Evertote - Notes From the Workshop: Leo&Roxy Floss Co linen update for July 2, 2022

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[Music] happy saturday flosstube hello crafty friends how's everybody doing today my name is caroline welcome to the very first video on my new channel and it's uh it's appropriate that this video is coming out on july 2nd because way back in 2017 july 2nd was the date that i put out my very first video on my flosstube channel off the grid needle arts so this business has come about ever tote has come about because of that channel and um i'm pretty i'm pretty happy to be here and i'm i'm happy that you're here with me so these videos i'm going to try to keep them brief i have a habit of of being overly chatty so i'm all about the linen today all about showing you all about the new linens that we have in the shop so i'm going to go through these i'm going to go through the stack i've got each grouped in its color family so i know it looks like a big stack but it's not really going to take me very long to to show you each each group moving forward with the fabric from leo and roxy flossco we are moving into more of a sort of an artisanal approach if you want to call it something with for for various and many reasons uh trying to replicate recipes with uh you know what it would it would require a whole other conversation to explain the reasons why and i do actually hope to have that conversation uh with carrie on video for you because actually it's fascinating uh but moving forward because we're a small business and carrie is she's by herself dying all of these beautiful fabrics and flosses we are going to be keeping the output as more of a specialized product so these videos are really going to help me show you exactly uh what these fabrics look like so we've got a new naming system you can notice here on our tags we've got the date july 2022 number one so when you're looking on our website we have a new section on the website called linen and ada shop a very easy tab to find at the top of our website and then you're going to see our fabrics that we have in stock they're going to be listed that way and that's going to allow us a really easy way to keep track of what we've got and then once this batch is gone it will it'll be gone okay so let's dive right in i've got different counts of all of our different families here color families so i'm going to just show you uh quickly this number this is number one july 2022 fabric number one on the top here i've got a 28 count in order to give you a good idea of this neutral and how it relates sort of color wise to some other neutrals i've got a piece of porcelain here this was a fabric that i had in stock for the rejoice evermore chart so you can see the porcelain is really a creamy light off-white neutral and then this is a piece of linen this one this one's sold but i was packaging it up today and i thought this was a great uh way to show you the difference in these colors so you can see there this was a one of a kind 36 count that we had last month and it was more of a taupe brown tan color there's the porcelain which is that ivory off-white and then this is our new neutral for the month of july so i'd say it has more of a corally blush pink pale undertone in the brown so it's still in the i would consider it a brown neutral but it's more of a corally blush pink undertone into it so we've got this available in a 28 count you can see each piece these are all hand dyed so each piece is going to be unique in its modeling and color and then we've got a 36 count a 40 count and way down here at the bottom of our stack some really beautiful 46 count i think i've got two yards 46 two i've got three yards of 46 count so just making sure you can see that absolutely beautiful neutral okay so that is number one number two is this beautiful berry wine fabric and we've got this available oh it's so pretty this is a 28 count i think i've got a couple of yards of 28 count we've got a 36 count you're missing i you'll notice i'm missing i don't i do not have any 32 count in the in these two colors so this is a 36 count 36. beautiful can you see this piece here see how they're all they're all so different and lovely just beautiful modeling on these and some 46 count i've got only got one yard of 46 count i do not have any 40 count in this so this one is just 28 36 and 46 and this is that's all i have what you see is what i have so that is july 2022 number two let me see if i can bring the difference between the it's it's always i love seeing how the different counts of fabric take the die differently so you can see there's the difference between the 28 count and the 36 count both beautiful just a little bit different lovely same dye bath same tub different color it's just really cool okay so that is number two number three is this beautiful dark tan dark tan color let me see i'm gonna bring let me bring the camera down a little bit there you go a little closer now so 32 count in this beautiful dark tan so this one i do not have any 28 count but i do have 32 and one yard of a 36 right there beautiful okay so that is july 2022 number three next up uh linen number four is this incredible pale green sort of i don't know how would you describe that it's like it's like pale green avocado color it's gorgeous some subtle modeling on here so this is number four for july and i've got this in a 28 count a 36 count a 40 count um and i've got a few yards of 46 count you can see how the 46 count is slightly lighter in tone than the others so it's almost like the 28 and the 46 tend to tend to take the color and are a little bit lighter and then the 36 and the 40 are a little bit a little bit darker but they also have that same beautiful green oh it's gorgeous okay so again that is number four number five this is our dark dark green and oh my goodness this is so pretty okay so this is a 32 count this is july 2022 number five and the modeling in here oh it's it's kind of like it goes into the into the blue tones you see look at that gorgeous so this is a 32 count and i have 32 and 46. the 46 is slightly lighter i think i've got two yards yes i've got two yards of 46 and i know that the 46 did some fun modeling you see that it's not crazy modeling but it's look at how pretty that is so yeah this is the 46 count lovely okay so now i can i can get into the one-of-a-kinds that i've got less amounts of here so i've only got three quarters left of this 36 count one of a kind uh green this is similar to the one i just showed you but this one had quite a bit more modeling on it so that's why we've put each piece um as a one-of-a-kind instead of including it in the other color family because this yard this yard had a fair bit more modeling on it so this is marked on the website as number seven and i only have i have three pieces left three quarters this i have one yard of this beautiful 28 count and one of a kind one yard it's a brown um with a rust corally rot not coral it's a red rust uh undertone into the modeling there you can see that gorgeous it's really pretty i've only got one yard of this and it's a 28 count that is number eight number nine i have one yard of this oh this vibrant green with definitely a blue undertone to it and like oh look at this it's stunning it's really beautiful modeling on this is definitely into the blue undertone like a green tealy blue undertone on the green very dark very rich gorgeous uh so yeah this is a 40 count and it is number nine i've got one yard this is a 32 count this one is so fun now this yard was so unique that we divided it into four pieces okay so each yard has been given a letter so 32 count number 10 a b c and d let me just show you let's show you the full quarter as much as i can so this is a there's a there's b so b doesn't have any of the sort of paint splattery type things on it's just got the modeling unless it's on the other side and i've missed it d smaller freckles on it i missed c didn't i i skipped right to d there's uh ah c is on the other side there's c smaller freckles and beautiful modeling piece number six is a uh 28 count and actually this is not a one of a kind so i did this backwards didn't i i totally did this backwards this is number six number six is a color family it is a taupe tan with a very very mild olive green undertone um great neutral really really good neutral so this is a 28 count this is again july 2022 number six this is a 28 count and 32. and that's it so that is the big main update for the linen this month we have ada coming today uh yeah aydah is coming later today so we're going to do an ada update in the shop in about a week once we've sorted through everything now the last thing i wanted to share with you today that's in the one-of-a-kind fabric section is a color a color study as as it were that i've put together with a chart because i couldn't resist i've wanted to stitch this chart for ages this is la de da which which that's the chart so i brought the chart in from the wholesaler and i have i had five yards of this color study of these yellow fabrics and so they went from the palest to the darkest so this is a which is the only 36 count all of the let me move this stack here there we go okay so all of the other ones are 32 counts the top one is a 36 count and it is the lightest yellow 36 and then b has a little bit darker with a little bit more modeling on it c d and e e is slightly discounted because we had some very slight pink dye bleed freckling on it it really does not take away from the fabric um you know this design is still going you're not you're not going to notice it or the other side has less you can choose i think we tried to take uh as careful photos as we could to show you what was on the linen they're very tiny pink freckles pink dye freckles i think you might be able to see them there but anyways so we have this listed in the shop with this chart as a duo and they are listed only as eighths so you can you can get a wide eighth of fabric and a chart i am going to be stitching mine on piece d so this is the one that i chose that's my fabric and i'm going to be using leo and roxy flosco in vampish on mine vampish is a really really really really dark purple so it's it's so dark that in most lights it looks black but then if you held it next to a black floss you'd notice that actually it's super dark purple it's beautiful so that's vampish um i think this the we've got hannah has listed how many skeins are needed uh for either one over two or two over two i think it's six games for two over two so i've only got two here i just wanted to look at the color of the floss on the linen but any of these is going to be amazing with that chart i i just thought this linen it was perfect for this chart so i've kitted it up so there you have it so yeah if i take that away then you can tell if you're not quite if you don't like the really dark fabrics that 36 count it's gonna look really really pretty so there you have it folks that's the linen update for the beginning of july 2022. thanks for visiting with me today i will be back soon probably uh some point next week and share with you a little bit of the christmas in july sale stuff that we've got going on i hope that you're well i hope that you're safe and i hope that you've got some stitching to enjoy and i'll see you soon everybody happy stitching [Music] you
Channel: Evertote - Notes From the Workshop
Views: 782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0oKx3Iw1-To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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