like a 7300 wood or like a marathon amplifier but the name of the game was Class C Class C was not much you know not really linear and just pump out your your power you know some of them have received preamps on here both of these do that would give you a little bit better receive but it would also bring the noise in and with going from 4 watts to 200 made a huge difference huge difference that would make people all over 95 or people on you know other channels like Super Bowl 6 if you're a CB r there's a Mach 200 that is an old tube style CB amplifier that gives you 5 watts in roughly 150 out a lot of the older amps were too driven or tube amplifiers so that was a lot bigger but when I'm not taking all my stuff out to show you just showing you a couple solid-state jobs like this and also they would use stuff like power amplifiers so you know that the our power mics excuse me so the power mics you know this one has echo on it and it gives you more modulation which would increase your output on these things by just being loud and obnoxious it would essentially push out more power but for those who are in CB right now I'm pretty sure you know what these are for those that have never seen a CB I'm not telling you to go out and look for an amplifier to buy but the reality of the fact on my channel and me as a amateur radio operator these are in use everywhere so please send all your negative hate mail and bashing to my comment section below the video but more or less a lot of CV users did use and owned amplifiers for the 11 meter band some other fun facts so here is a old browning Ltd by browning 23 channel crystal controlled CB this is 23 channels with upper and lower side man and this is actually going to be my 10 meter beacon video coming on that soon because I did burn out my AC ft 450 that I had on a 10 meter beacon so this is easily modified with different crystals and some other tuning to modify on 10 meter and amateur band for a beacon and this is a newer model of a 40-channel this is an older Cobra but they still manufacture this radio so the difference channels but the similarity between both of these is every person in this day is tuning tweaking peaking and diddle sticking these radios this is a 4 watt CB but this is not a 4 watt CD anymore back in the day I did do a little bit of modification on this for RF gain knob is now a power a variable power knob and my CB PA switch is now a Roger beep which is a noise toy as they call it and it does have different finals that I put in it now I don't remember doing all this but they have all different kinds of mods for radios like that you know people have used ones like these and have modified them and tweaked the power output to exceed the legal limit of four watts is anybody knowing not really should you go out there and do that no I'm not telling you to do that but it's happening this is reality folks people are using Cobra 29 that are pushing out 30 watts with an amplifier that's making it 250 it is happening that's what you're hearing on 11 meters today CB radio wasn't just for mobile applications there were a lot of 11 meter base station transmitters that were made one that I'd love to get my hands on one day is a Browning Golden Eagle the mark 3 the Browning Golden Eagle is one of the most awesome and loudest base stations you can get back in a day these things still go for quite a penny I've never had one never owned one but they always had that legendary ping every time you heat up the microphone and you knew someone was on a Browning because not only that the audio quality and the signal but man it just you know with the d-104 that a static microphones the audio was just pounding in and there were people there are still people on and here's a fun fact for you channel 6 they call Super Bowl 6 you've got all those guys with Browning's and all kinds of amplifiers man they it's hard to get a conversation on there if you ain't got 5000 watts I could tell you that that is just booming but there were a lot of CB base stations one that rings a bell and I'll show you one that I have but one that rings a bell that my dad always talked about he said that thing would just light him up it was a lafayette h e 20 d i remember the name and there it is right there that's what my dad had and he always said it was on top of the refrigerator and he would call my mom at the time you know he this would be at the house and my mom would use this and he'd be in the mobile and he talked back to home in 70s and 80s and whenever but he said this was the radio and of course you can get in there as well and you know change some tubes or tweak it out you know do some things then if you had a old tube style amplifier to go behind this thing you'd really have some power we'll get into antennas shortly but the lafayette was another manufacturer back in the day and this was my dad had boy I'd love to have my hands on one of these here's another oldie but goodie so I wanted to pick this up years ago because I heard my dad had a Lafayette HG 20 D this is the Lafayette tell us at 9:24 23 channel tube radio I haven't turned it on in a long time but I do have the mic and the mobile mounting bracket look at that but this was a another base station from back in the day I'm not sure the conditions are the tubes at this time and again it's a.m. only but you could get in there and change a couple crystals and have different frequencies you know back in the day if you wanted you can assign the channel Bank 422 with a different crystal would be on 31 or 38 or wherever but that is a Lafayette I haven't turned on in a long time but maybe one day I'll get to restore in this and for old times sake I will get on the air on my Lafayette and I will work some skip land so let's talk about antennas for a second we've talked a lot about the radios and where it came from but we're going to move into the current situation of 11 meters for those who are wondering and want to get into CB radio the rest of this video should help you out on the current situation we're gonna talk about antennas for a second antennas is by far the most important thing for your CB radio systems for better receive better transmit and the same thing goes with ham radio you got all kinds of guys that are going and dumping thousands in the amplifiers and they've dumped in thousands and the radios but they got a crappy antenna the wire g5 RV and they expect that that's gonna be the best thing they ever have and they're let down very poorly on band condition so antennas that's a very important thing let me show you outside what I have and as far as a base station antenna and I'll show you what I have for a mobile antenna then I'll go through several other options about antennas then we'll talk about the propagation of the band how it works and what you could expect to find in different portions of the bands so you have a little more knowledge on the 27 megahertz band so in my backyard this is what's called a super penetrator this is made by high gain we're looking at in the forefront this is a 10 through 12 meter antenna so what I'm using this for this is a antenna that's designed originally in the 70s as a CD base station antenna you see it's got the radials for your counterpoise on the bottom that okay and electrically it's the right appropriate length for the 27 megahertz frequency now I'm using this on 28 megahertz because that's the hand portion of the antenna data musin but this can be this was developed by high gain years ago in the 70s as one of the best 11 meter antennas CB base station antennas this will handle several hundred watts maybe up to a thousand watts and why they ever marketed antennas that were available to use at a thousand watts when he only had four gives the inclination that they knew everybody was using amplifiers now something like this for those who don't know this one over here is actually my ham radio antenna now you can see this one's a little more elaborate up there this one has multiple band capabilities get the rope on there to tie it off but this one does a lot more frequencies from three point six to thirty megahertz whereas this one here is only really suitable 24 to 28 megahertz depending on how you tuned it now you don't have to have one of these to get on CB you can have any kind of antenna that will be suitable for twenty-seven megahertz but the better antenna means the better signal you can have 10,000 watts but if you don't have a good antenna that it's going into you're not doing yourself any good there are a lot of manufacturers on antennas but quite frankly one of the most popular CB antennas was the solar con Antron 99 the a 99 is used also by hams don't let them fool you for 10 meter pam antennas as well as with a tuner down to 20 meters but this high gain here has a history on it and the a and try 99 which I don't have was made out of fiberglass where this is made out of aluminum and this is one idea of what a CB antenna would look like this is about 16 feet across and it's a bell no 21 feet up now here's what you would have for a little mobile one now this is a mobile magnet mount antenna by Wilson this is the little will and I'm using this again on 28 megahertz because I have it tuned differently but this is a very popular mobile magnet mount antenna comes with the coax and everything that you would put on your vehicle it sticks right on the metal of the car and it would give you 27 megahertz or 28 depending on how you tuned it like myself and this is basically taking that same antenna I have out in the back and it's compromising it into a smaller form by winding all the extra length of wire in the base of the antenna so physically in the air you only have about three and a half feet of antenna in the air will it tune on 27 megahertz yes but is it more efficient than the one out back absolutely not so this one is more of a compromise for a mobile antenna but the best kind of mobile antenna you can really use is a hundred and two inch stainless steel with antenna it was just one I pulled on Amazon wherever but 102 inch antenna for CB is electrically a quarter wave length of that frequency so there's no compromise here there's no coil there's no shrunken size there's no you know compromise size to fit it on your vehicle granted it is pretty long and it whips around and waves around but with a suitable mount and a 102 inch whip this is a full quarter wavelength and Penant it's the same thing electrically as my little wilson mag mount out there but you get more antenna in the air that's the ticket the more metal in the air the better so you can get one that's five wavelengths electrically that's shrunken down into a three foot fiberglass stick but it's not going to be as good as a whip like this now myself if I wanted to use this on 28 megahertz I would start nipping off a little bit of the antenna there's certain places that you can tune this thing and shorten it and that would be a full quarter wavelength on 28 megahertz but once you cut some off you can't add any really you could but you know that's the the way that works so sometimes there's an adjuster and you can loosen it with a Talon screw not on the whip here but on certain antennas like the mag mount you saw outside I can loosen the adjuster and pull the whip up or down and that'll you know make it physically longer or shorter so tune it in the portion of the band that I need but the 102 inch whip or mobile not as good as a bass antenna you don't want to really invest in buying one of these and putting it on the mount outside when you can find an ant Ron for just a few bucks more and have a better longer antenna now the the ant Ron is a half-wave so it's I think it's halfway halfway for five eighths wave so it's a longer antenna it's it's got more gain than a quarter wave like this and it is fiberglass so it's a little more rigid outside but you'd have to have a higher mount and a lot more room to put a Antron outside but that's what you really want is a bigger antenna for a bass could you get away with one of these at your home if you can't put a big antenna absolutely you sure the higher the better remember this in CB height equals might so I'll give you a little insight on how this propagation works and the band and the band edges and what you'd find and what times of day and night and season is best for CB radio now on my channel if you've never seen this before and you have just stumbled across this I do have a video on each and every hand ban 10 meters 12 meters 20 meters 40 meters telling you the band characteristics the band edges what you'd expect to find there and it teaches about each and every band you can watch that series and watch one after the other and learn about all the different ham dance but we're gonna focus on this little slice of 27 megahertz 11 meters and I'll show you about what the band in tails and how it propagates and yes you can work worldwide contacts on 11 meters to the newcomer to the channel and this video you may not know what ham radio is or what CB radio is so what you're looking at here is a chart that I've referenced on other videos that we use as amateur radio operators to see the different band allocations per frequency now this is from the a double RL that's the amateur radio relay League and they show all the us licensed amateur radio bands however you don't see eleven meters on here or CB radio because it's not an amateur radio band anymore hasn't been for 50 something years so it's not on this list so I don't have a fancy chart to show you where or what 11 meters looks like as you would see these but you keep hearing me saying meters for those who are new then the term meters is just basically the wavelength of the frequency and generally the lower the frequency the longer the wavelength so 10 meters is roughly 28 to 29 megahertz 12 meters is 24 megahertz so in between you have 11 meters which is around 20 7.4 27.2 right around there and that's not on here so you can see we have as an amateur radio operator we're licensed to use all these frequencies that's kind of like a little push for you to get your amateur radio license you know you don't need a license for CB anymore but you do to talk on all these and you can check out my videos on each and every one of these bands I go through and describe how it works what it takes for an antenna what you would hear on there what times a day or a year that it propagates I mean because think about this amateur radio if you're on something like seven megahertz you're talking about worldwide almost all the time okay this isn't something like you're hoping to catch a truck drive around 95 you're talking across the world on 30 meters 20 meters 10 meters in fact my favorite of all these is 10 meters because I've used 5 watts and talked all over the world on ham radio it's just something for you to look at in the future but we're gonna ignore this here for a second and go to this little chart that I found online now because we have CB radio frequencies in the US there are other countries that have it as well you can see on this list here there's about 40 channels in each column and each column may represent different parts of the world for instance D band D is ours here and this goes from 26 965 to 27.4 o5 that is our 40 channels on the US citizens band radio service but you can see that you have band a I know is Brazil so in Brazil and South America they use these frequency here so what you're looking at also is there's more than 40 channels here if you count these you can see there's a three a a seven a eleven eight those are what's considered alpha channels or able channels okay and to give you an idea if your are a CB r and you didn't know this you can count right here nine six five nine seven five nine eight five nine nine five zero zero five and so on but sometimes it skips for instance down here it will go one eight five and then channel 19 is 185 but channel 20 is 205 there's 20 kilohertz difference there because there's a channel in between 19 a balloon 18 alpha and these little channels in between are reserved for certain things like radio-controlled vehicles that use 27 megahertz I had a computer keyboard that worked on 27 megahertz so they would put those frequencies in this band instead of having to license a whole nother band for the radio-controlled cars or keyboards or baby monitors or whatever you have they would stick it in between channels here and that's why you see 3 alpha 7 alpha 11 alpha so again if you count sequentially the channels will change you know 6/5 7/5 8/5 and then 0 0 5 for channel 4 because there's a little channel in between called 3 alpha there's a 7 alpha 11 alpha fifteen outlet I remember on certain radios I had a mirage back in a day it was an export CB I had all these frequencies on it and with the click of a dial you can switch between different bands here it was made outside of the United States so they didn't have to adhere to the u.s. rules but it had a button on there and it was called the 10k C 10 kilohertz button or the 10k C shift or the 19 able button whatever you want to call it and a traditional CB would go from 27th 185 227 205 and if you had one of these radios you had that little magic button that puts you in between now were you really allowed to be on there I mean probably not or maybe unless you had a radio control car that was on 19 alpha but you can hide from from your friends and beyond the two in between and beyond one-nine-five and the only way you can get there is if you had a vfo or a variable frequency oscillator where you can scroll in between channels by frequency or if you had that little button the 19 able button see this is my ham radio this is an icon 7300 and this does all the bands but look I can receive 11 meters for CB and if I had it modified I can transmit there but it's an amateur radio but I can have a vfo here and I can go anywhere in between you see channel 19 would be right here right but I can go in between and go like this so there I would be nineteen alpha alright and with a vfo you can go anywhere you want but typically see bees are channelized so you get the channels that are in the radio unless you have a vfo like that where you can scroll around now you may have heard somebody talking about skip I worked some skip on CB today or I'm hearing the skip roll in or my dad used to say there was skip what is Skip it's just another name as butwe ham radio operators call propagation band conditions atmospheric conditions sporadic รจ troppo ducting whatever you want to call it for different bands it's really just your signal skipping across through the atmosphere or reflecting off the atmosphere to give you an example you have the station here let's say you were in West Virginia about I guess and someone was down here in South America and Brazil you know you want to talk to this person and you may think well that's impossible I need millions of watts not really because you can it's harder to talk to the guy five miles from you than it is to talk around the world that's a little fun fact so in order for you to work that you would be reflecting off of certain layers in the ionosphere and you can see this is why they call it skip you know your signal here leaves and it travels 50 70 80 hundred miles and then it starts going skyward with the bend of the earth and all it starts leaving the ground and going skyward and depending on the atmospheric layer is what reflects your signal back to the earth and you can see here now you've just covered a great gap you skipped over this whole section here it's actually almost impossible to work 250 300 miles with the average radio than it is to work across the world unless you had a lot of power of focus to antenna and such but you can see it skips right over that area here and it depends on the layers of the atmosphere so you can see this is a you know the daytime at a night time you see during a date you have a dealer and during the day the f1 and the f2 are two separate layers and the f2 is where your signals on a CV or 27 megahertz are reflecting off of during the day and then at night you lose the D layer and the f1 have to combine so it makes it harder at night and during the day it's a lot easier and with that being said winter versus summer it depends on the sunspots on the Sun and also with the layers of the atmosphere the more spots on the Sun the more your signal is going to react with that f2 layer during the day sometimes depending on how the atmospheric conditions are these layers can stay there throughout the night and sometimes they're there before you wake up in the morning it just depends but when we're talking about ham radio now this happens almost every day for us with certain bands you know three point three point seven megahertz that's every night it's quieter in the winter but every night the same guys get on and they work across the country to locals it talked every day every night have their coffee and with you know seven megahertz you've got guys that are chasing rare contacts you got guys that are on there every night it's a nighttime band can happen during the day but 11 meters 27 megahertz CB 10 meters 28 megahertz that's all grouped around daytime in the summer you can have it at night but your best time is April May June July August you'll hear 27 megahertz open up alive and you'll be even a mobile driving down the road on 19 and you'll hear trucks that are 500 miles north of you they may be on the other movie in Texas and you're working them from your mobile driving down the highway it's a beautiful thing [Music] [Applause] so you got skip rolling right now you got Washington DC and Delaware coming into Florida [Applause] [Music] it's about 6:20 9:00 p.m. the clock on my radio is not correct but I've been monitoring all day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now you know they're there on channel 19 so I'm sure every trucker in the world hears them right now going up my area but a little band opening in okay there's Cocoa Beach Florida about 50 miles up the road for me talking to Washington DC so there's a little bit of bad conditions [Music] you see how the signal is fading in and out you can tell that they are working skip because they're not solid they're going up and down so these guys might be working up and down the state or up and down the East Coast or signals going in and out you can tell that they're uh you know you come up to ask five there so the cool thing about this waterfall in this radio is I could see where the stations are in a given spectrum I could see their little signals popping up you see right up there you can see some some action you can tell they're popping in there and then you can go find them touch screening like this I am pretty much - pretty much tuned right tune oh [Music] [Applause] there it is Super Bowl 6 channel 6 this is where the big guns hang out you ain't got 5 K you go oh what you hear you heard of brownie Golden Eagle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you can see there's other stations down here it is good I have somewhere I just saw him on the waterfall [Music] now how do you get mad for a guy just wishing your best wishes for 2019 and God saved you how do you get mad at that with his brown and golden eagle getting on down back in the day the place to order CB radio stuff was copper electronics now I haven't ordered from here in probably 13 years but I have ordered before in fact back then I used to order in bulk and I'd sell them with some friends but this is you know there's not too many CB stores anymore you can't you don't want to go if you're gonna be a CB enthusiast you do not want to go to Walmart and get the Cobra 19 DX for it's just junk okay it's not made the way it is if you're gonna be an avid CB operator and you want to actually take part in this hobby and you know sound like those guys that you hear on their copper electronics has a lot of stuff here they have export radios they have amps they have stuff like that now if I just go you know and there's a lot of places on YouTube people are making videos and they're advertising their shop and showing me how they're tweaking radios and stuff I have never ordered from those and they didn't exist back in a date when I was in CB YouTube didn't exist I wish it did that would be awfully fun but if I go to copper just click on mobile radios because a lot of people use these mobiles as base radios you can hook it up with a power supply in your house a base station antenna and you're good you don't have to have a base station radio some of these newer ones like the the new Cobras they they have bluetooth on them look make and receive calls through your microphone I mean that got some cool technology in here and coppers got a good selection unfortunately Midland decided to get out of the Seabees and they went into GM RS hold another video coming but it's another licensed service CB there is no license anymore but GM RS is a whole different topic they felt nobody was using CB s anymore I think they're highly wrong Cobras still making it you still making it here's a nice one that has always been a staple the Kobra 148 GTL it's got a side band on it that was always a great rig you could always find those used always a good rig but they have a lot of stuff here look they even have ham radios now little both lungs if you wanted to get into ham radio they have 10 metre radios here you have to have a license to purchase those but for the more or less for the video sake the Bearcat 980 is another one as sideman pretty good reviews on there and a Bearcat actually unit it actually makes one with a scanner built-in and bluetooth and everything but Cobra you really can't go wrong and I think old galaxy is another one but if I went to galaxy let's see if I went let's say to this one I wonder if they still give the options - they used to upon purchase give you the option to peek it and tune it align it and do all that kind of stuff I'm not sure if they do that anymore and there's plenty of stores that do that but this tells you you know this is a pretty nice CB radio this is better than your average Cobra that you'd find at the store for sale another good place to go is truck stops always truck stops have CB radios there they always have antennas they always have parts and accessories like microphones and antenna mounts and and stuff like that but galaxies always been a good one Cobras always been a good one even some of the unit ins are good then they got some microphones you know base microphones mobile microphones to cut down the noise if you're in the mobile and you don't want all the road noise in the radio but they also have you know base microphones and all these have some bells and whistles you know this one's got echo on it and stuff like that you know if you want to be obnoxious and you know I'm not telling you we need to clean up CB go out there have fun with it Manus was for at this point it's not a business band anymore it's not a licensed band it's to have fun can we have fun with radio for pete's sake do we have to treat it like it's zombie apocalypse but hey I got news for you in the event of a natural disaster or a zombie apocalypse CB is one of your quickest ways to get local information from others that are using CB as well if you have the zombies knocking at your door and everybody's got a CB you're good I mean if you have a ham radio license even better but they do have plenty of CB antennas here they probably got stuff like the moon baked moon rakers and all that kind of stuff that they used to have gizmo chee those are beams you know they got five element beams 6 element beams those will give you a lot more power I think this used to be called the Moonraker something like this would give you a directional signal with a forward and a reflector so you can aim that where you want and you get a lot more gain out of the front of the antenna so you're for watch would turn into more watts with your game I mean this says you know power multiplication 21 X at 21 times you know in ham radio we're a tree rate that differently but this handles 2,000 watts now why would they make a 2000 watt antenna with a 4 watt radio hmm I think we've covered a lot of stuff here in this video it's quite long but you know what I didn't we talked about half the stories that I have on CV here's the bottom line it's radio this is radio okay I have an amateur radio channel I touch on a lot of things in videos relating to radio CB is one of them don't let anybody tell you that you're not a real radio operator because you're not licensed because you're on TV which is full of a bunch of people that swear and don't ID and talk about stuff I got news for you that stuff happens on ham radio - half the time I'm disgusted going down to the lower bands of 75 meters where a lot of the sea beers migrated and got their license and continued to abuse a licensed service but I don't say anything about it just the same way I don't say anything about CB radio it's still radio go and learn how to build antennas learn about CB and the way the signal propagates learn about modifying and repairing and tweaking out your radio you would understand more about what it's doing it what it's there for this is a great video to explain some of the things to get you warmed up into CB radio but I hope afterwards you subscribe to my channel and I hope you follow along because there's a lot of videos that you can learn from on my channel about other things that we do in ham radio like send in pictures to and from over radio waves GPS for position reporting taking a handheld taking a picture and sending it through a repeater tower to somebody else across the county my handheld there's a lot of things that we do in this radio it's all one big happy family CB is not licensed it's not an amateur radio band but to me it's still radio and I'll always have that little piece of my heart of CB tucked away listen the guys like this on the radio it's just something that I've always liked and without that would have never been where I am today with ham radio so go out there learn some things share this video subscribe stay tuned to other videos browse through my channel check out some of the videos that I have on other things and maybe that'll interest you you can get your feet wet with minimal gear on CB you don't have to get a license and you can progress and you can do the same thing also you can look back and tell everybody yeah I was on CB I learned a lot from it now I want to amateur radio it's just hopefully the way it works 7:3 and that's the term we use on ham radio for best regards kind regards best wishes 73 and a Happy New Year from KJ for y zi with ham radio concepts
Channel: HamRadioConcepts
Views: 838,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cb radio, amateur radio, ham radio, 11 meters, kj4yzi, hamradioconcepts, what is cb radio, beginner cb radio, starting cb radio, guide to cb radio, how to cb radio, how to get a ham license, how to get an amateur radio license, cb linear, cb amplifier, cb radio mods, cb radio tuning, 11 meter amplifier, texas star amplifier, what is 11 meters, what is ham radio, what is amateur radio, cb truck driver, cb radio antenna, cb antenna, cb amp, cb frequency
Id: i_Eb2CnrTus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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