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teach them is a family man working for his children teach them as a family man working all those things real teach them as a family man working for his children teach them as a family man working on those things right yeah man this is everton blender and it's all about teach them you don't know yeah man let me know tell them every time blender say up teach them i am reviving one of the golden voices of jamaica's entertainment industry his parents named him everton dennis williams but we know him as everton blender mother blender give thanks for the red eyes circumstances but a giraffe see i'm gonna do you know if i make it you know we can't stress out you know yeah it makes sense makes sense teach them blend them under roots and culture teach them blend them on down roots and culture teach them blend them under roots and culture teach them blend them on them roots and culture you hear that teach them and blend them on the roots and culture yeah man i'll tell them i teach them yes i blessed love teach them always make sure the message i'll reach them so far blender yes well sir all is good man couldn't be better we give thanks for life ah you know the greatest thing on earth is life life life but it's really clear someone around long money and emptying them if you know have life you can earn money yes so we have to call upon the life first yes as a williams man dig up yourself to brother yes as another man big of yourself well right i know i was born in race calls cleveland that's a couple miles down the road yeah yeah and then we leave we leave cleveland and we go to um i went to uh waterline waterloo in close by race coast oh okay yeah and then from there i went to kingston like from one year and six months young yeah young so you have to send me that king stone yeah yeah could i say king stone answer but don't clarify [Laughter] you know kingston we're in kingston though like maxwell avenue walter park road toward hill waterholes fletcher's last night so you grew up so much playstore valley jungle where where are you tago they don't know here and there was my grandmother oh okay i can't know myself when i was going to school in uh um in waterhouse i think walter was a toy i think his water waters yeah where you have um white lane on ashoka road so i was going to a private school basic school yeah music school you know and a lot of places you know fletcher's land we grew up most in the garrison yes yeah because my grandmother she was living in in what the wild and when i go to school why not tell her when i tell her chris when i was schooled rough when you come home make sure take off we're it closer and put on some some other clothes where they said joseph could have many colors yeah well my pants butter pete joseph quote have many colors my grandmother i didn't know we should get to call at them to me after basic school where where else did you attend school well yeah well no after we leave that school we went to azaleka with remember early childhood still early childhood okay you know and then from there we went to um greenwich town um primary primary and then we go to greenwich town uh you know well like a private school buy a greenwich store yeah okay you have the primary i will leave for the primary if you go to second second the secondary was um was his majesty um oh okay okay yeah let's see let's see yeah yeah it was supposed to be a college you know yes yeah and it's supposed to be a calendar um yeah it's supposed to be a college big school where you can come but we never steal your that land okay back in the days when you know my people have never have the money like that we come from rich family you know car williams what family rich boys come from williams family i'm not really if you have anything they're not really checking yeah you know they already said well i have forgiven yourself yourself oh yeah but i could not catch me but otherwise i'm that you know growing up you know grew up all around in the garrison so why were you moving around so much to every time well you are no i delicate you would use a lot of music [Music] anyway the music i play to find it so i'm trying to get a lot called sometimes where where i'll come from and get some coconut milk i'll send you to the area yeah yeah let's see let's see i grew up with grandma all right so where was mummy and daddy in our store no my father was sick and he died at the early oh dad when i was about uh 11 12 so whenever i really get that time for really flexible whatever you know yeah because i can remember when he died i can remember his eyes open for about five days after he died yes and he said under clear no kill them close the eyes the eyes oh yes tell himself oh this one i want to say you know say this man i want to see someone [Laughter] you know when my mom was coming car my mother was a woman but she still had fried on pronunciation she sell the best ginger beer and fried fish in the kian field okay when they kill them don't worry then mamaji you know welcome to mama so the last time okay i forgot nobody willing well mama well let me film you know check my food and take friends right but that was great you know so p a white shirt and we are you know clean you know clear girls speak it up all girls are rushing brothers our sisters yeah yeah no now tell you my father there's two of us you know two yeah i'm never that wild number one my girl i love him still yeah but girls i mean love them still and um and tell yourself why i miss my family so much you had a sibling still alive but uh yeah one of my brother is alive our kids have one brother one sister out there one sister that i have pasta pasta so i only have one brother no um long life yeah you know so since since we are with the power oh no you know because she used to work with people because she couldn't cook okay and my auntie [Music] [Laughter] you said you were no you loved the music from earlier blender when you you realize you have a local musical it's the way i need to scratch though well right now you know i tell the tutor we're singing from six years six yeah i'll go um you got to do it and the produce will get around and mash up the pieces number one liquor singer we used to give me trouble and his um i don't know if it's the color but his name was um jimmy tucker jimin i think he's not junior talker and arjuna okay he's the latest one right right yeah jimmy tucker school oh yeah yeah look around yes okay ron brown ended up even having more experience all right now look we're experiencing yeah what me just otherwise can't yeah then time there yeah from them time there yeah yeah so then we have a teacher um named mr angling you know somebody used to sing like oh yeah right okay that never been told the man said you lost your voicemail that kind of fire pitch there yeah you know some auntie freddie mcgregor come from some of my family breed you know yeah yeah i think themselves they are familiar to one you have our next one name um when my grandmother died i tell you my aunt to come i'm going to have to show off i'm both i'd like to teach them what the message reach them yeah yeah when when my grandmother died i would were the catholic church yeah but we went to a catholic church um saint peter's clever of uh walter parker about 599 people are walking people nearly 600 people yeah the church and when the people i'm starting when my twenty them starts sing everybody stop five hundred and seven five hundred and ninety minutes yeah yeah and as she won at the father of come on sing with her when we all sing with her it sounds more beautiful you can leave the pressure on her come on sing with her when she alone singing you know you leave the pressure on her yeah man so welcome from our singing with margaret's heritage and then father family yeah and you know yeah man so then right yeah so that thing went out of blood so when you're singing miriam akiba growing up like probably 12 13 14 people you say i'm a walking radio working already if i'm not saying what are you testing like today who were some of your early musical influences though some of the people and right yeah listen i'll say you know one day i like to be like this amania well yeah well no i'm not gonna lie to you back in the years then it was a pretty appear mostly farron sang oh so you still used to listen to something like um al green algorithm group bentan chopped chicago we used to have um what a blind one than him creatures rear charles i used to have nothing and you know using the song like that's the sound of the men working on the train gang but growing up no one started to realize yourself and realize other people hunting and watching oh well i'm getting to know wrong from right after you say listen to like a singer name uh michael prophet michael prophet you feel interesting like um lingvale thompson you should listen to singer like um that is before like dennis bond oh okay you know and then you know you have ken booth and ellis and uh these bedrooms you know but we used to love the hardcore when we go dancing we love to hear the hardcore we're not like you're the real music growing up naturally yeah we grew up with that different we go for that different vibe some from from other youth we're not really in the eye right now normally we'll just go buy a pony flower and cook into some water and so we i saw we used to ruin it you know whenever i used to make anything in the problem before we continue with the musical aspect way you mentioned places like fletcher's land on maxwell avenue and all of them places at t valley yeah from them time the the violence i didn't play a certain kind of upon aleppo how difficult was it not to get involved in that door how did you get involved right i know that's amigos 1985. because the man them start bringing some machine and they'll tell me sam i want them to enemies i'm used to go to the market and buy a white straw i'm blending with it it's worth mine it's rough because back in the days when you find yourselves you're hungry and grandma have anything sometimes shouldn't have anything i have here fight it you know sometimes whoop our auntie our auntie we you know look both food hunting and she carried closer to her grandmother and and that is her mom yes yes i'm carrying she carried she carry us more closer to her so she can give us food and you know so you never get caught up in there the foolishness orders for your side yemen so come become clear come back home [Music] back in king so now you were going to the dances yeah well let's say some something oh no did doing that help you for bringing out your musical talent though well you are no when you still need to listen like emperor large fiat and like papa roots tubbies so when you when you go to know you get to watch the the djs and the singers so that we need watching the dj and the singers know that feelings it come like near china like what we see the breeze are blue and sometimes they come in with lyrics you know sometimes celebrities you might not know lyrics are telling me words you know so you know album used to get a lot of luck out you know you know grandma um grandma but they used to love being able to know what to do because this music you know so it's it it used to it used to roll for the clinton museum but it helped me a lot earlier it was rough it was rough yeah because of the big style and there they are nobody now pay attention to you until you you know so as everything goes so it helped me on a level and they know growing up no i mean you have a bridge i don't remember i think it's irma and i fight okay um [Music] yeah man and then from there you know when people start to hear about me and then a song named um aqua aqua yeah aqua hear me and one from go check aquaman and start getting things from cover version anything you know like dennis brown if you want my loving if you want my children you know so from the uh you know growing up hunting so when the little loose thing i come now remind them my name put one big bra thing you know certainly mac 11 you know big brother in christmas entire mass some money to get enough kicking all about you know yeah what's up why so wash up yourself man care for gold for your man you can't go through yeah man so we used to get nothing my name is word tell him something where's it i'm going to tell him again i'll get tough i know yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] so your left thorn [Music] twenty one okay so oh you're leaving me with the comeback commander musical and everything man well you wanna know we never really wanted a grunt thing okay you know what's a music is that team where you travel a lot and travel with many different things music shovel with red gold and green music trouble with bad words music travel with gone all things like all manner of evil kings bad things combating so the music no let me get for five no don't make it perfect no no it's enough for them and then when they even have the mic in the end i'm gonna come grab it all done oh yeah boy i don't know you know why don't you send me so i think you all know myself because i can remember when i go climbing in 1985. i'm gonna come outside another night but 12 o'clock i'm going to say who's wherever you want to be whether they wanna call jesus god jah whatever will those wires show me what i'm supposed to be in life you know who to prayers are what i supposed to do in life and why you're giving up vijanja to show me the right tree i mean they don't live in the night look at my bed more often feel the vibes i'll get the vision every night because i might be more i forget the vision but the caregiver somebody they are not forced to get the vision i can't get a vision so till it does come out on me and then one night with your gentleman stand up tomorrow and relax touch the earth yeah yeah yes also comes me becomes rasta khan alex and me follow people and and becomes rasta he's the almighty give me that vision because i can remember when i was 14 years of age when his majesty come to jamaica 1966 i was supposed to board about 13 going to 14 yeah and his majesty come talk to me because i was rude i was watching my uh my cousin and his and his girlfriend a man enough people don't know about the king so sometimes i say his mother's temper yeah king celestia i don't wanna say i'm dead and everything about enough people don't know the the vibes they're not after energy they're not after spiritual level they never get it they're not bowed in cancer cancer so right i know when we look on it now and see the almighty come tell me say they're gonna send me dead you know they're gonna put me in a comic strip from the table of them heart so sometimes look and she said they see a madman who used to wear rubber tire slippers come he this sweetie i'm gonna get buy a bike they wanna come running after they go dancing you know i'm trying to make things hard for you so that's why i said me choose the righteousness part of the music to sing ultimately people them uplift themselves and ultimately the people coming rich people neither because me amongst too much rich people never sing about rice and pizza chicken steel thing and trust me it's rough but you know it i can remember um after getting big like 25 26 going to 27 because when i was um 39 to get my first intimate thirty third and thirteen thirty nine i get the first three things so where did that work well not telling the truth enough most of the girls them that never wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] think but oh no did the music journey continue out of that though well right i know were you still trying to do the music when you yeah okay i'm on because i want to come country you know them about sonia um so we used to sing you know on the song on people start discover everton you know because i can remember one time and we went to um to scientix dance like me and yeah yeah so we did it one night and we had freelance you know what in care of freelancers a freelancer but but my freelancer never attached somewhere they are freelancing so i'm reading i'm not telling a peppa when we start singing come on riding on the same sun coming out right go for something 45 in a way in blue you're not coming to five yet come back within five to five maybe kind of drop off myself [Laughter] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] till one time no one time no up virgin bring a song coming up in a cla in a clown that you know climbing down waterline where i was living me i'm destined so then teach me some song named darius francis that is fantasy all right everton i know you're canceling but i'm going to give you some tool sound to sing for the queen i'm a singer sunset look like love you look like love if anybody [Laughter] [Music] special guest but sugar man i couldn't make it he was in in england so he said nitty gritty yes i said i went to here you know [Laughter] come yourself from 12 till 6. man so as you always saying you know what the soul knows the version me the other day she had my little daughter and her name is aisha and i give thanks and praise to jaja that too so we want class we see we should know about bharaji no one technocharge i have no cell song but yeah man i want someone from from tolkien it's so named from target again you know we we we we we said why this thing i get ceo so them time they saw because i know boom and we are seeing and bimbo where does scenario come from no man [Music] yes you know so believe believe that still never cut let's still get big knowing them demand them start going somewhere you know like you know some i can think i don't own after the song i'm starting to select i know love with okay i see that now yes said whatever you let you now can i come he was to work what are you doing yeah you know masterpienting master master i wouldn't build in the way see like a pekka sauce the outsider pick ourselves yeah spirit man then please don't demand water from don't king street but i'm not the man with them called black one black foreign so now you're working on garnet silk safety where you never first thought you were going to work you know but before that before that you can bring them dead hunting and i was i was just not rushing too fast yeah right i was i was in um in rome that's in the ghetto that's how maxwell is here and used to have a ken cut ken cut off yeah right right so it's like we used to come up on friday night time and sing panama song canyon papa leo papa leo yes so one week and we have come up and we look see [Music] okay up back to one you know say my guard you know some gossip um you can be encouraged me said well i just stopped working there and i said well me stop work whoever feed my you them whoever buy and be the seed the pressure is on to get some food the man said what you say i said a lot of work i'm saying it's unknown every time let me know you can say i get big on a foreign mind six months no we're not seeing you know come on same time we get big and gonna fight mikey said brazilian six months we get vegan gonna find money so you cigarette cigarette and and ice mint and them tinder minion bulla and drink bags you will tell my week one day now come from downtown you should sing for some new dongdae india england name apple you know cloud and everything yeah um um in the next 12 hours uh the next four uh the next 10 hours the money for dead ammunition force me ever i found police so ever like mr mayheim that's a police hour a white shirt called my father used to love yes look we are white and khaki at the spiritual level you know the earth hunting time for gosh i forgot that long somebody goes really cloudy he said no i'm on the right man nobody knows i live in the left display yourself come on my people and my ancestors you know somebody was caught let's talk to five and go there the boston used to come up when you see the two statues of them there one at them started up the rule of king street i won the young king and turned there and they saw that boston you end up going to the building go sleep and policemen read and kill everything's everything saying little coconut you twin them full so okay yeah let's go cold shoulder well we just have a nice denying up on the week and hunting and you know so you come from some far some far thing so after that no [Music] contest original song nice original song somebody you remember [Laughter] already williams and if you want my true love day if you want my squeezing if you want my again you tell oh please don't make me stop and wonder why cause there it is and there is no reason why why i should cry i'll tell you no no no on my name is william i get what showed you 50 dollars with it for the final note 75 the cmu would meet me we're seeing the diner ask out of there in a restaurant heavy every day and arrested you would sing face it ignore like some of them sunday morning [Music] you know and love nature if you love nature nature i love your love i know welcome to you know you you know yourself like i said you know jose come long time but relax when used to work on the goli bank and my name i put on them gone and i said artichoke singer this one a full singer this now someone said many times reflects past the bad boy's gun by the power of jack they never shoot tie down see the bad boys putting down their guns them say the article everton blender arkham you know jose come long time yeah my name is the first verse but come and arrested them thing used to write for garnishment in rochester experienced each episode a happy father is the result of a wise son so to anger victories and everything under the sun have it seasoned i'm looking you know yourself come on can we create a sword yeah i'm not sure when when when we go to boomerang we'll go to fat is boring with the children i like it voila don't move create a sword well some people said just a couple yeah they see i'm saying many people probably not realize it yeah philly fat is boring or something like it's like the same and we don't know one [Music] our self previously but any skeleton i have a senior year when she introduced me and said she knew a friend by the name of darius i mean like like i said he came to me and gave me a record and gave me something that davis said to give her and she said you know what i'm a singer and i'm gonna i'm gonna make it one day i want you to play my son and so will it come to the time now when i'm gonna play islam and he's gonna label everton blender is what you put on the sun there's no light you know i'm real [Laughter] and ex-prophet gone again yeah man i suck i saw me boss like and i'm turning like a thought in there so we know come on like a piano player long time so you know not telling teach them it's uh it survives when i'm from the summer we don't stop before we're continuing we know that the name the the the birth name is everton williams yeah so we know you're sick with the everton part so the blender part coming in well you want no command name some people say now tell me sir but why are you in a single thing with the name of them right now when i finally sing in there someone said nothing in here now you know what kind of fantasy you know what can i [Music] you know and leave yeah i'm not sure he said it's a vibe teach them 1997 you know a crumb so if i put the b and the e together it make a curve the e make a current to itself and the b make a curve so the the b the e the b you just put the two at themselves think i'm going to really hyphen show up and grab a blender king and them kingdom no but me never know say the e and the b make the crown so you see the name everton blender so he sees our vibes why make that name so i said why your first song your voice is 1979 yeah so it took the kids a struggle to get to the point of our blending man i never gave up nasa never give up mankind [Music] and it still believes that that's something they are called and that song what did that song do i foreign to have some broken hearted melodies broken out of my head yeah and i will submit them again i think i have a son named don't need to get away with wisely oh they're not familiar with that one no then burn that sound the bad good morning some of our art full of love but nothing to give no till to give we are the ones you pass on the road every day when they try to be friendly you said no way little did you know that in the future that same ghetto you'd come turn big time sit down and you get yo where the root balls live you see that one day himself no foundation ima tell me say he must certify technicians he in friendly i'm saying doctorate ingratiate him get him doctorate those are the youths i am talking about non-progressive element we say stop running up your mouth you know they are the ones you pass on the road every day when they try to be friendly he said no over here god damn thing nevertheless the reality rather than the damn team you get bad then i'll show you they're not love when they see you then pull the sidewalk and update just spit bang them let me see them on there come look fine and rub that mark all your fears um [Music] south old certain thing when police come everything down everything take care i will now support bad man that man would never do that okay if it wasn't for police it would be a more worthwhile zone so true but at the end of the day you need help they need food they need that work and you have been gone come get them don't think about you without food with them when you're going to the ghetto nothing's there they love me now but going around me i'm checking back with them we're going to go neumatine mackerel with them remember that i'm going to go drink juice with them we're not afraid so some i told me the thing that you tell you then love myself should i know to the people and love me you know they know i'm getting to work me struggle i'll know oh no i know i'll know your tap won't teach them one remember we're participating in blender hey virgin sometimes if you like give up you know i'm gonna walk you know you're not even know where i'm going sometimes give me a few you know why me it's still a night i'll tell you why me still tonight the people them ripe and what's up right on the internet right on facebook everton blender we know what's going on you know we know that you're getting a fight hey what lift up here don't worry survive you're a family man i started telling about my song then you know just how come long time you're hearing the judge your son sorry my teammates create a song so that was the first summer people actually know at the accent ever trying to blend so those times you were in the company of toney river garnet till silly wood and green yeah and bubble because was the head of star trail yeah star tree it was a family type setting yeah anthony b yes my name yeah yes yes if i was in the crew oh yeah he was we thought that me that was a far right tournament newton green culture it was a christian tour that you know christian told that thing yeah so we are solution [Music] where everything looks good she enjoyed that why it's a star tree those are family vibes until it starts you know yeah yeah after create a sword which was the next song that the creator street accept um after creator song i think is uh down in the ghetto big bad family man one carried along from oklahoma to go to dongle yeah yeah when when formula monster montana miguel medina hello new youtube get up man you know when you're fixing this working all those things i am a family man working for my children i am a family man working all the runnings red down here in babylon runnings well steep you got to be strong to stand firm on your feet you may sometimes lose faith and find that you get weak remember jaja promised the earth to the meek i am a family man working for my children i am a family man working although running three it is a sticky situation working for the bus man work five days only get paid for one what's going on is an explanation the only thing i can say robbery with aggravation big song brother yeah man you were five dear hearted yeah there were five deer i would get there for one yes five they only get pforward because they said idea so when when when the five days finish you get 500. what is that really 100 is 500. yeah you know we knew all the tingles so we don't set the thing are we aware you know let me even love yeah so those were two of the songs we had mentioned already a classic song man i mean it's a grow on it um creator song and family man yeah you know the history of reggae music yeah a classic song yeah but some more big songs still not coming no no welcome for that well after that we have um bob marley and then you know obama right right listen people listen i am going to sing you a song about a man who lives good but never leave too long but see and after that no coming up after late nine to one ninety two where and then sam they'll come up get up um get your people song then we slap with slap yeah lift up your head yeah get up either song again you're another classic brother yeah man yeah so monolith song [Laughter] i it's a song for the poor who is facing safari follow us us [Music] day will not take it anymore [Applause] take it from your brother this is the time for you to get stronger winds up winds up and temper your anger [Music] you know that's another monster again then blend them and blend mine again [Laughter] so at this stage you know everything blending the only boss whatever time brenda was the one and a goat woman in reggae roots yeah regular music with the anthony b is on the scissors big really really well kind of color name right yeah but man what they used to sound like dennis brown and emptiness so you know if you're coming about that dennis brown what's your man let me know what was called original vice versa don't you ever speak without her knowledge and not every education come out to college words that you say might have caused a damage if we spoil the children or we are gonna manage don't you ever speak without a knowledge i know every education come out our college words that you say by takas you are a fool to what you don't know think you know everything but not knock or soul give by the [ __ ] no need no waste chat show by the evidence don't tell i know crap misleading the people at time for you stop going across the revolution every man i was trapped caught class baby from front to back by the banks of the bullets yeah you see we have some ceos and everywhere before we continue with the musical journey now my quick talk a little bit about garnet silk yeah you're on garnet that is virgin yeah virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin bridge in manchester we'll take a picture one day about five hours take a picture around at his room when he was living um on a pembroke yeah i wanna man take the picture he was trying to blow like a chamber yes so whatever are allowed really man to take the picture i know the man get a picture the man's first thing the monster ever turned blender you know that picture because when when anybody call upon the picture let me know your garb and i mean the man did a picture you still have it you remember where you were when you got news that you died i was in the country you know i was in the park oh you're a door here yeah must have been rough never stayed [Music] [Music] you and telling you know god because sometime you know don't tell them on something man i'm on my own you see anytime anything i've gotten to you always no kill real man want to say ja always give you a warning come to you and tell you something and they know when they see if you're not dead yeah i'll say yeah they just listen admitted no if needed no i want a wicked word after another you know i didn't know i wouldn't catch you know catch me already to become one of the greatest thing to ever to the music i mean he's still one off but he can just imagine what he could have achieved not sure and and i'm still in there right now so the great man never sang women i really remember the words that what let me say great man never live too long great man never lived too loud great man never lived too long great man never lived too long marcus garvey gone too soon peter touched me so soon she cooked mila make your gun so soon pika pika pita toast make you gang so soon run too are four man yeah let me have fifth one fifth mana no man be gonna rule holy pie rise and building an empty nap to not knock knock say a man who has done so much in the music a man whose catalog is so big with so many hits yes still i get a fight yeah yet lift up your head lift up your head and roll it up we know that we'll win the prize time getting older still we're striving for better and we're not gonna stop till the battle is won and we get justice cause if you lose your stance anyone will try to push you over over and over lift up your head and no little ow how we know that we'll win the price listen nah go about cause the color of my skin now go cheat because my wife wins that city count and still no no the king nasty blessing no no blessing cause if you lose your stance they'll send someone to run you over over we know that we'll win the [Applause] [Music] as long as there are human beings on the face of the earth then from the candidate the way out okay yeah go get your pee i'll get your reward so that's a limiting with people tell me make me still i nearly need it you know look i lift up here lift up your shoulder grab me to lift up here no and the man look on me on tv i said blender a minion blocker you have the records i forget what block i record i mean i could do this record shopping after that you know like i said like myself never leave this workout never stops here that might tell you what you see someone in a blender of a catalan classic yo just come on now some [Laughter] the words that marcos garvey said said said look at nobody no business you know i have no roof over your head nobody no business look how they use them on the fed fed look at nobody no business nobody no business nobody no business they know have no loyalty they share the food with partiality uno [Laughter] yeah when i'm gonna fight me on the side let us provide something so that jamaica are not now to one and christmas are common that's how um sister in las they have vegas much great songs and something like monomial i'm sure i don't know he said well i said and then look at it after that let me get my chain on one place thank you black mountain that's in china california something when it's still i really summarize normally eat smile and live long eat smile yes i what what's her blender that's missing what is the rule tough this yours cut your struggle for years yeah if you get the bread you get the break on brooklyn yeah yeah and someone with the only dream forget the body i were to accumulate where you are what is the reason why everton blender still i get the fight now the music don't go today no no you know what i'm telling you read between the lines hello her name is kamalita tell me where she's from over costa rica she's so mellow her name is kamalita tell me where she's from over costa rica i know this girl i really love her [Music] she's a one and a week time she's a first class style right no number one son never mix from this mixing board yet because she's so mellow that's some seo stamina people are looking at some white people spit on me everything blenders hit on me [Laughter] you couldn't do that no i couldn't do that to a star make it if you try yeah man in a number one santa africa [Music] if we try don't sit down there and sign put your shoulders to the wheel and your goal you will achieve that's the way to reach the tower i know you will try your rubies but if he should come to the taste i know jaja is still here to do the race yeah you can make it if we try don't sit down there and sign you can make it if we try [Music] don't sit down there and search come on it is obvious that you feel that well we get the feeling that you don't think you get the the the love and appreciation that you deserve yes and the music that you're doing i will pay with you i was in i was in kenya i believe humans jamaica people love me no don't get me wrong jamaica people love me and the ones that love me wise [Laughter] that tell you they're not fool let me know the good kind of tune and then go [Laughter] do for me yeah man so write a nominal tell a man every time then that's great man the and marty's the admiration for love you know the album so the and balance it back in the fear of african movement a bit bigger that you know matilda skill and balance balance it back yes you need more than one about ten blender we need more than one everton gender no no every part like i have good people in other music but if you know sorts of people i foster the music dirty man mono coming out why is it true i never choose the music i chose thank you very much i never mean to choose the music i mean after come do this all right now man people tell me yeah say blender it's the right choice you make you know that can't i shouldn't say the name of that every time then there's a king they said i said but the system didn't take all right let me show you the system see them check out the monte carlo i'm putting them up that is true then boots will have a boat um ladies and gentlemen it will come on mister [Laughter] work with my online broken one like um president broad bro papastathopoulos yeah and um which is know i know i know i'm sure enough nobody unites the journey to know so right now the last time the last time i can't remember um some people it's my one time i'll say oh no career management the management from it very very very good management very very attached more money so you know management do they minute oh and probably people are blacklisted and teach them teach is [Music] [Laughter] things i mean you go through teach them teach them you can't tell them someone go through something when we just go to the teacher you know what i mean some [Music] no okay i definitely fix things up yo nuka pandas uh in brooklyn that brooklyn i wanna employ and i will be taking my cast and angles off because see no vice no advice something flying if i wouldn't put any mike i want but something flagged on my chart like ear something sliding with you look like ear i mean i sing and the players have mush up i'm now seeing i'm gonna feel it i'm going to shoot what matthew are saying the stage then spring class i'm nicotine the kidney standard virgin we're not going to check our feet to know okay yes that's right mike one see um when we used to go um like right there on the river me said one why you have to buy one all right yeah you know i recommend it a simple material mic how long how long have you been living in florida um from i think from oh five i'm on fire could it be though for a blender that it's because you're not home afternoon off why you're probably fierce you know i can't always stay here that's right out of sight you know when i say but i said that would do certain things you know and then no when you're coming forward no we notice the people i'm still loved when my drive goes past them up on the train line that's punished on [Music] two hundred dollar two hundred twenty that too bye-bye if i'm ever one sure under that sure so so what do you say um server than that being away from the heartbeat that the music so long though kind of hurt you musically sometimes i say that sometimes i say that sometimes because sometimes you know you're performing you kind of get like a little lazy you you will work you know yes but we're not good at that right yeah you know i know i've seen that i mean i know we'll scar someone and say blending if you come across come spin around three months you know you know so i'll go do that come on makes sense you have a son called blow your nose yeah you're on president bro yeah yeah president are you producer interesting songs are not your mind yes the first time i was i know that you are not blind so please make up your ma mankind righteous man wanting to stand online it's so hard to find so i wonder who is gonna stop this war and crime oh yeah oh there are some people can't do things on there oh around this they have to wait you quickly say anyone will go and touch it come on i yeah yeah yeah yes so their favorite place well where have you ever gone to work do a father blender when i walk on panacea the biggest road ever see from yeah i'm gonna go um germany sick is there anyway in our work yet oh yeah nigeria what about from nigeria anyway yeah we never [Music] for that i've been to argentina yeah yeah and you have some other local players um with regular music getting big like australia and some other like a place you know [Music] [Laughter] one time we're going to go to a wednesday show and then all the players around the people say this week is what a weekend on a wednesday i do it wednesday yeah you never flapper all right you have a good [ __ ] go flap on fire no more what about that no like the crow did it and sometime they might feel for ball forward [Music] [Music] [Music] is didn't keep my reasoning within the shouting i showed a family man coming at me and said i'm having right now i am a family man working for my children [Applause] yeah before we go any further blend them step up step up oh yeah yeah step up step oh all right let me even blender bring them under roots and culture in them if you can blender blend them under roots and culture we used to sing our dance we never get no money i was spreading good words to every goodie know me as pretty universally there's a lot more you're gonna hear from me flindim if you turn blender pin them on download some culture blend if some may try to criticize me but i'm walking in the footsteps of the almighty you know herewith they must say at this stage of the journey father blender what would you say the single greatest musical achievement well you know you know us yeah yeah and when you them can come you can't come home at any time yes seeing and you know there are a lot of things out there you know we were one right like rather because necessity a little part of that property and some other things give thanks you know so you know we're not really where we said that's how you say if i'm from earlier or they were to eat smile and live long yes [Laughter] you know people watching and then watching them see your achievements and then watch your childhood take you yeah so let's say i see me dealing my things clean because sometimes you know we see what happened to other people out there you know forgive a man 50 000 100 you're getting 10 i won't take a stack you cannot stop broke down so that yet it was never ninety thousand we have we're up from the managing ten jeff is ending up spinning money again yes he said i said so we should have philosophy everything will be blessed right but if you're trying to go around the man change him yeah so we'll never go on anyone i'm gonna give thanks with me achieving life you know is there anything musically we're gonna achieve it's a blend away yeah still what we achieve that's up man well i'll tell you truth you know i look like a studio yeah and i really have a shooter yet and they're like forever eastern blender mystery then the next day yeah when we're you know like a foreign where they give back yeah uh it's what i mean that we have right i know because people people in 10 philos watch and think saying i don't think i even in school you know i will help help with the stage nice stage very nice stage one thing with the the principal and the the headmaster what have you learned them about good relationships yes random type if we come to them and say if i'm on come on i'll get to school i mean come to them now get to school right i'm going to say the empire but oh my deal again you know now should we need to keep this t-shirt [Music] a problem because the people them love me and love to give to the people can use them exercise book i scream love you and people i'm noto the ladies them knows i love them though every year man this family video yeah [Laughter] [Music] you know may now do certain things with almighty love because sometime in a goat then you mingle with everyone sometimes your curse yes sometimes a girl some bad spirit man in our life man but spiritually yeah put me in there and done somebody and then somebody said india never killed nobody yes i've been there and done some other things you know because you make sure you say my you them when them dip on the road remember to the people take care of them for many years i want some foreign [Music] work you know i get not sure nobody go walk out nobody warrior said francis i'm sure you're not going to show your warrior no worries at work speaking about sure though i'm not now going father blender normally when i interview no you know what i'd okay yeah it's a viewer thing when i interview artists from your ear here right one of the one of the common issues will come up is that you know we do the songs revise the song they record the songs when they come out of publishing and riot is when i get them something oh you'll see up on that side there well right now yeah yeah yeah yeah because we're really not for the producers today why not tell you not for the producers they monetize the sound they have their name on it too share them with the song [Applause] are they variety yeah yeah and they know them the [Music] and you know put it up and you know you can get you can get some food for a blender tell me something about that yeah right now yes [Laughter] when i spoke about many other songs whenever they have big subs we send them songs they are classic songs songs that will live on for as long as people are wrong about all the songs that you have recorded for other blender which song is a song where you appreciate i love the most if any well right i know you know you don't know what person will be looking about [Music] wednesday [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the looking at the journey sir blender looking back is there anything that you would do differently if they get the chance to really live the musical journey any regrets anything where i think you don't want to different i'll tell you why i'm saying you know so we haven't changed he's met the people and have more love yeah because i do that right many people have more love i love each other love one another like when we know back in the days when when when people used to watch people i want me to watch people teach them over here every evening by a checker who you always here teach them a chop up food whenever you teach them [Music] [Music] the people and that's why them fight me yes i tell you whatever you do good then fight you then that's one of the other people i'm like sleeve roll now you know what i said yeah yeah with president brown who i say i've done the collaborations with um culture now called chanaks and then louis california he passed away you know maybe with a scalar right otherwise you know not really you know all about collabs no so is there anybody who was sitting at the music though would you never do a collab with where you're there you all don't mind going to the studio right [Music] fertilizer come margaret you and i to the market you and i gonna fix this lovely fruit basket love ali's girl the valleys girls sanja bring either chalwa and they target it with pure river water my child is big like a choppy gas cylinder every time i smoke it i'm unpraised judge i love all these girls you know all these girls yeah so do that video um now some other thing when someone has your hand or some things you know [Music] these are one away my material of the material again my material different yeah general make them materially again yeah different class yeah different lemonade tailor man right now we're now used to gold man i'll like dance and everything yeah i'll use your body so i'm not saying segregate myself you know what with those different god don't want a man go go pick a one in the purse yeah i'm a daddy i don't want come on go try this respect our old one i will yes i'm a dead you know everything blended his eyes is red i scared him don't watch the eyes man you just reason with him and you will find out what is what you have inside yeah still smoke no sir yeah give it up [Laughter] yeah right joe no not me [Music] yeah that's a good one yeah good good move there and maybe the caramel notes then better yeah whatever that blend of favorite artists um [Music] yeah and so i mean you have been doing music for a long time i mean i love a png right but if it wasn't music is there anything other than painting when you think i used to make sure i had our names on there is there anything other than painting that you think you love it enough for you then not to put food for your family table no music yeah destroy mystery okay yeah because we make some nice stuff you know yeah i kind of easier if i can could i teach you all for me yeah but let me go and give me the money i know my kind of attitude meet my strat at right now fifty thousand dollars white people [Music] never expect the ears the struggle has been so real and so long whenever i expect the ears said great man i mean i said that with no apology you get so much fight another business yeah man i'm trying to call china probably that yeah when did i get that fight there i was there any time you feel like say yo then change you think any man can get it jacket don't feel your bigger than it so watch it my new hula jacket so watch it my new hula jacket yo you are a black man you have a black woman when the youth burn is a full indian your always so short with no quality when the youth burn in my view like chinese jacket anyone can get it check it out [Applause] [Music] some of them up the rhythm with them fights behind the stairs are lip syncing [Laughter] with the panacea nobody caught it the next time the next time when we meet y'all not gonna make a year still better than this yeah oh yeah chatbot man yeah man right it's not now my mind right now i'm not seeing to this yeah yeah yeah we are all out there and i hope that it's not even off you have been you know fighting the only years and no sir and brother yes that's my say good music you are never there absolutely they're still here yeah or the foundation come on board yeah and everything else yeah percy or thank [Music] sometimes some someone that's calling me do some job yes that would be that nervous sure i'll be the nurse okay so you would have take some right yeah daddy i am the only one that cannot sing [Music] um [Laughter] you know for the people i'm out there who aren't getting in touch with sarah bled enough for dub plates how do they go about doing that well right i know you know um the jamaica number is uh 919 42 21. so that's 919 4221 yeah and you have um another steve no you have nine five four two nine seven one six zero seven r nine five four six times six one one two here uh if you want further than that you don't know real everton blender you know facebook yeah instagram instagram and then please you know my email is like blend them inc yeah let [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] yes i'm going to stay amongst them so that's what i see in my life man i appreciate love the love man for the funds them out there every time blender funds them when you have left with them well i know just love just have love for each other and don't bug my sister your brother and if you see your sister going through and you not going through don't envy them because your time soon come there that down floating that silver line and generator wireframes same things i do for you and do do it for the next individual the same i said so don't think since you don't know what happened your time just don't come yet so i've loved a world of blessing to if you're going out and you're coming in from this time and forever more yeah man teach them crew yeah man bless you bless you know you know in and out and around about teach them he's a family man working for his children teach them as a family man working all those things ready teach them is a family man working for his children teach them as a family man working on those things read yeah man this is everton blender and it's all about teach them you don't know yeah man i'll tell them every time blender say up teach them teach them blend them under roots and culture teach them blend them on downloads and culture teach them blend them under roots and culture teach them blend them on them roots and culture you hear that teach them and blend them on the roots and culture yeah my name is i teach them yes i blessed love lift stomp your head and no little panda we know that teach them win the pride let me know tell them on this everton blend them on always reach out to teach them well i think it's fine flying jumbo playing or itching a ride on the teach them train hi this is everton blender yeah now we're going on to teach them train yeah man i'll tell them on all when it is rain yes everton blender say up teach them hey yellow send a message and make it reach them each teach them right here warlord representing thank you for watching like the video before you go please subscribe if you haven't done so and remember to share the video with your friends and family and browse the channel for more quality content until next time walk good my friends teach them
Channel: Teach Dem
Views: 164,895
Rating: 4.8711438 out of 5
Keywords: teach dem, teachdem, jamaica, jamaican, teachdem channel, teachdem youtube, teach dem tv, jamaica news, this happen in jamaica, jamaica news today, teach dem news, breaking news jamaica, ExtraClass, Teach Dem Live, breaking news, teach dem interview, Everton blender, Everton Blender Interview, Everton Blender Songs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 36sec (8196 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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