Every Racial Insult by Valen Dreth in Oblivion

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[Music] hey there you kinsmen i haven't seen another dunmer in here and i don't know how long where are you from huh vardenfell you got a wife back home tell you what i'm getting out of here in a couple of weeks when i get back to morrowind i'll look her up she must be so lonely don't you worry eh i'll take care of her long after you're dead oh that's right you're going to die in here [Music] i must surely be dead and in the halls of azura to look upon such a vision you are so beautiful my dear dunmer maiden one of the guards owes me a favor you know i could get us put in the same cell would you like that you should have some fun before the end yeah you heard me no matter what the law says no matter what they told you you're going to die in here you're going to die [Music] wake up kitty kitty that's it there's a rat in my cell kashit a fat tasty rat does the kitty want it is the kitty hungry you'd better take whatever you can get in here khajiit they don't feed the new prisoners didn't you know that first they starve you then they beat you then if you're lucky they kill you that's right you're going to die in here [Music] my my you're a big one a nord i'd guess right so strong but you can't bend steel can you boy you can't do anything to get out of here and those big muscles they're going to waste away when the end comes you won't even have the strength to cry for your mother that's right you're going to die in here you hear me nord you're going to die in here [Music] oh aren't you a fair lass your skin is so pale so pure and your body is so strong let me guess a lord right i bet you think you're pretty tough huh i bet you can swing a sword and everything well it doesn't matter not in here it does no good to fight but don't worry the gods always treat the pretty ones nice right till the end oh that's right you're going to die in here nord [Music] by the nine divines you're an ugly one and female no less but then all orcs are ugly the most repulsive race in all of tamriel really at least you've got that brutish strength huh who needs pretty when you can just rip someone apart like some kind of monster oh but you must be the one orc weakling huh captured by imperials how pathetic you're going to die in here orc like an animal in a cage hey [Music] wake up red guard ah there you are how do you like your cell huh roomy enough for you i can't even imagine what it's like for you no more sunshine no more open seas a box and a dirty beam of light for the rest of your life bet you're glad it won't last long huh oh didn't you know no one ever leaves this prison alive you're going to die in here red god die hey you hear that [Music] hey wood elf you're a little far from the forest huh looks like your days of woodland frolicking have come to a tragic end to go from the gladed realm of valenwood to a rat infested hole like this how very sad those walls must feel like they're closing in on you pretty soon you'll go mad and the gods will cut your throat just to stop the ranting that's right you're going to die in here wood elf die [Music] hey lizard it must break your heart huh being so close to the water knowing you'll never get to swim again you know sometimes when they let us in the yard you can hear the sounds from the lake the boats the gulls so close no you'll never get to swim again argonian but don't worry you'll be dead soon enough that's right you're going to die in here pale skin snotty expression you're a breton the masters of magicka right hmm nothing but a bunch of stuck up snobs with cheap parlor tricks go ahead try your magicka in here let's see you make those bars disappear no what's the matter not so powerful now are you greten you're not leaving this prison till they throw your body in the lake oh that's right you're going to die in here breton you're going to die [Music] well well look at the high and mighty altmer where's your dignity now huh where's that famous high elf poise and bearing know my time's almost up pretty soon i'll be free and you'll still be stuck in this rattle waiting for your execution that's right i heard some of the guards talking you're going to die in here hi elf you hear me you're going to die in here [Music] well well look at the elegant altmer maiden where's your dignity now huh where's that famous high elf poise and bearing you know my time's almost up pretty soon i'll be free and you'll still be stuck in this rattle waiting for your execution that's right i heard some of the guards talking you're going to die in here hi elf you hear me you're going to die in here hey you hear that the gods are coming for you
Channel: Dark LORE Dash
Views: 26,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valen dreth, valen dreth insults, valen dreth dark brotherhood, valen dreth death, valen dreth skyrim, valen dreth oblivion, valen dreth voice actor, valen dreth quest, valen dreth lines, the elder scrolls, the elder scrolls online, the elder scrolls 6, the elder scrolls v skyrim, the elder scrolls full movie, the elder scrolls v skyrim special edition, the elder scrolls blades, oblivion valen dreth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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