Every Force Lightning Color & Meaning - Star Wars Explained

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greetings acolytes of the dark side and welcome back to our archives the dark side is home to many abilities that are out of the reach of most Jedi these destructive powers of force are usually reserved for those who have decided to reject peace and mercy and only Embrace aggression and hatred some time ago we did a video talking exclusively about Force fire and everything that entails with that ability continuing this series we decided to discuss one of the most popular Sith abilities in all of lore that of forced lightning this power is a staple of any Sith worth their medal and of course has been used many times by Jedi as well as Sith I may Venture as far as to say that Force lightning may be the undeniable signature of anyone though who has fallen deeply into the powers of the dark side many of those who aren't even Sith have used Sith lightning to great effect this includes mother talzin the brother abelath joris sabayoth and many many more so come with us today as we open yet another Sith holocron and discuss the full extent of Force lightning including its many variations on color and what exactly this means before we begin though I would like to announce that we're looking for a new video editor so if you're interested in editing Star Wars videos such as this one and joining the stupendous team please reach out to the email in the description down below now let us begin as expertly described by Darth Plagueis Force lightning requires strength of A Sort only a Sith can command because we accept consequence and reject compassion to do so requires a thirst for power that is not easily satisfied the force tries to resist the callings of ravenous Spirits therefore it must be broken and made a beast of burden it must be made to answer one's will Force lightning is the ultimate culmination of everything that the Sith order believe in in order to properly summon forced lightning one must completely and totally invite hatred into their hearts and direct it towards their target without any sort of hesitation in the Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker's first encounter with this ability when facing the emperor in the novelization his thoughts referred back to this ability as an Abomination for a long while Luke regarded forced lightning as an affront to the force itself it is easy to see why Luke believes this as the emotions required to pull off this ability spit in the face of everything that a Jedi should believe in originally in Legends it was first required for one to have been on the receiving end of this ability as a means of taking the energy inside themselves though I believe that this has been retconned in recent Canon material although it seems to me that Force lightning is somewhat more potent in those who have an understanding of what it truly feels like to suffer the effects of Force lightning can easily range depending on how long the exposure was or how powerful of a dose one receive obviously the short-term effects are usually intense pain being stunned or unconsciousness this is assuming one only took a small burst of forced lightning though longer prolonged exposure can cause horrendous scarring to the point of deformation disablement chronic illness and of course death in some cases after prolonged Expo closure to Force lightning one can come down with a scary illness called calcification this was the sudden rapid deposition of minerals into the bloodstream onto bones side effects included dizziness blurred vision muscle spasms and muscle weakness Luke Skywalker was diagnosed with this illness shortly after his near-fatal encounter with Darth Sidious and he was ridden to a hover chair and a back the therapy tank for quite a while many of these After Effects come depending on the strength of the lightning which is usually telling by its coloration just like lightsaber blades and Blaster bolts Force lightning has its own spectrum of colors which many have theorized to associate to its strength in the ability there is no hard evidence to prove one color's superiority over another's but we do have some evidence to prove what the strongest may be the default color was usually blue as seen by Dooku and many other lower level Sith even though Sidious also used Blue Force lightning when he was not wielding its full power red was another color used and was used by the Sun as well as the Sith Darth tenebress Plagueis his own Master it has long been theorized that red was the strongest coloration of Force lightning as it has been known to be painful enough to temporarily sever the target from the force itself yellow or orange Force lightning has been seen used by Darth moment but it was also indicative of the Jedi variant known as Force judgment as used most famously By plokun the Light Side variant of forced lightning calls upon once righteous feelings of justice and is a non-lethal form that is mostly used for stunning but is not nearly as powerful as regular Force lightning is green is another variant used by mother thousand who mixed the dark side ability with her death Marian magic and Luke Skywalker who perfected Force judgment and turned it into Emerald lightning Emerald lightning was the lethal Jedi version of force judgment and Luke used it to kill several yujong vong soldiers during one engagement the next color would actually be black Force lightning which was utilized exclusively by Jaina Solo it isn't known what the strength of this variant is or what emotions come with it but she is the only one known to either Canon or Legends to have black Force lightning however the strongest such as Darth Sidious and Bane have been described as using a blush purple or just purple lightning one of these have been known to kill or deform targets very quickly sometimes in just a single burst usually those who are hit with Force lightning crumble to the floor in a heap however Sidious as Lightning has been known to be strong enough to hurl beings backwards like a force push Sidious was the undeniable master and champion of Force lightning preferring to use Force lightning more than any other ability or even weapon including his very lightsaber it got to the point where Sidious actually use Force lightning instead of a typical Force push even on objects hurled at him because his lightning was just so much faster than his telekinesis a testament to his profound skill with the ability we can see the exact thing in action against Master Yoda where Sidious was so fast with the the ability that he caught even Grand Master Yoda off guard there are several different techniques that one can utilize with Force lightning and expound upon it though the most advanced for Force lightning is known as the force storm by combining a Mastery of telekinesis and forced lightning a four storm will conjure powerful winds and bolts of lightning from clouds produced simply by the force itself the forcestorm was one of the most powerful abilities that could be used by a Sith and according to Sidious it was the most powerful other techniques included the ability to pull Force lightning into a ball before launching it at an opponent known as Sith Seeker some Masters are able to chain lightning between targets or electrocute the ground to channel it a great distance some practitioners like the likes of Starkiller were able to electrically charge an object before hurling it at another Target causing the object to explode upon impact more advanced abilities would include the power to wrap one's body in lightning like a shield to Stave off attacks with so many uses for this ability it isn't hard to see why it's one of the most coveted powers in all of Star Wars lore especially by the likes of the Sith in terms of exactly how powerful it is though there is a massive debate among Star Wars fans which is more powerful and more useful that being between red forced lightning and purple Force lightning it is widely agreed on among fans that purple Force lightning is the most destructive as instead of just simply killing a subject it has been known to completely disintegrate them something that is very rare even for forced lightning however unlike purple Force lightning red lightning can actually strip someone's ability to use the force entirely and if it is not the most powerful variant it is certainly the second strongest being wielded by The Entity known as the sun and in moderation by Darth tenebress however if you look at the pure masters of this ability such as Bane Insidious they both wielded purple lightning to its fullest extent with the ability to completely tear away all of their flesh and leaving behind nothing but bone concerning the likes of black forced lightning which we briefly mentioned as wielded by jaina Sola I believe that this has to do strictly with her bloodline being one of the only Skywalkers to ever use Force lightning besides of course her brother and Darth kydus and several others however when jaina produced black Force lightning she was aligned with the light side of the force leading me to speculate that black Force lightning may be the fullest extent of Force lightning as used by a light side wielder and could be the ultimate degree of a forced judgment but anyway my friends now I leave it up to you what are your thoughts on the many variations of this incredibly powerful and iconic Force ability and if you were to be a practitioner of Force lightning what coloration would you want to use again if you're interested in the editing position be sure to email me using the email down below as always my friends thank you so much for watching the channel May the force be with you and I hope that you're having a great day foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 50,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Force Lightning Colors, Force Lightning, Darth Sidious, Palpatine, Jedi, Sith, Revenge of the Sith
Id: L-dlxJtlHBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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