Everyday Drugstore Makeup for the Winter

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[Music] what is up YouTube this beanie doesn't look right for some reason it's fine alright what's up guys the family's back in Eugene Oregon right now I'm not wearing any makeup and that's because today I'm gonna be going to the drugstore and picking out a full face of drugstore makeup by Maybelline I thought this would be cool because first of all it's always nice to find good drugstore makeup because you don't want to spend a whole bunch of money on makeup all the time and number two Maybelline is having a contest which I will explain okay it is now the holiday season which means giving back and showing love and all that kind of stuff so Maybelline is having a contest where you go to the drugstore you try out some Maybelline New York products you take yourself you can make a vial and then you post it on social media and tag me in Maybelline with the hashtag joyful M&Y joyful Maybelline New York and then over the span of two weeks I'm gonna choose a charity update I did choose one it's called the kindness campaign and it brings awareness and healing to girl-on-girl bullying because that does happen a lot especially on social media so and for every single post that you guys tagged me in with the hashtag joyful mny Maybelline will donate five dollars to the charity so of course I want to get as many posts from you guys as possible because first of all that's super super cool second of all I love to see you guys's faces anyway I guess I'll be the first one to do it I'm gonna go to Walmart and try out some Maybelline New York Prada and while we're at it I'll show you a nice drugstore makeup look perfect for the holiday season let's go [Music] we're in Walmart on our way to the makeup mile I'm gonna pick out a full face of makeup used to wear this [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa what what's going on with my hair what's up I know here in my sister's room to film is my room was about I have all of my Maybelline products here some of them very familiar with some of them not so much let's get started on the way home we got Dutch Bros if you have Dutch Rose where you're from and you haven't already you should try Tigers blood rebel as I have this huge light here if necessary I kind of want that on actually I don't know let's do light okay first thing I'm gonna use is the dream BB fresh beauty balm okay I don't really like feeling a lot of makeup on my face so I feel like a BB cream it's perfect for me if you're like that to try this out I got 110 oh I'm just gonna put a little on my hand and dab it all over my face just gonna use my fingers it's also like doll perfect for beginners because first of all it's cheap second of all I'm literally just using my fingers to blend it in it's really easy I use this a lot when I was in middle school like it was so hyped up everyone used that people still do you that don't sleep on BB dream fresh I'm gonna take my Maybelline fit me concealer that I used to use every day in my life I don't know why I ever stopped because it's really good I'm just gonna put a little under my eyes little on my chin to my eyebrows and then on some randoms it's like scars and whatever I'm gonna blend it out with a brush so I'm curious what do you guys like to do during the holiday season I always go through my clothes and donate whatever I don't need especially like coats and stuff because obviously it gets a lot colder in the winter time and not everyone can afford good warm clothes so if you can go through what you have and if you can get rid of any warmer clothes and give to those in need that's a really good thing to do around the holidays I love just seeing the Christmas light and the joy makes me really happy I love how that looks first of all the BB cream is like dewy and natural and the concealer is just also natural but does a great job of covering up we're gonna set it with the Maybelline Dream wonder powder I have used the Maybelline fit me powder and they're freaking um hello I can't forget about this hello ah don't want a lot for crews to I love Christmas music great mins oh well I don't know what I did to this set up continuing on now I'm gonna use the Maybelline master strobing liquid and I wanted to use a liquid illuminator because to me it just looks a lot more natural as opposed to like a streak of powder do you know what I mean so I'm gonna take a little bit of this and just kind of like dab it around and it kind of got like a pinky bronzy tone to it down the nose and on the tip of the nose this is in the shade medium by the way next we're gonna do a little bit of bronzing master bronze and highlight kit I'm gonna take a little bit of that and just bronze up my face now that I've got some more color to my face slush is one of my favorite things ever especially this shade I got the Maybelline fit me blush in the shade of rose look how pretty it is I'm just gonna take that thing on my cheeks so being a really good everyday look for the winter time I'm actually gonna go back into the master bronze and highlight palette and take a little bit of this highlighter here and just go over in the liquid highlighter that I already put on now I want to do my eyebrows okay so I'm using the Maybelline brow precise shaping pencil in the shade deep brown and it's really nice because I was a spoolie on the end oh it's super creamy if there's one thing everyone should know about doing that I browse it is to fill them in with a very light hand otherwise you can make your eyebrows just look so scary [Music] next is eyeshadow so I got the city mini eyeshadow palette it's got a bunch of just matte shades if you watch my makeup videos can you guess which shade I'm gonna use out of all of these which one is it gonna be everybody do you know if you answered this shade you're right kiss that's literally the only shadow ever put on my eyelids sometimes I go outside of my comfort zone most of the time 99% of the time I like using bronzy or ng Browns put that all over my eyelid and this is again really easy and like I think this is really perfect for beginners because I'm just taking one shade I'm putting it all over my eyelids I don't know I've been doing this for years and I don't think I'll ever not do it so right now some of you were probably commenting she does the same makeup look in every single makeup video and I'm here to say that is correct I am NOT Geoffrey start I am summer McKean I like doing a very natural bronzy look I just find a lot of different ways to do that by the way I just took that same shade and I put it on my lower lash line I'm gonna take a little bit of this highlighter and put it in my inner corner I always have to do this we're getting to the end ladies and gentlemen now I'm gonna curl my eyelashes sure Dutch roses ratchet but it's my childhood I don't remember what else you said but I don't care because okay pop so what is going on with my outfit I'm really off really off today just no not this is me this is me whoa next I'm gonna use the Maybelline Great Lash mascara now when I first started wearing makeup this was my mascara and I loved it and it's a great mascara super standard you know really gets the job done - like look how good that is forgot how good this one okay now last step another one of my all-time faves always had a baby lips with me in middle school constantly in my pencil pouch I never didn't have big lips on my lips this is one that I use a lot cherry me it smells super good I used to like literally Huff this in class kind of looks like I know what I'm doing I was so excited to make this I've always used Maybelline products second I thought it was really cool that they wanted to incorporate giving back into this video especially considering the time of year it is it's just kind of like the season to give back I feel like giving back should be all year long I really want to see you guys posting for joyful mny please tag me because every single post that's submitted there will be five dollars going to the charity that I choose happy beginning of holiday shout out to the mcveigh's of the week I love you so much I love all of you guys so much let's do our best we can to serve others this holiday season and just give back and be the best we can be anyway that's all I have to say so I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music] i-22 [Applause]
Channel: Summer Mckeen
Views: 676,595
Rating: 4.9654503 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Mckeen, natural makeup, drugstore makeup, drugstore, makeup, drugstore makeup tutorial, everyday makeup, makeup tutorial, everyday makeup routine, winter makeup, winter, everyday drugstore makeup, all drugstore makeup, winter makeup routine, everyday makeup tutorial, affordable makeup, everyday, drugstore makeup routine, easy makeup, winter makeup tutorial, drugstore foundation, drugstore fall makeup tutorial, everyday drugstore makeup routine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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