Everyone Is Looking Forward To The Lioness Giving Birth | Zoo Days | Real Wild

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Chester Zoo is one of Britain's biggest zoos 500 staff care for 7,000 animals today a miracle baby gets a helping hand from the vets he's gonna have it takes all sorts to make a world on chimp island they are as different and diverse as we are and Darren gets a new job I had no idea that would be a responsible parents of the baby Chilean flamingo [Music] the head-keeper of chester zoo's Asiatic lions Allen Woodward is a worried man lioness Asha is pregnant and a full term but there's no sign of her going into labor her major soccer is restless he spends long periods of the day calling to her out of sight is clearly not out of mind the last time Asha gave birth her cubs were two weeks premature and they died this time everybody is more optimistic about the outcome the keepers are even putting money on it a sweepstake giving all the moments throughout the section people are guessing how many Cubs she's gonna have and on what day they're gonna be born on it's quite difficult I mean she have any amount from 1 to 4 really Chandani of the female we had here before she actually had one litter of four which is quite exceptional but it's usually two to three round there Asha is looking quite big so really could be any gas and there's quite a few different amounts going around on the section I'll be glad when jessie has them and she and she's ruined than herself there'll be a great relief we're still waiting with bated breath every morning I come in a checker and every morning things are just the same but I'm sure quite soon will come in and things be quite different even after the Cubs are born a soccer will have a long wait before his loved one returns there's been a welcome break in the weather and after days of heavy rain the Sun has finally come out yesterday the torrential downpour caused water levels to rise at flamingo lake threatening to wipe out the bird's nest sites I've never known this before the keepers did everything they could to hold back the water belonging for the West and what do you want but eventually they had to intervene and rescue some of the chicks before it was too late we don't get them off the chicken just just chill and die most were reunited with their parents but sadly the one chick there was no happy ending for day old pinkie was rejected by his mother and father it's now up to senior keeper Darrin Langford to Rhea him by hand this diet is composed by San Antonio Zoo and it's quite successful rare in diet consists of my seed shrimps these are frozen ones which we get off to spoil the parents basically live on small shrimp very similar to the mice add shrimp algae and small single celled animals sprats which we get from the Penguins a hard boiled egg yolks getting high in protein etc and first feeds at 6 o'clock in the morning and it's fed every 3 hours from the for the first 7 days up till midnight so mid light will be its last feed and after seven days the thepbs goes into four hour early and after 14 days the chick is then basically picking up food itself and it's fair to say every six hours throughout the day [Applause] that's what we end up with fish paste yes what's ideal for Rio Caminos not for us garden party at all it's not an easy feat to rare looming up especially a Chilean flamingo which this is these aren't very often reared in captivity the a lot of people offer better results with greater flamingos it's a lot more common in captivity it's more gregarious bird just let them come out and be around right here and place the propeller in the groove on the bottom mandible this is the bottom and a look and gently parrots seep down the chicks throat we love to find that when a pair of bird is a successful breeder they actually lose their pink plumage because they concentrate all their energy into feeding their chicks rather than enhancing their own plumage color so that's that first Rindge hold on we just let them have a little rest and I'll just wipe his mouth comes flying on it we're not as expertise as the parents there you go it's just taking nine no other food that's the most he's taken in one feed so each feed he's taking more and more and get it stronger and stronger so I might even have another girl offering up some more but before that I have to let the let him let that digested Epiphanes crap so I like another cool moment because the parents will talk about the cool moments who they're not gonna sit on the chick constantly Oh Darrin it's a labor of love it's not a nine-to-five and you never know what you're gonna come to work to have no idea that I was being and a responsible parent of the baby Chilean flamingo [Music] specialist keeper Neil Ormrod is keeping an eye on the 30 residents of chimp Island it's a job he's done many times before being with the chimps walks for 35 years so it's almost all these I've known since we were born the chimps spend most of their lives on their one acre island but at feeding time they come inside where Neil can see them close up to make sure they're fit and healthy chimps will share food but they're just as likely to steal it it's every chimp for himself they'll be coming through these two slides there might be quite a bit of noise [Applause] we're going out onto the island now and if I've kicked them all off right there's none out here just spread it around let'em forage for it far then she'll always go for oranges first Boris usually goes for bananas sometimes pears Wilson is usually quite happy sitting down to night onion those chimps travel mostly on the ground they often use trees to feed and the island has been built with this in mind if you're feeling very energetic can go up in the hammock for it as well but we're mixing it all up so that nobody can come out and say get all the bananas they'll get a hand big handful and they'll have you know a bit of everything from it first primate one okay Andy let him out oh it's Boris and Nicki and Khalil [Music] Oh cry again because the keepers only intervene in extreme situations the chimps are free to develop their own complex social system with all the friendships rivalries and politics that entails the dominant male at Chester used to be 40 year old Boris but now there's a new kid on the block Dylan there he's the dominant male now he's what 18 he has never been handled in his life he's never been picked up he's never had to been tranquilized for an illness or anything like that so eases wild as you can get in captive terms swiftly rising through the ranks and establishing his position in the group is seven year old Jethro he's a solid little chimp he's got a lot of growing still to do but he's solid you know in years to come you're probably the dominant male both sexes have a hierarchy in the dominant female coil and she's very good she's probably the most intelligent chimp in the group she's useless with her own babies but she's great with everybody else's babies she's of everybody's favorite Amity one of the other other males Niki he's probably the biggest chip we've got in the group he's probably the strongest chimp we've got in the group but dominance is determined by a combination of size strength popularity intelligence and also desire to be the dominant one now Niki certainly hasn't got any desire to the dominant one and he's certainly not the most intelligent chimp in the group they are as different and diverse as we are in all aspects one of the ones I'm very fond of though is Heidi she was the first one to be born after I started here so I think that's possibly one I'm quite fond of her and the baby to the left as we look that's a little Rhiannon the younger ones tend to eat quickly and run away in case one of the bigger ones takes off obviously if your you can take your time you can gather your food around yourself and just sit there and casually eat it because nobody's gonna have a bottle to come and take it off you they've all gone inside now the the sleeping area is open up so they've got fresh bedding in there and that'll be it for the day you get so much back from these I remember the first baby I I saw being born the mum went into labor about nine o'clock in the morning the head popped her out and she put her hand round got hold of the head and pulled it out then she held it out for me to touch you know when you got that trust of an animal you can describe it [Music] in the reptile house at Chester Zoo head keeper is older McGeorge is concerned about a baby Komodo dragon called Indy he's one of four baby Komodo dragons that we have here he hatched out on the 19th of January after a few days we noticed that there were quite a bit of swelling around his ankle and knee joints particularly his his right hind so we decided that it was important for the vet team to give him/her a good look over the hatching of India and his three siblings took the keepers and the entire scientific community by surprise because their mum flora had never been mated with a male dragon a story of the so called virgin birth became worldwide news at the animal health center head vet Stephanie Sanderson and Celia nurse Karen Houma are getting ready to x-ray Indy is when we take his x-rays we need him to be very very still mammals tend to breathe quite fast reptiles are quite good at holding their breath and they'll take many fewer breaths so if you had the mark on your face you'd probably go to sleep quite quickly whereas these guys they can take quite a bit longer six months ago vets discovered that the young Komodo dragon had arthritis in his joints he got an infection that went into his bloodstream and then it went to several of his joints they want to compare today's x-rays with the previous pictures to see if there's been any change in his condition as you can see with the normal me it can straighten out the same as anybody's need him so same humans nature and that's what we'd expect to happen that that me can go completely straight on this side however the arthritis in the knee means that he can't extend it more than that now what you can get around very well but when he becomes a big an up dragon that may well be a big problem for him while India is on the examination table resident vet James Chatterton takes the opportunity to microchip him in the back left leg by convention this is a permanent ID in this reason we can distinguish this animal from from any other for the the rest of his life I've been qualified seven years in that time of microchips hundreds and thousands of dogs and cats but this is definitely the first morning of a microchip Komodo dragons so each day's a new day at the zoo really when Indy is asleep a team gently positioned him on the x-ray table this was an x-ray that we took previously and the back leg the knee that he has such a problem with is this one here if you compare the two knees this is a normal-looking knee and you can see the joint there and lift me here you can see the end of the bone is all fuzzy and that's because the infection got into the joint and it started eating away at the bone so this is the picture that we've taken today this is the knee that we're having such a problem with and this has got lots of new bone growth and you see the big blobs at the end of each bone they're acting stopping the bone from moving the new bone growth is limiting movement in his knee and could be a sign of more trouble to come as he becomes big heavy the waiter on that joint is going to be so much more and it's quite likely that he's gonna have all problems in the future [Music] head-keeper Alan Woodward has left the lines and moved on to his next job the kangaroo enclosure I'm just about to feed them the the food that you give them is quite quite varied it's vegetables and fruits and we also have also have a pelleted diet which has all the vitamins and minerals they require so it's a very balanced diet as you can see they do extremely well on it we produce about we have about two juries every year this kangaroo is foster this is the one hundred eight years ago he's quite a character but he definitely knows he's a he's a kangaroo I brought him back into the zoo after I had him at home for two months I think he still recognizes me I mean now and again he will come up and sort of smell my hand and then then just hop off so what I'm doing now I'm just putting some of the fruits on on these sticks which just gives the kangaroo something else to to aim for once they finish the main food in the dishes it makes them stretch a bit and it gives them something to to look for afterwards really with the Kangaroos they could actually clear this fence if it wanted to but because this is their territory and they've been here all their lives they've got no need to actually go over the fence so so they're quite safe within this enclosure the kangaroos can be quite nervous but if they corner they can be quite aggressive especially the male kangaroos have extremely powerful tails and extremely powerful hind legs they lean back on the tails and actually hit you with with the legs with spot of force a couple of years ago with Buster he had a bit of rheumatism his leg and we had to examine him took about four of us to keep him down that was the last one to actually leave the enclosure and he actually jumped on my back and floored me which wasn't it wasn't nice experience really aggressive kangaroos apart allons love of animals goes back a lifetime I just assume zoos one as well eleven school holidays and weekends in South Wales when I came to Chester when I was about 17 off and virtually growing up in the zoo I mean the zoo's been my life now for 33 years it's it's more like a way of life rather than a job and we are extremely lucky to to be here really on flamingo lake all is calm the birds have rebuilt their flooded nest site after the heavy rains and settle down again in peace and harmony and there's good news about pinky the chick rejected by his parents he's being hand reared by senior keeper Darrin Langford I was thriving I should say it's really vocal and really eager to his feed some added utensils in his little brooder at the moment there's a faster one to replicate me when I'm not about and a mirror it makes him feel like he's got company of something his own sort the checks recovery is absolutely remarkable from the little almost dead bird that we picked up off the nest to this little thriving creature now is absolutely unbelievable unfortunately though the there isn't a downside to this rare in a flamingo check and that is called imprinting imprinting is when the bird of socializes me as its parent are not a lot of flamingos so what we got to do now is train teach this bird but it's a flamingo it's time for Darrin to take a step back and say goodbye to pinky well this is hand over time pinkies going to be going now to the artificial incubation room nice here's the hand over now come on little fella now it's senior keeper Lara Jordan's turn to play mum the chicks do need stimulus to move around they need to exercise their limbs we're free with the parents that be actually moving great distances Claire on enough of their parents mess amount so the chick will be housed in a an open-topped brooder with a heat lamp and obviously as utensils it's gotta near the mirror is artificial mom and hopefully in a couple of days this component the Flamingo Ching you lose that's the house the removes and much smaller that's it he'll stop picking up food for himself there were just so many settles in here see but he sits and place each other's hands a big man that's great though just watch those stretches level wings and his likes it's great to see a little bit more space and sees pseudo friend in the mirror and it wonderful when the next abundant eggs hatch and you can form a little pressure drone by the time the chicks asleep someone solved they should probably be residing with the adult flock and they should be fully feathered than and able to care for themselves probably be quite sorry to see it go but I know it's for the best of the Czech is reunited with his paranoia lead with a feedom because I know how exhausting this task can be but tomorrow I can have a lie in our last [Music] next time Boris takes a beating it's lesson number one for Chester's baby penguins and a new arrival causes quite a stir [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Wild
Views: 28,565
Rating: 4.4524713 out of 5
Keywords: nature documentary, full documentary, documentary movie, big cats, wildlife documentary, discovery channel, national geographic, natgeo wild, Nature documentaries - topic, Animals - topic, planet earth, david attenborough, Full Animal Documentary, wild animals, wild animal, zoo animals escape, Chester Zoo, chester zoo animals, chester zoo elephants, flamingo, lion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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