EVERY PRO HERO EXPLAINED! (My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia All Heroes & Their Quirks)

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[Music] what is up everybody its Anna Mack here for anime uproar and welcome to another my hero academia video thank you so much for your support on our every quirk explained class 1a and on our every villain explained videos during the every villain video I asked which my hero academia video you want to see next and while I was hoping for something simple like Minoru Minetta explained so many of you wanted to see a video about all the pro heroes well you asked for it and so in this video we will talk about all the known pro heroes in my lyric edenia the strongest heroes the coolest heroes the top ranked heroes and of course midnight the 18-plus only hero she's in here too and while we know more about some of the heroes than we know about others I hope that having them all here in one place will be helpful to you and now if you are ready to go be sure to 100% Detroit smash that like button and if you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe for more my hero academia videos in the world of my hero academia professional heroes are people who use their unique abilities known as quirks to help other people and to preserve order the most successful and effective heroes get paid by the government to perform their heroic deeds and this is what makes them pros starting things off with the very first heroes that we see in action in episode 1 of the anime and chapter 1 of the manga we have calmly woods and mount lady Conway's real name is shin Jeannie Hsieh but we have no idea what he really looks like because we've never seen him outside of his wood inspired hero costume his quirk is referred to as lumber or the lumber quirk its type is emitter and it works a long range this work enables calmly to produce tree roots from his body and to use them as weapons against his opponent he can use his quirk to create a special attack known as a lacquer change prison which traps opponents inside a makeshift wooden cage it can be a very effective technique for heroes as it allows Conway to confine multiple opponents at once and he uses it on several members of the League of villains during the hideout raid arc in the manga due to the wood-based nature of his quirk his power is not effective against fire based quirks then we have mount lady her real name is Yu Takayama and we first meet her as she jumps in to take down a villain with a flying tick just as Conway is preparing to use Locker chains prison to stop him she is a young hero and she enjoys the spotlight not shying away from using her reputation as a hero to self sponsored product but she also demonstrates genuine bravery and selflessness in important moment her quirk is Giganta fication it's typist transformation and it works at close range mount lady's regular height is 162 centimeters or 5 feet 4 inches but her quirk allows her to suddenly grow to a height of 2,060 to centimeters or nearly sixty eight feet some may not realize that mountain lady cannot control how big she get she can either be at her normal height or at her max height but nothing in between because of this she is unable to make effective use of her quirk unless she is out in the open so cramped or confined spaces limit the effectiveness of her quirks next is recovery girl her real name is Chiyo choose Angie and believe it or not she is known as youthful heroine recovery girl she is a nurse at the UA and she uses her power to quickly heal the students whenever they get injured during training the name of her quirk is recovery its typist transformation and works at close range recovery girl is able to boost and speed up the natural healing process on individual by essentially kissing their booboo the quick recovery heals instantly or very quickly injuries that might otherwise take months to heal however the cleric does drain the energy and stamina of the person being healed so recovery girl cannot heal too many injuries too quickly or else the patient will be in danger of exhaustion a hero clearly better suited to play a supporting rather than defensive role she scores only a 1 out of 5 for both power and speed but her technique and intelligence stats are outstanding at 5 out of 5 according to the official my hero academia character book then we have gran torino a retired pro hero he is roughly in the same age bracket as recovery girl gran torino used to be all my soul room teacher at ua during his student days and all might has a great respect for and is actually very intimidated by his former teacher the name of his quirk is jet it's psifas mutant and it works at close range gran torino squirt enables him to jump around with incredible speed as a result of air propulsion boosters that are located on the soles of his feet the heights to which he can jump is limited because he can only propel himself using the air that he can reel in and his old age also limits the frequency and extent to which he can use his first gran torino sook work gives him immense speed and strength the momentum of his quick movements increased the power of his physical attack and he is shown to still be capable of taking out multiple villains on his own even at his age his speed stats are off the charts at 6 out of 5 and he also scores a 5 out of 5 for technique next is Nana Shimura a friend of Gran Torino and all my former mentor Nana Shimura was the seventh user of the transferable work known as one for all she was known for her commitment to justice and for always doing her best to help others with a smile on her face but sadly sometimes after transferring hurt work onto all might she was murdered by the mastermind behind the legal villain quirk one for all gave her superhuman strength speed agility and reflexes but I will talk more about why for all when we get to all might himself along with one for all nana Shimura is believed to have possessed a second quark but we do not know what type of quark it was then we have launched rush for Ranchi russia one of the unsung heroes of mine hero academia the cooking hero run to rush room or lunch rush is a pro hero and the official cook at UA he wears a hero costume that is clearly inspired by his status as a chef we can only assume that his quark is related to preparing delicious food quickly and efficiently for the students of UA up next is 13 the space hero 13 wears a hero costume that resembles a spacesuit and he was the one who created the training facility known as the unforeseen simulation joint where the students of UA can practice emergency rescue maneuvers he is committed to his duties as a pro hero and he has a firm belief that quirks should be used to help others the name of his quirk is black hole its type is emitter and it works at medium range his quirk enables thirteen to generate small black holes that can suck in and then disintegrate matter and light on an atomic level although his squirt can potentially become incredibly deadly if used against people thirteen uses it's primarily for removing hazardous debris during rescue missions he scores an impressive five out of five in cooperativeness then we have in Kenya the older brother of class 1a president Kenya ADA and the man Kenya always looks up to his real name is Penn sayyeda the name of his quirk is unknown but it is very similar to tenuous quirk called engine so we could assume that it might be called the same or perhaps his quirk is called turbo since Ingenium is also known as the turbo hero the quirks type is mutant and it works at close range in the same way that Tania has engines on his legs in Kenya has these types of engines on his elbows he uses the engines to move around at great speed and also to deliver powerful offensive attacks because he doesn't have brakes on his engines Ingenium has to be careful so as not to run into a wall or other hard objects while using his quirk next is a balmy known as the snake hero who a bunny has three different species of snake growing out of her hair she is a popular hero who is dedicated to her work and when normal and asuka come to her for their field training the three of them appear in a commercial together the name of her quirk is snake hair the type is mutant and it works a medium range you Obama can use the exceptional senses and natural instincts of the snake living in her hair to locate people including victims stranded after an incident or potential enemies she scores a 1 out of 5 in power and two out of five in speed but a stellar 5 out of 5 in technique Google ami shares the same name and appearance as a character in coca-cola Co she's earlier manga series Omega donkeys ooh next is a hero called power loader his real name is Segura miyajima he is au a teacher and he is known as the excavation hero power loader his hero costume consists of a steel helmet and a number of other metallic objects that cover his body he is in charge of creating the hero costumes at UA and he is able to maintain and upgrade existing costumes with great expertise what we know of his abilities is that he possesses metallic claws that he can use to dig on the ground and he is extremely powerful he scores an impressive 5 out of 5 in power next we have Eraserhead his real name is shota Aizawa and he is the strict but fair homeroom teacher for class 1a anyway the name of his quark is eraser its type is emitter and it works at long range it's quark gives Eraserhead the power to cancel out the quirks of others by looking at them now obviously this is an extremely useful ability to have in battle but its limitations are that it can only be used on one opponents at a time and the eraser head cannot blink while using it which results in his eyes becoming dry and worn out also because mutant type quirks are a permanent part of their users body the eraser quark does not work on them it only works on transformation and emitter type quark eraser head scores on off-the-charts 6 out of 5 and technique and he is also known for his intelligence and strong hand-to-hand combat skills up next we have Tiger Tiger is a member of the pussycat a pro hero team specializing in mountain rescue he is strict and tough that he believes that everyone including the young you a student must undergo rigorous training in order to become real heroes the name of his quark is Playa body or literally pliable body its typist transformation and it works at close range as a result of his quirk Tiger can stretch his body in impossible waves which allows him to get through extremely narrow and cramped spots and this comes in handy with the rescue missions that he is involved with his body might be pliable but this does not mean that he had solved Tiger actually scores a 5 out of 5 in power according to the character book and we Mandalay her real name is Shino Sasaki and she is another member of the cat themed hero team known as the pussycat the name of her quark is telepath it's type is emitter and it works at long range her quirk enables Mandalay to communicate with several people at one time through telepathy but since the other people she is communicating with are not telepath they are able to receive information from her but they cannot respond until the communication goes only one way she scores a 5 out of 5 and cooperativeness and this makes sense since her quirk is well suited for a team player after that we have pixie bomb she is the third member of the Pussycats and her real name is Rico - chika WA she is an energetic and attractive woman but due to the fact that she is 31 years old and still not married she is known to be actively looking for a male suitor and she is not above flirting with you a students like Deku and Todoroki the name of her quark is earth flow its type is emitter and it works at long range her quirk enables pixie Bob to control and reshape the earth around her and use it as both a tool and a weapon in combat the final member of the Pussycats is rag doll her real name is Tomoko Ishida toko and she is known for being extremely energetic and she was also once ranked as the number 32 pro hero the name of her quark is search its type is emitter and it is target based with the help of her quark ragdoll was able to conduct surveillance on up to 100 people at a time including their location and potential weaknesses however she became the first person that was shown to have her quark stolen from her by a villain and this left her quark with another known hero team in the series is water horse a husband-and-wife pro-hero team with water type quirks they were killed in action while trying to protect innocent civilians from a villain known as muscular although they lost their lives they managed to save the civilians by injuring muscular to the point that he was unable to continue his attack and of course if you want to learn more about muscular and the villains check out our every villain video link in the description next up is Crimson Riot Crimson riot is the pro hero that Kirishima from class 1a is directly inspired by and he pays tribute to his hero by choosing a similar hero name for himself and of course the names of canoe SEMA ultimately chooses is red riot crimson riot is known as a manly hero with a strong reputation as we see what midnight calls him that man among heroes crimson riot we don't know much about him other than the fact that he greatly inspired Kashima and this could lead us to speculate that perhaps his quirk was similar to Konishi Maz hardening quirk in some way but we cannot be sure then we have Buster hero we know very little about the buster hero other than the fact that he has a jetpack and that deck who knows about him and is a fan of his work we also know that may hot cement from class 1h was inspired by Buster hero when she created some of her gadgets but we don't know if the jetpack that he wears is somehow connected to his quirk as is the case with the propulsion boots used by Gran Torino or if he simply created a jetpack using modern technology next we have gang Orca real named kugel Sokka Mota his clerk makes him a cross between a man and an orca whale he is ranked as the number 10 pro hero the name of his clerk is killer whale it's type is mutant and it works at close range as a result of his work game Orca can use the powers of a killer whale even on shore he is large strong an excellent swimmer and he can produce a sound wave that paralyzes his opponents his weakness is that being part Marine Mammal makes him prone to dehydration when he is not in water so he always carries water with him in case he needs to pour it on himself to prevent dehydration just like Oh Bellamy he is based on a character called Sokka Mata from Kohei motorcoaches earlier manga series called Omega donkey zoo where zoo animals can take humanoid form after that we have gun head the battle hero gun head is a pro hero who specializes in armed combat who Erica chooses to join his agency and to train under him during the field training art its work is called Gatland its type is mutant and it works a medium range one head has guns protruding out of his arms and these guns are able to shoot sharp materials made out of the protein keratin his quirk is effective and close and medium range combat and he scores a 5 out of 5 in power and next up is midnight everyone's favorite dominatrix memory Kiama is better known by her alias the 18 plus only hero midnight she is a pro hero who works at the UA and we can only assume that she is very effective in disciplining the students since she is always carrying around a whip with her the name of her quirk is so novelist its type is emitter and it works at medium range the word so number list is actually the technical term for a sleepwalker and this makes sense because Midnight's quirk gives her the ability to project a scent from her body that puts her opponents to sleep unsurprisingly Midnight's charms are more effective on men than on women and she scores a 5 out of 5 in technique although what kind of technique we are talking about here is anyone's guess then we have hound dog real mam Rio in we the pro hero hound dog is the guidance counselor at UA his appearance resembled a dog and he has been known to growl like a dog when mad the name of his quirk is dog its type is most likely mutant and it works at close range we have no specific information about how this quirk actually works but we can assume that similar to to you ah so a sprog form pound dog is able to use the special abilities that dogs have such as speed agility and a strong sense of smell and hearing next is native a pro hero whose name and appearance is clearly inspired by Native American culture Native is shown to be brave selfless and willing to sacrifice himself to save you a student during a battle against hero killer stain unfortunately we have no information about a squirt or the specific extent of its power but we do know that on his own he was no match for hero killer stain next up is Despereaux a large man with a muscular build he is sometimes referred to as the punching hero the name of his quirk is unknown but we know it gives him superhuman strength and he scores a 5 out of 5 and or his weakness is that his quirk is completely based around physical power so with villains such as the sludge villain from the first episode of the anime and the first chapter of the manga death Goro is essentially powerless his name is a reference to a Japanese word that means fighting barehanded and after that we have cement O's real name can ishyama cement oasiz another teacher at UA like his name suggests his body appears to be made out of cement and cement is also the name of his quirk its type is emitter and it works on contact as a result of his quirk cement toast is able to control anything that is made out of cement in his immediate vicinity and this can be a powerful weapon in a city but his quirk would be useless to him in areas where there is no cement such as in a forest although his cement based quirk might make us think otherwise Cement oh scores only on three out of five in power but it scores an impressive 5 out of 5 in both intelligence and technique next up is backtrack backtrack is a firefighter and a pro hero who focuses on rescue operations he carries a water tank on his back and he can shoot water out of a cannon on his shoulder the name of his quirk is hydro Kinesis its type is emitter and it works at medium range his quirk enables backtrack to shoot out water and to manipulate it into different shapes which comes in handy in an emergency situation the name of his Clerk is likely a reference to telekinesis except instead of being able to bend spoons with his mind backdraft is able to control and manipulate water next we have sniped another you a teacher and pro hero knifes appearance and mannerisms resemble a cowboy he is an expert marksman and possesses exceptional aim the nameless quirk is homing and its type is emitter his quirk appears to enable snipe to actually control the direction of bullets even after he fires them and we can assume the quirk works for both short and long range as a result of his quirks life scores are off the charts 6 out of 5 in technique then we have present Mike real name he's Ashiya mada present mike is a you a english teacher and a pro hero he is loud and except Rick and he was the one who gave the Eraserhead his hero name back when they attended school together the name of his quirk his voice excited a matter and it works at long range befitting of his loud personality present Mike's work enables him to create incredibly loud and high-pitched sound with his voice this square can be very effective offensively because it can literally make an opponent's ears bleed but the quirk is less effective in places where sound doesn't travel well such as in sealed off areas present Mike wears a special speaker system around his neck which lessen direct this work whichever way he wants it to go he has impressive stats overall and he scores a 5 out of 5 in both intelligence and cooperativeness then we have NASA a pro hero and the you a principal animals developing quirks is said to be incredibly rare in the world of my hero academia but Nezha appears to be an animal who became intelligent as a result of his quirk and now lives alongside humans as unequal the name of his quirk is high spec and its type is mutant as a result of its quirk mezu an animal developed intelligence that is even greater than the intelligence of humans he is capable of speaking and thinking critically and strategically without a problem and he scores a 5 out of 5 and technique and an off-the-charts 6 out of 5 in intelligence next is ectoplasm a dedicated you a teacher and pro hero he is well respected by his peers and the general public the name of his quirk is clone it's type is emitter and it works at long range this quirk enables him to eject an ectoplasmic material out of his mouth that can turn into multiple clones of himself he is able to create up to 30 or more clones at a time and he can also create one huge clone that can trap an opponent inside his body by devouring them with a giant mouth because of the many strategic possibilities that his quirk provides EXO plasm scores of 5 out of 5 in technique then we have manual real name Misaki mizushima manual is also known by the amazingly ordinary name the normal hero as that name suggests he has an ordinary person and appears to be a kind person overall during the field training our Tanya EDA chooses to work at Manuel's office Manuel has a water-based quirk that allows him to collect water around his hand and he is so normal or average that he scores a three out of five in literally all categories and next up is blood king real name Steketee Luke on blood King is the homeroom teacher for class one B at UA he is known for encouraging his students to do their best and to not get out shined by class 1a but he never takes us beyond the realm of friendly rivalry the name of it's quirk is a blood manipulation it's type is emitter and it works at close range as a result of his quirk blood King is able to manipulate his own blood and use it in battle he can shoot his own blood out of his glove and harden it in order to restrain opponents and he can then bring the blood back into his body once he no longer needs to use it he also possesses exceptional physical strength and speed and now for the top ranked hero the number 5 pro hero Shinya Cammy Harris or ed shot has the appearance of a ninja the name of his quirk is foldable its typist transformation and it works at close range his quirk enables ed Shaw to fold and stretch his body which give him great stealth and agility this quirk is similar to Tigers Playa body quirk in nature except ed shot is able to transform his body faster than the speed of sound which makes it much faster than Tiger head shot is even able to twist and turn his own elastic body into a sharp weapon the number four ranked pro heroes real name is tuna hoo-hah kimoto but he is better known by the alias best genus he was the winner of the best genus award for eight years in a row which is where he got his hero name believe it or not the best genus award is 100% real and it is given to celebrities who look the best in gene it is actually one of the most prestigious fashion Awards in Japan it is important to mention that on top of being a fashion icon he is also very strong and brave Pro hero the name of his quirk is fiber Master it's type is emitter and it works at medium this quirk enables best genus to manipulate textile materials he can use strings of fabric from clothing as weapons both offensive and defensive and he can also use fabric to restrain an immobilize opponent he scores a 5 out of 5 in technique and is known as a fiercely top fighter the father of shuttle Todoroki from class 1-a ng Todoroki or the flame hero endeavour is the number two ranked pro hero even though he is an extremely successful hero and has a higher rate of resolve cases that any other hero he is also vain and jealous of all Mike for ranking higher than him endeavour is notorious for mistreating his wife and children all in the pursuit of somehow surpassing all might the name of his quirk is hell flame its type is emitter and it works at medium range as a result of his work and ever is able to generate and manipulate flame which makes for a powerful weapon against all potential opponents the quirk can be deactivated it endeavor wishes it to be but he is almost always seen with flames around his body which speaks to his vanity and the desire to stand out at all times he is a stacked hero overall and he scores a 5 out of 5 in power speed and technique with a 4 out of 5 and intelligence but only have 2 out of 5 in cooperativeness and finally we come to the number one ranked hero at least at the beginning of the series all my almost real name is potion or yogi and along with being the number one ranked pro hero he is also a teacher at UA he is also known as the symbol of peace and also want to destroy the current society such as members of the League of villains are especially interested in killing almighty because they believe that the current society and its values would die along with him he actually has to form his hero form is extremely muscular and reminiscent of western super heroes like Superman on the other hand in his actual form he is an extremely skinny and frail looking individual the name of his quirk is one for all its type is emitter and it works at close range one for all is a very interesting quirk because it combines two separate works I worked at stockpiles power and a quirk that allows quirks to be transferred from one person to another all might has superhuman strength reflexes stamina agility and speed once the quirk is transferred from one person to another the one who transfers that can still make use of some leftover embers of the quark which is why all mine is still able to use this power even after transferring one for all onto deku however these embers will eventually run out all my twas the eighth user of the one for all quark and Deku is the ninth and current user the true workings of one for all are still a mystery such as in the situation where Deku was able to break through the control of heat-efficient sauce quark during the tournament arc it appears that the previous users of one-for-all were somehow able to awaken inside Deku and bring him back to its senses all might has multiple attack techniques which are named after states and cities in the US like Detroit smash Texas mash and Missouri smash according to almighty to activate one for all the user must clench their buttocks and scream smash with in their hearts all my scores are unbelievable six out of five in all categories including power speed technique intelligence and cooperativeness and that is it guys all the pro heroes in my hero academia explained I really hope that you enjoyed this video and that having all these heroes in one place will be useful to you if you did enjoy it be sure to 100% Detroit smash that like button and if you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell because there are more my hero academia videos on the way I want to give a quick thank you to soul maka for helping me out as well as my brother goes on the other half of this channel of course and Wow after working so long in this video I feel like I've been at it all night so if you made it this far do me a favor and comment down below all might all night as always thank you so much for watching and until next time the space cowboys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,175,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: every, pro, hero, explained, boku, no, academia, my, every pro hero, every hero, every quirk, every quirk explained, quirks explained, every hero explained, heroes explained, my hero academia, boku no hero academia, all heroes, all heroes explained, my hero academia heroes, mha, mha heroes, boku no hero academia heroes, all might quirk explained, one for all explained, eraserhead quirk explained, midnight quirk explained, gran torino quirk explained, endeavor quirk explained
Id: HTCqT1QdZbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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