Every Effect Explained in Adobe AFTER EFFECTS CC - Episode 1 (Intro & Presets)

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[Music] hi my name is Justin Odie show and in this series we're gonna taking a look at all of the effects and Adobe After Effects explained so we're going to be going through folder by folder everything that's in the effects and presets panel in this first episode we're going to start with the animation presets so what you see on the screen is just an example from this first folder which is backgrounds so if I just delete this black solid and we're gonna drag one of these backgrounds in it's going to create a new solid layer and give you the background that it created so in the effects control panel you can see everything that all of these background presets are made of so this one's made up of a fractal noise effect next to the tritone color makes us some dust and scratches and some blur that's what all of these presets are going to be is combinations of already-existing different effects which we'll cover in future episodes but they're all here for you ready and preset and if you want you can do things like adjust the evolution and you see that added another keyframe and lets the thing animate or you can adjust the color to be whatever you want but just to remember they're all created a lot of different effects in the effects control panel and you can adjust the keyframes and stack and combine different things so just a quick sampling of what's there you have blocks you have different type of flames and magma and fogs and different kind of animations that's the backgrounds next up we have behaviors this is a way to animate different behaviors automatically so in this case I'm going to grab my shape tool just for example I'm going to create a rectangle shape here and you can drag these behavior presets on to different shapes or even text layers and it'll automatically do that behavior so this one is a autoscroll horizontal and you can see just automatically Scrolls over and you also have auto scroll vertical or drift over time which is kind of combining both you also have fades and opacity so different opacity and adjustments here's one random opacity and a lot of these can be created manually with expressions as well but here they're just kind of preset for you for example you have all these wiggle ones so different wiggle ones some of these are animated differently with keyframes but just to show you what this might look like if you wanted to create it manually if you just have the shape layer you could always go to transform and under the position let's say if you hold the option button and click the stopwatch icon to toggle keyframes it'll open up this dialog box for you and you can add expressions of your own so something like wiggle and you can add parameters so 10 and let's do 10 10 you'll see we create our own wiggle just with expressions so keep in mind that expressions are very powerful here's a long list of them and a lot of these presets are using these expressions for you to get these effects but you can always do things manually or combine expressions with any effect in After Effects so keyframes expressions and stacking different effects in the effects control panel is one thing we're learning and seeing examples of with these animation presets before we dive into each effect on its own next up I'm gonna actually grab a video clip and drag that onto my composition so that I can demonstrate some of these next ones in the image folders so these are kind of like Photoshop filters or something they just affect the image in a certain way so here's a colorized one it just color eise's the image and if you see how it's doing that it's just using a composite color on a blending mode you have different color eyes ations this one's using a color balance effect so you can see they're just using all these effects that might be available in the different folders just some presets for you if you want quick starting points or simple stuff here's some different gray scales so image is kind of just like creative filters for your image you also have some more interesting ones like these masks kind of cutouts and you also have image special effects which is similar so here you can drag these onto your photos videos even text or shape layers here's a bad TV effect kind of glitches it up and distorts it and there's some wavy distortion animation going on too here's bad TV different bad TVs so these just have different kind of glitchyness to them you can see what they're made up of again in the effects control panel and you can tweak and adjust and add keyframes of your own if you want to take you from here and then lastly in the image we have utilities these are just kind of useful things that you might need from time to time so flip like flip horizontal instead of always having to go to transform effect and flipping it through there you just have it there flip vertical you have flip vertical and horizontal and just flip or in this case they're calling it flop but horizontal these are all just kind of more functional things that you might need they're not really creative effects they're just here for you when you need to quickly do some utilitarian thing next up we have shapes so this is just a bunch of presets shapes that we can create in this case I'm going to delete my layer and you can either create a new shape layer and drag them on there or just drag them onto the composition so these are just cool different preset shape animations kaleidoscope you have the different elements so text bars if you needed some text bars or different line animations to accentuate different things or as accents on your projects different boxes and things like that and then you have sprites which are more different shapes that animate in different ways you have the animated sprites or the still sprites which you can animate yourself so for example the still shape I could add my own Wiggles or rotations or position animations to it so those could come in handy for certain shapes where you don't want to create it by scratch just simple stuff and you also have sound effects so After Effects does have a decent bit of sound effects and then here's some preset ones just like busy tones or phone dials and stuff like that you can see these are made up of the tone effects that we'll cover later in the audio effects section and then aside from those couples sound effects that you have there you go back to more like synthetic background shapes so these are similar to the backgrounds a lot of them involve some sort of animation based on where your timeline cursor was when you dragged them on so they animate in or out you can always delete those keyframes if you don't want them or add different keyframes of your own like so there's some interesting different cool ones in here aside from backgrounds you also have some Lightning presets now getting into some really useful ones are in the text animation section so here we're going to create a new text layer I'm going to click let's just add some sample text and I'll Center it for you and here there's dozens and dozens of different preset text animations for you so you have 3d text animations where it might fly in from a certain section like that each letter flying in if you drop down the text menu and drop down the animator you can adjust some things about it so more options you can adjust by word or by letter or by entire line or just by character but you have a bunch of different useful presets here aside from those you have ones to animate the text in or out so let's say you want it to shuffle in randomly you can do that and let's say you want to just shuffle out or animate out in some way you can animate out so random fly off let me see it creates those keyframes from where the timeline marker was so there's really a ton of different text presets here but you can just experiment and check out all the ones that there is to offer and lastly we have some transition presets so a bunch of different dissolves fades wipes and stretches and stuff like that just for example here's a block dissolve that's available and here's just a wipe that's available so a wedge white for example so these are all built using diff and effects like I've been saying and just keyframe for you already if you want these starting presets so remember you have full control over all the effects controls and all of the keyframe positions you can wipe in if I wanted I can even do a wipe out by adding another keyframe here and lastly you can also create your own animation presets so as we get further into discussing these different effects on their own if you ever had come up with a cool combination for something you can always select those effects in the effects control panel go to animation and save animation preset and create your own animation presets but with that I think that's a good general introduction to this series everything that's in the animation presets panel gives us a good sample of what might be possible later and in the next episodes we're going to go through each one of these individual folders one by one and show you each one of these effects that is in here kind of like the building blocks of all that subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet to stay tuned for all of the videos and you can check out all the videos in this series in the playlist on my channel so I'll see you over in the next episode thank you so much for watching
Channel: Justin Odisho
Views: 112,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects text effects, justin odisho, Every Effect Explained, video editing, After Effects Presets, Every Effect in After Effects Explained, Animation, After Effects, Adobe, After Effects Animation, after effects presets, adobe creative cloud, editing, photo editing, filmmaking, Adobe After Effects, After effects transitions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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