Everybody Hates San Diego FC

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this video aged like milk that was sitting out in a sauna whoops sorry about that San Diego loyal supporters part of this feels like it's my fault like I jinxed your guys's future with what I said in that video but now it's time to shift my attention and talk about San Diego FC aka the new punch bag an MLs seriously I said this on my ex account I think it's worth repeating here I don't think there has ever been an MLs expansion team that has been this universally [ __ ] on by everyone like it's not just California residents that didn't want to see a San Diego team it's not just MLS fans it's like MLS pundits MLS writers everyone everyone hates this team and I know some people commented oh what about Austin FC and you know to be honest I didn't think there was a chance like heading into their first season that they would be univers unly hated by everyone just because of the whole moving The Crew episode but really that's not what happened yeah sure there's some crew fans that still hate Austin FC just because of their association with Anthony precourt which totally makes sense but once it was announced that Columbus was keeping their team and Austin was just coming in as their own expansion team everyone else then was just kind of like yeah all right whatever Austin's fine but with San Diego FC this is real like everyone hates them that's the cool thing to do now it's to pick on San Diego and Mohamed man sore and it's got me thinking why is that why does everyone hate San Diego FC well it doesn't help that that this is what they came up with what I don't like it I mean I don't hate it as much as some people online but like that's not my favorite it's weird because it's like some aspects are really out of the box creative like the colors surrounding the badge and the chrome finish on the flow but then there's other aspects that are like just so painfully cookie cutter generic like the name for instance San Diego FC I've said it a million times I might as well say it once more city name FC it's boring it's been done before I hate it but I've also just come to terms and accepted reality that this is just the direction that MLS is going it's not healthy for me to hold my breath and hope that a new expansion team will come up with a creative name because that's just never going to happen again it's kind of like doing your taxes like I hate doing taxes but I'm not going to act surprised when April comes around and I got to fill him out and at this point I could be annoyed about it but I'm not going to be surprised anymore about it when a new expansion team comes in with a boring ass name the team lists Chrome and Azul as their colors okay so Chrome and blue because aul is just blue in Spanish right I don't get it why not just go with chrome and navy I mean you're in San Diego you're right by the ocean and there's a Navy base in town that would have made perfect sense the Chrome well it's Unique you got to at least give him that much but now here's the confusing part because is this the badge with the shiny chrome finish I mean this is what we see in all the press releases but you also have this badge without the shiny chrome finish floating around online and I actually found this on their Wikipedia page so I'm inclined to believe that this is actually going to be closer to what we see on the actual jerseys to be honest I think I dislike this one even more the gray is way too dark and does not pop off the dark blue background nearly enough I know I'm probably going to ruin my credibility here but I got to be honest I dig the Chrome it's really unique it really does Stand Out compared to other badges I think they should take this other one that I found on Wikipedia and just bury it don't let it see the public again because even though that might be the safer choice I would rather try to be more interesting and maybe fall a little bit short than just constantly going with the safe Choice over and over again and the border of it all yeah okay I don't really dig that as much I mean any of you guys that have watched my badge rankings or my jersey rankings you guys already probably know that I [ __ ] hate colors fading into other colors I just think it's such a tacky look that doesn't long in soccer and with this yellow Fading Into orange Fading Into blue it's just it's too much for me it's sensory overload and blue like that doesn't pop off enough from the dark blue background I can barely notice it I think the badge would have worked a lot better had they just picked one color yellow or orange and made that the border of this badge instead of trying to do too much here the shield of shaper represents the strength and unity of their Community oh my God like Mohamad man sword dude you ain't fooling anyone okay you like the shape of the shield that's all you got to say now this part's kind of cool the flow in the middle has 18 lines I guess I mean I don't really know how to count them like where do some of these lines begin but according to the press release those 18 lines are supposed to represent the 18 communities of San Diego County wov it into one okay cool concept I like how they tried to tie in San Diego and I do love me a good abstract art badge but it looks like a butthole Optimus Prime's butthole to be exact okay I think that's about everything I got to say about The Branding now before I move on to the next reason why people hate this team let me go ahead and tell you about today's video sponsor Underdog fantasy oh yeah it is my favorite time of the year the MLS Cup playoffs hey I am all about pick them that's my game you find the matchup you pick the player and you pick higher or lower that's it you pick between two to five players if you get them right you get paid the more picks you make the more money you can make simple just make sure when you sign up to use promo code Danny T to get your first deposit matched up to $100 Link in the description online or on the app Underdog fantasy is the game you need to play just make sure you use that promo code Danny T thank you Underdog fantasy for sponsoring this video now another reason why people hate this team is because of what happened to San Diego loyal right when San Diego FC was announced a lot of people really felt a strong connection to these sand Diego loyal branding I mean me personally I always hated the name I always hated the badge but a lot of people liked it a lot of people felt like it represented San Diego and not to Veer too far off the tracks here but if you look at the nwsl's San Diego wave a lot of people really like that branding too because it feels like San Diego like you can get rid of the name on the badge and a lot of people will still guess yeah that's probably San Diego you can't really say that with San Diego FC what's going to happen to San Diego loyal well they're going to fold immediately after a heartbreaking loss in extra time at home in the USL playoffs damn that is brutal I know what I said in that video and I'm going to repeat it because I'm an idiot and I do actually believe it we do live in a world where an MLS team and a USL team can thrive in the same Market we just I haven't seen it yet it's not that I'm shocked about what happened to San Diego loyal I mean I always knew it was a possibility they would go under I'm just surprised about how it happened so quickly yeah I watched the Andrew vastis video where he's crying and he's breaking the news that this was going to be the last season and all I can think of was a San Diego FC doesn't start until 2025 what about 2024 I mean I know the stadium was the main core issue here they needed to get a new one but maybe the financial situation was worse than we all realized and if that's the case then well the MLS team coming was the nail in the coffin but then I wouldn't call it the sole reason as to why this team folded I know Andrew vastis said that he turned over every stone trying to make this work but like from the announcement of the MLS team to the announcement of the team folding it was like a few months like it all happened really really fast now from everything I've gathered San Diego loyal did not have a massive fan base which you know you're in USL that's going to be tough to do but while they didn't have a massive fan base they had a very passionate fan base a fan base that really cared for its City and for its team and I know that's such a cliche thing to say every fan base will say that but for San Diego loyal it truly was a little different like that one time they made headlines for forfeiting a match with very important playoff implications on the line because of the lack of action the league took with a player from the opposing team using homophobic slurs against one of the San Diego loyal players Colin Martin who happens to be gay and the loyal Community for the most part fully supported this decision they would rather miss out on the playoffs to prove this point because Colin Martin was was one of their own he was family and so then when a billionaire not even from San Diego comes in buys a team and essentially replaces a community that these fans have been building for years okay I get why that rubs people the wrong way [ __ ] you now I think the last big reason as to why people hate this team is because this expansion team was supposed to be Sacramento Republic Sacramento Republic were supposed to be an MLs they had everything they had the fan support they had a Stadium plan they were accepted into MLS they even had a whole announcement for it and then 2020 happened and the owner got scared he backed off and he said he didn't have the money I still feel awful for the Republic supporters I mean this whole time myself and others were hoping that someone would save the day and just swoop in and buy the team and get them back into MLS with San Diego FC coming in yeah those dreams are pretty much over money plus viable Stadium plan unless you're nycfc equals expansion team and Mohammed manour figured it out and people are mad about it but this is just such a gut punch to Sacramento because it's not like this was just one failed bid to get into MLS no Sacramento had been there they've been working on this for a long time people were thinking they were going to get into MLS way back in 2019 and now it's just not going to happen now the million dooll question is this hate [Music] justifiable sure why not I mean who am I to tell you what's right and what's wrong you want to hate a team because of the weird yet still kind of of generic branding or because of what happened to San Diego loyal or because this team really should be Sacramento Republic hey go for it I am not going to stop you I do not feel bad for them because this whole situation is just funny to me the fact that no one is coming to this team's defense besides Chas USA I've never seen a team this universally disliked I mean usually with expansion teams there's excitement or at least curiosity how are they going to do but with San Diego FC it's just like [ __ ] these guys so does this me that San Diego FC is doomed no of course not in fact they're going to be fine they're going to be like all the other expansion teams and they're going to be great out of the gates in attendance it's going to be a spectacle and that's probably going to piss off all the other MLS fan bases even more San Diego FC fans I say you lean into this okay it's it's okay to be the guys that no one likes it's okay to be the villains MLS needs more of those anyways be those guys that everyone hates
Channel: DannyTRadio
Views: 12,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: roym7gURMDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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