Every Springlock Failure (Part 4) (Fnaf Compilation)

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fried rice at Danny he began to hear a very faint grinding sound like metal straining he exhaled sharply in frustration sending a spittle of sweat that had collected on his lip outwards as the sweat landed on the spring lock the mechanism slipped out of place Mike's entire world turned black as the endos skeleton's face came loose and clamped around his head he felt his eyeballs get crushed as the skeleton's Globes were forced into his sockets he felt his cheeks split and his teeth crack as the mouth segments swung out to meet each other inside his jaw two metal beams sprang out from either side piercing as eard drums at the same time several large metal plates began crushing his head from all sides he tried to yell but he was already gargling his own blood which spilled from his mouth and began trickling throughout the suit more metallic clunks echoed around the room as the trickling blood started a chain reaction of multiple spring loock failures Mike stood there jerking in place as multiple metal beams and cogs began shooting through his soft tissues he could feel metal probes forcing spinal segments through his body he lost feeling below the waist but the metal legs held him firm as his spinal cord was severed he tried to scream again but the air erupted from the holes in his chest followed by a Red Mist from his pierced lungs another clunk echoed around the room as the hard plastic parts were driven through the holes into his body the tears in his abdomen finally met as one and his organs fell out into the suit a final spring lock went in his crotch as his stomach acid spilled over it and his nether regions were skewed with every lock now open the suit maneuvered itself into a default pose with the mouth slightly open and one hand up in a waving position Mike could not move he could not speak he could not hear he could not see all he could do was feel the pain and the life slowly draining from him and the shock setting in it was a slow death but eventually he began to feel cold he could feel everything getting heavy and within the space of a few minutes Mike was finally awarded the sweet release of death oh was see you all in hell no oh God no oh God help me you help [Music] [Music] me [Music] I have a suit you can't kill [Applause] me somebody help come back to help [Applause] you oh [Music] a watch God [Applause] [Applause] work [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] come [Music] my help [Music] oh my God why [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a come [Applause] [Applause] [Music] power [Music] my [Music] all around theberry Bush the Monkey Chas the monkey good for a that's the way [Applause] come [Music] my thank you so much for watching part 4 I was originally going to make part four like a 20 minute video since it was going to be my last one but I decided to split it up and make part four 10 minutes and then part five 10 minutes so part five is coming out very soon if it's not out already and uh make sure to check out Parts one to three and part five if it's out if you're watching this live I want to thank you for joining me for the P Premiere and uh yeah I think after part five it's going to be the end of this maybe uh at least for some time because I want to do other stuff and not just FNAF because of I somehow got 1.5 million views on my first one but anyway thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: I_-AM_SALskem
Views: 155,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6qWMMLge6Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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