Every Detail About Jannah You Need To Know

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foreign [Music] my brothers and sisters I want you to think about Paradise because this is what drives us in Paradise my brothers and my sisters time will no longer exist Allah says in Jannah in Jannah my brother and my sister you will live therein forever and another 100 years not a thousand years not Ten Thousand Years not a hundred you will live therein forever you will never ever ever die can you imagine that you will never die some of the scholars they tried to give an analogy to help you understand and I said imagine right can you imagine this hall now imagine we filled up this with sand how many grains of sand you reckon will be in here Halas it's a figure that you can't count yeah surely The Scholar said imagine we filled up the whole Earth we filled that up with sand really the the um they actually used mustard seed right but yeah they said imagine we filled up the whole earth with mustard seed from the ground all the way to the skies and every one billion years one bird would come to Earth take one Mustard Seed and go and it won't come back for another billion years it'll come back after a billion years take one seed and go the scholars say this bird will use up all of these mustard seeds all the mustard seeds would finish and used to be in Jannah you will be there for no fear of death in Jannah you will never grow old did you know that an old lady she came to the prophet of Allah and she says our prophet of Allah is there room in Jannah for an old lady like me his sister no in Jannah there are no old ladies so she began to cry so he smiled at her sallallahu alaihi wasallam with that smile that penetrates the heart his sister in Jannah Allah will take you back to your youthful days and you will live forever in Jannah as a youth thank you in Jannah my brothers and sisters you will be the age of about 33 years old can you imagine you and your father are the exact same age you and your mother will be the exact same age and in Jannah you will be as tall as your father Adam about 30 meters high in Jannah my brothers and sisters you will never have to go to the toilet ever again [Music] imagine that my sisters in Paradise you will never have your monthlies ever again you will never have these emotions and everything that comes along with her my sister never done finished dusted in Jannah you will never get sick in Jannah you will never get tired in Jannah you will never sleep you don't sleep in Jannah in Jannah my brothers you will never get old you will never get tired you will never feel fatigued it's just pure and pure and pure happiness for eternity Forever This is the prize that Allah has prepared in Jannah there's no more fasting in Jannah there's no more Salah in Jannah there's no more in Jannah there's no more worship nothing you never have to do anything ever again [Music] in Jannah you will be clean shaven no more this you see this this one be there in Paradise I can't wait man well I can't wait I look really it's the Sunnah and Allah it's the Sunnah and it's here but if I had the choice I'll rip it off as soon as I can [Music] you know I'm an electrician by trade so as an electrician I use the cordless drill a lot and sometimes I'll be doing a delicate job and and I have to sort of focus and get close so many times you know I'll be focusing getting closer as I'm using the Jew in it and my beat gets caught in the drill all right in Jannah no more and in Jannah my brothers and sisters imagine maybe the boys they won't appreciate this as much but the sisters in Jannah the prophet of Allah he tells us that you're going to look in the mirror and you're going to be the most amazing creation That Ever Walked the Earth wallahi in this Dunya grabbed the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet the most breathtaking woman and tell a look if you can change a couple of features within yourself what would you change wallahi shall give you a whole list of things but in Jannah my brothers and my sisters you're going to look in the mirror and you're gonna go God damn who is that man hey perfect in every way sisters are really struggling what does he mean you won't change anything perfect in every way this is gentleman and in Jannah nothing will ever get old with you you see in Dunya everything gets old in Dunya Everything Is Beautiful to begin with but then it gets worse and worse and worse and worse and I'll give you an example maybe the younger guys they're not gonna know what I'm on about but maybe there's a little bit older will catch on do you guys remember when the Atari came out does anyone know what the Atari is siga Nintendo the young guys like I think you can use this dinosaur man does anyone remember the Nintendo you remember the first one you know yeah when that thing came out I was a young young when that thing came out Ya Allah that was the peak of happiness that was it if you had that that's Jannah on Earth there isn't any more purpose to life than Nintendo so when we were young I couldn't afford it and it was expensive you know my mum and dad were doing it you know so I would beg mom dad you don't understand why this is it this is the peak of Happiness this is the reason this is the purpose of my existence then Nintendo man you got to get me the Nintendo anyway I said because he took him so long to save up the money and buy it for me eventually when they did buy it Allahu Akbar the joy and the happiness in my heart man you know how long the joy lasted for until the Super Nintendo came out and because it took them so long to buy it there was a very small gap between and the super and what was the purpose of my happiness became the purpose of my misery and destruction come on man I can't play takan while the brothers are playing Mario Kart come on man and I spent my life like this eventually when my mom bought me the Super Nintendo the Nintendo 64 came out on the Nintendo 64 and this is dun Yemen you're never ever ever [Music] there's a very powerful Hadith I wanted to share with you it's narrated by Malita and so here Muslim that the prophet saws narrates to us an interesting conversation it's a conversation between Musa and his Lord and Musa says he asked the loss who is the lowest person in Jannah right who is the lowest person that's going to enter into Jannah what's the lowest manzila and Allah responds to him that it would be a person that would come after everyone else has entered into Jannah and it would be said to him enter and take your portion of it and the man would say Ya Allah how can I take my portion when everyone else has already taken their portion so there's he would think that there is nothing left in Jannah because everyone else has already settled into Jannah now this isn't we we might know the other Hadith where which rasulullah talks about the last person to enter Jannah so it's obviously the same person so he wouldn't know where to go because he'd think that everything was already taken in Jannah and Allah says to him oh my servant would you be pleased that you have the kingdom of you know the the kingdom of the world that the greatest King in this world would have and the man responds yes I'm pleased with that and Allah says [Music] Allah says so you have that and and then another one like it and another one like it and another one like it another one like it and another one like it until he reached five times and the man says to Allah I'm pleased and Allah says so you have all of that and you will have ten times that so 50 times the kingdom of the world is what goes to the lowest person in Al Jannah so Allah is telling Musa Islam is thinking to himself well if that's what the lowest person in Jannah gets he says to Allah so what about someone who's higher than that like I'm a prophet of Allah I'm going to be in the sixth heaven so what is it like for someone who's higher than that you know what Allah responds to Musa Islam he says don't ask don't ask and Allah says because no I has seen it and no ear has heard it it's never even come to the wildest imagination of a person and Allah then says that no one knows what Allah no I can grasp what Allah has prepared for the believer as a reward for that which they used to do why do I bring up this very powerful Hadith in Muslim a lot of times when we think about gender when we talk about Jannah and we read some of the Hadith about Jannah it sounds a little strange doesn't it you know the first meal in Jannah is going to be fish liver and so that would make bengalis very happy no no pun intended you know that they're going to have trees that grow clothes you know you're going to have houses that are made of gold and you know musk is what's keeping the bricks together and so on and so forth you read this stuff and it's like wow okay this is really strange and you know I don't even like fish liver you know because I'm not Bengali or it could be that you know what I'm reading about hood and aim and you know that sounds really uh inappropriate to me this hood or anything this thing so let's just say that it means grapes wait a minute is telling us that it's a different place okay how did we're not talking about you know something that we see in Dunya are something that even makes sense to Dunya because when described the women of paradise said that they would be transparent you could see their bone marrow now would you be attracted to a woman if you could see her bone marrow and Dunya no it's a totally different realm it's a totally different world there's someone says you know why do I have to be with my husband in Paradise why do I have to be with my wife in Paradise you know I don't want to see them anymore I'm sick of them I had to live off Dunya with them it's different in Jannah people are different in Jannah there is no jealousy in Jannah there is no hatred in Jannah there is no dissatisfaction because the one who created desire is giving you all that you could possibly desire and in general you know what Allah says is better and everlasting right because in Dunya you get something and even if it's great you know it's not going to last eventually it's gonna you know eventually it's gonna reach its expiration or you'll get sick of it one of the two things is bound to happen but in Jannah Allah describes that every time the wife will see the husband and the husband will see the wife again they would say to each other you're even more beautiful than the last time I left you right now so you so with that being said then what's the point of even reading a Hadith about Jannah and is Jannah really going to be satisfying to me is he going to be too weird for me to really enjoy and this is the beauty of it as different as Jannah is it's not that weird and in fact Allah will give us the things that are familiar to us one it benefits us and when it makes us happy so for example the prophet salallahu said that whenever a person enters into a Jannah they would go to their homes in Jannah easier than they would go to their homes in Dunya you know when you're driving home from work you're not thinking you know hopefully you're not pulling out your GPS uh you know looking at how to get home or looking up Google Maps you're used to driving home you drive home subconsciously you could be talking on the phone eating cereal driving with your foot whatever how crazy you are but you're gonna make it home at the end of the day because you you're so used to driving home said that a person would go to his home and he would and he would know the way to his home more than he knew the way to his home in Dunya and also Allah something very beautiful in Surat al-baqarah Allah says every time you're given something in Jannah Allah gives you some sustenance in Jannah this is what we had before meaning what you see a mango in gender you see an orange agenda you see a banana and generally you see an apple in Jannah uh he used to eat bananas because he said bananas are most like the fruits in Arjuna because they're not seasonal he used to love eating bananas and so you see these fruits and you see this lisp and you see some things that that resemble what they resembled in Dunya but then you take a bite of it and then you know you see what it used it seems to be the same thing but once you are once you take a bite of it this is not the same right this is totally different you know this this does not taste the way that it tasted in Dunya you know this doesn't have a sour aftertaste this is this is totally different so Allah gives you enough to be familiar with and at the same time Allah gives you that level of excitement Allah gives you the element of surprise and subhanallah there is one thing in Jannah which no human being could experience in Dunya and that is to be able to stare at the face of Allah to actually see Allah and that's when Allah says in the Quran for those who performed with Excellence they will have Excellence returned to them and more and the sahaba understood they said we know what hasna is here it's talking about Jannah Jannah For Your Excellence but what is more than Jannah and that's when the prophet saws told them right because that's something that you could never experience in Dunya that no human being could experience in Dunya that's something that is beyond our imagination that is beyond pleasure and we would have that pleasure the reason why is I make this video dear brothers and sisters and the reason why I bring this up is because again A lot of times we and we get caught up you know we try to see Jannah through our worldly lens right we try to understand Jannah with the scope of Dunya and that's a big problem right don't worry about the details of Jannah and don't worry about the trees that are growing clothes and don't worry about who you're going to be within Jannah just know that you're going to be happy so the point is try to make it there do everything that you can to make it there and we ask Allah and the authentic Hadith that we mentioned in a previous video if you ask Allah for Jannah three times Allah will allow Jannah to make Dua to Allah to say oh Allah enter him into me so we ask Allah to enter us into we ask Allah to enter us we ask Allah I hope to see you all either oh [Music] foreign that they're going to have not won multiple Gardens they're going to have multiple Gardens one Garden is enough he says multiple and when Allah says multiple we will we will see that every fruit of Jannah is never the same if Allah gave you a grape and you tasted it oh the next creep completely different oh every fruit is entirely different every time you have it then if every fruit is entirely different can you imagine the gardens because a fruit is the smallest part of what a garden Allah gives not wine but multiple Gardens each garden with its own design with its own flowers with its own valleys with its own waterfalls with its own wonders and you've been to one you're like ah it's kind of the same you know if you go to like uh if you go to a beach in California then you go to a beach in like Malaysia and you go to a beach in Hawaii at the end of the day eighty percent of it is in common it's a Beach water Sun sand there's a few extra rocks here and there there's a breeze is kind of similar maybe the water is clear but you know pretty much it's the same thing pretty much when you're in the middle of the forest whether you're in the redwood forest or you're in some other like when you're there you're like wow trees Sky Mountain it's pretty beautiful it's all it reminds me of this other place isn't that what you do it reminds me of this other place but Allah azzawajal gives Gardens and each one of them no I has ever seen no ear has ever heard when you walk in the woods when you walk in the garden you hear the birds chirp you know you hear the breeze but the breeze of Jannah you've never heard the chirping of those birds you've never heard and those birds were going to eat those birds too well it's gonna be some good burden in Jannah you know of what they desire that's the part I'm looking forward to actually the birds of Jannah Allah mentioned it the Flesh of bird of what they passionately desire and I certainly do the the roasted whatever that is Heavenly chicken I don't know what it is it's gonna be amazing you know underneath all of them there are rivers flowing what me what that means is first of all there's Rivers underneath meaning underground water the under every river others have interpreted to mean that these mountains these these Heavens these Gardens are all on cliffs and you're all the way on top of the cliff enjoying this garden and actually when you go to the edge it's a waterfall too so you're actually on top of a waterfall you know and rivers are flowing from underneath you others have said perhaps it's like the castles of you know Castle Suleiman where the floor is water itself you're walking on water you know when you look underneath you and it's just water every time they're provided from it of any fruit as provision now suggests you don't even have to get up and get a fruit the Trees of Jannah are huge and you're like all this fruit up there how do I can we order uh stick or something no no no you just chill you relax it is brought to you it was brought to you you're just sitting there and you know these young Butlers valet boys that Allah created just a service service gentleman for Jannah you know they run around would you like some more Apple sir and you know you just and you have it of any one of them of any fruit this gun you know in this world you like some fruits you're not so crazy about some fruits like me personally not crazy about durian you know in Malaysia if you haven't heard of it good for you because once you open it you know it's a chemical warfare so so you like some fruits you don't like some fruits and when sometimes the fruit will be presented to you maybe it's one of the fruits you weren't crazy about maybe somebody brings to you a coconut and you're like I'm not so crazy about coconut so the first impression you get is hey this is what we used to have in Dunya this is what you used to be given we used to be provided way back way back in Dunya and maybe it's something you liked and maybe it's something new did it like and you know you're in Jannah you're thinking everything's going to be good you know sometimes your friends want to make you taste something and you're like you know it's gonna be really good like I don't know I don't wanna come on try try it's really good it's great crab is great or when I was in Malaysia they made me eat a octopus instead of octopus I was like no don't try to tastes like chicken oh my god oh okay maybe octopus I took a picture and said to my kids this is what I just ate and I got like 8 000 lines of EU you know but you know in Jannah you're being offered this fruit and the thought might cross somebody's mind I don't know I didn't like this in Dunya oh this is like what we used to get back home hmm I thought I would get something else but Allah adds they will be brought that fruit and that is looking similar to what they had before in other words it will be similar but when they take a bite the surprise will shock them the what let me have and then the next bite is even better and the next bite is even better and now here's the thing sometimes you're eating something that you love especially at iftar right you're eating something that you absolutely love if you're a chocoholic you've got the entire you like bucket ready and you're chowing it down the problem is once you have one two three four five when you get to the tenth one even you're like I think I'm done it is a stop and you don't want to even your favorite meal you don't want to taste it anymore at a certain point even if you had your favorite meal two three times you're like let's eat something else now I'm a fanatic about chicken shawarmas but I can only have so many other time and after a while let's get some beef or something let's do something else in in Jannah you're eating the same fruit but it's actually never the same so you never get tired of eating it so amazing and then Allah adds thank God there are only five minutes left so I don't have to explain this part you know they're going to have purified it's translated purified spouses and of course sisters have no questions about this Ayah at all they're completely happy with this Ayah and it increases their Iman and it makes them look forward to going to Jannah I'll say a few things about this word from a language point of view the first thing I'll say I'll only share with you what I'm convinced of Allah in my own study of the Quran whatever I found the most convincing I like to share and I don't consider myself a scholar of the Quran I consider myself very much a student of the Quran and I think I'll die in that state being a student of the Quran I urge you to do your own studies but here are a few things I'd like to share with you in the Quran itself the word is used both for males and for females towards is used for example the woman came and complained about her zoj which is her what husband okay then zoj is also used for the wife we fixed his zoj for him his wife for him so the words Elgin Arabic actually means counterpart it's okay to translate spouse but I like counterpart better actually a perfectly matched counterpart is called azoj the sun and the moon are zojin the day in the night are zojane okay this these are actually from Allah similarly this world and this life and the next life are also they complete each other this life is a key to the next one the next life is dependent on this one they're they're related with each other there's OJ there's actually a zojia inside of the human being the body and the the count counterpart each other they work together the male and the female are also zojin and in the majority language of the Arabs of the ancient times the husband was called zouge and the wife was also called zoj she wasn't called zoja the Tamar Buddha was not added even for the wife that's even true in the Quran okay that was actually considered some people of najib actually used to use the word Quran didn't use it Quran used the words for both man and for women then the next thing is the pro the plural pronoun hum home in Arabic is used it's it's a comprehensive inclusive pronoun that includes both men and women so when Allah says they will have purified spouses then actually my first inclination is to believe in in most of these passages that Allah is saying the men will have purified spouses and so will the women have purified spouses I'm not talking about or number I'm talking about everybody will have a purified Spells at the very least they will have a purified spouse the number is a separate issue because actually most of the time in the Quran when Allah speaks about purified spouses he doesn't say he will have many spouses he says they will have spouses so there's a plural on this side and a plural on that side like for example if I say these people have spouses which could very well mean each one of you as how many one I mean there are Hadith traditions and other Traditions that refer to multiple that's a separate issue that's a later issue but the Quran at the very least confirms everybody will have a wonderful spouse one wonderful spouse at the very least and that is not denied of men or of women that's not denied and the nature of the the nature of a spousal relationship is the next part what a man Desires in a spousal relationship is different from what a woman desires what a man wants his spousal relationship to look like for the rest of his life or forever is different than what a woman desires actually in this world whenever a man and a woman come together at the end of the day there are compromises there's there's some things you're not going to be happy about some things you're going to have to learn to live with right that's going to have to be the case and then there are some things your wife will have to tolerate and say Ya Allah and Jannah please not I had enough here you know I'm done with this part I I can't do this anymore because you you keep leaving you know ladoos in the bathroom like your clothes and you keep doing whatever whatever it is that you do that she puts up with she says eventually Allah just uh anything but that you know in Jannah and that may well be the case but then and inshallah when the time comes I'll talk to you more about the idea but here I want to add purified not pure pure is an incorrect translation this is an ism of rule thoroughly purified meaning purified to not just spiritually and in terms of goodness but purified exactly to your taste you know when people get married before they get married though the girl the guy is interested in she's perfect in every way man when I look at her I wonder what Allah has left in Jannah because it's all here in this picture on Facebook you know like he's like so but when he gets married then emails start coming to stop my man and you know like I thought she was perfect you know then it starts right in Jannah it's not just a picture that's perfect well photoshopped you know it's actually the personality the company you know sometimes the wife tests the husband says don't you like hanging out with me and he bites his tongue and said yes you know of course I do I hate going out with my friends you know so the idea of motahara means is exactly to your liking and he will be exactly to your liking I know that sounds impossible in this world but that's a gift of the akhara and by the way just like the fruit every time you taste it what does it feel like the first time you're eating it I've never had it before actually that's what the case is with the spouse in general it never gets old she's actually the first her you're we're gonna be with this woman for eternity you're going to be with that man for etern ever and ever and ever that's a long time it's kind of a scary Prospect for seriously forever what does Allah do in in [Music] meaning they're constantly lowering their eyes when a woman meets her husband for the first time and he closes the door behind him and she avoids making eye contact because she's shy those Beautiful Moments never come back except in Jannah it's every time every time with her is the first time subhanallah there's no old history no scars that have contaminated their relationship no memory from remember yesterday what you said there's none of that it's all gone and then it's okay to understand and they're gonna be in that forever one last thing about this Ayah I know I've taken long but I'll just say one more thing about this Ayah that's commonly overlooked but it's part of the language of the Quran the word in the Quran doesn't just count for spouses actually comes for people you hang out with and get along with [Music] does not mean spouses means company you hang out with that you perfectly click with you know there are friends that you get along with and you have a laugh with them like you never have with anybody else and you haven't hung out with those friends in many many years and years later you hang out with them and you turn 17 Again and you're like Whoa man these guys something else you know there's something about those groups those groups are actually called what as much because they you complete each other in that sense Allah is not just talking about a happy marriage in Jannah Allah is actually saying your Hangouts your chill sessions your your parties your groups your clicks when you're gonna go out on a trip when you're gonna do stuff in Jannah you're gonna have friends that you just love being around and they've been purified just for you because a lot of times when you have a group of friends get together and hang out and have a good time then one of them is more offensive than the others or one person becomes the object of ridicule or one person hurts the other person's feelings it's a great hangout but there are some Sour moments here and there right but in in Jannah Allah has purified the collection of people he's purified them subhanallah and that is one of the joys of Heaven one of the joys Allah describes this in other places they're going to be meeting each other asking each other questions hey man how's it going you made it too oh wow I didn't think you'd okay okay you're into that too all right that's cool how's it been man remember back in the day and they're gonna just chill together there's literally parties because somebody might read Quran and wonder if I have the perfect spouse how am I getting time to hang out with my friends in general maybe that's part of the Perfection of your spouse [Applause] [Music] and when you come into Jannah the angels are are the ones who greet you you know when you come to the hotel in this place you get the service man he's greeting you yeah your servicemen first serviceman inside Jannah are the Angels and they say to you and to all your family members all of you don't worry they won't have this American accent but what they will have is they will have the language of Arabic everyone in Jannah will automatically speak Arabic everyone in general said automatically in Jannah when you get inside you will be like your father Adam 60 foot tall 60 foot tall seven foot wide everyone with the size of Adam everyone will have the voice of dawood he had the most beautiful voice any human being ever had and Allah said in the Holy Quran Allah that when he used to sing the birds used to come in their hundreds in lines and rows and they should sit right around him and they used to all sing along with him even Allah said al-jibal the mountains would sing with him if you heard his voice your heart would melt now some people have voices subhanallahu so every person of Jannah will have that voice every person in Jannah will get the beauty of Yusuf Al Islam but don't worry there won't be any um you know other kind of people in Jannah only men men to women and women to men all right there's no other business right Yusuf Allah was the most handsome individual the women cut their hands they were blood pouring down even if you cut your hand you know how painful it is they've cut it right from between the thumb and the and the forefinger they cut it there's a cat in the Apple they went straight through through their skin into the meat right towards the bone and they're still going that's you in Jannah brother so you come inside and the angels greet you and you get this the Husson of Yusuf and from your heart all that hatred is taken out and the fourth thing rasulullah said every person gets what is what you get the character of Muhammad Allah so you're not going to hurt anyone in Jannah don't worry if you basically you know accidentally do something there's no accidents I'm just saying if there is don't worry there's no hospital so if you work as a doctor you don't get no job in gender don't worry and I'm saying there's no lawyers in Jannah there's no there's no arguments in general so if you're a lawyer nothing no Engineers you don't have to build your nice or build for you right nothing goes wrong in general is a Muslim you do not even have anything coming out of your nose in Jannah you know you get a cold and nothing you got you know when you wake up in the morning you gotta basically blow your nose out clean there's no bad air in Jannah there's no bad doesn't Jannah is perfect says that he never lie around you will never see the sun in Jannah there's been natural light you'll never have a cold day in Jannah there's no cold there's no hot you know when sometimes you feel that you know on some days you come out and you feel wow that oh that is nice man the wind is blowing just the right amount and the Sun is you know on your face just the right amount you know that kind of day that's every day in Jannah every day in Jannah never gets and it gets better it always gets better so you can imagine you've come inside here there's nothing you know no one will spit in Jannah now some guys I can't stand them in this world one day every time yeah it's horrible it's horrible why are you doing that for I mean come on said what he said even a Masjid if you see someone's you know something come out of their mouth the nose to see you better clean it because he said Allah he said Allah presented to me the actions that the best of actions and the worst of actions from the best of act from from the best of actions I saw a man who will remove a harmful item from the pathway that's the best of actions from the worst of actions is there's a bit of phlegm or there's a bit of the part from the nose Okay mucus inside the Masjid and people see it and they don't want to they don't want to clean it that's some of the worst of actions so no one's going to spit in Jannah no one there's no toilets in Jannah woohoo you can go you can enjoy yourself don't have to worry about the toilet you can drink you know when they drink alcohol there's a problem of letting it all out right there's not another problem they can you can drink and drink no one will go to the toilet in jannah's and no one and then that word the sahaba the sahaba said mission of Allah what yeah you drink you eat all of that you know you got the power of 100 men to eat and I'm saying now some people you sit with them in this world you think you know God take it easy man you know before you you got five chickens before you take one in he's taking four all right good man take it easy you know there's some people like that now don't worry you got plenty of food yeah you know the food in general is so much Lila so much you can sit there all day and eat you can eat now you got the word the sahaba the word what's gonna happen so Prophet said don't worry you just spit sweat sweat but what the sweat is rasulullah said your sweat will smell a musk so when you sweat it's really nice because you've got nice new perfume on yourself so she's even dying to come closer to you because you sweat you sweat inside Jannah in Jannah you have your label you have certain houses made of pure gold there's certain places of Jannah made a pure gold certain places made of pure pure silver certain places pure diamonds pure rubies and certain places Allah mixes them up one brick is gold one brick silver one brick Emerald one brick Diamond one brick Sapphire one big something else each one is different the door of one of the Palaces that you've got in Jannah is so big is from the earth here to our sky and you walk inside when you walk inside you've got one room that leads to another room that leads to another room that lives and each one you can imagine the size of this each room has got 70 tables of food each table has got 70 variety 70 different plates of food each plate has got certain dishes and each time they take a fruit you know what will happen they take a fruit and you know you get sometimes you get to be spoiled right people have done that they're going to be spoiled they eat one fruit and they say okay thanks have straightened them they give them a fruit and it looks exactly the same they say hey it's to the seven you can have loads of sevens loads of servants really nice looking good young servants all right but you can't do anything with them they will serve you Allah Gilman the young boys that will serve you right and they will serve you and they will give you dish after dish the ones giving you one the next one gives you another one they're your servants in general you tell them whatever to do they'll do it and they give you one fruit that is similar to another food they're given the same fruit and say Hey listen please give me the same fruit I'm just tasting as well give me another one no no no taste it when they taste it the same fruit tasted different the same fruit tastes different and some fruit you taste them each bite you taste they're always different each bite you have is different so you eat Allah says what is a person sees in Jannah is sitting down he's lying down and he sees a nice bird flying over he's a real bird right not the other bed right a little bit flying over so he sees and he wishes that he could have you know he remembers in the world he used to love chicken and chips right you know chicken and chips I'm not saying the Hadith says chicken and chips right but I'm just saying like he probably wants that roasted right in front of me grilled barbecued whatever yeah so he wants that he just said from the air drops right in front of him roasted ready barbecued grilled and he just bunches it throws the bones away and when he throws the bones away that bones become another bird the same bed and flies away I can imagine some of you just looking back and yeah all right get back here use two knives get back in Jannah they have account you have marketplaces and these Market places when they go there the marketplaces have designer faces you don't have no plastic surgery in Jannah brother sister cosmetic this is that you go you have this design effects these are real people inside Jannah who've got beautiful faces and they're all in different places of the market and you just look at them you just desire that your face looks like that and your face changes your face changes but you might get worried now right when I go back to my wife's they're not going to recognize me they go come back home and their wives come running out to them and they say you look even more face you're gonna be you look even more beautiful they will have 70 pieces of clothes on them thin pieces Fabrics on them each one is a very delicate fabric on the on the whole line 70. and through the 70s Muslim through the 70 of this beautiful Fabrics on her he sees the love she has for him pumping in her marrow bone forget the heart it's in her marrow born Allah has created her to see nothing more than just you me you because you Allah will make her be in fact right now you know you're in you're in this uh this world right now you know the Hadith says Prophet saws said you know when I when a person's wife says things to him bad things are you this you that you never tidy up you do our you know you get from your wife just guys nod your heads say yes that is the only my wife are you stop saying that he's our husband as well our husband as well sometimes I tease my wife and I tell her this is laughing right just to make you laugh yeah I really wind her up sometimes and just make her laugh because when she gets mad at me I just wind it up so you know the the women okay they're probably thinking subhanallah what are they gonna get they are going to become the most beautiful out of all your wives in Jannah I didn't hear Savannah from you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and we're almost at the tail end of this project with many of you remember that I was doing the solute Yusuf series uh you know more than a year it took to complete that series and then I wanted to finish up what I left off with we're almost there uh even though every Ayah is a major challenge by itself so as I was studying for this Ayah I decided to use this as an opportunity to just give a glimpse of this kind of thing on open social media platforms also we are now looking at Ayah number 108 and in this Ayah Allah is going to talk to us about Jannah there are two ayat 107 and 108 both of them are dedicated to life in heaven so for those of you that are listening and are not Muslim or are not very familiar with Islamic terminology Jannah is our term for heaven it's the the Arabic word Jannah comes from Jim noon and noon the origin refers to something well covered and Janine is the womb of the mother and the Jinn is the creature that cannot be seen is covered or veiled from the eyes and Jannah is a garden that is covered in Greenery Perfection of a garden is called Jannah so in the previous Ayah that I've already discussed yesterday Allah says those of you who those those that have believed and have good done good deeds they have The Gardens of Al firdos the highest level the highest level Garden or the most perfect of all Gardens is called alfredos and the prophet saws invited us to ask ask us if we're going to ask Allah for anything ask for the highest Jannah so and Allah then added something that he usually doesn't add you know in many places in the Quran only some places Allah has hinted at this reality and that's a reality that I wanted to focus on today picking up from where I left off yesterday he didn't just say they're gonna get Jannah he said they're going to get Jannah as nuzulan now nuzulan is this is the hospitality shown to somebody who comes over so let me try all of this together in simple English for you like once you go over to somebody's house and the moment they arrive there's a welcome there's you open the door for them you greet them and as soon as they sit down you I'll offer them can I get you something or you give them some peanuts chips whatever you give them candy it's not the main course meal for which they arrived but there's some introductory hospitality and greetings that portion of the hospitality where you're just giving that that introductory you know a welcome that's called nuzul and Allah says the highest levels of Jannah are being given as nuzul just remarkable then if that's the introduction then what more is there right what so there's there's got to be something more to it for that to be described says well Allah doesn't necessarily mean that this is and there's nothing more let's look at a few things that are possible one possibility is that the excitement that comes with the first moment of being received the first moment of anticipating the Great Main Course about to come that anticipation is actually a remarkable kind of excitement and let's pause without talking about Jannah for a moment about our own emotional state our psychology we are most excited about things that are about to happen things we're looking forward to that are on the verge of happening those are the things that excite us so for example Eid is around the corner it gets exciting the kids know that dad's coming home with some presents it's exciting the the moment the initial moment of receiving the present or the surprise that's exciting we're about to land in a place that we've been wanting to go see forever somebody finally reaches Makkah it's super exciting so excitement is actually tied very closely to anticipation like something's on the verge of happening and it excites you or the the initial impact of something the initial phase of something is super exciting right and if you you know you can't maintain that level of excitement throughout constantly it's there then it tapers off and there may be other moments of excitement but that early excitement that and that anticipation it goes away over time and then other Pleasures take its place now one implication of this could be that what Allah said in the beginning of the Surah he said that they're going to remain in anticipation forever in other words Jannah is never going to be a place where I'm not looking forward to something coming because I'm so used to it it always happens you see in this world if you're a an extremely wealthy person and you have the most beautiful home in the most beautiful location you look outside you're on top of a cliff you can oversee the ocean you see the sunset from your your Mansion people only dream of that kind of a residence right so if people come there for the first time they can't stop looking outside the window they can't help but stare at the sunset they're just lost in how beautiful this place is but the owner is actually got us back to the window he's not it's not a big deal for him why because that's an everyday phenomenon now there are people that have never traveled on an airplane before right you should see the kids that have gotten on a plane for the first time or even adults for that matter going on a plane for the first time it's an event for them and then you should see people that travel on planes all the time it's adab for them right and there are people man you get to travel on a plane whoa that's like it's such an incredible thing right so what I'm trying to get at it it doesn't matter what you've accomplished in this life it the initial exposure to it can be really exciting you getting your job the first day you got your job is super exciting the the first day you got to university is super exciting but you can't hold on to those excitements and they cannot be renewed over and over again the next semester is starting you're like I can't wait more and more midterms nobody does that that's not our that's you know I can't wait for next year we have another five projects that I'm gonna have to do overtime for nobody's thinking that way right the the anticipation the excitement wears off whether it's a new car whether it's a new home whether it's a job whether it's another experience all of those boil down to excitement or anticipation wearing off weaning off Allah says here that for those will be given as nuzul which creates a problem it's a temporary problem at least well if it's nuzul or there's anticipation eventually what happens to that anticipation it wears off and what does Allah add he adds in the very next Ayah so beautifully after a little bit of break because there's a Break Even though grammatically it's all one sentence or even inside it's a it's a it's continuing describing the state they will remain permanently in it now what is it that they're remaining permanently in they're remaining permanently in heaven but they're also remaining permanently in heaven as it occurs as nuzul so the anticipation which is impossible to retain in this life is made permanent by Allah in the next life so a person who's married every time they see their spouse is like they're seeing their spouse for the first time it's the first day of their marriage every single time every time they're eating something like your favorite kind of chicken your favorite kind of fruit or whatever every time you're biting into it or even you're looking at it you're amazed that it's like the first time you're about to have it in other words in this life the world outside can be beautiful but the way you feel about it on the inside can actually start to rust right the the car is still beautiful the Mansion is still beautiful the food is still delicious but the excitement and the anticipation and all of that stuff that you felt inside that made that amazing that made you want to eventually have it and you work so hard to earn the money to get it but that excitement will start weaning off what does Allah do in Jannah first of all the outside cannot even be compared to the outside the virtual or the near Heaven experiences we try to create in this world you can't compare it but more importantly what goes on inside you is going to be made permanent the feeling of excitement the Muk that the the hospitality feeling that you get with nuzul has been made eternal khalidina that's an incredible incredible thing but then we get into a new kind of tension like okay so Allah has described something that we really can't imagine in this world because we cannot imagine being excited every single time you know like imagine like if you love sports you know recently I got back into Cricket you know or about basketball people whatever right if you never miss a shot if you never miss a shot if every every time you hit it's a six if every shot every three-pointer you take goes in you know every every time it's perfect eventually you're like this isn't challenging excitement comes from change excitement comes from nearly not getting to where we were going to get to and then we accomplished anyway that's what makes a game exciting isn't it in other words Allah has created excitement and in anticipation in this world associated with the threat of failure and loss it's actually because there were 400 people that applied to that job and then you got that job that makes it so much more exciting if nobody else cared for that job and you got that job and it's the same pay same exact job it's not as exciting it's simply not as exciting when you got first place in the class there's an excitement because there was a sense of competition if there's nobody else enrolled in the class that you got first place there's no okay well you know first place there's no sense of excitement Associated because there was no challenge there was no no no tension no friction right so that's yet another you know dimension of Jannah that we can't process why because we only think of exciting you know joy-bringing accomplishments when they happen after overcoming some levels of adversity the things that are so easy to acquire actually don't bring us that much joy like even as children we don't get as much pleasure out of the toys that we do have but the ones that we have to beg and cry and get good grades and eventually our dad will get get us that one that's the one that's exciting and even that one once you have it after a couple of days that toy won't be exciting it's another one that you don't have and you have to overcome some obstacles to get to it that's what makes it exciting kids play video games what makes a video game exciting the adversity in the video game the boss that you can't beat the level that you can't complete that's what makes the video game exciting well that's what makes Sports exciting so there's some kind of a an adversarial you know component to all things that bring joy and excitement there's a tension that has to be there and yet in Jannah it seems like Allah has removed all tension everything is yours you don't have to work for them anymore they're all yours the food is all you the best kind of food is all yours the best kind of scenery is all yours so what's the thought process that comes okay fine nozzle will be exciting forever but aren't we eventually going to get bored of the same thing over and over again yay another Garden oh look another waterfall um I want more fruit I've even had some people ask fun questions like uh Jenna talks a lot about fruits I don't like fruit what am I gonna do I don't get an engine I just hate fruit I I mean is there any mention of chocolate or anything is there like I think perhaps uh some Swiss Rolls any anything else any Bagels any anything you know because I'm not into fruit and then Quran describes delicious meat all of a sudden I just I hate chicken I hate I had I hate meat I can't stand meat I don't know Gemini doesn't seem like it's relating to me you know it's it didn't mention anything about strawberry ice cream or it didn't it didn't really talk about you know what about cars and there's no mention of cars so what do we what we look at on the one hand first of all can its permanence be exciting and if it's the same thing over and over again on the other hand I didn't mention the things precisely to my taste why Why didn't it mention things that are exact to my liking and by the way likings vary from one culture to another to another right but what did what did Allah do Allah took for he the two things we have to understand here is Allah azzawajal was talking first and foremost to the companions of the Prophet saws who lived in a desert environment right and for them the most incredible thing you can have at Gardens right and it's not that he was only catering to the Arab audience but you have to understand those people work the hardest they work the hardest for Islam doesn't matter what we do for Islam now we can't compete with what those people did and their loyalty to the prophet saws so what has Allah done Allah has described in most of the occasions of Jannah Allah has verbalized the components the aspects of Jannah that are most enticing for the people that did the hardest work which are the sahaba he did not spell out everybody's taste an example of that a really nice example of that is that there will be tense they will be palm tree all the fruits he mentions palm trees and pomegranate so dates and pomegranate okay I'm not crazy fan of dates I know that's like an Islamic to say but it's okay I was hoping there would be some mention of pineapple maybe kiwi made some strawberries oranges perhaps but no there's no Portugal mentioned there's only and I was hoping like you know skyrise Loft I was hoping for like some kind of a mansion situation some kind of a balcony type no he's mentioning tense if you tell a Roman like a someone living in the Roman Empire at that time hey you know what you're gonna get in Jannah in heaven if you go to heaven we'll get you a tent with fruits in it look what I have a castle you're gonna downgrade me to a tent did you understand but why is he mentioning tense because the Arab of the time the the sahaba including among them but they're not the only ones the Arabs of that time they found a strange joy in experiencing the desert at night in the tent so much of the Romantic poetry and their their relationship with the sky their relationship with the Earth itself revolves around this notion of living the tent life in fact it's been a millennium and a half and some of these Arabs that are billionaires billionaires they have Mansions they have they have rims that are made of gold I don't know why they have them but they do on their car rims and you know what these guys do when they want to Vacation many of them they go out to the desert and they set up an air-conditioned tent of all the things you could be doing they still do that what is it that Allah put in the Quran he acknowledged the first and the foremost they are the ones brought closeness because they did the greatest sacrifices in their show of loyalty so The Narrative of Jannah is actually first and foremost verbalizing what they would desire but it does not exclude as a definition what you and I might desire that's the first thing to think about here the second thing to think about is Gardens Gardens are not all the same thing the the something covered in Greenery or something covered in beautiful Shrubbery and things like that doesn't just mean we're just going to be dropped in the middle of a park and there's a bunch of trees and where are we going to stay no the most beautiful mansions anywhere in the world have remarkable Landscaping privacy the best kinds of privacy created in a private estate are with the with the lining of trees and Shrubbery and The Greenery brings life to the place Joy to the place they're guarded they're Millions spent on maintaining Gardens Gardner is hired doesn't matter which culture you go to if you know if not that I'm encouraging you to watch movies but even from times old if you've ever seen any movie of anybody who's rich a politician the guy from the mafia it doesn't matter what continent they're on when they live the big life what do you see you see a mansion and you see a garden and you definitely see some kind of water feature either they're living next to the ocean or they've got a swimming pool to mimic the ocean or they've got some water spring to mimic a waterfall these are the things that human beings are drawn to first of all gave us the outside experience that we are drawn to but even then even then we're in it forever I think we'd want to eventually change something you know eventually you you get the perfect home you get to home exactly the color scheme you wanted the furniture you wanted the layout you wanted every Last Detail you picked three years later you want to redesign the place your dream car two years later you want to get another one your favorite shirt is in the trash and you want to give it away to your brother because you don't like them that much you want change Allah says about this this is this is our nature we want to update we want to do new things we want to experience new things if you went to this most amazing vacation in some place like oh my God this place was awesome we gotta go back we gotta come back here next time you're like no I already been there I want to go somewhere else at the time you're like I'm always going to come back here even if you did come back you'd be like yeah I think we should have gone somewhere else I mean you'll bring some other people who can get excited but you're excited for them not yourself because you're already yeah I already know I know I know right look at that yeah I see what you're feeling I've already felt that it's expired he he this phrase that Allah adds here they are not even going to pursue or desire they're not going to go after any kind of change from it they're not going to want anything to change what how I don't know how to process that because all I want to do when things get really permanent no matter how good they are I want some kind of change if life is perfect everything's going well somebody says I think I need I need to change the scenery I need to travel I need to get out of here right do something else you know people feel unfulfilled boredom is actually a very it's actually a studied psychological phenomenon it's a studied psychological phenomenon and it's a dissatisfaction with the reality around you at some point it no longer gives you meaning like it's no longer fulfilling you so you get bored and you want to do something else so how is it that we're going to think Jannah isn't going to get boring actually my friend told me about a guy who literally said I'm a math guy I love solving math problems I don't think I want to go to Jannah because there won't be any math problems to solve bro you're a math genius you couldn't solve this math problem it's not a very good math genius when he says let's dig deep a little bit first of all in the previous and one of the positions about that is that even ferdos which is the highest level of Jannah has levels and you know what Allah might do perpetually into foreverness that Allah will give you nuzul from the first garden and the party in the excitement is so incredible and immediately as that excitement is going on you're actually moved up to the next garden and the excitement is going on and then you moved out to the next a new world a completely new unimagined like each Jannah unimagined from before not just an upgraded version of what you saw before something else entirely something you can't even bring into existence in your mind and every single time the anticipation is renewed and renewed and renewed perpetually but then my favorite part of this is actually what others have talked about razi mentioned really beautifully about this word nuzul we'll come back to that because all of this is 107 on 108 are really one idea or initial hospitality and then he says they will stay in that initial hospitality and they will not want any of it to change they won't want any of it to change what does that mean that we are going to feel something we've never felt before this is so perfect what it makes me feel inside I don't want to lose this feeling and we're going to hold on to that feeling all the time and when you ask somebody who's feeling the most amazing feelings what do you want right now you just say I just want this to last forever there are moments in our life where we feel this kind of joy and if someone wants to ask us if you could have anything in the world right now what would it be you'd say nothing if I can just hold on to this moment forever that's all I would ask for and that's exactly what Allah is giving that's exactly what Allah is providing when he says he says but maybe if it is maybe as exciting as it is and we don't want it to go any further we're completely okay we're we're so happy that we got something that we've never experienced before and it's become the anticipation the excitement has become permanent and yet Allah says there's even more to offer foreign [Music] and we've got something more what is what is this more now it's the same idea right the initial hospitality and there's got to be something more and look at how he describes it this is in his when he comments on an Ayah he tries to break down what he sees as exploration questions like that he categorizes them bullet lists them and addresses each issue within the eye it's a very systematic approach that he takes to his contemplations so this according to him in this Ayah is the fourth issue okay some people have said that Allah has taken Jannah all of it as just the introductory gift for believers just the introductory hospitality foreign so when a noble a generous person gives you initial Hospitality that means he's going to give a gap and then give you something much more this is something much bigger coming and Jannah after being given all of what heaven has to offer the only thing left now that Tops This is seeing Allah himself so above what's this is if the and by the way if Jannah the goal for us was Jannah and Jannah compared to seeing Allah will feel like the initial Hospitality just the introductory Prelude just the trailer like for us right now Jannah is the destination but comparing that destination to seeing my love that destination will feel like it was just a little preview it was just nozzle foreign and of course there's nothing more than jahannam for the kafirin so you how are you taking as more than that for the disbelievers and he answers it so beautifully so the same way he just says that he took all of jannah's Allah while knowing there's nothing after Jannah you shouldn't say that or seeing Allah is beyond Jannah that's not what we can extract from here well job so and my response would be very powerful he said above and beyond hell for the disbeliever there is something even worse above and beyond hell there's something even worse and what is that he doesn't get to see Allah that's worse than hell and then he describes this Ayah he says um on that day they're going to be you know screened incapable of seeing the rub too so the bigger issue is mentioned first what's the bigger issue and then after that there's on top of that there's the second issue which is Allah mentioned them being thrown in hell as a second punishment compared to the first greater punishment that they don't even get to see Allah foreign and he so there are two things now first of all there's more than Jannah which is meeting and seeing Allah may Allah Grant all of us that but even in that Jannah before you even get there just that introduction in itself is a kind of world where you don't want any change and this is the even he mentions like human beings whenever they get anything that makes them happy their eye goes to something that's better you always want an upgrade but Allah is describing that this is an experience unlike anything we can imagine in this world this makes us understand what the prophet said like it didn't ever it the heaven has never been imagined by a soul like nobody's ever been able to imagine what heaven is when Allah says Gardens you're like I can imagine a garden trees I can imagine a tree waterfalls I can imagine a waterfall fruits I can imagine fruits flesh of birds barbecue chicken I can imagine barbecue chicken was the big deal but then when Allah says that you will always be permanently satisfied not wanting anything to change that's something I can't imagine that's something that's beyond what I'm what I what I can experience in this life subhanallah this is the gift that Allah has given to Believers this is now the last uh reflection on this Ayah and this has to do within the science of one of its areas is the sequence of things so if you look at these prepositions the in the end of this Ayah 108 is actually so they don't want to change from it change regarding it so the anha is a description of Heaven actually okay but usually in Arabic what's the norm that this the adjective comes after the noun so the normal sequence would be Allah he reversed the order now when you reverse this order there's actually is this is an indication of something more something other than it so let me explain what this means two things these people that are being described the people of Jannah they're not gonna when it comes to it they're not going to want any change what is the previous six ayat about seven ayat about they're about people of Hell there's a direct contrast they're not the they're not the ones that are going to want change from it the ones who will want their situation to change forever constantly want something to be changed will be the people of jahannam and that is the contrasting description of the people in jahandam foreign they are on the one hand there's fire on the one hand there is scorching water and they're going towards the fire can't take it anymore they run towards the water can't take that anymore run back towards the fire can't take it anymore meaning they constantly want what by contrast the believer when it comes to what they get they're not going to want anyone so that's one contrast that's directly immediate in the passage there's another dimension of this that is Allah is describing what the believer wants and next is going to get in the next life they will not want any change and this will be the ultimate contrast for the believer from what they experience in this life in this life actually we are constantly pursuing change every one of us and we're supposed to I'm pursuing a change in my character I'm pursuing a change in my refinement if I stay the same as I am right now that's not a good thing in My Religion I need to improve myself I need to learn more I need to fix my character I need to fix my level of patience I need to fix my you know the guarding of my eyes I need to fix you know my ability to be more generous to be more charitable there's constantly change I want to make and it's not just change inside me I want to change things around me I want to make things better around me what is what is doing he doesn't want the world to stay the way he it is he's pursuing resources to bring about more and more change he's changing a pathway between two mountains and creating a wall human beings were put on this Earth to bring about change and change and change and change and change it is actually because we were constantly pursuing a change in ourselves for the better and changing the world around us for the better but now finally all that that driver engine that was pushing us to change and transform ourselves and transform the world around us that has now been brought to a close that Saturday is now over there's no more saying there's no more effort to be made there's no more transformation to need it anymore now they're not going to pursue any more change in other words finally it's time to rest finally it's time to relax and even and the thing is even when you relax that can become you know toxic for a person right like people that retire get very depressed because relaxation is a problem right and so Allah when he mentions by the end Khalid before he addresses it unlike this world where until my dying breath I need to be pursuing change when and because if I didn't I'm doing something short of what I'm created for and there's a dissatisfaction inside me that I'm not pursuing change in the next life Allah will take this desire from inside me away and even when it's taken away it will not lead to dissatisfaction or depression or boredom all of that has been removed subhanallah a direct contrast between this life and the next so Jannah isn't just you know these insights are important because Allah isn't just contrasting Jannah you know a temporary life versus a permanent life and there's no other qualitative differences between the two or we have food here but we have much better food there we have home here we have much better home there it's not just that there's something more that's actually fundamentally different we become fundamentally different we become the perfect version of ourselves where we're not pursuing constant change subhanallah it isn't just Jannah that's been upgraded I have been upgraded you have been upgraded and that's Allah's reward to us and in a sense it's almost as if I'm reminded of the ayat of najam where Allah says so those are some remarkable ayat about effort right a human being owns nothing except their efforts and their efforts shall be seen right and then they shall be given the most complete reward for their efforts then he says and to your master finally is the ultimate end also end of what end of struggles end of constant struggle so it's not just the end as in there's nothing more but also something inside you that used to be there constantly has now been brought to an end and Allah has completely removed that from you and yet given you Eternal Bliss and joy may Allah Grant all of us his Jannah may Allah Overlook our mistakes and grant us the highest levels of Jannah and forgive and sure or you know Overlook all of the sins and mistakes and errors that we've made along the way [Music]
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 41,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islamic lectures, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, nouman ali khan, eman, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, hellfire, jannah, makkah, dua, salah, sin, fasting, muslim lecture, 1 islam productions, sadness, Quran, Merciful Servant, Islamic Lectures, Ramadan, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Muslim videos, Lectures Islam, Ramadan videos, Khalid Yasin, One message foundation, Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq, omar suleiman, Bilal Assad, Mohammad Hoblos, Hoblos, emotional islamic lectures
Id: _MUsyKjau0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 38sec (5018 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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