Every Druid Build RANKED! Best Druid Build for Season 2 (Tierlist) // Diablo 4

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yo guys what is up my your Diablo 4 video and today we are going over my tier list for season 2 now I have played a lot of drw I played a lot of drw in season Zero season 1 and season 2 um and I've now put out a bunch of builds for season 2 and so I felt like I was in a pretty good spot to now give you guys a tier list now this tier list is going to be off of my opinions and impressions of playing these different builds I'm not going to be talking about someone else's build or someone else's experience this is my personal experience with the builds and how they've shaked out for me messing around with them trying to get them to be the most powerful the best build possible what I think their potential is and I've prepared a little PowerPoint presentation for you um that we're going to kind of get into cuz originally I was going to do like the S through a tier and I just didn't think that really like did it justice for like honestly the big thing about this season is that Diablo 4 at least in my opinion has never been easier uh there's never been better build diversity and any build that you want to play you can do uh Uber Lilith is easier right now than a nightmare 100 boss um it's just like there's so much diversity and there's so many ways to play if you have a build that you enjoy if you minmax it and progress it through you're going to be able to do all the content in the game however some builds are going to be able to do that easier and some builds are going to have a harder time at that um and so that's why I made this tier list hope you guys enjoyed the video let's get right into it so the way this tier list is going to work is we've got a criteria now I was inspired by Rax who does his like tier list rankings uh for like the different characters for the season um instead of just putting these characters is like this is the best tier build I wanted to go into this not knowing what what I was going to place as the best build and just ranking them off of their different things so for example in the bossing category I'm going to rank the builds and the build that's number one is going to get one point the build that's number one in mobbing is going to get one point the build that's the worst in mobbing is going to get the most amount of points the way that this tier list is going to work is after we're done with our criteria whatever build has the lowest score possible is going to be our best s tier build but I'll also format this so if you really care about bossing you can see what the best bossing build is if you really care about survivability you can see what the best survivability build is our criteria are going to be bossing mobbing survivability gear Rex SL EAS of use uh this is really the only category I need to explain um ease of use is like if it needs a bazillion uniques to do well then it's not going to be that gear requirement like it's going to have a lower gear requirement if you need to do a specific rotation every single time to do good damage or if you can just hold down one button the one button build is going to get a higher score on ease of use um and with that guys let's get right into it so to start us off this is our bossing tier list now I had a tough time deciding between Vamp NATO and poison explosion and I decided to put Vamp NATO as the number one bosser now poison explosion one shot Lilith and Vamp NATO does not uh so obviously the one shot is more impressive but certain things can go wrong with the onot sometimes it doesn't crit and then it doesn't One-Shot and I found that Vamp NATO across the board for all of the bosses was just the most consistent it didn't matter what the boss was it doesn't matter if I used my rotation correctly or not vampo just destroys all of the bosses in the game Nightmare 100 Uber lith duriel um and so that I put at the number one spot poison explosion right behind it highest damage that I've seen personally playing Druid this season um however it can be a little bit inconsistent so that's why it's not the number one spot Boulder Kane fantastic bosser it can be a little awkward on Lilith but for most bosses it just is so good it's so much damage uh followed up by stormclaw stormclaw is a relatively good bosser it's not the best uh which is why I headed number four pulverized now pulverize is a little bit of a weird one um I did not play my pulverized to like mmax endgame it was like the very first build I did so when I posted my endgame video I had like I think two or three glyphs level 15 and everything else was like unleveled um pulverize this season has the potential to do a ton of boss one shots pulverize can oneshot Uber Lilith my issue with pulverize is to get it to that damage potential it takes a lot longer in my opinion than some of these other builds and also pulverize is in a weird spot where it's either you're doing a ton of damage and you're one-shotting things or you don't overpower and you don't on-shot something uh so anytime that you have an extended boss fight on pulverized if you do not one-hot or you don't get two lucky overpowers in a row then your boss damage starts to fall apart a bit um pulverize is really about setting up that one hit and then if that one hit doesn't work then you've got a pretty poor bosser uh after that I've got lightning storm uh lightning storm is decent at bossing you do have to like kind of like pull the trigger and just tap fire lightning storm when you're tap firing it's pretty good if you're holding it down uh then it's going to be a very bad bosser and then lastly I had plague shifter plague shifter does all the bosses it does Uber Lilith it does um nightmare 100s it just does them a bit slower than the other Builds on this list so I have it at number seven spot then we get to our mobbing treer list what I mean by mobbing is a build that if I fill a screen with enemies which build is most comfortably and most easily going to kill that entire screen of enemies and under our number one spot is lightning storm lightning storm this season is so good it's so much damage uh if you've used this build if you mess around with it uh it's one of the most satisfying AOE clear builds uh in the game in my opinion right now just blast everything Lightning goes everywhere it's really good plague shifters another one you're sending out constant landslides uh this season we get a ton of Lucky hit with a new tectonic glyph you can constantly proc those poison creepers which is a awesome AOE skill that AOE skill can do a ton of damage and then you've got trample which sends landslides out everywhere and all your landslides are hitting twice it feels really good for AOE next up I've got Vamp NATO tornado is a little bit more like a shotgun ability which is why it's not the greatest mobber because it takes a bit of time to get that distance but because it's such a fast movement speed build it feels really good to go from enemy to enemy tornado like Dash tornado tornado tornado Dash tornado tornado um and then we've got pulverize pulverize is like kind of a sleeper hit for mobbing um if you're slamming you can just clear out a full room if you've got the damage and then you can move to the next room slam slam slam next room uh you're a little bit slow because you're rooted and you don't have the like AOE coverage that lightning storm does because you're a little bit more of a cone ability than lightning storm is uh that's why I've got it at the number four spot stormclaw ton of damage mobbing is probably one of its like weaker points uh however you're doing so much damage that every enemy that you come up to you can hit him dead move to the next one hit him dead move to the next one and then in our like lower tiers of mobbing I've got poison explosion and Boulder cane uh poison explosion I found a bit weaker on the um mobbing just because you do have to like wait a little bit like to do your most mobbing damage you have to wait for your poison creeper and your shred is a really good like ability to kill things I just found it a little bit more uh slow for mobbing where I felt like I was more like setting up my mobbing damage versus something like lightning storm I could just tap one button and all of my uh mobbing is done I don't need to set up this combo and then lastly Boulder cane really with Boulder cane you run into a suppressor Elite your mobbing is over uh it has a bunch of issues with pushing enemies away while you're fighting a bunch of Elites where you're pushing one Elite one way and another Elite another way and you have to constantly chase after them so I think Boulder Kane is the worst mobbing build here next up we get to our survivability tier list this is just purely based off of what builds can get hit the most what builds you can play the most lazy on um and which builds are going to survive particularly nightmare 100 um and the best build that I found personally that I've used this season is plague shifter uh it just tanks everything you feel like a bulldozzer uh it is really really hard to die on that build and Then followed by that is stormclaw you have uh you can use Nature's Fury with stormclaw get a ton of all of your skills up all the time basically anything that's a Nature's Fury build is going to have inherent good survivability because of low cooldowns um and stormclaw has a ton of like Health back every time you're casting all your skills uh so that feels really good next up I've got Vamp NATO uh Vamp NATO uh the way that I built it has a ridiculous amount of survivability uh you can use the like Hunter Zenith setup on it and then you just every time you NATO you debilitating Roar and then you can just sit in enemy damage the reason I have Vamp NATO a little bit lower is because if you misfire on the grizzly or the debilitating roar or you like mess up or you haven't proed it yet then you don't have great survivability so you've got very like conditional survivability versus like plague shifter and stormclaw have like inherent survivability um then pulverize just a beefy build You're Building off of your overpower so you're constantly building into fortify and health just inherently uh then I've got poison explosion another Hunter Zenith debilitating Roar when it works well it works really really well when it doesn't work well it's hard to use um lightning storm is a weird one to place here personally and lightning storm is one of the easier nightmare 100 builds that I've used because it keeps such uh it can keep such distant from enemies where you can stay away from like in like the room over and kill enemies before you even see them lightning storm will fire over walls it'll fire behind doors um and you can kill enemies before they have a chance to kill you which gives it a ton of survivability but the way that I personally Built My lightning storm it basically get gets one tapped by mostly everything on nightmare 100 unless you have debilitating roll up uh so it's a very squishy build which is why it's like conditionally not very survivable but if you're playing it correctly uh you shouldn't have any issues and then lastly Boulder Kane Boulder Kane does have a lot of inherent survivability but once again all of that kind of falls to the Wayside as soon as you run into a suppressor Elite um so that just like didn't enjoy that build it was very frustrating trying to survive on it because I just came up to an enemy that I couldn't kill basically next up we get into our gear requirements SL EAS of use now I put number one spot as stormclaw yes you do need a crone staff for stormclaw however once you acquire it it's literally the easiest to play build that I think I've ever used on Dr uh you literally just hold down a button and walk forward um and so I put that at the like number one ease of use if you want to sit back relax stormclaw is your build the next uh top slot is plague shifter plague shifter is like the only build on this entire list that just doesn't need any uniques at all to function uh you do not have any Spirit cost uh t one of like the tougher things to use about some of these other builds is that they have Spirit cost and then you got to manage that Spirit cost which makes it tough to use plus they could be requiring The Tempest Roar which also makes them tough a plague shifter doesn't require any uniques to work um it's why it was such a great leveling build in season 1 and why it's one of the easiest to use builds that I have here uh next up is pulverize pulverize you literally walk forward and hit the slam button uh same thing with lightning storm lightning storm is really easy to use you just hold down lightning storm Dash hold down lightning storm it does require a tempest Roar so obviously it's not going to be like that high up uh same thing with Vamp NATO just Spam your NATO Boulder cane and poison explosion are both very more so technical builds uh so they're a little bit more difficult to use I found poison explosion um was a lot more of like a combo game so you needed to set up your things and then versus like vampo and lightning storm you're kind of just holding down one button um and just spamming so those uh even though they do require a tempest it's just a lot easier builds to use in my opinion uh so those are our gear re/ EAS of use next up we get to our speed tier list now in my head like speed is if I throw these builds into a nightmare 70 75 which of them are going to clear faster which are going to be your best gold Farmers your best like veiled Crystal Farmers that are going to be clearing dungeons for you it doesn't matter their like survivability at all you just want to blast as fast as possible which ones are going to be the best at that and at number one I have Vamp NATO uh you can constantly spam NATO while on the move it does a ton of damage it stays like it it'll do passive damage so you can kill enemies as you're running um and it also does a ton of single Target so vampino is my best Speed Build followed by lightning storm lightning storm is a standing still ability however it will oneshot everything that you click the button on it'll onshot screens for you and it's a better one shot AOE skill than pulverized because it's got more AOE and you don't have to like kind of position yourself to do good damage with lightning storm versus pulverize you kind of have to like get behind the enemy and get this way uh pulverize from point A to point B and a dungeon you can just constantly slam and everything in front of you will be dead you're just moving through an empty dungeon as you're slamming uh which is really great plague shifters got trample and as every time that you're casting trample you're landsliding and then you can poison creeper into a pack trample to the next group uh and that stays up really good movement speed um and it keeps its good AOE stormclaw while it has like faster movement speed then pulverize and plague shifter it doesn't quite have the AOE that those two builds have uh so that's why it's a bit lower poison explosion uh even though it is a shred build feels a bit slower to me uh mainly because once again you do have to set up your damage a bit more but if you can get those enemies in a pack you can just one-hot everything uh poison explosion one shots harder than anything else on this tier list in terms of like single Target damage potential uh it is crazy and so there's nothing that you can't oneshot with poison explosion it just can take a little bit more setup than these other builds um and then lastly we've got Boulder Kane Boulder Kane does run through a dungeon very quickly but I find like for myself when I was using it a lot of times I'd have to backtrack because I'm pushing enemies away and then the elite that I didn't know was to my right dies and then it's got animus to the right and it got pushed away and then another lead is going this way um I designed Boulder Kane just to be a bossing build that's what it's best at um it can move through dungeons quickly it's just a bit of a pain to use uh for a nightmare dungeon so that's why I have it as my lowest Speed Build now we get to the results of our tier list now once again I didn't know what was going to be the best build going into this I just put numbers and ranked them in all of these different categories I had no idea what was going to come out on top um and then when we crunch all of these numbers add them up once again lowest is the best we get to our final results and our number one spot we have Vamp NATO uh I was kind of guessing that this was going to be the top spot honestly just because one it's got really great damage and two it's got good speed clearing and uh it's got decent survivability uh it just kind of does it all at our number two spot we've got plague shifter plague shifter really easy to use doesn't require any uniques really tanky good mobbing good speed um however just like so we're like clear uh I had it as our worst bosser I had plague shifter at our number seven spot for bossing um so obviously this tier list is going to prioritize overall playability rather than specific things if you just want to go kill bosses plague shifter is not the build that I'm going to recommend to you for example uh but with all of the other quality of life that this build brings it's our number two spot stormclaw at our number three doesn't surprise me at all stormclaw is kind of like a do it all but like not best at anything it's just good all around uh it's a very well-rounded and strong build for this season if you're going to pick one build and stick to it it's a great one to choose uh because it's just going to do all the content without needing too much fuss uh at our number four spot we've got tide between pulverize and lightning storm that makes a ton of sense to me these builds kind of operate similarly uh lightning Storm's got a bit better AOE and clear speed than pulverized pulverized has a little bit higher boss potential than lightning storm um and these builds tying didn't really surprise me that much and then at our number five spot and our number six spot we've got poison explosion and Boulder cane uh once again these builds are builds that I set up more so to be High bossers these builds poison explosion and Boulder cane when we go to the bossing tier list were number two and number three so once again if you're prioritizing bossing these builds are fantastic um and if you're prioritizing big numbers and high DPS they are winners however when it comes to their setup their use their speed uh they just didn't find them quite as good as some of our other builds and so that's why they're lower on the tier list it doesn't mean that they're bad builds it's just overall quality of life they're not quite up there with something like vampo guys that is going to do it for the video I hope you enjoyed once again these are my Impressions and opinions of the builds that I have played um obviously your impressions and opinions could vary let me know Down Below in the comments what Droid build you've been enjoying the most uh these are just ranking my own builds as I haven't played other people's builds so I can't rank them um because I just don't know where they would fit on this list but I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will catch youall in the next one uh also the day that this is coming out the new dro rings are going to be like being introduced uh which is going to give us a pull which I think is going to really benefit plague shifter is going to be one of the better builds for that stormclaw should also really benefit from the new drw ring um so these builds could see some higher uh results in this like final ranking but just wanted to put this out there before these Rings come out and then I'll probably making some builds with the new drw ring uh to show off what it can do I'll catch you on the next one guys take care peace
Channel: Moxsy
Views: 110,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borderlands 3 amara, borderlands 3 best build, borderlands 3 amara guide, borderlands 3 amara build, moxsy borderlands, amara build borderlands 3, borderlands 3 best amara build, borderlands 3 amara melee build, best amara build borderlands 3, borderlands amara build, moxsy, best amara builds, build, best amara build, radiation build, bl3 best amara build, best build, best amara boss build, amara guide, op amara build
Id: wKge3fWN_P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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