Every Star Rail Emanator We Know Of.. So Far | Honkai Star Rail Lore

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when starel first released there were many facets about its world that we just didn't fully understand the eons the manufacturs that followed them and even the paths had many Mysteries surrounding them one area of the law that had very little Exposition are those related to the amators individuals with powers granted directly by the god like eons who stand far above The Mortals of star rails universe as the story has progressed though more about them have slowly come to light and we are even starting to see see some of the amators being involved in the main story but who exactly are these individuals why does a person become one and how powerful are they really that's what we'll be discussing in this video every detail we have on them as well as all the currently known amators before we explore that though if you want to see more hongkai style content do consider subscribing to the channel now usually before I start my Rambles I'd warn you of any spoilers The video might have however for the majority of this video most of the things I'll be talking about won't technically spoil anything at least not a majority of the main story you can consider them as spoilers but only one or two of the characters that I'll be talking about will have any real impact on the current story so if you want to outright avoid any and all spoilers then I'd suggest getting caught up with the story first a while back I made a video talking about what an emanator is at the time we knew very little about this enigmatic character and there were very few confirm emanator as well this made trying to figure out patterns related to them rather difficult but we've since learn a bit more about them so you can kind of think of this as an updated video on that topic before we talk about the individuals themselves let me just briefly go through what an emanator is for those of you who aren't aware those who resonate sufficiently with a path can eventually gain access to the imaginary energy that makes up S path this is how the majority of individuals in Star real gain access to elemental powers and special abilities the more you are able to pull from the path the more potent your abilities become with the eons being the ones that can pull the most amount of power from these paths an eminator is slightly different from a path Strider in that their powers are granted directly from the eons themselves this means that you don't necessarily have to be a past Rider to be an eminator but most of them usually are ultimately their powers still come from the path itself but there are seemingly less restrictions to becoming an emanator outside of just grabbing the attention of an eon which is easier said than done to be honors the eons can functionally choose whoever they want to Grant powers to but the degree and frequency in which they do so depends on the eons themselves some view their amators as extension of themselves or the will of their paths and would Grant powers to those who are similar to them at least in nature or personality others have no intention in creating amators at all while a select few functionally do whatever they want that said given that all eons are bound by the primer mobile the law which forces them to act in a way that befits their path it's likely that their choice may be influenced by the will of the path itself rather than just randomly as I've mentioned you don't need to be a path Rider or follow any single path to be granted dis abilities it's entirely at the perogative of the Eon aha as you might know infamously made a random nobless worm and emanator or at least granted it enough power to rival one despite the worm being barely sanctioned before receiving aa's so-called gift so essentially the amators are those that have received powers and abilities directly from an eon some of them were previously past Riders and devout followers While others could just be any random individual because they have received powers from the Eon themselves they are often far stronger and more capable than vanilla pth Riders this is why most within a faction would often follow the direction of an emanator as they are often thought to be the closest to the Eon regardless of the reasoning behind why they were made into one now that you have a general understanding of what amators are let's talk about the ones that we know I'll only be talking about the ones that we have names for and the factions they belong to so if I don't mention a particular faction like the equilibrium for example it just means that we haven't been introduced to an emanator from that faction and not that there are no amators amongst them let's start off with someone who was mentioned to be an eminator fairly early into the game Hera who is an eminator of erudition while those among the genius Society are often considered to all be emanator there is only one member that has actually been confirmed as such Herta Hera's position as an emanator was confirmed when we first entered the Herta space station and interacted with her portrait which states that she is an emanator of news what often throws people off with Hera is that the character we have in game seems generally weak and is a four-star character but in truth the one we have is just one of her many puppets the true Hera is likly someone far stronger but it's unlikely we'll be meeting her anytime soon for the path of nahil there is currently only one confirmed emanator which I think most of you would already know by now I mean she was part of the main story in pentacon 2.1 and a large part of her marketing yes I'm talking about acaron who is is the only currently known emanator for the path of nahil specifically she's a self Annihilator now I've talked about acaron a lot on this channel so if you want to learn more about her past you can check out some of my other videos I'm just going to move on to the next group The IPC are one of the main followers of the Eon of preservation clipo their organization is essentially one that spans galaxies as they have businesses in many different Industries and star systems not to mention they functionally print the starel universe as money given they are functioning a business their structure appears much like any corporate organization with trustee boards and department heads while there are tens of thousands of employees working for the IPC the emanator of disf factions are those that sit at higher management positions within the company and we really only know two of them the first is Diamond who is the chief lead of the Strategic investment department and functioning the person that adventurine topaz and Jade all report to while it's unconfirmed it's highly speculated that the cornerstones are Fabrications of diamond himself and if you've seen what those things can do you can imagine how powerful Diamond himself is the second person from the IPC confirmed to be an eminator is one of the seven Board of Trustees member tavan Ken unlike diamond we know even less about Taran as he was only briefly mentioned during topa and aventurin discussion but since he was mentioned as an emanator I'll just include him here as well I also largely believe that most of the trusty board members of of the IPC are in fact amators as some of them have been assisting clipo since even before the IPC was called the IPC but this isn't something that has been confirmed so far the currently known amators from erudition nahil and preservation number in the handfuls the destruction path however actually has quite a few named and confirmed emanator the lord ravages of the anti metal Legion are all said to be amators and each is capable of destroying planets and even galaxies of the seven or eight L ravagers six of them have already been named but we've only really met fenia the rest of them like salanova iron tomb zyro and the sun Devourer are all indeed confirmed to be emanator but we likely show up only later in the story given we are expected to have a final showdown with destruction at some point as far as I can tell these select few are the only people we know who are confirmed to be emanator and still alive within the current setting there are a few that are confirmed to be amators but no longer alive such as xandar kabara for erudition who was the first member of the genius society and the creator of no and Zulo the Lord ravager that the Galaxy Rangers defeated there's also shuu who was an emanator of abundance shuu is particularly interesting as everything bad that has happened on the shano L Fu especially those that relate to the high Cloud quintet was in some way connected to shuu all three of them though are mentioned to no longer be around at the time of the current story now as far as we know these are the only amators that have canonically been confirmed there are however a few characters that are suspected to be amators due to either their backstory or abilities but their actual status has never been verified the Swarm bug that Roni created was said to have been a clone of an eminator I'm not sure if I can really consider it as a traditional eminator given they were artificially created if an emanator was cloned would they still have the same Powers their Eon granted them with originally or rather granted to the original eminator I don't know plus the Eon of propagation Taron no longer exists so it makes it a bit more dubious that the powers Theon granted previously would still exist somewhere so perhaps Ron's creation was more of an emanator equivalent rather than an actual one despite being mentioned as an eminator March 7th has also been theorized to be an eminator of the remembrance given her rather origin story and that the garden of recollection memo keepers are actively trying to stop her from discovering her past given dun hung has received his five star glow up and the main character is likely going to be a Swiss army knife of path Powers by the end it's probably likely that March is going to have a similar treatment a power up doesn't necessarily mean she's an eminator though and why it's only suspected another potential character I rather like the idea of being an eminator is Paar kakon The Faceless genius Society serial killer we know very little about her but there are some rather compelling theories that she is now affiliated with the enigmata and the fact she is able to obscure her appearance throughout all space and time for the lens's idea to be able to also kill some of the smartest Geniuses in the universe just speaks volumes of her true abilities and perhaps newly gained Powers if the genius societ members are confirmed to all be amators then perhaps only an emanator can oppose them but again since we haven't really met her or learned much about her we can't really be sure next up we have Loa now laa has been on several occasions suspected to be an emanator of abundance he's able to heal others Beyond physical limitations like what he did with Shi understands the abundance quite intimately and he's received an invalid rating by the rating gun something acaron received as well of course he isn't confirmed at the moment to be one and his abilities may be more related to that coffin that he Carri around but there's still the possibility that despite not liking the abundance he was given Powers forcibly like what aha did to the worm so Loa being an emanator of abundance is certainly possible but unconfirmed another group that are suspected to be amators but just never outright mentioned are the cloud generals of the xiano alliance each of the generals have an immense amount of power but it's unclear whether their abilities come from Land yon of the hunt or some other sources on one hand the generals do directly deal with Lan but on the other hand jinguan was said to have inherited his powers from the previous General so they likely could be but again unconfirmed at this point I know I sound like a broken record finally we have Black Swan now I know some of you are going to say she is indeed an eminator and that most memo keepers are I mean there are actually mentions of this as when the messenger first bordered the Astro Express you can actually tell wealth about it his response is that the emanator of the remembrance don't really have a physical body and only only those they allow can actually see them which sounds quite similar to how memo keepers are described this makes the probability of Black Swan being an emanator indeed high as she is a memo keeper and has been with the garden of recollection for a long time the only problem is that it hasn't been outright mentioned so short of someone saying Hey look it's Black Swan the eminator I'm going to refrain from claiming that she is and that's functionally all the emulators we know of currently along with some very likely candidates before I close off this video though I would like to remind you that when it comes to the emanator there's still a lot we don't know the story is progressing into areas where we would have started to hear about these characters but not directly interact with them so if you're watching this in the future just know that things might have changed by that time the amators are likely to be the next level of allies and antagonists we will have to face and I honestly can't wait to see what they can do given they are functionally a step below the literal gods of the universe until then though we can only speculate on who and what they are that brings the video to an end let me know in the comments if I've left out any confirmed emanator and share your theories on who you think might be an eminator if you enjoy watching the video do consider liking and subscribing to the channel thanks so much for watching and as usual have a nice day
Channel: Central Finite Curve
Views: 122,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honkai star rail, hoyoverse star rail, star rail story, star rail speculation, star rail lore, star rail lore theory, honkai star rail main story, honkai star rail lore, star rail explained, hsr lore, game lore, star rail emanator lore, who is an emanator, hsr emanator, emanator explained star rail, star rail emanators, nihility emanator, preservation emanator, hsr aeon lore, what is an emanator, star rail full list of emanator, black swan, acheron, diamond, luocha, herta
Id: Yfm2cARMjnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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