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welcome to ot7 the greatest seven on seven tournament ever hosted in the history of football we got teams stacked with five-star Talent we got a star-studded legendary coaching staff [Music] and if that wasn't enough it's full day straight of head tops one-handed snacks broken ankles and lots of actions this stage is set in Las Vegas and we got an insane championship game at the end to make sure crabby popcorn get comfortable seven let's get it hey man we have ot7 right now boys at sfe a bunch of five stars on the team like the most five stars you've ever seen but yesterday they lost a couple games today they were deeming themselves day two of o27 I gotta broadcast a couple games but first two games I'm off so you already know 707 style wait first game up sfe versus Fast Houston my boys my dogs I'm rocking with sfe it's a Malachi I ain't gonna say none but foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Malachi's aren't been warned that he threw deep but they don't get his confidence up and we'll see what they do we're gonna go that boy almost got exposed oh yeah them boys crashing down oh yeah and this is only three Downs turnover on Downs means you get two points man that was quick turnover down some boys got two points right now so eight to zero past Houston looking salute [Music] oh my God that's the number one receiver in the nation Brandon McGinnis [Music] so easy hey I ain't gonna let them boys yeah here we go now what was that as a DB what what did all that look like it looked like Greg technique great fundamental and I'm gonna be honest SFP out here strapping these boys [Music] they like the blitz they get one Blitz per game and they brought that Preston and they brought the back up to three now it's over Malachi is checking out the game if Dub's not even halfway into the game yet it's 20 minutes running clock it's 11 30 left 17-0 [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign got a lot of real estate to make something happen and he got the first down this is the first time I've seen these boys move downfield it ain't been out today [Music] we're down money down don't convert here to give sfe2 [Music] two more points 25. she's not even trying no more bro it seems like sfe is just having fun and fast has given up what can you do when there's five minutes left for you down 25-0 it ain't no come back I was about to say everybody else froze it was oh we're just gonna give them a play we'll let him try to head tot some real quick he turned his head at the perfect moment because he was looking inside [Music] [Music] sfe is getting disrespectful bro that one for two they sell everybody else just let him run his route Hey look [Music] sit there [Music] another turnover 33. Malachi come in to get the last drive this little quick Prime a minute 30 left and still zero points for passes six seconds left it's dead he's not getting celebration it's over that small game sfe 33 fast Houston [Music] hey now we got them boom boys you know boom certified again they're the youngest team in the whole tournament she got miked up in a little bit I'm gonna be up there doing my thing boom [Music] boom Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my God [Music] oh my God oh my gosh [Music] y'all boys child abuse bro it's gonna be loud [Music] are they short they're short I ain't gonna lie don't sleep on Low Pro them boys is moving the Rock right now it's 8-0 but the boy's knocking on the dope [Music] [Music] right here foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] turn over on down so now Low Pro got 10. boom got eight [Music] [Music] destroy a lot of kids [Music] you should have had that back in blood man oh you need that thank you [Music] yeah so I lied to the refs gave it to him it was short in my opinion when the ref's opinion it was a touchdown so they gave it to him 1710 right now [Music] pretty freaking darn good it's too big for him but I like it [Music] real quick moment of silence that Little Gym who just caught the ball man he reminds me a lot of Lamar Patterson R.I.P my dog certified but yes sir I'm just moving around [Music] I lied they're going for one they want to tie the game they don't want to go up [Music] right there [Music] that gritty he did not do but he did before the degree [Music] y'all still in the game bro [Music] hey throw that throw that child abuse you know that like we don't Hank up his ass [Music] you gotta go for two you got two [Music] legit [Music] they gotta move quick man the clock is running [Music] let's play the game let's play the game [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so right now we got Jaden rashada just playing this safe thinking and dunking and moving the ball though that's the name of the game move the ball [Music] quarterbacks in the nation right now that's the handtime right now my man number four [Applause] that's a bad read we got Immortals up 6-0 see what Malachi Nelson and them boys [Music] but we got a crazy Twist of events right now they didn't start Malachi Nelson I don't know who the backup is but uh he just came in through a dock or Dart or whatever you want to call it yeah come back hey nice throw nice catch I don't know exactly who this number nine kid is but you know he ain't dropping off too bad for Malachi quick takedown check down underneath right here touchdown three plays man might have a little battle here SFP and immortal like I said they didn't start malachite [Music] that's a great ball man to receive we got to make that play Jaden shot a man good arms good accuracy good out route see we got to make that catch man [Music] I see right now the Immortals game plan is just to play his face a lot of dinking and dunking thinking what they give them right now and I'm not mad at them but they're probably going to set them up for something over the top IA that's a great look that's a great shot yeah good boy I just called it I said he wanted to take care he wasn't ready easy easy right there scene running down wheel route he let him too far outside turn over on them sfe with the ball that's a great ball that's a great read he just got to keep him in All right so nephew's back in the game I don't know what that's about I don't know if he was late to practice against the board and then whatever they just won the Benjamin series but we got nephew Malachi Nelson back in the game number one receiver in the nation as well ready [Music] he got it you got it over top oh no oh man hey great catch there's a guy called Tom though man four three five hey man I ran them four three five what's the top you know point in time in life thank you bro got out the blitz that's the catch oh cheetah that's the catch told drag swag on the sideline ain't giving to him man we was watching the dbj and Hardy in the slot but Malachi just did some great stuff to roll out and get out of there wait oh wait right off the back you know I like that dog attitude of mentality there's a whole lot of that going on right now thank you [Music] underneath they just playing it safe right now good dump off good check down you see they put Malachi back out so I don't know if they go in every series right now we'll keep an eye on that that might be a dangerous thing especially in Savage you need opportunity to get warm so we'll see how that goes [Applause] I don't know about that that's right there it's like the honesty game I don't know did he touch them I don't know hey questionable When anybody got away one right there underneath about the slot underneath I dropped the money man two words because I know if my brother my son was here you'd be screaming two words right now y'all say it in the comments [Music] underneath the catboy series man now number one in the nation for no reason man I was a grown man underneath 11 dragging across underneath quick little check down dumb down probably have some good money right there technically you talk never to throw across your body like that he rolled out to the left threw across his body to the right what do they call it right there first down I don't know but it's a great catch great pass roll out roll out dump out of bounds but hey he definitely had topped that boy he's saved by the sideline [Music] good route good ball this boy spin on the ball is crazy ridiculous man Jaden Rashad out here he really like that talk to him man they down by one point one minute to go he dropped the church's Money In The End Zone one minute left one minute left hey that's a great ball man this kid is the truth drop the church's money and end zone one minute left 11 to 10 they're down one point Let It Go come back get there oh debate right now that they use that blitz so we're gonna see the seats I have two one time Sean talked me into doing that going into the pit for the winners man it's a great game man we got Tucson Turf up next shout out Malachi Nelson Tucson Turf right now we got Nico up and they're playing against Tucson Turf I'm gonna be honest gonna be a little bit of bias because it's an Arizona team but Nico been a stud since the kid real quick pop this the man right here he usually beat people up for running behind the sun with the camera but big homie love me a little bit more than that so what we expecting to see right now Og man we're gonna try and put on the shelf for the cameras though get it right man now and on both of these are your boys all right you got this big older son youngest son both out here legit quarterbacks ain't no gimme look at the young boy with the arm man what your son got going that's special on his own right man congrats to you that's all appreciate it if I was get active with your son this man been active day one I'm speaking from a person that's being active it's what it looked like when you got fathers in your lives man we're gonna keep you we're gonna follow them all day [Music] underneath [Music] [Applause] three and out right off the back [Music] oh I was real real physical in the push now let me fill you guys up Devon down here take a trip to NAU earlier today he didn't make it back down so he'll be here tomorrow morning they got the youngster Sam filling in Sam hasn't missed the beat all day Tucson Turf out of Arizona I'm a little bit Arizona buyers but we got a history between OTB and Tucson nephew right here Jacoby shout out Jacoby [Music] another check down so what you're gonna get with them there's a lot of check down a lot of man beater type routes and smart routes but hey I'm looking for Trace five you over top over the top [Music] Trace Bobby wouldn't catch [Music] smart on the quarterback's part the tucked out away though you have no options on that everything was strapped all across the board [Music] [Music] and I was a bad bad real low way to capitalize when I have two points or three points for total with the check down [Music] that's a dangerous path [Music] op I like your touchdown he just asked me they weren't looking right on that one yeah I don't know that you might want to come up a little bit more often yeah yeah [Music] like I said I'm a little bit biased because of the Arizona but I'm always pulling for nephew Nico in them [Music] [Music] that's how you come out of your break DB that look like something hey coach who's your DB coach over there because I look like shots foreign [Music] [Music] oh pick six Tucson oh my God oh you can't do that he knew he had to do that though because he's gonna get killed on the Deep slam across the field by Jacoby [Music] play good and I don't think he got tough down there they ran to the play I don't think he got touched they need to feed that monster right there that's Jacoby the hometown kid assistant baby touchdown Tucson Turf ain't starting to fight back right now let's go hometown [Applause] [Music] hey that's the catch we're seeing some spectacular plays tonight that's a great pass hold on hold on we're going in the pit are we going to the pit no we're not going in the pit not yet they almost have to go on the pill again [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ER trillion Boys versus sfe my boy Malachi versus AJ is a wheelie Squad single elimination you lose bye bye Beat the Traffic hit the buses your ass going home look who in the cut two coaches Mario yeah it's gonna be a good one it's gonna be a good one we're gonna see if sfe I ain't gonna lie they kind of been selling a little bit so far but we're gonna see if them boys bounce back when it really matters let's get that boy Malika he's trying to do his thing man brother how you feeling yeah a little Prada says huh yeah you know the deal man [Music] easy bread no no I ain't gonna lie here in this right though yeah Brandon Ennis coming across the middle open and that replay on the big screen we got jumbotrons all around we got replays it looked like a piano to me but we ain't gonna talk about it almost back your boys brought the blitz SFP on the board first Mario said he called that place coach Mario trilly boys throwing dots right now too man let's see what them boys foreign don't change nothing young man don't hey great defense strap put him to the ground tell a little homie weight room that's the number one DB in the class of 2023 okay these DBS over here straps they both wear number nine too oh [Music] let us know in the comments what them two words is [Music] jump back home play quarterback we're just locked in over there waiting for him to break then throws above boy You Gotta Throw Them Boys off look around look them all check your Reeds over here turn over on Downs in this league you get a turnover you get two points so it's nine to zip right now and it's only three Downs by the way with Malachi's back up and see what you do he gonna clear it out he just cleared it out thank you [Music] it's just a little quick quick little check down for Jack Latrell on the tagar all right [Music] [Applause] what are y'all it's even worse when they tell you what's going there oh yeah got him all right back boys answer back [Music] [Music] I don't know what that was but it was something [Music] games again today I mean this year I'm tripping it's hot right now it's like 100 degrees out here in Vegas [Music] looking so trilly [Music] foreign [Music] boys come back I don't think so but let's see [Music] minute 30 left they're just doing this to not go outside at this point just not to give up [Applause] trillion boys [Music] foreign at this point just throw it straight to the end zone put some more points on the board show them boys chilling I ain't gonna say that back to the game [Music] let legit get a play loser goes home winners move on let's see who wins great [Music] he's throwing dots on that side of the field [Music] disgusting [Music] that boy comethazine with the extra point seven zero now we got sap on offense with Coach Mario coach 24K all hats to the ball nice little dump off right up top easy yeah first down move the chains move the sticks that one [Music] they wasted it down with that little I don't even know what it was but the boy's creeping towards the end zone man [Music] I ain't got about 11 over here with streaking up the seam wide open if you would have ran the corner it would have been six but you know I ain't coaching them [Music] I don't know oh my goodness [Music] dancing on his ankles what um I know you're young you've got to understand esteem that boy they brought the blitz they brought the house turn over on down Malachi in the game first completion let's see what Mario coach is that's funny to me bro he's coaching up it's soon to be teammate at USC yeah that's a bad call he just got it so hoodie on now so it might just be blocking his vehicle he got one on his jersey one in the nation right there sit down that boy's smiling got it [Music] that's disrespectful we said that's a dot just can't do that Malachi you absolutely can't do it gotta understand the situation I seen what you've seen but just throw that down don't throw that up foreign all right my thing is why they go for two it's 11 to 12 right now if you would have went for three you'd attack the game and now 24K [Applause] just told him he needed to do that boys is out now 14-12 we're begging they're trying to say they didn't have a helmet on second down so basically what happened is the coach knew that the player have a mouthpiece or a helmet on and he was like this is a free play just throw it deep to the quarterback he told the ref as well before the play he caught a pick but he didn't have his on so it don't count as a pickup I don't know man I'm talking I told you you said it right there I told the rep hey he's illegal this is gonna be a new place so he said okay he told us he said go ahead he said run the place so it's a ref penalty and we and we get punished so they called it a pit sfvs on o and they're out 14-12. man things is getting chips first down in his hands boy what never mind the clock stopped the clock stopped 10 seconds now it's game 24K beat the traffic moves on all right y'all next one we got all right y'all next one all right y'all next one we got a real good we got team toe oh Nico I am maladia Tennessee commit or c1n coach like Kim knowing himself [Music] unlike him to throw a ball behind the receiver that boy a five-star going to Tennessee [Music] job hey that boy got on the destroying camera grip boost gloves as well certified cash certified snack certified hands [Music] I can't even say you need grip boots [Music] honeycomb is a dangerous man Hayden Lee disgusting [Music] he's 15. yeah I know he's 15. cam corrected me on that ah I don't know who y'all let me know who y'all gonna come and see when they enter team told [Music] him that boy is serious I've been advocating for him number 10 15 years old once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] definitely [Music] that was an excellent ball he's supposed to have it [Music] great place by himself open he could have walked on his handsome like yeah and the grip moves gloves I ain't saying that's why he got open but [Music] what's up that's not a real life Pete July he might see me he's gonna swing him I got boys the game's getting interested in eight up right now [Music] that comeback is available every single time over there honeycomb run that so beautiful [Music] [Music] all day what are you doing Kim is so passionate yeah [Music] look at his hands look at his hands [Music] did you see that oh my God rose on his knees that boy touched the grass 14a right now team toe is down C1 then it's up eight minutes left hey my son you heard what he said oh God damn that hurts left 26. I know one time for the ones I gotta let the world know he's a Freshman 15 year old freshman going crazy out here probably got like 88 catch [Music] honeycomb and athleticism to jump the fence right now [Music] I'm going on record right now hey apparently that Sammy Watkins cousin going crazy 15 years old Fresh Gold [Music] young boy [Music] him he is him [Music] [Music] let's see what team tour does it's 25-8 right now three minutes left it's not looking too good [Music] he threw that bit to his brother he had to escape the blitz bit Nico the little Nico [Music] you try to look for the back shoulder but I don't think it was on the same page [Music] hey I ain't gonna lie he missed a wide open ass player over here all right guys [Music] a minute left 25-16 there still might be a shot picking the score them boys is up I took me out knives the one minute warning I gotta get back to the broadcast Booth I got the next game so I'm gonna get coach the handle the career with it hey yeah it's real easy man just watch that guy [Music] if you want to come back out route a corner route it's almost guaranteed every time with that guy over there man we built Brandy early fight for your athlete I love that his name is Honeycomb that's his government what's the young boy named me again for two years that's when we got two more years he's 15 years old yeah we got two more years he's serious though [Music] you better not I've been praising that boy all day long you can't do that to yourself [Music] [Applause] my young boy was trying to be flashy two hands man two hands that have been a beautiful thing [Music] they got eight seconds [Music] three seconds that's a smart play he threw a quick pass out of bounds three seconds off the clock [Music] is 10 classic 1225 Academy wide receiver he's a freshman ain't nobody out here holding but coach OTV I guess not even you hey what did you guys serve two more games we got your broadcasting man I got to be up here working I gotta do my thing I got a real job now so I'm gonna have OTV down there with y'all make sure leave coach some love in the comments man let me know how we're doing one two three championship game four days of long long games best athletes Across the Nation comes down to this SFP first Cam Newton c1n it should be a dog fight right here man [Music] stop it [Music] out the gate heads up Cam Newton ain't playing no games honeycomb light skin whatever you want to call them touchdown Straight Like That love that Young kids but you see that everybody hey this is what type of time we on right now [Music] [Music] we got the stars in this game and they showing out right off the back number one receiver Brandon [Music] that's scary man you got a game definitely got a game out here first down here we've seen that play I don't know how many times this weekend but it works every time touchdown [Music] interception underneath oh come on come on I'm about to go crazy I might have would have ran to jump in the phone on that for him they still got to play man but y'all seen the catch y'all seen athleticism that much let it develop first down with the hole go [Music] oh somebody gonna leave like right there [Music] hey make sure you get all the way over there Malachi woke up it's a game 14-12 you got SFP up you see one end down hey going in bar right now Malachi turns around to a whole different person he's locked in I'm seeing championship holding holding down [Music] so I seen it before he even caught it holding down the middle you can't bear her play with your feet use the technique use the fundamentals don't do that called in second down [Music] just gotta get off the press That's great defense them boys didn't get a release so can't get a release time [Music] foreign flag sideline interference let's see what they got going hey but he went short okay that's on you what you're doing with that I don't know it was after yeah okay what I call this this I've unsports like on the sideline as I'm marking my spot I ran into a play on the sideline so unfortunately like going 15 yards from the 2014 10 yards here we go give it to them they got it they not winning the game [Music] he's a freshman man 15 years old man it ain't too common you put a receiver with his statue on the outside that's how good that young man is man holidays [Music] we got ourselves a ball game in the championship round SFP took Malachi out again I mean he's been throwing an awesome all weekend but far as the temperature as far as gauge in the game I don't think it's smart to keep rotating your quarterback every series especially in the championship game yeah foreign [Music] right in the middle of the field [Music] all right Corner out touchdown sfe out here they're not playing no game so disrespectful no catch it's 20 to 18. sfe is up one minute warning Cam Newton gets a chance to fight back they've been fighting back all day they know how to close games I gotta Focus I'm thinking tricks right all right [Music] no catching gotta finish your breakfast young boy gotta finish your breakfast [Music] [Music] number seven he didn't tackle him might have been a bit obsessive they sent the blitz he threw it up Hail Mary sfe turnover on down [Music] oh my God no no no no no no you thought it was all right [Music] they did get the penalty for tackling the quarterback crazy change of events cam optitude declined the penalty it was 33 seconds left in the game they're just going to call it championship sfps [Music] I said I'm going to jump in with the winner I got a turnover what you doing in there where's Colin that yes sir [Music] came out with a dub first ever ot7 Championship it was legendary make sure to like subscribe turn on the post motive about that until next time tell the people who you are and what class you are hey man listen first of all I don't like him being this close to me you make me feel a certain type of way man I got to do my weight up what's the name of what class so it's Underwood class 225 I'm 14 years old high school shout out to Detroit Michigan he's a freshman he's a dog for real man hey y'all just knocked on the boom right now man Hey listen man there's some good games out here some good kids out here so who are you so much Morgan Detroit Michigan West Bloomfield High School Michigan commit 2023 best receiver in the country we all underrate me but I ain't tripping it is what it is I just showed y'all what I do we're here for the exposure man go follow these guys man hey my Instagram m-a-j-i-20s I assuming get mine in 19 Bryce dot underscore underscore
Channel: Deestroying
Views: 3,240,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: db wr 1 on 1, deestroying, football, nfl, wide receiver, best catches, best football catches, destroying, 1 on 1, exposed, highschool football, 7 on 7, one handed catch, nfl highlights, odell beckham, football highlights, highlight tape, deestroying highlights, donald de la haye highlights, friday night lights, donald de la haye, kicker, football vines, football TIK TOKS, trash talker, superbowl, tour, d1 athlete, faze, faze dee, overtime, OT7, cam newton, 5 star recruit, 5 star
Id: 9NLh03sBLr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 19sec (3439 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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