Every Goddess RANKED from Weakest to Strongest! (Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai Goddess Clan)

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[Music] what is up everybody its Anna Mack here for anime outpour and first off I want to thank you all for the support and positive feedback that you've been giving us on the video ranking the entire demon clan from weakest to strongest that video was definitely a lot of work and I was actually planning to make it for a long time and I kept feeling guilty for not making it sooner so the outpouring of support really means a lot to me thank you since that video went live we've had a ton of requests to rank the entire goddess clan from weakest to strongest as well so in this video I will be doing exactly that always feel free to give me your video requests either in the comments or on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar and of course if you like this type of content and you want to see more you can leave a like to let me know and if you're new to the channel don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell now we don't know quite as much about the goddess clan as we do about the demon clan the goddesses are still very mysterious and very sexy fortunately for this video the things that we do know about the goddesses are mostly related to their powers so we do have a good idea of their strength and combat capabilities just a quick warning there will be manga spoilers in this video a lot of the information that we have about the goddess clan hasn't even been revealed yet in the anime so we do have to rely on manga material you have been warned let's start it off with the Druids now the Druids are human not goddesses but they are a unique group of humans that live in isolation inside the forest and have a special connection to the goddess clan members of the goddess clan are known for a number of unique abilities including the power to heal the ability to fly the ability to purge and destroy dark souls such as the souls of demons and so on the Druids worship the goddess clan and they considered a demon clan to be their natural enemy unlike other ordinary humans the Druids are much more in touch with nature with animals and with the spirit world and they are able to perform magical spells and techniques that normal humans cannot these spells include the ability to heal as well as the power to destroy dark and corrupt souls such as the souls of demons and these are all techniques that they share with the goddess clan it is believed that these techniques were taught to the druids by the goddess clan as a reward for their devotion to the goddesses fun fact Hendrickson was born into the druid clan inside the holy druid land of Ishtar before going on to become a holy knight in the kingdom of Leonys and Zara Terra's the former great holy night is also a member of the druids although the goddess clan was on the winning side of the holy war from 3,000 years ago they suffered tremendous losses and in order to seal away the demon clan members of the goddess clan had to sacrifice their ability to maintain physical form however at this point in the story they can still possess inanimate objects such as a sword or they can use the body of another living being as a vessel and that brings us to Jenna hands Inari the two of them are currently serving as the leaders of the druids in the holy land of Ishtar but there is more to them than that Jenna is an Arri were actually born as goddesses and they took part in the holy war 3,000 years ago at one point they became disillusioned with the war and with the goddess clan so they decided to escape they eventually possessed the bodies of two twin human sisters who by the time the goddess has met them were too injured and malnourished to be saved and so Jenna and zan arey used these human bodies to hide and escape the goddesses at this point in the story they continue to live as humans and serve as the leaders of the Druids both Jenna Ann's Inari have interesting powers and abilities such as creating powerful illusions manipulating lightning and as goddesses they are thought to be capable of using ark an incredible power which generates fears and beams of light that can disintegrate enemies and this power is especially effective against a demon clan jenna is an Aries highest recorded combat class or power level is 3,000 for both but knowing how the seven deadly sins series works it wouldn't surprise me if their true was dormant and therefore far higher than we think I mean just look at meliodas and how much stronger he turned out to be than it appeared at first glance and speaking of Mellie Otis it is worth noting that Sunehri seems to have a crush on him what is it with this guy and the goddesses they can't seem to get enough of him he's like a goddess magnet at any rate Jenna in Scenario appeared to be lower-ranked goddesses and we can assume that there were many other lower ranked members of the goddess clan flying about until they lost their ability to maintain a physical form following the previous holy war next up is jela met a former divine lance corporal of the goddess clan gentlemen took part in the previous holy war and she is believed to be the one who informed the goddess clan that the goddess Elisabeth was having a relationship with Mellie Otis the son of the demon king after the holy war she lost her physical body like the other goddesses but eventually she managed to possess the body of the troll queen she brainwashed other trolls to help her invade the druid holy land of Ishtar and take control of a sacred altar and she did this because the altar had a special connection to the mysterious celestial realm the homeland of the goddess clan gentlement intended to use the altar to free the goddesses and then get revenge on Elisabeth Jenna and Sunehri whom she considers to be traitors to the goddess clan however gentleman's plan was ultimately thwarted by Mellie Otis and the seven deadly sins we do not know gel emits exact power level but we know that she had the ability to use arc as well as breath of bless which is an ability that only higher-ranked members of the goddess clan are able to use breath of blessed bestows extra strength onto a person of the goddesses choosing but it also brainwashes that person into becoming fanatically loyal to the goddess clan to the point that they are even willing to sacrifice their own life for the goddesses gentleman is first introduced in a side story called queen of the altar which has so far been told through extra material throughout volumes 23 to 32 of the manga and then we have narrow basta she may not be best girl but this member of the as clan his definitely breasts girl I mean seriously feast your eyes you puny mortals like jela met Niro Busta was also a divine lance corporal during the previous holy war meaning that she is one of the higher ranked goddesses and she was actually a direct subordinate of the Archangel Ludo shell one of the strongest and most important members of the goddess clan after the demons were sealed away in the coffin of eternal darkness narrow bustah lost her physical form like the other goddesses and she was sealed inside a sword this sword was ultimately used by denzel as he offered up his own body as a vessel for narrow bustah in the hopes that she would save everyone from the commandments however after easily killing a few lesser demons Netto busta realized that she was no match for the 10 commandments and she tried to escape but she was ultimately destroyed by derriere e of the ten commandments it is difficult to say exactly how strong the robusta is we don't have an exact power level for her and we don't know how strong she would be if she was inside her own body rather than possessing the body of a mere human the same applies for the previous divine lance-corporal we discussed gel abbot who was possessing the body of a troll but I chose to put narrow bustah ahead of gel abet because narrow basta was a direct subordinate of the Archangel Ludo shell and she was entrusted with guarding the gate to the celestial realm during the previous holy war which seems to indicate that the goddess clan had a high degree of confidence in narrow Busta's abilities now the goddess clan is mostly made up of female beings as the name would suggest but like the demon clan and their ten commandments the goddesses also have their own special elite force known as the four Archangels these four Archangels are powerful angelic figures who unlike the other known members of the goddess clan are actually male first up we have the Archangels Tarmey l and sorry o-tar meal and sorry L are two of the four Archangels and we have to consider them as a pair because so far we've always seen them fighting together as a sort of dynamic duel along with the usual goddess clan abilities such as Ark and healing as Archangels Tarmey land sorry L also Grace's special powers created for each archangel by the supreme deity herself sarios grace is tornado the ability to generate a fierce tornado around him that can tear his enemies into pieces and thar be Elle's grace is ocean the ability to create a powerful ocean that can be used to trap his enemies both sorry el ant army all have proven to be able to recover from heavy amounts of physical damage and Tarmey all can also turn his own body into liquid which allows him to dodge attacks we know that our meal and cereal are able to face off against multiple Commandments at the same time and in that sense they are far beyond the power level of someone like Nero basta although to be fair they could not measure up to dairy Aryan Mon speed in their indi reforms while these two make a very strong team sorry el ant army el are clearly the two weakest members of the four Archangels next up is the goddess Elizabeth the daughter of the supreme deity and one of the highest-ranked goddesses the goddess Elizabeth is the original incarnation of Elizabeth Leona's whom we meet at the beginning of the series because she fell in love with Mellie Otis the son of the demon king Elizabeth was cursed by her mother the supreme deity so that she would constantly keep being reincarnated as a human for all eternity and meliodas who was cursed with immortality by the demon king would be destined to keep losing her over and over again although the goddess Elizabeth hated violence and although she opposed the holy war she is nonetheless one of the strongest members of the goddess clan while her abilities are not necessarily offensive in nature they can still be very effective for example Elizabeth is able to face off against both Darian man speed in their in their reforms and purified them with her powers so that they are knocked unconscious and turned back into their normal forms instead of killed Elizabeth also has the ability of empathy which allows her to speak directly to the hearts of her opponents and make them lose the will to fight and she was able to do this to an entire army of demons the Archangel mile compares Elizabeth's strength to the strength of Mellie Otis and the kinjal Ludo shell which in itself gives us a good idea of just how powerful the goddess Elizabeth was in her original body however we don't have an exact power level for her at this time next up after Elizabeth is the Archangel Ludo shell only in anime can a badass overpower dude also be a top tier waifu at the same time and Ludo shell is living proof of that the leader of the four Archangels Ludo shell is a ruthless member of the goddess clan who wanted to exterminate the entire demon clan during the previous holy war he was directly responsible for the deaths of many members of the demon clan including Derry Aries sister and in the present time Ludo shell just happens to be possessing the body of Princess Margaret the sister of Elizabeth Leona's and the highest quality waifu in the entire series in my opinion I mean just think about it Gil Thunder is a guy with pink hair who is let's face it pretty weak compared to the entire main cast of the series and yet Margaret still loves him she would do anything for him and she is extremely dedicated to him if I were to pick any waifu in the seven deadly sins it would definitely be Margaret although if I were to pick the hottest girl I would totally pick derriere II impure thoughts impure thoughts anyway along with the usual powers that a high ranked member of the goddess clan possesses Ludo shell also has a grace called flash which enables him to move extremely quickly and makes him one of the fastest characters in the entire series even in Margaret's body Ludo shells power level has been measured at 200 and 1000 which is considerably higher than even the highest ranked demons like Chandler and kusa and Ludo shell is also strong enough to take on several Commandments on his own at the same time just like with Elizabeth it is impossible to say exactly how strong you Rochelle would be in his own original body and since Ludo shells power has been compared to the goddess Elizabeth by mile it is difficult to definitively determine which of them is stronger I placed lunar shell ahead of Elizabeth on this list because even though they are both extremely powerful in their original bodies lunar shell has the additional advantage of His grace which gives him SuperSpeed and he is also far more ruthless and aggressive than Elizabeth unlike Elizabeth who doesn't like violence and she does her best to prevent anyone from dying looter shell is brutal and if they were ever forced to fight to the death ludo shells personality along with his grace would probably give him the edge over Elizabeth but this is just educated speculation at this point because we don't have enough solid information on the goddess Elizabeth to say for sure and then we come to the Archangel mile the younger brother of the mass murdering angel wife Lulu doe shell mile is confirmed to be the strongest out of the four Archangels and the single most powerful warrior of the goddess clan his strength is second only to the supreme deity the ruler of all the goddesses even without his grace called sunshine which is currently possessed by eScan or miles power level is believed to be over 200,000 and just knowing how strong s Kannur is we can only imagine the extent of miles power if he still had sunshine in his possession during the previous holy war mile strength was said to rival even the strength of Mellie Otis and it was only after my Elle was taken out of the picture by the original Gotha that the holy war finally ended because without my hell the goddess clan could not eliminate all the demons and they were forced to sacrifice their own physical bodies in order to seal the demons away inside the coffin of eternal darkness for 3,000 years Maya was believed to have been killed by aster Ossa until we later learned that my Elle was not dead at all but I won't get into too many details in case you're not caught up to the manga needless to say you definitely should read the manga because it's absolutely amazing right now but what really matters for the purposes of this video is who is the strongest and mile is definitely the strongest member of the goddess clan aside from one single being and that being is the supreme deity the ruler of all the goddesses the supreme deity is the mother of the goddess Elizabeth and the undisputed strongest member of the goddess clan the supreme deity is the only whose power is said to be equivalent to the demon king himself and we know that she has some insanely overpowered abilities for instance she has the power to bestow Grace's upon the Archangels to create nearly unbreakable curses such as the one she placed on Elisabeth to control the elements and to destroy entire cities as was the case with belli Alwyn the supreme deity has immunity against all demonic curses and in general the supreme deities light based powers would be extremely effective against members of the demon clan as with the demon king we do not have an exact power level for the supreme deity and we haven't seen very much of her at all as she is believed to reside in the celestial realm however if she really is as strong as the demon king himself then her power level could be well over half a million and therefore far higher than any other power level that we have seen to date because of Mellie Otis's various trips to purgatory we have actually seen the demon king in action much more than the supreme deity but I hope that sometime in the future we will get to see the supreme deity demonstrate the full extent of her power and that is it the goddess clan and all known members of the goddess clan ranked from weakest to strongest thank you so much for watching and supporting this channel and if you'd like to support more content like this in the future you can check out our online store where we have original anime inspired merch like this praise the Sun shirt created by pro artist weasel Monica you can also leave a like on this video and if you're new to the channel you can subscribe and hit that notification Bell requests for future videos are welcome both in the comments and on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar be sure to give us a follow and if you actually made it to the very end of this video and didn't just click off as soon as I said that the ranking portion was done you can let me know by typing hashtag goddess magnet down in the comment as always thank you so much for watching and until next time see us space cowboys [Music] you
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,448,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: every, goddess, ranked, from, weakest, to, strongest, every goddess, every goddess ranked, every goddess explained, goddess clan, goddess clan explained, seven deadly sins, every sin, every sin explained, every demon, every commandment, every demon explained, elizabeth, supreme deity, mael, ludociel, nerobasta, zaneri, jenna, tarmiel, sariel, sds, nanatsu no taizai, all goddesses ranked, every goddess ranked from weakest to strongest, weakest to strongest, animeuproar
Id: 4VU8CPadSpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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