Everyone HATES Bryson DeChambeau.. Here's Why

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hey everyone today I want to talk about Bryson Des Shambo and why he seems to rub so many golf fans the Wrong Way Des Shambo burst onto the scene a few years ago and made waves with his unique approach to the game from his single length irons to his analytical style to his protein shakes and weight gain and while his scientific methods have clearly led to results as evidenced by his 2020 US Open win they've also led to plenty of criticism from fans and fellow players alike in this video I want to objectively look at some of the main reasons why Bryson has become such a polarizing figure in golf my goal is to display the factors that have contributed to him being a player that fans love to hate but I'd also love to hear everyone's opinions down in the comments reason number one his slow play the Shambo has faced heavy criticism for taking an excessive amount of time over shots this has led to some painfully slow rounds with Bryson often being called out for going well well over his allotted 40 seconds his pre-shot routine is very methodical and scientific and he's not shy about taking all the time he feels he needs before each shot this frustrates playing partners and fans alike there are a few factors that contribute to Bryson's slow play firstly his scientific approach means that he takes a lot of time to analyze things like wind direction and speed terrain angles and extensive calculations on Club selection and swing adjustment ments he leaves no stone unturned in his pre-shot prep secondly his unique single length irons require a very precise setup and altered swing mechanics on each shot this extra tuning and adjusting also adds more time to his routine and thirdly Bryson has simply been defiant in the face of criticism over slow play he refuses to be rushed or pressured into playing faster maintaining that he's adhering to the rules this stubbornness AGG rates critics even more I guess you can't knock his stubbornness while his slow play hasn't incurred any penalties thus far just some brutal cheap shots from his buddy Brooks kka there is no doubt that it has made him unpopular with many fans who want to see play more briskly it will likely remain a sticking point for critics until Bryson streamlines his routine reason number two his sense of entitlement another complaint about Bryson is that he off comes across as having a sense of entitlement on the course he's not afraid to complain when things don't go his way or to argue with rules officials for instance at the 2020 PGA Championship he made it clear that he felt the course setup was unfair he also objected to an outof bounds ruling at the memorial last year adamantly insisting that his ball was in play his attitude and petulant rubb many the wrong way the Shambo seems to have a bit of a double standard when it comes to conditions and setup he wants courses and rules tailored to suit his game and objects loudly when he feels that things aren't to his Advantage but when opponents or fans complain about his slow play or other behaviors he is quick to defend himself his unrelenting belief that he is in the right probably stems in part from the fact that he is a self-styled golfing scientist his arrogant attitude implies that he believes his Superior methods give him certain privileges or preferential treatment other players don't deserve of course this sense of entitlement combined with a willingness to call out officials rules and even Golf Course Architects does not win him many friends among fans or tournament organizers until he tempers his attitude and adops a more diplomatic style Bryson will continue to be regarded as arrogant and privileged by many in the golf world reason number three his ego and arrogance Des Shambo has unquestionably disrupted the game of golf with his extreme methods but rather than let his clubs do the talking he often brags about how he's revolutionizing the game through science and analytics lines like I'm going to make golf cool and calling himself a revolutionist strike many as arrogant whether you love or hate Bryson you can't accuse him of lacking self-belief while self-confidence is an asset for any athlete Bryson's ego has undoubtedly rubbed many the wrong way fans are accustomed to a certain degree of humility and respect for the game from Pros Bryson's Brash claims of Reinventing golf seem to disregard all the Legends who built the game over decades his bold declarations take credit away from pioneers of the sport who developed things like the stymy the greatest era of Championship golf design and the progression of golf on TV while the Shambo has innovated he did not outright invent athleticism in golf or being highly analytical Legends like Ben Hogan took a scientific approach decades ago a little more recognition by Bryon of the countless contributors to golf's development would certainly help improve his likeability his ego-driven claims tend to alienate and offend purists and historians of the game acknowledging that he stands on the shoulders of giants would make his Swagger Less off-putting Reason number four his sense of entitlement with fans Bryson has also faced backlash for how he sometimes treats fans into the media he's snapped at autograph Seekers or breezed past them without a glance in press conferences he can come across as standoffish or condescending if he doesn't like the question considering fans are the reason Pros like Bryson earned millions and prize money his entitled attitude irks many while top golfers have a right to set boundaries Bryson has undeniably alienated fans with his dismissive attitude at times times contempt or impatience with the very people that pay his salary does not win him any popularity points even just a little time taken to sign a few autographs or politely declin photographs would go a long way PGA stars like Rory mckoy Ricky Fowler and Jordan spe are beloved not just for their play but for their graciousness with fans Bryson's defensiveness and resistance to engage with anyone but his inner circle gives the impression of self importance adopting a slightly more fan-friendly and grateful Persona would serve Bryson well in improving public perception now I will say that Bryson has definitely tried harder to get along with the fans with his YouTube channel but let's see how well that works out for him in the long run reason number five his lack of etiquette from tromping through bunkers to not repairing divots Bryson's OnCourse etiquette has also faced criticism for instance at the 20 21 Players Championship he didn't bother raking a bunker after a shot a major faux paaw he also caught Flack for aggressively pulling out toughs of grass to check wind direction at the memorial Bryson's bull in a china shop mentality on the course rubs traditionalists the wrong way Bryson's etiquette violations or indifference don't necessarily come from a place of disrespect he is simply laser focused on analyzing conditions and dialing in each shot other niceties like raking bunkers fixing divots or congratulating opponents take a back seat in his single-minded quest for optimization however this disregard for long-standing norms and practices showcased by Legends like Jack Nicholas only further ostracizes golf purists the etiquette violations exacerbate the perception of Bryson being arrogant and feeling above the sports Traditions it's likely that no one specifically instilled proper encourse etiquette in Bryson as he rose through the ranks his Ultra analytical family and coaches focused on the mechanics of his swing and strategy if he hopes to win over more fans recognizing the importance of etiquette could repair his reputation reason number six his slow adoption of distance limiting measures with his prodigious length off the tea Bryson has been reluctant to get behind any distance limiting measures like dialing back ball or driver technology with his athletic swing he outpaces virtually all his peers off the tea so of course he wants to maintain this Advantage but average golfers are tired of seeing classic courses obliterated by Bryson and others Bryson's resistance to any course equalizing measures doesn't win him any fans Bryson gained about 20 lbs of muscle specifically to increase his Club head and ball speeds he Embraces new equipment materials and designs that push distance limits so understandably he is very hesitant to support any roll backs that would minimize his most formidable strength while loyalty to his career making bombing drives is expected stubbornness to even consider solutions to golf's distance problem alienates those concerned about sustainability even if no immediate changes are made Bryson acknowledging the complex factors involved and showing openness to compromise would gain him some good will if he continues refusing to budge an inch on equipment regulations he will continue you being cast as an obstacle to progress reason number seven his lack of displayed emotion unlike fan favorites like Rory mroy or Ricky Fowler Bryson seldom displays emotion on the course win or lose even after major wins he maintains a very analytical approach in interviews rather than expressing Joy or celebrating while he has dedicated fans his robotic style turns off golf purists who want to see passion and heart from Pros Bryson's aloof personality doesn't fully resonate with fans Bryson is an extremely scientific technical golfer he takes an engineering like approach constantly crunching data and numbers in his head with his brain constantly analyzing trajectories wind vectors and force equations there simply isn't room for much emotion so those are the seven main reasons why Bryson Des Shambo has become golf's leading villain love him or hate him you can't deny he's entertaining to watch let me know your thoughts on Bryson down in the comments and be sure to check out some of my other videos profiling controversial golf figures like Patrick Reed and Phil mikkelson I'll keep on cranking out the content on all the players that fans love to hate so smash that subscribe button if you enjoyed this video thanks for watching until next time May the golf Gods be with you
Channel: The Sports Clubhouse
Views: 3,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sportopia, bryson dechambeau, liv golf, pga tour, pga liv merger, bryson dechambeau brooks koepka, bryson dechambeau long drive, bryson dechambeau golf grip, bryson dechambeau golf swing, bryson dechambeau steroids, bryson dechambeau fitness, us open, bryson dechambeau highlights, bryson dechambeau longest drives, liv golf news, bryson dechambeau driver, bryson dechambeau drive, anthony kim, brooks koeka
Id: eZpXBXXrUj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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