Every Time Somebody Gets a BOO BOO On The Thundermans! 😩 | Nickelodeon

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heza is good Max oh but my tummy's not oh I'm St Max SP Max I'm so sorry for not knowing you'd be home this early oh my gosh Max are you okay it only hurts when I answer stupid obvious questions you're not to tell your mom we got rocks down here are you I'm not a rat but I am BB in this interview I want to find out stuff no one else knows about you no one not even a best friend oh no what was that do you mind I have a customer that's the one I was telling you about Teddy okay good idea we'll both f up the slide so do you feel smarter totally hey you stole my bow you can't do that oh show you you heard her cut it out oh wait there's just not enough time to respond to all our fans unless we gather all of our fans in one place we could greet them all at the same time like a convention we could call it thunder conon Billy that's brilliant why didn't you come up with ideas like this all the time ow brain pain good now let Simone kick you in the butt what no why can't you kick you because it hurts well she's not kicking me I'll choose Eeny meany miny kick what is that cord hate me we made it and I can't feel my butt wait now I can all right phoei our whole life has led up to this moment ow what the heck I'm sorry did the Max and Phoebe mono mono face off not start oh come on what is that for smacking fools hello cookie you're about to be in my belly soon there are a couple other cookies in there but they meant nothing to me you going to eat it or date it sweet G no Ora something about this feels wrong yeah you didn't bring any milk oh oh oh oh oh okay Hank it's just a splinter got it stupid Chopsticks 5 six seven8 kick and shimy and punch and I'm okay colosso's visor you shouldn't be wearing that it's wonky you're wonky now watch this uhoh shut it down Nora I'm trying are you guys okay yes is what I would say if I weren't being trapped by a giant pizza all right guys I want a clean match or timeouts for everybody rock paper laser Sho ow I've got a good feeling about this next round rock paper laser shoe ow I've got a good feeling about this next round laser hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey look the Northern Lights this latitude that seems highly unlik you you don't need to kick my butt home I got the rocket shark you got the rocket shark that flight was terrible what's going on better hurry in and find out don't worry I'll save you oh no the head cheerleader oh no the Star Quarterback oh no my award winning Rosses you took out our Star Quarterback and the cheerleaders whoa why do you hate this school should have just left when I told you to but no I'm B my friends have get a too I'm Max and I hit myself with books what ow principal Bradford can I interest you in a cherry float my brother was a magician he turned my girlfriend into his wife so unless you can pull Valerie out of that hat give away what raford wait ow the pain is not an illusion bundle baby away [Applause] away Billy that means you have laser eyes it doesn't matter I'm not a superhero here take them back it doesn't work that way what am I five now with that beard you're not yay I got the prize you snooze you lose ow it's takey fake greetings Dr croman greetings Dr Chang and hello Dr bandage boy whoa what happened why is my butt so cold oh why is my butt so hot a return of the spark attack sorry can't you're not the real electress wires wiggity Wiggy whip Chloe ow thank you expired 3 years ago I'll take my chances it's like I'm standing on a family of Sting chlo hey guys what's up why are your toys everywhere you promised you'd pick up your toys so you didn't keep your promise to blob in later I'm going to try to laser this thing again ow I'm sorry are you okay no that's why I said ow Max ow well I'm not going to let you leave unless you do that kick butt yeah that felt awesome our bellies are full nothing can stop us now from breaking dad's record too bad so sad too bad so sad I can already feel the Artic quins of our lkin crew run no time Fly [Music] Boy and we have a [Applause] winner delivery for Max Thunder I'll sign for that Max Thunderman stand back everyone I'm may not have my Powers but I still have my athletic prowess and amazing physique I'm neither athletic nor amazing so you think you're ready to zip off to metroburg on this super cycle sorry buddy no one goes near the supercycle it's okay yeah that Russian plan hit him quick what Russian plan uh another day another evil deed to impress dark ma'am I love the sound of pain in the morning it would be so cool to take a championship game selfie sure go ahead and take a picture baby I was her here are you okay I really should have stayed [Music] home Senator down [Music] [Music] [Music] wo time out oh this is it I'm going to blow take C [Music] wo all right nobody light a match for at least an hour we played so many fun games here laser the boy zap the Billy hold still Billy I'm going to zap you you want to play One Last Time Good Times the only thing you'll get is a candy kering oh is that all you got no you got more [Music] this got weird [Music] quick a what crackers [Music] [Applause] great job cie oh wake up Max it's Christmas morning what the Dickens are you supposed to be I'm the spirit of Christmas present get it anytime you're a bad teammate Nora will zap you I could tell you weren't thinking about the team now this says team you painted your face yeah well can't spell Team without me ow I did not forget it I just chose to ignore it okay and I just choose to ignore you zaper Nora Nice Shot ow I don't like Kiss UPS face it Max you are the reason we don't make a good team oh really cuz I think it's you put that in your diaper and wear it you guys okay yeah this exercise made me realize I never want to be partner with Max again yeah this team is done I'd zap them but they already zap themselves you what the heck thanks to my Nano chips you can't use your powers unless I say so and now I say so ow let's get out of here W hit the brakes there speedy keep filming I'll catch the Vandal I did it look Max I totally caught the pandel I I can't see my eyes are covered in silly did you see Max I caught him he a good kid real good but the Vandal did better okay Chloe got it got it what well it's not super strength yet here let's just tell Mom and Dad we already had plans okay what are your idea great why don't this thing come off it's the glue [Laughter] Steve come on phbe you can be my new best friend yeah I I don't think that's going to work for me quiet new Billy you stay away from me you no good Nicks my look fire when ready golly I wish I knew when these balls were coming ow so I could avoid them ow oh my poor Brave Little Hero I'm just going to put this new and very expensive supercomputer down in your layer very what nothing I can see what's keeping Phoebe be right back [Music] [Music] go so these are you new friends huh sorry I'm not used to my wife super [Music] hours strong doors [Music] turn before you go in there you got to put on these power zappers no superpowers allowed in the Detention Center oh wait there's something very important I need to do first ow ow ow all right Max I can't take it anymore it's over let's just call a truce and walk away deal it's not over until I say it's over here I got you this how beautiful the flower not you not that you're not beautiful okay you talk now I should get going I'll see you tonight in 3 hours 10 seconds and 25 okay bye and that's how you talk to a boy H H mother will you please take me over so I can be closer to my dear Billy no Mom it's a trap but this is brown that's because Max used it to clean my cage I made some serious boomsy oh yeah I forgot about that a no you keep farmer bar busy while I go down to Max's lay and watch best chefs Forever on his computer wait I don't get to watch best chefs forever I'll tell you what happens ow fine we'll take turns can't a neighbor watch Billy and Nora and risk the kids exposing their powers to a nons superhero they won't they're really responsible now dance dance I say oh cut it out something special never forget time for operation Pop Lock And flop sorry I think there's something wrong with my shoes maybe we should B what are you doing keep dancing or Al [Music] EJ coloss DJ coloss EJ coloss DJ coloss EJ coloss DJ come on you're not a DJ you're just a big fake wait Cheyenne we're supposed to be together and live in my parents' basement get out of here sicko what Pam what I thought we were friends Pam as for you two hey Cheyenne I know we ruined your million dollar live video but we have to selfie bucket list get out of here okay I know that was you Billy rat you know get out of here before you hit something I care about but before I go a little payback stretchy Wy we almost have her let's crack this Wong oh children you must be more got all weird when Anderson super announced Mom and Dad's award tell me why or I'll do this ow my ear you know I have sensitive loes it okay fine faster faster Barb it's like you predicted Nora's gone mad with power no no no she's helping us stay focused thank you I cancelled that rabbit's flight race for [Music] impact welcome to henville where the local time is ow I saved you which makes us even all right fine hey don't wonder to where all the orange juice went who cares everything's finally coming up Max and now everything's coming down Max this is so not going in my Chronicle send them down quietly your Mom can't know we're hiding rocks down here she'll be very thanks oh Mom's going to be mad at you for that and you're going to be mad at me for doing this trust me byy these spiders don't hurt ow oops I was stepping on his foot run Billy too slow [Music] Zippy ow good luck with getting your grades up in a day hey good luck with the couch what couch Phi when are you going to start your project um actually I just finished it I call it horse looks like it was made by a horse Max funny and talented and phbe always on time I don't get it why is Art so easy for you and so hard for me we're twins let's ask your horse monster throw me in the garbage Max Max I'm sorry Mrs Madson I didn't see it there it's beautiful what what even when you fall you create Magic take it in class I can do that too you know h i call this one how much do I owe you for those shoes I stole your ideas but you made them better you're you're actually a great class president and you should be making the first smoothie you're a good president no you're a good president no you're we're here to make SM like that doesn't sound very healthy that was meant for me wasn't it don't ruin the moment what are you guys putting on them necklaces that will zap them with electricity if they get within 10 ft of each other the closer they get the bigger the blast is this a joke ow the joke hurts wonky got it give me your lunch money and your number I'm sorry he's just so adorable when he's being tough is dis adorable a little down in front uhoh looks like principal pay's going to send him to the school nurse nice try pal but you're about to be expelled and the Challenger is down 1 two not so fast huh another mystery wrestler has entered the ring looks like this Challenger is a tag team if there were rules this would be illegal thanks ready to do this okay I'm really surprised at how good he is at this I'll use my powers to spill that water on Bradford and when he goes to dry off will duck out but that's not water that's hot tea my toe my toe it hurts worse than opening my paycheck baby what are you doing here I came to check on your toe and clean the floor with my belly done and done maybe there is a way to go back in time good cuz I just knocked down The Hornet's Nest and they sound really [Music] mad think I think the gardener just split in half sorry cousin bobin I thought you were a raccoon man I get that a lot okay let's do this Max how back can one scorpion B right it's like putting your hand in a blender that's being eaten by a shark at least Galaxia isn't as much pain as we are tickles this epic fail has to look real got it let's rock this see Max that's the kind of video you should be making great idea Nora you're fire phoi are you okay uh let me uh use your phone to call the paramedics nice try Max you are not posting this video of me falling I've worked too too hard too too ballet humor you wouldn't get it so you guys will stay yes sure after I use my heat breath ow what he's trying to say is we'll stay I shouldn't even be here you guys won Thunderball fair and square and we're totally being sore losers I'm not going to fall for that don't believe me take my ball any means necessary winner when my enemy is when my enemy is my en this isn't over VX one way or another I'm going to get you back right after I get my lead back and I'm going to show all of you that I am not the Epic faery who starting now okay now you see my keys they're on the floor by the door I don't see him uh look under the rug three two one whoa oh keys I thought you said hit me in the butt with a door come on Milly let's go play laser tag ow the pain makes it fun Punch Kick elbow was always your go-to combo close it was Punch Kick elbow Flip Flip what flip [Music] look at her showing her own brother no mercy it's [Music] magnificent he's got an opening finish her Max [Music] winner [Applause]
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 57,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, ytao_tm, superhero, thundermans, thundermans superheroes, superpowers, every superhero ever, nick superhero, phoebe thunderman, chloe thunderman, max thunderman, nora thunderman, billy thunderman, fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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