Everyone WIll Hate Black Ops 4 Multiplayer by February

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Say what you want about wings, he really knows his call of duty.

👍︎ 14 👀︎ u/Luke10191 📅︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

"I'm not even buying Call of Duty this Year" - Wings 2010-2018

👍︎ 22 👀︎ u/Doughnuts3001 📅︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

A broken clock is right 2 times a day.

👍︎ 5 👀︎ u/Adstract_LoL 📅︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

Damn this was actually really good. +1 for Wings

👍︎ 5 👀︎ u/TheEarlyBird1 📅︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

"Hutch", it's been a long time since I heard that name.

👍︎ 2 👀︎ u/IronDBZ 📅︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guy just changed my mind about buying COD this year.

👍︎ 2 👀︎ u/xfuzzzygames 📅︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

I mean just about anybody could see this coming.

👍︎ 3 👀︎ u/fo0ol 📅︎ Aug 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
Oh what's going on people I am be dolphins FTW and I want to make a prediction for those of you looking at this game and trying to decide whether or not you should get involved with it and that is that by March of next year everyone will be pissed off at blackops 4 multiplayer we'll see what happens with Battle Royale and zombies but the multiplayer will follow a trend we've seen with most Cod games in the last seven years best-case scenario it doesn't [ __ ] the bed like infinite warfare maybe it gets this honeymoon period but eventually they'll turn on because cod fans eat their wounded it's not there's no fun to be had in this game it's just if the arena multiplayer has obviously made a critical mistake that makes me wonder if the devs even understand their player base or what has made cod games fun in the past and that's what they are still trying to turn this into a competitive shooter without letting go of the traditional Cod mechanics that have defined it we had heard rumors that this game was originally intended to emulate overwatch those leaks were at least partially corroborated by youtuber hutch who has said that the devs confirmed to him that the maps were originally designed for wall running which is something those leaks described and despite widespread publication those leaks have yet to be denied by Treyarch also Vonderhaar basically confirmed the reboot aspect of those leaks in a tweet that has since been deleted and the game clearly has elements and mechanics meant to make it play like competitive titles such as overwatch or Rainbow six siege you can only have one of each hero on a team their primary mode now limits the amount of lives your team gets they've taken away Auto regenerative health because they want you to try hard longer times to kill and there are now distinct tank and support roles and we know that the original build was allegedly even more like overwatch and didn't even have kill streaks in fact but was scrapped in just the last few months because playtesters didn't like it Activision has been trying to make Cod a staple of the competitive scene for some time they've invested heavily in MLG tournaments they've done ranked playlists and of course skill based matchmaking but despite all that they've still been overshadowed by younger and often less commercially successful games like siege overwatch csgo and really just about every other competitive shooter you can understand why Cod would want to be more like those games they're intense competitive scenes have earned them long term loyal fan bases who years later still play the games regularly not to mention vast amounts of free publicity from the tournaments I saw overwatch on freaking basic-cable the other day which i think is a pretty momentous step forward for eSports but it was some knockoff Disney Channel it looks like it was for preschoolers so still a ways to go but there's a reason that skill based matchmaking and competitive systems are super popular in almost every game seed rocket League overwatch League of Legends halo csgo and yet we're the single most hated system ever put into Call of Duty and those other games if you're not trying hard enough you get reported for throwing and call of duty if you try too hard you get flamed for being a try-hard it is a fundamentally different kind of game and always has been and it lacks the key fundamentals that make those other games interesting to play and watch in a competitive setting the games that it looks like black ops 4 tried to emulate this year sage and overwatch are still very fun to play when you are struggling or even losing in fact they're more fun to play when the match is a highly competitive struggle as opposed to just [ __ ] on the enemy but Cod is still the exact opposite it is not very fun to go negative or one for one in this game in the clips you see me in this video I'm having fun but that's because I'm [ __ ] in people's mouths now what makes Cod so different what is lacking a popular concept being discussed at major game to have conferences these days is flow it's a psychological concept first discovered by Macaulay ocinski and McNally who described it as and I quote the satisfying exhilarating feeling of creative accomplishment in Hyden functioning that gives us intense optimistic engagement with the world around us we are completely activated as human beings the phenomenon is sometimes referred to as being in the zone the easiest to understand example of a flow state of mind that I've read about is Tetris the best-selling game of all time what's funny about Tetris is that it's impossible to win you go into every game knowing you're gonna lose but what makes it so fun is that you always achieve a state of flow which happens when the blocks start falling so fast that you're forced to be 100% engaged with the activity right it requires all your mental ability and if somebody so much as says your name and you look away you'll lose this is flow full mental activation and engagement and it's very fun for us we enjoy it our pulse quickens our palms sweat and we feel alive and different people will hit it at different times depending on their skill level but because Tetris is never-ending everyone will hit it sooner or later and this is something game devs are trying more and more to get in their games dr. Jane McGonigal who's written several books on gamer psychology regularly speaks at game dev forums and in her book reality is broken she mentions that it's not uncommon to walk into a development studio and see offices for behavior psychologists and neurologists because they're trying to give you that flow maybe they want to make you flow everywhere but while other competitive titles are having a lot of success in providing flow cod is not the beauty of traditional competitive ranking systems is that they were kind of like Tetris you're constantly climbing to achieve higher and higher and it gets harder and hotter as you climb until eventually you're at your peak and every match requires your full mental engagement to keep climbing and thus in every match you play at that level you achieve flow because it's like playing Tetris if the highest difficulty you hit right but Cod can't have that because SPM has been such a controversy in the past so that by itself makes it seem a bit pointless to be modeling the game on other highly competitive titles but even if it did have that kind of ranking system it still wouldn't provide flow states in the way that other games are able to which is of course why skill based matchmaking was such a disaster in the first place because Cod lacks the depth necessary to push your mind to the levels of engagement necessary for flow that's right I am telling you right now with a straight face that [ __ ] Tetris has more depth than cod in competitive titles like overwatch in League of Legends every fight requires your absolute attention because there are so many factors and changing variables going on at any given moment so much information you have to assess and so many decisions you have to be making it a breakneck pace based on that information games like siege and csgo require your absolute focus for aiming positioning and reaction times they make you [ __ ] think and that's how you achieve a flow state but you're not gonna get that in cod look I like that black ops [ __ ] has you know distinct support in tank class roles I like many of the hero bility mechanics they've included the add a layer of death potential for teamwork to the game the time to kill increases a welcome change but these aren't gonna go far enough while the rest of the game remains so simplistic the guns all have very little recoil the recall they do have rarely makes any kind of difference because the maps are so small that your gunfights almost never take place at a distance where your sights will bounce off enemy character models where that would require you to pop fire not to mention the game is primarily played on consoles which have fat aim assists something like csgo despite its similarities is considered much more competitive in cod and one of the big reasons you can't abs with every weapon so a lot more strategy goes into choosing your weapon loadout and a lot more focus and aim is wired to outgun your opponents but Cod is really more a game of hide-and-seek or virtual laser tech because once you've seen them they're done what really matters most is who sees who first and to an extent that's how Cod was originally conceived it's always been a twitch shooter and it's always supposed to been casual but when you look at tracks first big hit world at war notice how different the maps were back then asymmetrical filled with defilade foliage and a wide variety of uneven cover they were much larger and much more detailed with complex structures laning patterns power positions and choke points today's maps are all perfectly symmetrical very small every piece of cover is polygon ik and does not provide a distinct advantage depending on which side of your honor there aren't really power positions or choke points anymore and they all strictly adhere to the exact same three lane design I didn't even feel like I needed to learn the maps in this data because if you've played God before you basically already knew them by heart and there were technically like five maps in the beta but it really felt like one map the differences were mostly aesthetic I did not ever feel like there were significant changes in the nature of the encounters you were getting in or the viable play styles and loadouts you used from map to map my favorite Call of Duty video of all time was a dual commentary between OG commentators hutch and wings of redemption fading the merits of rushing versus defense of play styles and Cod respectively at one point arguing the defensive play styles make the game more interesting wing said alright picture this picture of the game is a flat field no hills there's maybe a couple walls that are glass so you can see right through to see the campers alright everybody would run you know either the 1887 or the UMP and it would just run in fire from the hip it'd be cool for like a week but after that you lose the surprise element of the game you lose the tactical element of the game and after a while the game would burn out at a much quicker pace this is why people haven't designed first-person shooters with you know lackluster environments and that and they kind of promote camping like these cars everything is designed so you have a point to help protect yourself against other flanks wings basically predicted the future of cod in that video the walls aren't see-through but they've watered down the environment to the point that it really is just a flat surface with some walls and the same three lanes every time and people aren't running only two weapons and firing from the hip but regardless of what weapon you do use you're basically locked into a single play style like the one he describes where you run around like a chicken with your head cut off you know even when you snipe this is proof that you can only use one place down this game you have to quickscope okay used to be you could quickscope or do it traditionally but now quickscoping is the only viable option and maps this small where everyone has unlimited sprint and essentially recoilless weapons traditional sniping is never gonna be anything more than a throw play style a gimmick because it doesn't matter what loadout you run you have to play that one play style and when you have such watered-down gunplay on top of the water down maps the result is a game that doesn't ever require you to think that much and even if you do put a bunch of focus and thought into it it's not gonna change much you know tiny maps unlimited sprint instant response built-in motion sensors on every player no matter how good you are how hard you try at least every 30 seconds somebody's gonna randomly see you before you see them and that's all it takes for you to die they have this [ __ ] down to a science as if we are rats in a maze they know how often they want people getting kills and getting killed themselves and they designed the game around that standard you are not in control this [ __ ] game is the matrix when you struggle in most competitive titles you achieve flow when you struggle in cod there's nothing but emptiness and frustration cod is like playing Tetris but the speed never really increases and every now and then a fat vertical row of blocks drops instantly and gives you an unavoidable loss they're dressing it up like these competitive titles but it's like just cuz you look like a skater and you walk around with a skateboard doesn't mean you know how to [ __ ] skate and so what I predict will happen is what always happens is that people who buy the game may have some fun on it but ultimately once the novelty wears off it won't be substantive enough to keep you mentally engaged in the same way other competitive titles - and then people will tire of it quickly especially if they played a lot of cod like everyone has and at a certain point I suspect around February March people are gonna realize that between the retail price and the black ops fast if they got that bar they're gonna dropped a [ __ ] ton of money on a game that they probably won't get as many hours up as they did free titles like fortnight or titles with free DLC like overwatch or just less expensive titles like pub G and rocket League and then they'll be pissed off and toxic rage will consume the online community and then the cycle will repeat and then we can start hyping infinite warfare - lastly before y'all go I wanted to quickly announce I'm launching a discord basically because I want an unlimited supply of cool people I can hit up for the various games I play because I'm tired of not having a [ __ ] wingman also if you have tight clips you want to share for any of the games I usually upload you should share them there and clips I can get them into a video as long as they're high enough quality also if you ever have interesting bits of gaming news you think I should know about or commentary ideas or whatever you can tell me about it there and on top of that I'm also relaunching my patreon it'll be primarily used for buying new games and gaming equipment I haven't hoarded out too much in the past cuz I didn't really need it but I actually recently had a breakup with my girlfriend the last 10 years and not that you should don't add a pity I had it coming but I'd forgotten how expensive life can be when you don't get displayed all your costs with somebody so I've fallen on some tight times and any donation would really really help a lot if you do donate you'll get special access to an exclusive little chat room in my discord where you will get to see the videos early I upload on weekends of a lot of time I'll have they'd finished a few days earlier in the week so you can see him as soon as they're up and critique them and give a bit of feedback maybe I can make changes to them based on that you can be my beta testers I know this thing like a few years back and they've been inactive for long stretches period of time in between then and now if you've ever like donated to it and you're not doing into it now I will get you access to that the special perks and stuff regardless of if you're donating now if you're donating the past just like email me your your username and also if I ever get my [ __ ] worked out on twitch all the twitch stuff I don't know what it is Flair and emotes and all that you'll get access to that if you've donated on patreon so both these things will give people a chance I hope to sort of like you know play a little part in shaping the channel if you're into that kind of thing and if you're not no worries totally dig it I love you all thanks for watching please remember right this is Batman son
Channel: BDobbinsFTW
Views: 248,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black ops 4, blackout, first impressions, beta, gameplay
Id: e0dY-QtfglU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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