every crossover in the Taylor Jenkins Reid literary universe, explained

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I feel that I have been training for this moment since Hannah Montana showed up in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody this is my time to shine so for the last few years I feel like there's been a huge discourse about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how The Avengers was like the biggest crossover of all time and that may be true but what I would like to talk about today and celebrate is the Taylor Jenkins read literary Universe Harry Soto is back just came out this is her newest book and basically there are four books by Taylor Jenkins read which are Daisy Jones and the six the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo carry so to his back and Malibu Rising which all take place in the same universe and I have done more research than I care to admit to bring you the Ultimate Guide to the Taylor Jenkins reader universe as it stands right now I hope that I found all of the Crossovers I'm sure there are more Easter eggs than a Taylor Swift album launch in these books so if you've spotted any more let me know in the comment section down below I'm sure it will blow my little brain but for now these are all of the Crossovers that I've noticed in Taylor Jenkins reads books now there will be spoilers here like inevitably I will be talking about the lots of these books albeit very vaguely you know I'm not going to go into loads of detail about what happens in each book I'm just going to talk about the Crossovers between them but yeah this is your warning this is your heads up that like as of this point we're in spoiler Zone we're in spoiler City residents meet and you so please don't say that I didn't warn you but quickly before we dive into that I just wanted to let you know that today's video is very kindly brought to you by Squarespace if you want to create your own online Universe then Squarespace is the perfect place to do that you can use it to build your website your online store to track your analytics and your marketing it's genius and everything is all in one place there are lots of really cool features for example the facts that you can create a blog and you can have a members only area so just for like exclusive content when it came to building my own website I really wanted to make sure that everything was completely customized so that it felt really authentic to me it felt like something that was so identifiably mine and so I chose the Squarespace template and then I customized it which was really easy because you can just move things around as you please so take this as the kick out the backside that you might need to get started with building your own online website and you're in luck because you can head to squarespace.com Jack in the books and use the code jbooks to get 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain and Squarespace also has a free trial so don't delay get on it the links are down below and now on with the video okay so these are the four books that we're going to be discussing so the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo kind of takes place across decades then Daisy Jones in the six is set in kind of like the 70s Malibu Rising is set in the 80s and carries out to his back is set in the 90s but of course we get all of these characters backstories as well and so there are lots of links between the different books so we will start with the obvious one Mick Reaver Mick Reaver rears his ugly head in every one of these books he is the common thread that links all of these books he is one of Evelyn Hugo's seven husbands it's described as the quickie Vegas elopement with singer Mick Riva um and we'll do those lines in green Malibu Rising is about his kids the Riva kids and that book will be blue in Daisy Jones in the six there is a party with this iconic picture of Daisy Jones like floating in the swimming pool and is taken and Mick Reaver is there Daisy Jones will be orange and then mcriver also makes an appearance in Carrie so to his back you know that Tick Tock sound that's like I'm trying to relax and enjoy my evening and then suddenly I hear this agitating irritating grating voice that's Mick Reaver just popping up in every one of these books and just terrorizing everyone just being a menace to society and carry so to his back he turns up at a party that she's at and her dad I think is the one who remarks that he never likes that guy or something like that okay so Mick Reaver is our kind of Common Thread here so then let's go with Nina Riva his daughter Nina Riva is the one sort of hosting the party in Malibu Rising she's a surfer and a model so that's the obvious link but we also have a crossover so she is married to Brandon Randall so we'll add him into the mix now he has an affair with Carrie Soto love love Brandon and Carrie set up love nest at Beverly Hills Hotel leaving Nina River broken hearted since the headline and so he is mentioned in Carrie Soto is back and so is Nina Riva because she did this like kind of sexy photo shoot with a magazine called Vivant now Vivant magazine also links up a lot of these books so we'll add that in here so the vant magazine actually will pop that there so Vivant magazine is what made Nina Riva famous aside from being like a nepo baby um she did this kind of surfer shoot with um vivon now Vivant magazine also appears in Carrie Soto is back because they support her return to tennis they're one of the only Publications to do so everyone else is kind of quite negative towards her and they think it's really empowering that she's returning to tennis so Vivant are actually really cool and I think this is where my camera caught but Evelyn Hugo sells her story to Vivant magazine so her whole narrative is told from the perspective and from the interviews with a Vivant magazine journalist and then I think we have two more connections for Carrie Soto firstly because she actually makes an appearance in Malibu writing she's a kid character in her own right in Malibu Rising which came out before the Carrie Soto book was even announced because she sort of gate crashes the party and then the other link that we have between Carrie Soto is back and another book by Taylor Jenkins read is with Daisy Jones and the six because she reads an unofficial biography about Daisy Jones and VI because she wants to know who was sleeping with who speaking of Daisy Jones we have the drummer from the band whose name is Warren Rhodes now this is one that you may not have noticed because it's really really subtle and really really brief but when they're talking about the kind of legendary parties that happened in the Riva household there's a line that says when in 1979 Warren Rhodes and Lisa Crown got naked in the pool it's very subtle and easy to miss but that's that's why we're making the video right so yeah like I said Warren Rhodes is the drummer from Daisy Jones and the six and then makes a sneaky little appearance in Malibu rising and I just think there must be so many other little references that I'm missing but let me know if you have spotted any okay then the other thing I'll say is the person that he's mentioned alongside is Lisa Crown now in Daisy Jones and the six they kind of say that the fact that Warren Rhodes was dating Lisa Crown proved that they'd made it because she was like a big deal she was a presenter I think and so I wonder whether Lisa Crown could be the subject of Taylor Jenkins reads next book I'm putting it out there if I was a betting man I would say Lisa Crown could be another character who like ties a lot of these stories together but we'll see if we come back to this video in like years to come and I was right I will be so buzzing you will never hear the end of it and let's just add in her link to Malibu Rising okay then another minor character who we can mention quickly is one of the mistresses of Mick Riva her name is Ruby Kelly and she's mentioned in Malibu Rising as one of Mick riva's Mistresses how can I where can I put her oh no this is where it's going to start getting confusing I think so she's linked to make Riva but she is also the co-star of Evelyn Hugo when she was in Little Women so again we have another side character who's mentioned in multiple books who could be the subject of her own book later down the line it happened to carry Soto Carrie Soto was a side chick she got her own novel Camila was a side chick she's now Queen consort it's the year of the side chick side chicks are thriving I reckon ruby Kelly could be in the the chance of getting a novel written about her by Taylor Jenkins read we'll see another character who features in multiple books is Celia St James she is the great love of Evelyn Hugo but she's also mentioned in Malibu Rising because they've mentioned how people were like speculating about her sexuality which of course if you've read the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo you know the T um let's just move Nina River down a little bit there we go another link between those two books which I'm not sure where I'm gonna put we have this place called Ciro's which is basically I hope I'm saying that right it's like c-i-r-o apostrophe s but basically it's this kind of bar cool place in Hollywood to like hang out and it's mentioned in both Malibu rising and the Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo so I mean it's gonna start getting a little messy on here now things are going to start kind of overlapping so we'll link those two like that and then there's also another link between Evelyn Hugo or Malibu Rising which is the magazine sub Rosa now sub Rosa is mentioned in Evelyn Hugo you know when it's talking about her scandals June Riva who marries Mick Reaver is seen at one point reading Subrosa so she's it's also in Malibu Rising it's like a gossip kind of magazine so of course it crops up in both stories I think like these are the kinds of things to look out for because they'll probably feature in upcoming Taylor Jenkins read books because they're such an easy way to kind of Link all of the stories together through the kind of Publications because all of the stories um are sort of in the public eye and get a lot of media scrutiny shall we say so um yeah okay there's that link so those were the ones that I found but then I also found this one comment on a tick tock which said Daisy Jones and Mick Riva are also mentioned in the Taylor Jenkins read short story evidence of the affair now I haven't read this but I'm going to link them up because that's really fun that's cool those two are mentioned in there as well we'll link these up with a purple um arrow and I think that is everything right I'm pretty sure that is the complete Taylor Jenkins read Cinematic Universe it's quite satisfying to look at so thank you so so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it place your bets now while we see a Lisa Crown book in the future Taylor Jenkins read I'm looking at you was it kind of sad that I spent my Saturday evening doing this yes but all of this has been bubbling away in my head and I needed to to put it somewhere make a visual aid so now we have that um so let me know if you spotted anything else to conclude Taylor Jenkins read is a mastermind um it's so cool to see all these different links and these little Easter eggs for the fans of this series because they're all Standalone books and you can read them in any order but I love that they all take place in that same universe and that there is there are those little crossovers I say this all the time but this woman lines the pages of her books with crack they're so addictive thank you so so much to Squarespace for sponsoring this video I will link them in the description box down below and until next time all the best stay in touch have a wonderful day and I'll catch you very soon bye-bye
Channel: Jack in the Books
Views: 153,272
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Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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