Every Hashira's Death in Demon Slayer Explained!

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what is up everybody it's animak here for anime uproar and in this video i will be breaking down the death of every single hashira in the demon slayer series this includes tragic deaths in battle like what happened to our boy rengoku but because the demon slayer manga gives us a glimpse into the distant future i will also cover those hashira who just died of old age or met their end in some other non-combat fashion this means that if you are anime only you still have time to turn away but if you choose to continue this video will contain demon player manga spoilers so proceed with caution you have been warned and of course if you like our demon slayer content and you want to see more in the future just leave a quick like and comment it only takes a second but it helps a lot and if you want a totally free way to support the channel in a very meaningful way just click that subscribe button on youtube that makes all the difference okay first up let's talk about the hashida who died during the mugen train arc and whose death was already covered in the anime and the mugen train movie after tanjiro and inosuke managed to defeat animu upper moon 3 akasa makes his appearance and he tries to kill tanjiro since tanjiro is already injured at this point the flame hashira kyojuro rengoku steps up to protect him from akaza akaza is immediately impressed with rangoku's swordsmanship skills and he invites rengoku to become a demon like him now of course rengaku would never even consider that as an option this man has dedicated his entire life to fighting demons and he would rather die than become one of them for his part akaza can't understand why anyone would want to remain a weak human who is doomed to lead a short life instead of becoming an overpowered demon who can live forever rengoku responds that death is the very thing that makes human life so precious and beautiful in rengoku's own words growing old and dying is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life it's precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility akaza still doesn't get it and he thinks that it would be a shame for a talented warrior like rengoku to die so soon but rengoku doesn't think that death is a bad thing death is only natural for human beings and so whenever death may come it is not to be feared that is because death is a perfectly natural part of life at this point tanjiro attempts to help rangoku in the fight against akazab but rengoku tells tanjiro to stay back if his wounds reopen now he will probably die so he has to sit this one out after a brutal and epic struggle akaza manages to deal a fatal blow to rengoku by sticking his entire arm through rengoku's stomach akaza then tries to convince rangoku one more time to become a demon i mean after all if he doesn't become a demon now he will definitely die from this wound and yet instead of entertaining akasa's proposal rengoku decides to keep fighting against akaza despite that severe injury that is tearing through him in fact rengoku actually uses his own wound to his advantage the sun is about to rise and rengoku's plan is to keep akaza right where he is by keeping his arm trapped inside his own stomach then once the sun rises and makes contact with akaza the demon will burn up and die rengaku's wound will definitely kill him but he intends to take akaza down with him now up to this point akaza was just impressed and intrigued by rengoku but now akasa begins to actually fear for his own life he tries his best to break free from rengaku's grip but the hashira refuses to budge akaza becomes desperate and he cuts his own arms off in order to escape from rengoku's grip as rengoku drops down to his knees akaza runs away into the forest before the rising sun can catch up to him a heartbroken tanjiro throws his sword at the fleeing akaza and screams at him to stop running away like a coward tanjiro says that rengoku is braver and more honorable than akaza will ever be because he fought to save the lives of others until the very end and he didn't just run away like a dishonorable coward tanjiro proclaims that rengoku won this fight because even though akasa is alive and rangoku is dying akasa is running away while rengoku stood his ground and fought with honor until the very end and i have to say that tanjiro is 100 right akaza is an upper demon moon and so he is objectively stronger than rengoku but even though rengoku was fatally injured he nearly killed akaza by forcing him to face the sunlight and in the end akaza had to turn his back and run away from his opponent in terms of this battle in particular akaza lost and rengoku won as he is dying rengoku does not show fear or sadness he stays true to his convictions until the very end and he even takes the time to tell tangero to visit the rangaku family home so he can learn more about the hinokami kagura he also asks tanjiro to tell his younger brother to follow his own path and to tell his father to take care of himself so even as he is dying rengoku is thinking about helping tanjiro and he's thinking about his father and his brother and yeah this is the same father who mistreated him and discouraged him for practically his entire life that is just the type of person that rengoku is he is always doing his best to help others and he doesn't hold any sort of grudge against anyone including his father rengoku was a true hero a true chad and a true bro and even though we lost him way way too soon his death was so powerful honorable and meaningful next up we have the equally noble and tragic death of the insect hashira shinobu kocho shinobu's death happens inside the infinity castle as she confronts upper moon to doma in chapter 141 we get a flashback to the death of shinobu's older sister kanai as she is dying kanae tells shinobu to leave the demon's air core so she can live out a normal and happy life and actually get to grow old but shinobu refuses to quit and she vows to avenge her sister by killing the very demon who killed her that demon is none other than upper moon 2 doma who managed to fatally injure kanye before running away due to the fact that the sun was about to come out so in that sense the fight between doma and kanai was similar to the fight between akaza and rengoku in the present shinobu walks in on dolma devouring a bunch of different women in his day job dolma is the founder of a cult called eternal paradise and he uses the cult to attract followers that he later devours dolma has the warped belief that because everyone fears death they can just live forever through him after he devours them and because his victims are no longer afraid of anything or suffering in any way after he eats them doma believes that he actually saved them this is truly one of the most warped and sadistic philosophies that i have ever come across and dolma is definitely one of the most devious and evil villains in the history of anime and manga now shinobu knows that this is the demon who killed her sister based on the description of him that kane gave her before passing away for his part doma recalls his battle with kanae after seeing shinobu's haori coat he remembers that kanai was kind and cute and he regrets that he couldn't finish devouring her because the sun came up and he had to flee damn bro read the room anyway an infuriated chinobu then lunges at dolma and pierces his face with her sword and so the epic battle to avenge kanai begins initially doma believes that shinobu is just too weak to pose a threat to him because she's physically incapable of severing his head since a demon can't be killed by just jabbing and stabbing them shinobu's efforts will prove to be useless in the end because doma will just keep regenerating but shinobu has one important ace up her sleeve she has laced her sword with potent wisteria poison which is used to immobilize and defeat demons however despite stabbing doma multiple times using the poison laced weapon the demon seems relatively unharmed his power as the second strongest demon moon allows him to rapidly develop a resistance to a wide variety of poisonous concoctions so this means that doma has many natural advantages over shinobu including raw physical strength the ability to regenerate increased poison resistance and so on but for her part shinobu possesses amazing speed and this speed allows her to get around doma's defenses and land hit after hit on him and yet even though she is able to hurt doma with her attacks shinobu just doesn't seem capable of causing enough damage to actually defeat him she is simply too short and physically weak to lop off the head of an upper demon moon and unless she can find a way to do that it's game over ultimately dolma manages to seriously injure shinobu to the point that she can barely breathe she's lost a lot of blood one of her lungs is punctured and it looks like her attempt to avenge her sister will end in failure but then in that very moment shinobu sees a vision of her sister kanai despite the fact that kanai had previously told her sister to just quit being a demon slayer and live a normal life this time kanai tells shinobu to stand up she tells her that now that she's already here and now that she's decided to defeat this demon then she must defeat him shinobu forces herself to stand up despite having multiple serious injuries and she attacks dolma using that incredible speed she is so fast that even an overpowered upper demon moon like doma cannot anticipate her next move she goes in down low and manages to pierce doma right through the neck with her poison laced sword even though she isn't strong enough to decapitate doma with a single thrust shinobu hopes that poisoning him in such a vital spot will be enough to kill him as all of this is happening shinobu thinks back to the time when tanjiro asked her whether she was angry back then tanjiro could tell that something was off about her otherwise calm demeanor he could tell that she was hiding a lot of anger inside of her she now admits that yes she's always been angry her parents were killed her older sister was killed and all of her apprentices except for kanawha were also killed by demons and by the way i know this might be confusing because their names are so similar but remember that chinobo's older sister is kanae with an e at the end and her apprentice is kanao with an o at the end the demons killed so many innocent people they destroyed so many families and this is why shinobu has been absolutely furious for a very long time unfortunately for shinobu doma still appears to be unaffected by her poison poison just doesn't seem to work on him and it's as if all of her incredible efforts have been in vain and being the absolute psycho that he is doma grabs shinobu as if he's hugging her as tears flow down his face he tells shinobu how admirable it is that she keeps fighting so bravely despite the fact that she doesn't stand a chance she is so weak and yet she's trying so hard and doma thinks that this is absolutely adorable doma says that because shinobu's determination has impressed him so much he now considers her worthy of being eaten by him so that the two of them can be together forever when doma asks shinobu if she has any last words like the true badass that she is shinobu just tells him to go to hell wow what an evil monster doma is and what an absolute chad last shinobu has proven herself to be then as a helpless kanao watches in shock and despair doma begins absorbing shinabu into his own demon body kano tries to attack doma and save shinobu using the fourth form of flower breathing but doma is too fast he smiles and begins to gloat about how fine feasts seem to be coming to him one after the other a furious kano calls out doma for what he is right to his face he is a blatant sociopath who is completely incapable of feeling normal human emotions he pretends to show emotions because he has learned over time what the socially appropriate response seems to be in any given situation but deep inside he actually feels nothing he is nothing but an empty shell that is why in the end kanai had actually felt sorry for him before she died doma isn't too happy about what kanawha said and so the two of them engage in fierce combat despite doing a commendable job in the fight and despite having incredible speed and special eye powers kanao simply cannot defeat a demon of doma's caliber just as doma manages to take her sword and just as it looks like it's finally game over for kano our boy inosuke shows up and joins the fight against doma a brief but epic battle ensues between kanaweninosuke on the one side and doma on the other a battle during which we learned the backstory of inosuka's mother and how he ended up in the wilderness and then shinobu herself returns to center stage for her incredible final act it turns out that chinobu knew ahead of time that in order to defeat upper moon to doma the man who killed her sister she would have to sacrifice her own life and so she always intended to do exactly that she knew that doma was a glutton who loved devouring women in particular and she knew that he wouldn't be able to resist devouring a female hashira with a strong body so shinobu did the unthinkable she began ingesting wisteria flower poison little by little for over a year so that she would slowly build a resistance to it and so that she could have a lot of it circulating through her body when doma eventually consumed her with her sword alone shinobu was only able to deliver a small amount of the poison into doma's body but if he consumed her he will consume 70 times the lethal amount of wisteria flower poison the author of demon slayer later stated in the extra pages to volume 19 of the manga that she actually intended for the number to be 700 times the lethal amount but she mistakenly wrote 70. and so as doma is fighting kano and inosuke all that poison finally kicks in his body begins breaking down his very bones begin to melt and even with his demonic regeneration he cannot undo the effects of such an immense amount of poison dolma desperately tries to keep fighting but kano and inosuke work together to cut off his head and so upper moon 2 doma is finally destroyed as he is dying doma meets shinobu once again presumably somewhere between this life and the next shinobu gets to see the outcome of her sacrifice and doma must accept his death at her hands but while you might expect doma to be angry or scared or shocked this absolute lunatic tells shinobu that he finally understands what love is because he now knows that he loves her doma then asks shinobu if she would accompany him to hell and shinobu smiles and says after you you worthless bastard wow i have so much respect for shinobu's amazing sacrifice and how she prepared for over a year knowing full well that she would die just so she could save the world from one of the most powerful and most evil demons who knows how things would have turned out in the end if doma had survived the battle against shinobu and if he had been able to help muzon in the final showdown against the demon slayers without shinobu's sacrifice the demons could easily have won in the end and countless innocent lives could have been lost in the future and while it's no secret that i absolutely love shinobu as a character and i have so much respect for her epic sacrifice i have to say that doma remained a terrifying and fascinating villain until the very end his final words to shinobu were so creepy and so unexpected and overall he was just such a well-constructed and memorable villain this was an amazing fight and shinobu's death was both truly heroic and truly meaningful now let's talk about the death of muichiro tokito the mist hashira muichiro dies during the intense battle against upper demon moon 1 kokushibo inside the infinity castle a fight that also includes genya sanemi and gyome but the first person to come face to face with kokushibo is muichiro himself and as soon as he sees the upper demon moon 1 muichiro can tell that he is different from all the other demon moons kokushibo has a profound and majestic presence and he is also a master swordsman which leads muiro to conclude that kokushibo was once a demon slayer upper moon one's aura is so intimidating that muichiro begins to shake and his whole body seems to be refusing to fight which is something that has never happened to him before and while muichiro is attempting to get a grip on himself kokushibo calmly asks for his name muichiro identifies himself and kokushibo responds that his own human name was michikatsu tsugikuni although the tsugikuni name must have died out over time kokushibo can tell that muichiro is a descendant of his own child in other words kokushibo is the direct ancestor of muichiro muichiro is obviously surprised to hear this but nonetheless he summons up the courage and strength to calm his nerves and prepare for battle and he manages to do this so quickly that kokushibo praises his spiritual strength muichiro then commences his attack on kokushibo using missed breathing but he's unable to land a hit even so kokushibo is definitely impressed by muichiro's strength and courage especially since he can tell that muichiro is only 14 years old oh yeah in case you needed a reminder muichiro the missed hashira is only 14 years old at this point in the story kokushibo also notices that the demon slayer mark has now appeared on muichiro's face and as muchero continues to use impressive techniques in his attempt to hit kokushibo the upper moon one decides that it would be poor etiquette if he didn't draw his own sword and so kokushiba reveals his breathing style moon breathing the very first swing of kokushibo's moon breathing slices off muichiro's left hand and muichiro is stunned to learn that kokushibo can use a breathing technique even after becoming a demon muichiro quickly makes a tourniquet from his shirt and just keeps on fighting practically unfazed by such a sudden loss of his hand what a little chad this guy is he may only be 14 but he is 100 worthy of being called a hashira in fact kokushibo is so moved by the resilience of his descendant that he decides that killing him would be a shame instead kokushiba plans to ask muzon to turn muichiro into a demon that's about the time that genya shows up and he attempts to sneak up on kokushibo and shoot him from behind but kokushiba has already spotted genya and using his insane speed he manages to essentially slice genya into pieces but to kokushiba's surprise genya is still alive and before he can finish genya off he is also attacked by the wind hashira sanemi sanemi vows to make kokushibo pay for slicing up his little brother and after kokushiba draws his sword we witness a fierce battle between wind breathing and moon breathing after a while the stone hashirak gyome also joins the fight and the stage is set for the final showdown against upper demon moon 1. according to kokushibo gyome is an example of someone who has perfected their physical form to the utmost and he hasn't seen such an incredible human warrior in 300 years this will become important as the battle goes on because gyome as the strongest living hashira is a crucial factor in the eventual outcome of this epic clash and the epic clash against muzon and while the fight between moon breathing and stone breathing rages the absolute mad lad muichiro who up to this point had been pinned down after being pierced by his own sword pulls the sword out of his own chest with his bare hands what a super human feet that is this 14 year old kid pushed through so much pain and anguish in order to free himself muichiro knows that he will likely die from blood loss as a result of the injuries that he has already sustained but he is determined to do something useful before he dies so he does his best to wrap his wounds and stop the bleeding and then he helps genjia put his mangled body back together although both of them are severely injured they vow to keep fighting until the very end genya then consumes some of kokushiba's hair and as genya and muichiro are trying to pick themselves up from the ground and rejoin the fight gyome and sunemi are already tag-teaming kokushibo in a desperate attempt to take his head off and defeat him muichiro finally rejoins the fray when he steps in to save sanemi from one of kokushiba's attacks and then determined to help while he is still able to move muichiro attacks kokushibo while kokushibo is distracted by gyome and sanemi muichiro manages to move close enough to pierce kokushibo's torso with his sword muishiro loses one of his legs in the process but he doesn't even care he has accepted death and all he wants to do is be as useful as possible in this fight before he dies it is hard to even describe just how selfless brave and valiant this 14 year old kid is and he deserves all the respect in the world muichiro decides that he must protect yomma and tsunami at all costs so that they can survive and then be able to continue the fight against the muzon he is so determined to help defeat kokushiba before he dies that his nichiren blade suddenly turns red and this newly evolved blade causes such pain to kokushibo that he is unable to move on top of that a dying genya uses his blood demon art to manifest a tree around kokushibo helping to keep him immobile long enough for sunim and gyomei to decapitate him at first it looks like kokushiba's power is so great that even decapitation cannot defeat him to everyone's utter shock he is able to regenerate even his head but this second head looks nothing like a human head it is a monstrous demonic head and when kokushibo catches a glimpse of his own face he is disgusted he cannot believe that he allowed his fear of defeat to take away his humanity and turn him into such a monster and as kokushibo is having this massive crisis of conscience his body begins to break apart in the very place that muichiro had stabbed him he is then finished off by gyome and sanomi and thus upper demon moon one kokushiba falls in defeat genya and muichiro both die from the wounds that they sustained during this grueling battle and as muichiro's life leaves his body gyome thanks him from the bottom of his heart because it is thanks to muichiro that they were able to defeat upper moon one kokushibo in the first place kyomei says that for someone so young muichiro was magnificent to the very end and he vows to defeat muzon before telling muichiro that he can now rest in peace as he leaves this life for the next muichiro meets his twin brother yuichiro once again a crying yuichiro asks his brother why he chose to die fighting at such a young age when he could have just run away and lived a long life but muichiro says that he could never abandon his comrades he was happy when he was with his friends and comrades he had good times with them and thanks to them he was able to smile again after the family tragedy that he had lived through crying the two brothers embrace each other and that is how muichiro's life ends well this life anyway in the end muichiro didn't live up to the expectations of his ancestor kokushibo because he refused to become a demon like him but he definitely did live up to the legacy of his other ancestor kokushibo's twin brother and the original breath of the sun user yorichi tsugikuni muichiro proved himself to be a phenomenal warrior a worthy hashira and a selfless comrade despite being only 14 years old without him kokushiba would not have been defeated and without kokushiba's defeat there would be simply no way for the demon slayers to deal with both him and muzon at the same time the battle against muzon would almost certainly have ended in failure if not for the legendary sacrifice of muichiro tokito and i mean of course i respect genya's sacrifice as well but this video is specifically about the hashida okay so while the previous three hashira that we covered died in three different battles against three different opponents the next three hashira that we will be covering all die during the same battle against muzan because of that i will have to cover all three of them at the same time and i'm of course talking about obanai iguro mitsuri khanroji and gyome himejima yes you heard that right best girl and top waifu of the series mitsuri is one of them and no i'm still not over it this battle really gets going once the infinity castle is destroyed and muzon finds himself outside in the open and facing giu tanjiro mitsuri and igoro there is still an hour and a half until sunrise at this point but if the demon slayers can keep muzon busy until then the sunlight will eventually kill him since muzon would survive even if the demon slayers took his head the sun is the only surefire method of defeating him muzon is not only much stronger than all the other demons but he also mixes his blood into his attacks and this blood serves as a deadly poison that destroys the cells of anyone who comes into contact with them early on in the fight in chapter 184 tanjiro is affected by this poison his entire face is disfigured and he collapses to the ground and for a while it appears that he has died so yeah right from the get-go it is established that muzon is unbelievably powerful and that no one is safe in this fight not even the most important characters with tanjiro down for the count the hashida are struggling against muzon and they are suffering multiple lacerations as they try to keep up with the king of the demons just as mitsuri is about to be killed by one of muzon's weird tentacle tube things gyome shows up and saves her muzan recognizes him as the hashira who defeated kokushibo and right after that sanemy attacks muzon and slices him from behind before setting him on fire so we now have five different hashira all in the same place and all fighting muzon oh and the strongest demon slayer of all murata is also there you might think that he would just finish muzan off on his own but instead he is told to grab tanjiro's unconscious body and drag him off to safety as the battle against muzon rages at first the demon king seems to be getting even stronger and faster as the battle continues and the hashira are finding it impossible to keep up iguru sees that mitsuri is not doing well so in an attempt to protect her he hands her off to the lower ranked demon slayers and tells them to take care of her while he returns to the battlefield mitsuri cries that she wants to go with him but igoro is determined to protect her he wishes that the two of them had met under more normal circumstances and it's clear that igoro has strong feelings for mitsuri however igor feels that he isn't worthy of mitsuri because his bloodline is corrupt and impure for centuries his family only seemed to give birth to girls and iguru appeared to have been the only boy who was born into the family in 370 years upon his birth he was confined to a prison cell where he was fond over by his mother sisters and aunts and brought rich foods to eat every single day iguru eventually learns that his entire family worshipped a female demon who had the body of a snake and that they had been feeding their own offspring to this demon as sacrifices in return the demon made the family rich by giving them the valuables of all the other humans that she killed because igura was born with unusual eyes the snake demon took a liking to him and decided that she couldn't eat him as a baby instead she would wait until he was older and fatten him up first she also had his mouth sliced so that it would more closely resemble her own snake mouth and that is why igoro always wears that mask on his face thankfully before he was eaten igor managed to escape his cell the snake demon tried to capture him but she was killed by the flame hashira shinjuro but before she was killed the snake demon killed nearly everyone in igoro's large family because they failed to prevent his escape and so iguro continued to carry the burden of his family's sins as well as the death of his family members for his entire life he had decided long ago that he wanted to die defeating muzon in order to purify the filthy blood of his family but if he were to one day be reborn as a human in a peaceful world without demons he would finally confess his true feelings for mitsuri back on the battlefield iguro has already rejoined the others in the fight against muzon and he is trying his best to buy as much time as possible before the sun comes out but there is still over an hour until sunrise an hour and 14 minutes to be precise igoro believes himself to be weak because he was raised in a cage where the heaviest thing that he would ever lift was like a pair of chopsticks he also feels that he has contributed less to this fight than anyone else and so just like muichiro in the fight against kokushibo he is determined to make some sort of impact on the outcome before he dies igor already received intel about how moichiro managed to turn his blade red before he died and he desperately wants to do the same he ultimately succeeds but he ends up spending way too much of his energy in the process and once his sword finally becomes red he can barely move due to a lack of oxygen muzon is about to cut him down red blade or no red blade but that is when yet more demon slayers join the fight inosuke zenitsu and kano appear and they too begin relentlessly attacking muzon while saving igor's life in the process the demon slayers realize that wounds made by a red blade take longer for muzon to heal and so they all start turning their own blades red it's like a red blade bargain sail with one hour and three minutes until sunrise the demon slayers now have more fighters on the battlefield and they also have red blades on their side so things are finally looking a little bit better for the good guys by looking into the transparent world gyoume realizes that muzon has seven hearts and five brains spread out throughout his body and that is why he can't be killed even if his head is lopped off so gyome tells the others to peer into the transparent world in order to see muzon's vital organs if the other demon slayers are able to see the exact locations of all of muzon's brains and hearts maybe they will be able to execute a coordinated attack and take them all out at the same time this seems like a pretty reasonable plan but unfortunately for the demon slayers in a shocking turn of events that mostly happens off-screen they're all quickly laid out by muzon the only one still conscious is kanao who is on her knees and pointing a broken blade at the advancing muzon muzon prepares to eliminate kanawha once and for all but he is suddenly struck with hinokami kagura beneficent radiance and his left arm is cut off by a resurgent tanjiro tanjiro was successfully healed at least partially thanks to yushiro's medical ninja skills that said tanjiro's face is still deformed from the demon poison and musa even says that it's hard to tell which one of them is the demon now back when he was unconscious tanjiro saw a vision of yorichi and this vision helped him come up with a strategy to defeat muzon but even though tundra is nowhere near as strong as yurichi was muzon still can't seem to kill him which makes muzan realize that his own body is slowing down for some reason searching through tamayo's memories muzon learns that she used a drug on him that sped up his aging to a massive extent he is now aging 50 years for every 60 seconds this means that his demonic body is diverting a lot of energy to counteract the effects of aging and that is what is slowing him down elsewhere on the battlefield yoshido is trying to help gyome but he is so badly injured that it may be impossible for him to keep fighting with the strongest hashida seemingly out of battle and with over 50 minutes to go until sunrise things don't look good for tanjiro who at the moment is fighting muzan alone thankfully iguro comes to tangido's rescue thanks to his previous engagement with muzon iguro now has massive lacerations across his face making him unable to see he is relying on his snake kaburamaru to show him the way igoro bravely engages in battle against muzan despite having been blinded and igor's actions at this point literally save tanjiro's life then suddenly thanks to tameo's aging potion and muzan's weakening regeneration tanjiro is able to see the scars that yoricci left on moves on hundreds of years ago tanjiro realizes that these scars are muzon's weak spots and through these cars yorichi is showing them the way to defeat the demon king from beyond the grave realizing that his weaknesses have been exposed muzon actually tries to run away from the fight but iguru manages to stop him by jumping on top of him from behind and piercing his neck with his blade this is a critical moment in the battle and iguro deserves all the credit if igoro hadn't intervened and if muzon had managed to run away he likely would have gone into hiding until he found a way to completely heal his body and if that had happened then the demon slayers would have been at square one and all of their sacrifices would have been for nothing tanjiro gives igoro yushiro's magic seal things which allow him to share the sight of his snake kaburamaru as if the snake's eyes were his own meanwhile muzon is in disbelief about the fact that these demon slayers are so determined and so relentless and he begins to legitimately worry for his life as his body continues to get weaker and slower now with only 35 minutes left until sunrise muzon decides to cut his losses and divide his body into a thousand pieces in order to escape the same way he had managed to escape from yurichi all those years ago but when he attempts to divide his body muzon realizes that he can't do it tamayo's potion also included something that is preventing muzon from dividing and on top of that when his body gets weak enough tamayo's drug will begin to destroy his cells in this moment after over a thousand years of life muza knows that he is actually dying but muzon isn't ready to give up yet he creates an explosion that once again turns the battlefield on its head and yet bit by bit he continues to get weaker far from giving up the demon slayers keep getting back up and fighting him inosuke and zenitsu are fighting again and even gyome and giu manage to get back to their feet muzon suffers attack after attack from tanjiro inosuke and zenitsu and then an injured mitsuri returns igor returns everyone is fighting desperately because every second matters and the sun is about to come up as dawn finally breaks muzon turns into a giant baby-like creature in one final desperate attempt to escape the sun but sanemy and gyome managed to keep him from escaping and then as big baby muzon tries to burrow underground all the hashida joined together in an epic team attack and in the end big baby muzon is finally destroyed by the sunlight and yet despite this amazing historic victory over a demon that has haunted the world for over a thousand years the demon slayers have also paid a very steep price for the victory when the medics attempt to help gyome he tells them not to waste any medication or supplies on him because he is already done for this is his final request to the demonstrator core as he passes away from his injuries and as he reunites in the afterlife with the orphans that he had cared for before he became a demon slayer these are the orphans that gyome had raised in a temple before a demon attack killed most of them gyome had always thought that three of the children disobeyed his command to hide behind him because they thought that he was weak and blind and so he couldn't possibly protect them he thought that they just didn't trust him enough and so they tried to run away on their own but these children now apologize for disobeying his instructions and they revealed that they ran because they wanted to help one wanted to find a weapon another wanted to call for help and so on they weren't trying to run away from gyome because they didn't think he could help them they loved gyome and they wanted to help him because he was facing down a demon on his own despite being blind gyome apologizes that he couldn't protect them but the children tell him not to apologize they all hug him and tell him that they love him and then gyome and his orphans proceed into the afterlife together at the same time that this is happening iguru is holding a dai mitsuri in his arms mitsuri can feel that she is dying and igurus says that he is dying as well thankfully igoro is able to assure mitsuri that their sacrifice was worthwhile muzon has finally been defeated the two of them recall the first time that they met and they reminisce about all the good times they had together despite the fact that they were both considered abnormal by society they made each other feel like they were both normal and there was nothing wrong with them the two of them made each other so happy and mitsuri asks igoro if they are reborn as humans again in the next life could she please be his bride igoro says yes and he vows that this time he will make her happy and he will protect her so she doesn't die young and so both of them pass away together holding each other in their arms wow this was really such a touching moment i was going to make a joke along the lines of screw you igor mitsuri is my waifu but i can't even do it because it was such a deep emotional moment it's kind of joke proof and this is how gyome iguro and mitsuri die in the battle against muzad when you look back at this fight in particular there were so many times when the hashira willingly sacrificed their bodies just so they could make even the smallest contribution to defeating muzon or just so they could buy even a little bit of time before sunrise they embraced death willingly even though they had no guarantee that their sacrifice would actually lead to defeating the demon king if things had been even slightly different muzon could easily have won the fight and all their sacrifices would have been for nothing but they fought so bravely they did their best to contribute to this massive team effort to defeat muzon and in the end their tragic sacrifices made all the difference in the world and with that we just covered the six hashira who died in battle during the course of the series in terms of former hashira jigoro kuwaijima the former thunder hashira also died tragically when he committed seppuku in order to atone for the sins of his student kaigaku a student who willingly chose to become a demon the other current and former hashira including giu sanomi shinjuro sakonji and tengen all die of old age sometime after the main story comes to an end some fans have speculated that giu and tsunami will die at age 25 because they manage to awaken their demon slayer marks but it is possible to live a long life with a demon's layer mark for example yorichi was born with it and yet he lived well into his 80s on top of that it is possible that the death of muzon has changed things and eliminated the so-called curse of the demon slayer mark at the very least we know that both giu and sanemy lived long enough to start families and have descendants i really hope that you guys enjoyed this video i know it was long because i really wanted to do justice to the sacrifices of the six hashira who gave their lives in battle but at the same time there is so much about their lives and them as characters that i still had to omit if you'd like me to do a deeper dive into any one of them or into any specific battle in the series definitely let me know down in the comments below it's a totally free way to directly support the channel and with long videos like this one when i see a lot of people liking and subscribing it really makes me feel like the effort was worthwhile thank you in advance you can also hit me up on twitter and instagram at animeopror as always thank you guys so much for watching and until next time see ya space cowboys
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,018,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: every, hashira's, death, in, demon, slayer, demon slayer, every hashira, every hashira death, every hashira's death, every hashira death explained, every hashira's death explained, rengoku death explained, giyu death, tengen death, does tengen die, mitsuri death, iguro death, gyomei death, sanemi death, muichiro death, shinobu death, anime, animeuproar, anime uproar, all 9 hashira, all 9 hashira explained, strongest hashira, who is the strongest hashira, tanjiro, does giyu die, kny
Id: HauHfsGb22o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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