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i am your vibing one of the living legends in jamaica's entertainment industry a saxophonist extraordinaire an arranger composer producer a man of many talents his parents named him dean ivano fraser and today he shares his story sir frieza legend bless big man great alexa yeah man everything is up honor [Music] thanks teach them always make sure the message i reach them so far i didn't talk to us to early life please birth well miss them you know whatever old time people don't call [Music] you know yeah kingstonian by birth yep yeah we're in kingston i grew up i'm in a trench stone trench on my musical city yeah with your body right father yeah uh how many brothers are sisters though yeah well until about seven years ago you know i said that four brother and one sister but then my father who did so fine my father forward a couple years ago so man up with boyd 10 brethren over yeah all their siblings are still alive yes yeah man it's a blessing that might give dogs yeah yeah no no no no [Music] [Music] remember my auntie always was like my next mother okay some so my aunt know as uh she's a micronian man yeah by myself so she won't go give back to our community our community oh and she took me with her you know so another six is up in our place in a clarendon named coxson coxswain live and go school pendant valley at the early early early ages and then you know after that i came back to kingston you know with periods [Music] that was a a nice vibe so we come back and we're living at the trench town and you know life started life started all over again so you attended with school in kingston no i sent oh so you were still very young at the time when i came back then yeah okay so in the center of cleveland primary and then now man norman manley okay cool cool cool and that was it for formal schooling that was it for farmers school in canada at 15. you know stop school [Laughter] you know i you know when you start to learn music learn something you know extracurricular after school and you take it serious from this or so yes before we come to the part i didn't have to go farther freezer what was it like growing up from a financial perspective though we don't know not about finance [Laughter] the most regarded about finland is that at age 16 while i was playing in a band here in kingston i sent myself again to school and i did a course nice that that was the only financial run inside really it was rough growing up freaking man recycled daddy yeah but nevertheless i may have two two two mother you know and of course you know auntie was very important yes in in that yeah she was at the agent yes [Music] you know okay you know education wise and you know what they must say so it's just dropping things off you know and you know time bit so serious and crucial that you know needed for work you know and help my mother with my next siblings them and you know you know everything yeah they said they left school at europe all right stop going school when you are 15 but at what hr stage your first get that musical each day 15 15. yeah my why am i going at the first band male 15 and is off in south africa sonny bradshaw sonny bradshaw seven yes so you know this here is where my attention span those tears it was time to to to to consume everything and soak up everything around me but you never get any formal musical training before that though um well formal as in learning to play the instrument and learning to read a little music okay but then a couple years into being a member of celebration is when melba listen came to jamaica so i became a part of the edna manly it was just called jamaica school of music at that time yeah and so i was a part of that but then that never lasted very long because i was expelled from the school you know i wear the part of that is you know when people you have a look at time when people think a certain way you know and then things say where them says la and they're not look into your part of the deal they understand me and so because they have the you know the upper hand and the anger they are able to say well yes let's get rid of it man yeah okay and it that was that i mean it never took them more than three months they invited me back to school oh you know wanting me to be a uh honorary member of the school and all that but we refused at that time and i were interested you understand me yeah so you know i know that never would still be should i go back at 15 yeah they said well you started to feel that sort of music in iowa and get out yes you became a part of the sunny bridge seven oh yeah ain't up there so i'm a teacher the teacher was a player one one other saxophonist for sony branch years before it was at the brand and yeah baby brother and and what happened was that um they had the saxophonist at the time and son is banned it was going up in my migraine and so sonic told my teacher that he wanted a saxophone player knowing that my teacher is i'm going to teach people right saying tell him say what a saxophone player you don't want anybody great they willing to learn and um of course i was tested you know i had a period yes in the eye but it was and it was an exam also so when i yeah i would go to mr bradshaw's house i should be there but like at 10 in the mornings so that's where i sat and i tried to find my way through the folder the you know and all these sounds so but when mr bradshaw get up like 7 30 midday i already sit down i'm graffiti feet tiana santa may say i was consistent in all of that industry yeah send him come on so you know let me do my first band performance in 1972 i never knows you may just be those things to make sure that you go home but never good well the thing is what oh come on i might never recognize it and and the musicians you know especially the other iron player who was playing with me he was like a champion a trombone player named named jewel and jewel was just joe mccarmock joe was just excellent and you know but you know very helpful to me and you know sperm yeah and then you have a guitarist a bridge in you know rest in peace ox brown ox bro no was my nemesis you know but that also spurred me to you know motivation yeah so i was really you know motivated by him thinking that i don't know what i am doing but you know so you tell me jump over the world yes how you rejoin that sucks because they started out playing something different we started yeah but um clarinet was like it's like a mother reed instrument you know because you know we can't we call the saxis on the clarinet and all these instruments would work read read okay read instruments it is it's brass in him but we call him reed and and and woodwind would win right so playing a clarinet you were able to do anything any one of those instruments just apply yourself and you're there so while you move over from declaring it to the side um well when i mean when may i learn you know you know you have my like number i've been smarted up like my best friend you know yeah rest in peace number two so when me when we don't practice the band itself because we had a brass band the band itself would rehearse and we we did gigs we played for golden ages and you know club people you know mostly all people we played for at the time and um there was abs out of sax player i remember him well albert and albert would i did take up an instrument and albert was just to me fantastic yeah him just play and i i think i got a lot of my attitude from him yes because there's play in nokia what just play and meet it like that tell me i say play clarinet you know no girl now look for me i play that instrument you know so edward was migrated to south yeah so i mean that was the start that was the start yeah while in while in the sunny bridge seven now you were actually under sucks at that time now yeah man i was learning as you go along yeah i played tenor sax at that time yes so as as i grew more you know firm and and and and and and i was able to write it was able to you know show my confidence no i there was another little saxophonist and he died to unfortunately michael mclachlan saying mclachlan is the great bowie mclaughlin keyboard player for steve marley bigger brother and he had his father is also a great jamaican saxophonist flatisan trumpeter yeah he named carl mcclacklin too and so mikey was able to have his own instrument because you know his father had it right multiple instruments so mike would say take the instrument man i'm gonna play when you have got nighttime so you know that's where i started to learn to control the instrument because the thing about these sucks is that although you can you will be able to play all of them the the the the part that is most important is learning to control them and playing key that's very difficult so i was able to do that and you know so with that i was established as a read player instead of just being a a tennis explainer you know but then no are freezer most of the money you also be rabbit dj and aladdin's up in there you know the dancers was was there a a demand of for people playing the saxophone back then well back then it was uh jamaica at that time was a was an instrumental concentration [Music] unfortunately you know we don't really want to blame nobody still but you know we we the system with educational system just don't care at all all these young stars auntie you know so you know we have to give thanks to alpha and and stony lane and boys club the romantic and beyond them thing yeah to this deal where them people are still you know still still bring out young young young instrumentalists you know so so back in my dear you know every you tried to play something yeah so so go ahead go ahead no yeah something else i said ever you would try you know and and you wouldn't find how you would i tried djing on the 70s are you to that child [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that is when you get your thing together you will learn in the crowd big school big school yes how did that know lead to dean fraser becoming dd fraser well you know you're the big school until all your teachers that leave if you control the class you know so i remember sunnybrook charles like going on vacation and allowing me to you know although i wasn't the most senior musician you know and um so with that i am learning now to to be a band leader so to speak and you know i was able to pull that off so as the years you know first six seven years went by i said to my virgin another bonsai you know some more air ma instrument by radio yeah yeah man i'm a friend said well yeah i forgot to start got studio summits get up one day i'm going to tell mr what you're talking about yeah and i said i'm not gonna steal them you must say what you're going to study and you know emotions say so we're going to get you know like you might say well never get money for you know because at that time i'll take care of my bread i don't know and you must say to me say oh me i will survive yeah a time for me move so on that note i remember number wasn't in jamaica at the time number was in the states also and the number just turned up on me had one man and a number that said which one you are playing a man mr well mean i play for sunny but let me tell him some i believe so even though metal musabi sent me a leave i was still playing for him okay okay okay you know but not so i became a member of weed people and um with that situation there you know we we start to engage in some studio ronins so even though i get where you want so even though it wasn't plenty it was still something that so i was able to play for joe gibbs i remember errol thompson the engineer from joe gibbs coming to the sheraton because i used to play at the sheraton you see i i i was very fortunate in the later part of the 70s because as i said to you i was improving rapidly and people like jackie jackson who was the band leader for the camps at the time said when you're not working with mr bradshaw on the weekend call me a vaseline conspiracy return yes so that was something good for me and then light parks and big bun yeah and we we started to really show how confident and how good we were as a as a um we would call it a backing back ban but we were we were also the musicians who played in the studios so we could reproduce anything because in those days many of the songs that were recorded were recorded to the live band and we could everything was live and we as i said were able to reproduce anything bob lowers and keyboard poppy and like jan base um david richardson um roddy thomas you know another hand player light car he was on trombone chico chin number robin myself you know so we we we had a big song and yes we were very influential at that time at that time i mean let me we are influential rig abandonment england because we started to tour with dennis brown in the late 79. you guys are back in d brown on the road and when we went out there in england it's pandemonium everybody starts to say no no no no no say something money everybody went strong on brass and you understand me so we dictate in the piece at the time yeah it's a light part that move was a stroke you're writing that right now at the right time what was it like being on the road with debra from musical standpoint um that was incredible you can't tell it you have to realize say you know i mean the average american might say yeah bro not the best thing about him greatest thing and when we i i i realized that when we did any concert if bob marley they're not the area was being called like the best baritone in music you understand yes and and and so you know what what he did for for the music was just superb they understand me it is it is interesting to hear a man who has worked with d brown and bob marley and the wheeler said dee brown are the greatest yes as as a voice voice you understand me as a voice yeah you also work with baba and wheelers yeah that was during the light parks these are no man during the light parks this because bob actually the first time bob leaked me you know was approached could have been 78 79 but in the valley mysterious industry and they'll say yeah come true like all you play about 1980 now in some way for be a wheeler so that is after i did the survival album with him him said nama you have to be aware you know i didn't just say anytime you're ready but you were on the road with debra at the time that is exactly what i told him [Music] you know you're gonna say yes yes yeah man and then i can't play for peter after that and after he left yeah man let's nuclear war yeah yeah man apart from being on the road with d brown did you work on any of his albums yeah man i worked the first album was um vision vision yeah i worked on vision and i worked on the album after that but the big album i worked on was with lover's phone yeah and then i thought well that was big but then inseparable and separated [Music] because actually the first album i worked on with him was um oh the name is not coming right now but i did rock and grove and bonuela sings the whalers and um i had a nice little thing with with bonuela cause when he came out of you know you know he was well he was in um him when him leave the wheelers hunting and he decided that why not sing and then just never sound for what never do anything live for about five years why did he make that decision no well when when the wheel has split um seeing well so when the wheel has played one wheel i didn't come back for a while till about 80 what 82 83 so i was a member of that band so the first showboating wheel i did was in um was in um california and you were there yeah and and and also the big bonus concert in the national studio yeah but let's go back to your yeah journey duel when did you actually record it your first piece um that was our mix-up situation because at the time no uh a lot of the producers were saying yo who wants to mine for play some instrumental so i played for people like joe gibbs we did an album called black on man black that was your first body aware yes and that album i did record redemption yeah yeah because that was the year bob died year-to-one and so it was like a tribute situation exactly and i worked for that about germany and also and gossip clark all of those people me you know so you know i was moving around and you know doing little instrumentals here and there hunting but the um the redemption song drove me to a big thing because that year with sun splash i featured i was featured playing with them chat song and um jared park was silent when i started to play you couldn't hear the instrument any part romantic would be today and nobody made a song yeah so yeah so it was a very memorable thing and people all these big um writers from all part of the earth said the same thing big moment apart from the sucks they're playing it are the instruments no sir what's that though for no not really but you know when as i said before you know when you when things bad on you often make them right you know there was a time when you just wanted to do your work and and and you never realized if you play another instrument it will help you you understand me so that was a don't fall for me oh okay so looking back at it you wish you had experimented with other instruments of course other than the sucks it's the only instrument we are like you know so till this day i love guitar music yeah [Music] itself when it broke up bonnie peter d brown the greatest are the greatest surprises are having stun another journey then yep who you enjoyed working with the most but then though it would be very disrespectful to say you know the the the quality of of music where the wheel has let's say the wheelers right now the quality of music with each individual of the wheelers right come out and put out can you imagine the wheel has split now you have natty dread blackout man yes you understand me i said how i was not letting my lord but middles are saying imagine that no ideas you know themd is the can imagine exactly if we were at the grammy level at that time [Music] unbelievable you know tree album where you just want to listen them over however you know you are not only a sax player you are also a music producer arienja probably a choreographer no he's a producer producer you're right that's why yeah you're right as well cover the world spectrum yes basically what you enjoy doing the most um i like to play alive i like to play your life i like to play alive but that's a periodic thing you know because i like to get in that mood where i sit in the studio and you know when the ghost them passed through everything just hit me you understand me so i like to at times really sit in the studio and and work and i like to do it early early in the morning yeah bringing fresh mind fresh very much so [Music] is there any particular live session you can remember where just never leave you it was just something special about that session yeah um i think back in the day we did i remember the live session that we did um how could i leave deep road gliding and slide and did the the session was just rolling the session was just like the session was just like rolling it does roll and at the end of the session you would say i want to hold them somehow i'll go really with them really i'm going to win with them come out with a reward card yeah they were such fantastic songs great remember that yeah and and i remember that slam robbie session that every song became a number one song yes um everybody needs somebody jimmy riley what's his name um jokes junior delgado you know tomlins all of these songs that session which came his songs yeah that's unbelievable very very very you know and so when i did the wake up and leave with bob marley that that just was [Laughter] when did you actually know start to do producing though from year one from day one yeah yeah and and we we have a credit roddy thomas for that because we were going to to to england for the first time with d brown and rory thomas say you must walk with a song so that when you reach england you can eat a food you understand me i mean so i wasn't thinking of anything else i was just thinking that yeah now make an extra money a month so never do this some starter producer tune and brother thomas helped me right right and when the song don't record me i'm nobody for sickness because of course mr novice to the thing right so ready thomas said emo sing the song well that was the beginning because the song came up became ambitious what song was that a song named when i think of you when i think of irony thomas roddy thomas but original it was a leaf garrett okay okay and so sanghas explode in england so because of that song no all kind of producers from england stuff that link up like my next door exactly so it as i said it started day one you know and then as we went along you know i was summoned to the studio by a good bridge in our mind gossip clerk who made me do all his voices and all of that yeah and tana and germany and same thing and then fatisbury same thing we started to you know co-produce most of the sessions and make sure everything is sounded and was okay yeah you have a year for the music yeah [Music] it's their artist where you come across for the first time sir do you know was one of those those those two characters were mind-blowing when i hear them for the first time taurus can't sing like dwayne but doing casting like that that's that exactly as it you is ramana sound like a bird and you just hear a man with soul like nobody ever heard you understand me oh so like a bird can't sing like a bird you know come on potara snow you know so so these are our people who you know make you understand really whole music go the first time you heard both and then you were sure that they would become yep who they are today yep holy language and combo well do another one like him can sing because do we another uncle where we sing him to the ground yeah yes do an uncle named michael rotterford yeah mike rutterford is that lady rutherford is our father yeah yes diane wrote up for his diary so me and mike rotherford go to school together go now my money together oh so when me sent me a leaves on it bradshaw bun me make sunny brancher i have mike and rotter ford oh i can see now but my current afford was just good so one day my kid has called me and said yeah hear me may i want to connect you here you know where you can't sing i mean and what if we do so mike is saying do you internet so that's all right one of the greatest voices in the history of the music yeah and you were there from day one year one yeah what was he like early or was it difficult to get him because a man weekend i'm singing a father first as you would know i wasn't going to the recording board yeah but that was never his temperament [Music] that's why him it will last a long long long time it was never his temperament he he was always ready to be produced okay you understand him can't sing you know i didn't need you for doing about one of the one of the the bad things about singers is a lot of them being able to sing so well resist being produced but he was not resistant no more you're not fine there is a son so i'm doing money myself and they'll say oh i saw you want it and i'm saying because actually um you have to listen the song through the producers ears right you understand me and usually the producer and the singer have two different years true so you know because we have a lot of great singers here in jamaica you know well if only they might make somebody produce them [Music] i followed something resonating at the moment um you know that is ghetto me that is i remember he was a part of twices so i yes and i remember saying to them seeing something from him wow would i like record i don't you know seeing something them seeing how wally for nice things but when i'm saying get up here you know you'll feel our idea you say yeah that yeah big fat yeah you doing ho ho ho dean frieza get involved with tyros do antares daddy a big problem this is for them time till now well paris didn't come to me as a singer tara's have a friend named lavaska who is a singer okay tyros is just lavasca bridging like anybody else in jamaica you know every single every dj of a bridge so lavaska came to jamaica to do an album that i was producing and then stay at my house so my left student some wee hours on i had a old piano there also so so at night time let me reach out my uh taurus as always there not sleeping animals all explain something so usually me going on my whole summit laid on inside of my room no antares was just out there playing playing playing and we are listening to him they are listening they sang them now this is the lyrical content and women are come we don't think i'm gonna say i will turn an archwalk so the executive producer who was you know putting up the money hunting well go to him one day mr twins [Laughter] all right let's give a little money and you will see and even after we put that foot forward he wasn't really interested in moving tarou's forward he was him just dead eh you know i don't think his head was there him does that so when he in a little latter part no the early 2000s no me called her or something they say so we're going to do one album and that's it sorry sorry i don't miss her don't and this is something the young musicians are young singers are the aspiring ones they understand if you look at the the the i i i doing an album through the eyes of flower i forgot a 12 or 13 songs and it sung your tub which is a hundred thousand dollars also so when him look on one point two one point three million dollars on ourselves just make a song because songs don't spoil it you have to put it back fridge yeah it's done and i say it's there it's especially at the level that we are recording these days you know no experience yeah say yeah i'm getting money and i'll come and we just deal with it until we reach so and we're ready to reach parables variables everything that was that that is it those are for the people who you're really and truly took and bring to the people how come great man really thicker and more project like doing an entire store what will you know about yeah man well enough man a me too you know any ronald phillip yeah but needed of sizzler before that oh we have sizzler from eight or nine days yeah yeah yeah my name is saharis who is really like a godfather to sizzler and mr harris brings sizzler to me so i recorded sisler first yeah yeah i reckon the song name explained to almighty yes this is the first tune that way at the studio i'm gonna go pick him up at school i don't know i may carry him got anka put her in the table and he must dj the song from top to bottom and never even stop never ever each one go one goal yeah yeah yeah man like sizzle you were instrumental and you understand me and um the the the the thing with the bias really with with dwayne and antares is that i was lucky to and i'd say loki because it it don't happen a lot to have two real smart singers who did the two i wouldn't have never end up of a fight about this and fight both published enough and when when when do we have friend kyle i'm from england i said dude you're the biggest thing me you want someone really up here with you and you know and do an entire school now come on yeah the next month i'll say yo what money you know can we hear so we should not play england and i'll empty this so yeah yeah i had two artists who understood they understood them understand the world thing and and it made life easier and just make your answer that's why i'm going to work with them and i am a cambodian do you have any field projects like artichoke and in a bomb for whatever reason [Music] [Laughter] the ability you know set up the things so that it it happened um i would yeah a middle a bit about dj from trinidad his name came up when that slang came in jamaica i don't think he wanted to wait anymore he never forget more than more six months tonight yeah and in fear the project that's basically it yeah most of who i took on and and started to coach and a lot shot yeah ended up just yeah we don't want to do it you just mentioned sisters or may i get fired to serve as an upcoming or your footprint yeah is is in many places in the music but you don't seem to be somebody who i'll come run come say you're going to see me what's up is there anybody else whose career instrumental in um who do i look at no well i wouldn't say they ca the career but i have worked with them and the the work that we we did was successfully yes they understand me so and i've i've had to work with quite a couple of people freddie my great mcgregor t brown himself um heritage i mean plenty people didn't know that i probably was that was the production owner and one of i'll be down by the river it's my son yeah yeah yeah i understand and i'm pretty cool right you didn't have to tell your feelings yeah all of that all of that production is mine too so as i said we've been around the world you see like you're comfortable behind the scene do a surprise i mean i've been there you know and you know i i like to sit and look at what we need and and and and and look at how we just come up another world and this plant itself you know and i think i enjoy that more than running up her door every day and cop on stage and make nothing eyes and say yeah me do that and meet me yes you know that is there and that in another business well you never work with parliament um it's not coming up right now but i think a couple of them couple of them right there you know yeah they get a chance yeah yeah quite a few of them talk to us about the daffodils workers probably a lot of people are not familiar with the part of the thing there yeah well the daffodils came i i i took over the rain so it existed before no i took over the reign of luciano and it was my turn to groom luciana and so well look brother you're going to be a front line man you need faith exercise you need to breathe properly you know so at that time you know me luciano a general and we mean we play football like 6 30 every month yeah yeah man we exercise hard and thing you know and you know we say well this is the way i would go on so it was time now for luciana start rehearse so apart from getting you know the lungs in the right place and you know getting fit it was time no bringing out his musical genius and so it reached a stage where we needed harmony well fire hose crew was the parking ban [Music] and we needed some harmonies fire hose crew now i started to rehearse them and because they they never played as a live band you know they played in the studios and so i started to you know get them and get them to play as a unit you know and i mean we sat there and rehearsed for more than a year yeah yeah we'd also rehearse rehearse rehearse rehearse rehearse every day like five days a week and then you have a great like a singer named li memory no one familiar with it i said to him sir boy i can but uh try use the cm2 or three people whether singer they use uh you know and then mr bring them come on one evening in the spring ultia lee and hamilton rest in peace and kanekalon rest in peace and industry see them there so you know we have them sit down hunting and we just have them come observe first and then we give them a song celery and i'ma start to teach them teach them teach and teach them until the first concert was a ira fm white rubber [Music] which we never we were not very very very well received yeah no people have started running out for the stage and thinkers they never think they couldn't know the levels there could deal with this new sound and everything but one year later i watched lucia and i walk on the people and head from the stage to the basketball right cmy tribal bash and so he had to enter he was introducing the band tonight and he must look over finally this [Music] and i mean that was those three lady including sherry sharida shop afterwards she was the last person to join the group i think they were this sound of the late 90s and more for the hit size yeah your creation again yeah yeah there were the soul so if that you are doing it or somebody with your record with yeah so so after the lead is passed on or the daffodil in it you don't live to today um well i had to work with different people and so no i i just choose any three nfpa hour and a four i want to work with for the day seeing some normal work with like nikki bert and sharida of course and sharita lewis whom i remember taking her into the studios while i was doing purpose yes okay and she does fly out like a bullet because she's extremely good yeah so yes i never worked with that yesterday yeah yeah the thing is that macedonia so with the greatest saxophonist in the history of germany academy not only that but i really enjoying stuff and me know my people interview with the infrastructure you know plato circles but there is so you would have worked behind the scene on the scene in front of the scene everywhere you have the experience of being in the shadows and being at the forefront and you're comfortable everywhere yeah um most important thing in any music life is to be comfortable comfortable yes when when when the act is overzealous and and start to make if you introduce sana and you say welcome on stage so much people check for me i have so much people love me or a million people accomplish it and the music starts to play and him don't realize because he's thinking about a scar talking lately thing that's happening oh dear and people are we are flogging a jump up on shout and scream so if you don't mind sharpening torture alice i'm starting off key so the the the most important thing to do yes is to be relaxed and even me as an instrumentalist when there are difficult parts to play if i do this i will never play properly just relax and just let my fingers do the work he spoke to us about you know your interaction with barbara peter and body you also have history with jacob miller very much so of course i look a little bored up man quickly gx was well we are bridging virginia yeah and after leaving trenchtone i went to live in harborview and jacob will find him way to my eye by eight o'clock every morning yeah yeah i'm driving car come and say come on so i was also a part of the inner circle you were your partner i played with the inner circle too so you know all of that time thing on and unfortunately when jake's died i was not even in jamaica i was on tour with carl ciao you were yeah that makes me [Music] everywhere then we used to think we are braided yeah yeah man you said they're everywhere one of the potential legends that i told so yeah he is definitely indefinitely was way ahead i'm time that that that was a man who i don't think i've seen anybody today who can perform like like jacob yeah yeah yeah big seat magnet yeah you know and he could sing us yes the one love peace concert when i said when i met jim virtue one of the few recordings yeah but if you look at that concert you will see exactly you run with them yeah yeah yeah yeah you just mentioned another massive name in the history book right here culture yeah you run the road with yeah your work with culture i work with culture in the studio and i tour with it burning spear burning spirit i've worked with in the studios i've never toured with them at all i worked with him in the studios also and you got all about the lotion all about studio road everywhere everywhere where you know um i've i've worked with double sinions actually abbasinian's recording of this land was one of my favorite and not only favorite but one of my first yeah yeah also in the same category of one of the first was um samsung israel vibrations yeah and um i remember also now working with jimmy cliff where i worked as um i worked as an arranger for three dudes right i did the horn arrangements and all of that yeah so i've been there so simply put dean for yourselves were with all the greatest just simple members of the entertainment industry from bob marley to yes speaking about being a man the first time ever well the first i remember seeing dean fraser was on man we have no figure yeah i think yeah [Music] well that wasn't me that wasn't you no really no that was a little trumpeter a bugle player really oh yeah because plenty people don't think it's me but it wasn't me but you were on my abdominal yeah north girl is definitely me and uh apart from being well so i have not really worked with anybody up front with with the new dancers you know i choice i don't know no the music is somebody in a car no not really you know sometimes a lot of them check me when they want certain things and you know a lot of them check me on the vocals right of things so so you know we we still work alongside them auntie but i hope them they would just call when they need help and not go it alone and it don't really help no it's supposed to help me you know from bob to beat it yeah we're working with enough people you know yeah uncle martial yeah you know and um i have done a lot in england also uh yeah i don't know enough people in england and you know a lot of europeans have you worked on any grammy award-winning album um i would say maybe it's about two or three yeah album that i didn't work so of all the americans who have won the grammy only about two or three being phrases right and it's not all of them you are playing the socks some of them you have written songs on are not written but i had to practice yeah yeah first grammy album black hole that was serious work burning spear you know bonnie wheeler you know jimmy cliff a lot of albums [Laughter] is one of your favorite recordings this one is on your favorite recording yeah it's it's safe to assume that that is your favorite piece of work no no no no necessarily it's it's just that that that also was a very memorable studio session yes because i was bridging the gap at that time i was a young 16 or 17 year old musician and around me as tommy mccook was there herman marquis was there bobby ellis is there vin garden is there dirty r is there and he's just a super great you know bubbles camera and i was every time i missed it nick let them place me not a mig so every time i mistake my camera yeah so that that session i'll never forget good stuff what's your favorite song we have a player player i mean i know i know sometimes it don't go it only hit you when you hear it you hear written or somebody i redo it oh okay and i said judger yes you know but songs come on songs yes in terms of success which piece of work have you been on what are yours are we as at the biggest international success yeah that thing that thing yeah yeah yeah you played on it yeah man it's that thick i guess yeah yes so that has been the biggest international success well you know for now for now yeah i remember saying all an album like survivor masters huge you know what legalization you can talk about internationally i don't know yeah lauren hill was like that thing i i played about i played about three tracks on the messenger miss education yeah me number and every already great number yeah mm-hmm are they still good cars yeah no yes so you have been i i guess a better question is where haven't you been around the world like i'm you have been on the road with culture yeah i've been on the road with d brownie i've been on the where are some of the places that you have gone by everywhere [Laughter] i guess i'm not touched like indonesia inside like india okay those are to other places yeah i haven't been here i haven't been yet but everywhere everywhere austria everywhere where's your favorite place to perform to go and work like you look forward to that energy and the vibration you know what's uh you know i like canada canada i like barbados yeah yeah i like trinidad um i don't know for some reason vibes right nice very good vibe very very very good i like scandinavia okay finland all right now yeah yeah yeah and i think france and england still hold the rain as maybe number one and number two as the dieted i love hazard music yeah um i like germany which um that came out in that special mtv thing that i did with gentlemen right um that showed you know a lot you know um showed people getting to see the music in a different light you know but i i i do like i do like the caribbean i realized aldo is a weird kind of place more time yeah you know um you know but i i look on that from oh okay yeah i understand me i know sorry people there still yeah trinidad and i saw the people yes the people have uh well i have a lot of great friends in those places right right right as a musician when we when tara's running a good trinidad he's like he's home may i tell you that yes a couple artists what me interview them said trinidad are their favorite places still it's like isu yes you have been on the road with some of the biggest acts in the history of new music where i pulled some massive massive chords where have you gone when i see that kodi i can't believe there's so much people at one place japan japan japan splash yeah it was a splash you know we are like we had about a couple eighty thousands and i think i remember one that i did with because i worked also with i3 japan is serious crazy yeah crazy okay back to your musical thing again you have done quite a few albums tribute to bob marley one volume one volume two right remind marissa martial yeah that was like one of the most successful ones yeah that tribute album that bob marley one shirt album actually may have made it to the grammys you know it was edged out by burning spirits yeah and then um i also did that a a a tribute to gregory okay you understand me so you know we keep getting there and um i did an album pure horns yes revolutionary songs yeah well pierre han was joe gibbs revolutionary song was daniel van gaal pentos yes so you know you have all of the all of those records out there but there was also an album for island records called big up big you know so all of these you know those were they were great experiments of you know reggae and jazz improv and all of that so that was something else reagan country reggae unconscious produced by myself yeah you were probably with it yeah yeah yeah and um what's her name chris the baba yeah yeah it was her idea hunting and i produced it at the door that was supposed to be a very very big album you know but politics got in the way so but it was great you know it did roman virgo did well because he went to nashville and they were impressed with him and all of that and then they came to jamaica and you know but yeah that was one of my projects that i really loved i really love it yes anything recent anybody i work like that recently no no no not at all um so finally i get a chance to do an album alongside earlier on turn around so that will be out sometimes studs records okay that will be out sometime this year no no next year next year the work i started on it work finish the work finished yeah okay okay so just a clean up and make some mars and all these things and then i've done the dean fraser christmas album and i have my my album that's coming out in the second quarter here now it's called flat bridge shot bridge yeah yeah so that's instrumental and then we we're doing a dub album now with me and the young musicians that are around bino which is young um o'keel mcintyre and young ocean love you know and um you are instrumental vocalists they are instrumental trombone player yes and so we you know when we don't always make we set up the world thing and so we get them to be familiar and and get them to understand their music you know and and we're talking about understanding feel understanding how it's sound so you are in the process of creating the next generation of top yeah instrumentalists yeah man i'm in a studio work right now every day every day yeah man so we have a set of musicians who totally understand what is going on as iron players yes and and who can us do they think yes is there is there a concern though sir fraser that instrumentalists are dying breeding the country seeing that the thing have become so digital no no no no no is is is there a bill you see remember me i feel like through this late 70s and early 80s and 90s you know with the with the the the dancehall being teaching emergency emerge emerging so if you are able to if if you are able to um steer with your music you know it's spirit it's just about staying with the music paying attention to it you understand because i will come on you know the music a lot of people know the music no good music can't play their instrument and everything you know but them don't move with the times they're not playing to watch the youth them watch all them are dance these days you watch our mind move and thing and you apply yourself and you you make music that can fit you know watch temples and all of so that is most important yes that is so much important in 1993 dean fraser was given the muscular medal for his contribution to the music by the government great achievement 2020 again you were also given jerry award norman 2015 2050 od yeah so 2015 order of distinction contribution to the music again yes jerry i never give you something yeah man 29 2019 yeah so the work is there and the recognition is coming in slowly out of distinction that must have been a great feeling yeah but again you know mister and they the part of that that really they look upon my aunt face was where my heart had fully enjoyed she was happy for you because she is the person who introduced me to music and so when i looked at her fears you know when them called my name and but you know i walked up to be decorated and think you know my applause from the crowd was i thought maybe the only person who had a bigger applause than me was you seeing both oh yeah that was 2015 right right right so my my auntie was so proud and she just started to glow on you know yeah that is where my feeling came from yes i said vagina yeah what would you say is dean frazier's single greatest musical achievement along the journey thus far though i don't know now i wasn't paying attention there wasn't a chat a door no is there anything musically when i achieve it sir praise her the achievements will come you know it didn't really matter that's the good thing yes my if you go for work for that achievement my achievement is to make good songs you understand me that's not the achievement but then what come after that yeah you just take care of looking at the journey though sir fraser is there anything that you'll do differently on a musical level if you get the chance you're really living that go back at school should i go back to school and give up before i so that may have been a regret yes but nope no otherwise full speed speed uh sir fraser you have work with the always who in the music yeah is there anybody who you know work with yet and i know let me ask a question do you want to mind going at the studio going to do some recording time another music i think there may be a few people who who i can i can i could go in the studios i would like to go into the studio and say yeah yeah we could do somewhere can i do anything with bears oh come on [Laughter] yes i like the big bears there yeah they're so weird all that berry songs man there was that rocket where the embarrassed players on the bridge abandoned together there is something sunny russia yes man very son myself we were two little youngsters in sonny's barn and when we don't play a nighttime man him got married to one after that seven has done great for jeremy and kazmi was like then yes i would think that the great bears bro i mean grenada's one of the most fantastic drummers out there yeah i mean before going and died he was playing with our aretha franklin you understand me so yeah man quite a few desi jones was the drummer also i'm sorry speaking about um fellow pakistan recently you also worked with him he was on the christmas album when they're in it yeah well he was only able to play or was it one or two songs one or two songs yeah he didn't have enough strength you know but i mean i i remember i wouldn't say discover because he was already established as a bulldozer i brought him into luciana's band and took him on tour with me you understand me so from that man i'm nikki i'm close you know who was the greatest vocalist need phrase i ever hear within two years um one of i think bonnie jabir rocks oh bunny rocks okay i thought um okay bonnie rocks yeah i think that's one of the greatest vocals i've ever heard yeah and that's coming from amanda with dewey and stevenson yeah yeah special really really really wicked you know i mean artillery already brown yes people like e.j brown yeah bro yeah great vocalist um and then you you have the vocalists like taurus right who you don't hear them nowhere else you understand yourself these are the people who really stand out yes i think the greatest singer was bob marley was a great person you have no voice but that's not exactly i said yeah yeah greatest singer bob marley yeah i'm not sinner yes enough if him start singing and say you know i mean if if if you should introduce him to anybody else yeah i said we're jamming yeah yes you have been doing music from 15 60 that's your life is there anything out there or your love enough where you then do for put food for your family table if it wasn't music why unfortunately it it it does not exist you know that it it has never happened yes and it's not going out yeah that's kind of messy it's just music yeah there's nothing else that has distracted me from them the only thing about this track made before music was cricket all right it's the player cricket yeah yeah only thing that i found my auntie beat me for school music school and play qriket get up i'm gonna play about that right but there there was never anything else oh maybe art yeah yes because i used to do a like a drawing as a youngster and i did a little exam that would would have taken me and take me into the um the jamaica school of art but i went to school and music and stuff there's nothing there that that that has made me want to turn um seeing so directly you know blinkers on uh seriously you are a well-known right as well yeah you're right for a lot of people no i i'm mostly core right you're poor right yes i'm most equal right like one of the biggest things i've i came i remember coming up with the gay praise to uh staffer i remember coming up with that line for luciano and as i said to you me and freddie mcgregor do a little writing and you know if you want to go you must go and if you want to stay command you know these are songs that i defend something you know get within going and get the thing flowing and um singapore or sydney [Music] it's about you know making everybody a part of the world yes normally when i interview people from the 70s 80s in the business the recurring theme is people are collect people can collect publishing and realities always being free as a in that regard well i don't understand this thing when i say people now collect publishing and rights right they are somebody else have difficulties i call it them thing because man trick them on them some kind of question yeah and and a lot of the artists they have to blame themselves for things like that because man is supposed to trick you he said you're supposed to look you're an artist right and you're paid to do concerts and all of that and you should take the time to direction yes see in the long run you are going to be the beneficiary so it it makes no sense just sit down and cry and say you're not getting plus you have the the relative organization that the music is that you would join and get all of this thing done so you know you have to be like up and ready so you're i think balance well you see not not not not all the time you know but i've late i learned oh forget that though and so i just get it done and the phones are on and the phones after yes i did of course ceremony for us because i know some some younger folks who are watching probably some instrumentalists is there enough money out there for instrumentalists to to lead a a good comfortable life to a serve prayers music in general don't have enough money especially for people like this is the artist the food but then diversity yeah spread the wings exactly instead of playing socks listen give people direction and how they must sing our weirder mercy tell them say that no not right that note right you understand me and just cool right arranged and this is weird no you spread your wings diversity for your brain yes so as an instrumentalist alone it's probably tight it is very tight it's very very tight because but why do i serve razor and i don't wanna make anything so i'm good yeah with all the but then you rudiments as i said to you just know that everybody is learning how the whole copyright going on so people are i mean people still not giving people them jew but it's becoming everybody is being educated yes you know and you have jacob you know you need to join jacob are you know go there and read some pamphlets and and understand the business for a man who is so versed in the music for a man who is so unknowledgeable how come we don't see our dean fraser in the formal education system teaching i have no papers you see that's what society look at when they are making their decisions to say well yeah because it would have been easy for society to accept me with paper yet i don't have the the facility i can't it's not here you know but i have the paper you understand me so you know exactly that's right so that is how the thing goes so but what the men are we at pan society tell me right now anytime you get a chance my party truly with them yes but that is something that you would enjoy doing though yes yeah man but we just do it informally now yes cause like last year oshiano is a super sax player yes you know the school asks me of a teaching theme last term yes you understand me you know which quote will come in and that never materialized but the teaching materialized the man said come okay i'm come and steal the with me every day every day teaching the ins and outs and emptying them and they might teach me enough things because [Music] thing is a foolishness for it and they may be ready yeah man yeah yep but always society set up still yeah but it's good that you still can you know impart some money knowledge to you seminar informal settings anything anything anything so album in the works as i said flat bridge just finish and the the thing that we're working i know it's a nice double album album we jamaica is is is becoming very unfortunate in losing its roots in inventions yes and um unfortunately the the the young dancer group [Music] i think i don't think let me check the you rise on the you know because yes because you rise being credited right now as the daddy and daddy start hip-hop you understand me and i think maybe if if if we're young dj's hunting our dancehall stars really looked into that they would have been a little more grounded in in in the music you know somebody might never didn't sit there sorry is that 10 years from now in fact you understand me because me no right say me no dancer when dancer was a place right you know then no dancer when the place dancer become a genre and they're not understanding plenty of them plenty do you know yes that is true plenty to do because me personally had a chance to work with tj and he surprised me because of how he spoke and and and what he wanted to achieve and i did say so well him edna really just did it so he might think i think they understand me and nobody would have never really i think a man has come to the thing one of the things that i think is is is happening with dancehall is the fashion and the lifestyle is overshadowing jump in the music and that that needs to be repaired you know it should be the other way yes yes yes yes it should be it's a music that's supposed to overshadow the lifestyle and the thing but i guess you know when you look at social media trending is the music that's why i think the future yeah and understand me we want to we want to have the real music trending and not a trend you know so i mean if you even look simple all of the dance hall things that happened last year you see the one dancer song that that says baby when the bright lights are today the only real musical melody that came with a dancer thing auntie people went crazy you understand me and dancer i can't go away there all the time and the money know that because when them get a million views beyonce get a billion views and is the cm dancer thing i said here so the mind that is where the man named head monster that is all them supposed to think so an infinite or sure is yeah [Laughter] those are the tertiary systems today but but when um the english singer they come out with them look at because ed sheeran of course is who i'm speaking out in just runway gone with everything billions and then demand them take slight jump check where he make from 1985 murder she wrote and them the scarlet reggaeton see nobody in other spanish music industry meet that truck is the exact slide on bar chocolate muse jana sanomiya said to you and you know we making some liquor i call it bastard hip-hop we're making something like a bastard hip-hop beats and then so here we go trap so we we not only i try make another music ours we are labeled another music or us reggae music jamaican music in general has never taken any other other musicals and we we and and the music said i'm supposed to be pro that is because look away three million people and if you put up a map of the world we don't exist true because you'd have had to bring it up bring it up bigger till this year look at that start up here hunting head still with one scale we're on mental rock steady we're all rock steady we're all reggae we all dance are five five different genres in our little country up three million people and america don't own a genre so this is what we're talking about and and and we have like we have otawa 5 genre forest pop music forest music where go out there and and take on the world by itself yes pop music so then so you know i've done sakaz we did have the me person of dante as a new pup since the passing of michael jackson all right when dan saw that temple that dancehall temple what would it have it started around the world or the only person with me at morning was ed sheeran beyonce but they do the whole thing just you know just i live with you understand me and we are hung on i think we are hanging on to something that we want you know how we won the thing manufacturers won it you know and so it's not about women think how well man wanna say oh it's a new thing you understand me look look youngsters must know i watch i watch the american music and look at all of the great rappers when i talk to them i tell you about marvin gear but tell them about daniata away you might tell him about beatles he might tell about wings he might tell about every genre in my car country singer's name them have the music yes you know so damn no at no time that no come out of the back of them you understand means them have so much respect for the music and and and where the music i said that does not leave them so they just go to children i remember um [Music] i remember real rockford why i think was the most recorded jamaica rhythm then sata dropout and race because sata is a very unique truck and um people had to think when using actually manage it right and that's why sizzla was so good because he conquered he did that track well he might give the time but after that the punani and the slang thing became trucks of the world yes and i was saying yes yes yes and then as i said before slime made that murder she wrote right now right didn't have any not even be asleep on it he's just a guitar that that is to me one of the greatest achievement reading wise yes how many children surprise us yeah yeah big you know well too big and one little yeah i mean [Laughter] yeah yeah i'll tell you how good you're at [Laughter] surprised [Music] out there the young instrumentalists were aspire we are fellaini on instrumentalists just play your hand practice your hand don't be afraid afraid of don't be afraid of it anything you can achieve anything anytime and and you are please just listen and and practice and be professional you know make sense for the people out there who want to get in touch with sir fraser whether it is to build something or co-writing something how do they go about reaching out to you um shoot box jukebox sizzle managers okay yeah yeah so there were on instagram yeah i'm hunting i'm not uh jukeboxes there yeah so they're fine they're through yes [Music] her yeah until much but she was also and you know well she she um she took as usual you know remember the family come from clarendon so she took back all our educational skills so she did a teacher veer and the last school she thought was um [Music] i don't wear that great one legend pick up yourself again hello man take care thanks for coming here anna teach them hey send the message and make it reach them each teach them right here while i'm representing thank you for watching like the video before you go please subscribe if you haven't done so and remember to share the video with your friends and family and browse the channel for more quality content until next time walk good my friends teach them
Channel: Teach Dem
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Keywords: teach dem, teachdem, jamaica, jamaican, teachdem channel, teachdem youtube, teach dem tv, jamaica news, this happen in jamaica, jamaica news today, teach dem news, breaking news jamaica, ExtraClass, Teach Dem Live, breaking news, teach dem interview, teach dem where are they now, dean fraser, dean fraser interview, dean fraser instrumental, dean fraser plays bob marley, sax player dean fraser, saxaphonist dean fraser
Id: sziEQ3i2YRA
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Length: 110min 3sec (6603 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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