Ever Noticed How "Weird" Modern TV and Film are?

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I'm going to do a review of basically every movie and every TV show that's existed in the past several decades in the American Media and I want to say they're all psyops I made a passing remark in a video a couple days ago when I was actually talking about TV shows randomly this is very uncharacteristic for me I don't review media but I made a passing remark That Game of Thrones is obviously a big psyop like a giant psyop whether it means to be or not it is accidentally a psyop and some people ask me what do you mean by that I understand what you mean like I get it there's something weird about that show and there's something weird about shows and movies just in general in America mostly because everyone kind of hates them like people hated the way Game of Thrones ended they hate that like there are a lot of movies nowadays that critics just love and they're so popular and they're memed in public and everyone seems to hate them what's going on with that and my answer is actually not a lot of people might assume it's something narrowly political I think it's it's much wider than that I mean that's part of it but um I I think the way to think of it is that American movies and this of course has spread to movies made in other countries that are kind of under the thumb of America but American movies and TV shows in general are about uh they're about being sorted they're about being uh corrupt they're about being they're about putting nastiness in your face violence in your face sex in your face um to for multiple reasons one two I I guess get a kind of edgy reaction from you um but also to to I don't know create a new vision of what Society should be like or what it is like even if it is directly contrary to your experience so here's an interesting fact to think of okay so if you pull kids nowadays or kids like I mean this has really always been true but if you pull kids in high school or kids in college uh and you ask them questions like how many of people your age or how many people in your class or whatever um do you think are partying over the weekends or taking lots of drugs or getting drunk or having sex or any of this kind of stuff the one interesting thing about polls like this is that kids will always drastically overestimate how much their friends are engaging in various degenerate behaviors be that having drug you know taking drugs having promiscuous sex all this kind of stuff right so they will drastically overestimate uh the extent to other that other people do this right um of their own age and there are probably multiple reasons for that one of it is just like the background radiation of media which is constantly like every movie uh is about this kind of stuff like they can you can't have a movie nowadays that's just about normal people doing normal things it all has to be hammed up there has to be alcohol and sex and all this kind of stuff in it that's just not like you people cannot write normal plots anymore you have to amp that kind of stuff up but also I think in particular people are very afraid of seeming like dorks when they answer these things when they say you know what I don't think people are actually doing that because that makes them look like a dork because they're not doing it right they're admitting that they're not um and it also makes them feel naive in reality they're not actually being naive in reality like if you look at polls in fact not just that like kids especially in America they're doing so much less of this stuff I mean now everything is just like online anyway like kids like I don't know they it's like they don't even have promiscuous sex anymore because we've moved on to more corrupt things that are just you know on the using your cell phone um so all of that is to say that I think um there's this so if you take a person like that if you take a person who looks at the world like that and put them in front of a movie screen uh and you so show all this absurdity let's say you show stuff that is basically torture porn in a horror movie where people are getting mutilated and killed uh or you show them a movie about a family where everyone hates each other and all this kind of stuff uh or a movie a a drama where everyone is uh adulterous and everyone is having sex with each other there's this um a lot of people are like afraid to say you know what I think that I think this is stupid like I think this is dumb uh and the reason they're afraid to say that is because it makes them seem naive it makes them seem I don't know like even though of course they're making a very sensible judgment right now of course there is a reason that uh you know in general we expect things in movies to be a little more hammed up from reality but we're now at a point in the United States where things are so nutty in terms of the stuff in media that they just have no semblance to reality and if they do have a semblance to reality it is a causative relationship and what I mean by that is that this kind of media is Now setting a standard for what's normal right so Game of Thrones is a great example because I mean it's just so absurd and so ridiculous where um there's just everyone is it has incredibly selfish motives as everyone knows uh the only uh noble guy gets killed off very quick and everyone else is just very selfish and and like uh they only care about sex and power and all this kind of stuff and they're all killing each other and manipulating each other and uh frankly even however bad people are nowadays that that is not how reality works I I just have to say like some even bad people have their own kind of Virtues that they're acting on uh they might not like acknowledge it or something like that so when you look at a show like Game of Thrones and this is not just for Game of Thrones this is just like honestly for anything it's not so much that characters are developing or changing or anything there might be some of that but it's it's always like developing frankly in a bad way or they're doing something like Machiavellian or I don't know becoming jaded um but it's all it really you can look at serieses like that as this is like an unfolding a slow-moving unfolding tragedy of all of these people destroying each other and destroying themselves and we people of course through Game of Thrones hoped that uh oh there's gonna be some poetic ending to it and it ends up there wasn't and it was just haha at those people because you know you got what you deserved you got what you watched that entire time um so that I think is kind of the norm you just have media that is um just like psychologically jarring in a way like it puts absurdities in your face it puts things that are directly contrary to reality that are just like uh that are just nasty the that are just there's so much violence and and like just degeneracy and psychopathy and stuff like this and not only are you afraid to say yeah this is Stu I'm sorry this is cringe like this is ridiculous like this this has no semblance to reality and what kind of weird perverts create this kind of stuff people don't want to say that because that is some kind of that might be construed as a kind of naivete uh but aside from that this actually does affect reality like when you have seen Decades of of people just acting like this and oh and this is the gritty real world that's Game of Thrones it's the gritty real world which is so absurd then that obviously creates the idea that this is how people are you might now everyone you know in real life doesn't work like that but it creates the idea that this is how it's supposed to be right and so that is why it's a psyop whether it's intentional or not I mean when I say an un I mean intentional psyops you know the idea is so there's some government government agency putting them out here to like change how the public looks at things and make them more Psychopathic and and manipulatable and stuff like that that's probably true unintentional it just means like you know demons are behind it or I don't know something else or there's just some this this uh I guess underlying Geist behind how people look at the world nowadays I mean that's a that's a I don't know unspiritual way to look at it for you atheists out there but there is a sense in which there is a corrupt Force that's animating all this kind of stuff whether you think that's something spiritual or not I think it's it's kind of hard to deny because um even if it's just some kind of cultural norm there's so many shows in media like basically all movies nowadays like you just watch them and they're about like people just killing each other and manipulating each other and and taking people in real world circumstances and acting in these like totally weird discombobulated ways and then like passing that off to people is normal um I remember like when I was a kid one of the first movies I saw in Chinese Cinema was this movie I it was actually an old black and white movie what was it called um uh like springtime in a small town or a small village or something like that and I just remember watching that and just seeing how like different like how different American movies could be because in this in this film it's about like this guy who's kind of infirm and sick and he has this uh young beautiful wife and he has a friend from college I forget where come to his house and you know he his wife is always taking care of him uh but his wife kind of develops feelings for this friend of his who's visiting and they kind of they kind of have this connection right and so what happens in the end of the film well what happens it what what dramatic ways would an American movie in this uh in this plot Point well here's how the Chinese movie ended they realized oh this it would be the wrong thing for me to leave my husband and to be with this man so we're we're just not gonna We're not gonna follow that up but that's gonna be it right and I just at the time I was so awestruck because like American movies and film they're so corrupt and like pornographic that there's no way that that would happen like they would find some way to kill a guy off or they would have some adulterous Affair where they killed him or like all these like it was so weird to see people acting in a film like normal humans like I I don't know it was just so bizarre um and that's one of the reasons like they're they're a lot not now there's lots of foreign films that are like kind of under the I guess cultural influence of the United States so they will have like degenerate stuff all the time but it was just like so weird to see a movie like that and even early American movies there are some of them like this that are are still kind of pure and still kind of true to real life um but honestly um you know I don't want to say like Alfred Hitchcock is where it all began but like they're it's funny how soon um I don't know this kind of weird like let's just throw weird stuff in people's like murder and and like adultery and all this kind of stuff in people's faces uh that started very early in American Film frankly um for whatever pretense people pretend that like American Film was very censored and stuff but all of that that was you know basically notional and disappeared very quickly so that's just something to think about so when whenever I see the reason I find it so difficult to watch like film and movies and all this kind of stuff now I mean especially uh TV shows like TV shows I mean just the idea of like sitting there for hours and hours like I'm I'm more okay with movies just because like they're just a movie and it's done but um it's just so difficult to like watch this kind of stuff now because there's just all this uh especially stuff with kids in it when it's like kids who are like eight who are just like saying all these obscenities I'm like I don't know like uh hooking up with each other and stuff it's just like who the hell like I I don't know where this even comes from you know what I mean it's like this bizarre alternate reality and I will say this I'm gonna say something very unexpected uh I I meant to you know I didn't think this video would go on that long but I have stuff to say about this we make fun of Marvel stuff all the time and I will continue because I think it's pathetic Marvel is like the most pathetic like bizarre even as a kid I was like the superhero stuff man I'm glad that's gone for good but then it wasn't um but the thing is there's a reason people like the Marvel stuff because the Marvel stuff is actually even though it's like weird superhero I don't know tight stuff the the plots of them are actually very normal they have normal character development they have normal people acting uh um you know and kind of hand up superhero ways but they emotionally treat each other more like humans actually treat each other and I think there's a reason that normies like those movies they have a big appeal to them because even though they're it's weird superhero stuff the humans in them like they're still character development going on they're still like stuff I don't know they're still acting in like a vaguely moral way they're like driven by like things that are not just their own desire to like I don't know uh just like their impulses and stuff and that I think is one of the reasons these movies have taken over the world uh again I don't endorse them I think they're kind of they're very annoying um but uh like I can definitely understand why they have and I think they've that it's just like it's an unsold market like just make a normal movie about normal people doing normal things and I I think that's actually going to be a big I mean I don't if if Hollywood were actually about like appealing to the public uh rather than like subtly manipulating how they think and like acculturating them to Elite Norms this would be something that we'd see but we don't see it so anyway that's all the that is my review of every TV show and movie they're all bad nowadays uh goodbye
Channel: Luke Smith
Views: 120,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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