Ever After High™ 💖 There's No Business Like Snow Business! 💖 Compilation | Cartoons for Kids

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the winter palace at the top of the world apple white and madeline hatton were on their way to learn all about winter for a class assignment on the seasons oh so maddie what do we have so far for the report winter is cold when ashland ella found out that apple and maddie were researching winter well she insisted that they take a trip to meet her old elementary school friend crystal winter [Music] apple maddie you're here and you're freezing [Music] you two look frosty fabulous come on i'll show you how we make winter forever after my family and the loyal subjects of our kingdom have been responsible for bringing winter to the land [Music] every snowflake is thoroughly inspected to ensure that no two are alike jackie frost and northwind here are on inventory duty it's so enchantingly fun fun i thought you said inventory was beautiful now this way to the throne room so when you said this job was fun were you being sarcastic hex no we love it there's counting there's snowflakes you can't lose say you don't want to give it a try do you you'd let me let's see one after one [Music] i tell you jackie you're as cold as ice well it's very nice to make your acquaintance too miss white we're both big fans of your mother thank you your majesties [Music] time for a mid-morning break at ever [Music] one at a time remember my enchantments only last till the clock strikes you wish wisely i wish i looked princely again [Music] sarah my volcano won't work guys farah needs time off too thanks ash it's not easy being a future fairy godmother but i do love enchanting if you enjoy enchanting then what's bothering you i've been thinking i'll never have a fabulous gown myself or have a ball to go to or prince to dance with i just wish i could make my own wishes come true sometimes but i can't oh that's sadder than an empty teapot i wish varys wishes would come true maddie you're brilliant yay wait i am vera has princess ology class now and i have a plan farah it's a wish emergency i need a bunch of streamers for our class presentation [Music] thanks [Music] we forgot to make two dozen cupcakes for cooking classic thank you [Music] farrah i haven't had any wishes yet if you don't mind for my best friend forever after anything i wish for the most fabulous glittery gown fit for a princess for you me but why that's what i wish [Music] oh my but i don't understand [Music] might i have this dance so charming oh ashlynn this is a wish come true thank you so much if only the clock weren't about to strike noon well then i wish this hour would repeat itself right now [Music] who's ready for an afternoon of fabless outdoor fun wow i'm excited about hunter's party too but don't you think you're a little overdressed for an outdoor celebration i wanted to go to hunter's party but today is the feybelle formal faye bell's thing is today that's what the invitation says come celebrate all things fabel at this enchanting and mandatory event if you don't come i'll place a curse on you seems fair i've been looking forward to hunter's party forever after oh i wish there was a way we could go to both parties welcome take a moment to look around and find your name cards and your seats you'll find a list of fun faye bell facts and topics to help spark conversations about me thanks for inviting us fabel this is um really something oh we completely forgot the cupcakes the cupcakes we made cupcakes a fabel cupcake with pictures of feybelle which is you don't worry about it we have plenty of food here nope be right back we're totally going to both parties if we were any smarter we'd need bigger crowns [Music] ashley i didn't think you were going to make it hey girls where are you girls you're going to miss the fabel slideshow [Music] where have you been where are the cupcakes um we ate them we better go make some more [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you wearing you've been sneaking out to go to that other party i am so putting a curse on you hey did you know that they have a carousel at the other party [Music] combine the parties now we just have to figure out which look to wear i'm gonna knock everyone's slippers off at the talent show next chapter day aha neat hey here comes that new girl michelle i heard she's shy we should invite her to come sit with us hey michelle over here hi michelle it's nice to meet you wanna see my terrific new talent show trip i have to go now excuse me [Music] hey michelle we thought maybe we got off on the wrong slipper so we brought you this flower for your dorm it's a snapdragon uh i'm good [Music] i've never met someone so shy before i'm pretty sure it's my hat she doesn't like my hat [Music] michelle is a mermaid oh hey sorry i ran away before my legs turned back into my fin when i touch water and i i'm just not very confident around people when i'm on land i knew it how could anybody not like my hat michelle your voice is so fairest you should totally sing in the talent show in front of everybody on legs i can't do it everyone at school would flip their crown if they heard you sing i'm sorry but i can't do it if i'm not in the water oh i just got an idea gather however you go ever and ever after i royal unravel you're more than one together however [Applause] ever after you know what this could take a while how about an encore from misha while we wait [Applause] [Music] i almost stepped on you not even close we can learn a lot from the little world right underfoot learning oh we better schedule that or with us today's very field trip to i love exploring right up [Music] i'll race yeah [Music] so what's going on fairy field trips cancelled and i was so excited to see new places today i so wish you could shrink down and see the school the way i do looks like we get our field trip after all raven found one of her mom's magic charms that she shrinks you down if you touch its gym [Music] it worked come on follow me let me show you my ever after high [Music] [Music] what a day wait how do we get back to normal just touch it a second time oops how do we reach the charm not a prob peeps i can grow big or small whenever i [Music] want of course i got charmed too when i was big so i can only get tinier perfect timing what oh rascal scared you always carry cat treats for him he loves it okay rascal go get the charms [Music] [Applause] this charm is too unpredictable i'm tossing it [Music] oh this looks pretty [Music] do you see her she's right in there [Music] now for the heart [Applause] how can she not be afraid of falling that's like a mile up [Music] [Applause] [Music] your uncle and thank him for the loan hi i'm free are you um okay julian you have to teach me how you do it how to be brave it's not something you teach please i'll give you these five beans magic base uh no regular beans good enough let's go [Music] you can do it come on oh i open my this may take longer than i thought i can't do heights i'm too scared maybe climbing things isn't your story you are pretty amazing too humphrey at the ground level don't overthink it do it or you don't do it oh my crown is that humphrey dumpty climbing the beanstalk [Music] [Music] i can't do it i just can't do it help me jillian humphrey you did it when you thought i needed help you did it i'd say you were pretty brave you have a parachute yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like ever after high is in for a stormy afternoon as a new student well an old student returns to the school i heard she has actual wolf claws i heard she howls at the moon poor cerise it is their destiny to be enemies what's uh so exciting me it's ramona bad wolf hello cerise i thought i smelled wet dog oh please hood you couldn't find your way out of a paper bag watch this lollygagging move along or i'll hustle it'll puff it'll blow you to class now you girls really need to go to the pod dad miss hood are the rumors true that it was your fault that ramona bad wolf was sent away to the dark force reform school no comment [Music] ramona to the headmaster's office i'll see you after school you heard it here first come see the hood versus bad wolf battle after school this is ridiculous i think we can settle our own problems agreed so you accept my challenge oh fine let's settle this right now i say no fighting in the halls both of you in my classroom now dad she started did not dad cerise is taking this under the hood thing too far mysterious secret look at me i'm a hood i'm not doing it for me you are so mean girls muslin you both know how it is yeah yeah if anyone knew the big bad wolf was married to little red they'd flip their crowns that's right so until graduation our family must remain secret now let's give your audience a real competition you ready for this sis oh yeah justine dance [Music] the youngest of 12 sisters who all attended ever after high but who does not yet know her fairytale destiny ever after to just i'm beat i went to bed early but i had the most exciting dream i already have my own dance studio and i was dancing in all my favorite styles less chit chat more tip tap let's practice ladies shoes on my shoes ruined who did this not no those were your good shoes a mystery to be solved after my class miss dancer first position these are the top of the line from the glass slipper no shoe thief could resist these beauties when the thief trips the beam this series of triggers will go off and the video cameras will record the crime can't fail wasted time you can't rely on tech press that button chew that cord won't work i bet the shoes will get taken since when were you a shoe stealing expert oh yeah blame the bad wolf relax you and i don't exactly have the same taste [Music] [Music] the shoes they're gone and so is ramona ramona you bad bad wolf shh don't wake her up wake hew up what is going on justine dancer it was me all along but wha how enchantments your older sisters went through it too congratulations you're the 12th dancing princess you had to find out for yourself but now that you know you'll begin to control your power the gift of eternal dance i'm sorry i suspected you ramona thank you all so much for helping me find my destiny okay everyone mr pied piper sir sir i compose this enchanted song to make pesky here sort these walnuts [Music] cut it out a spectacular first try at melodic manipulation who's next how about you melody sure thing dad [Applause] my song is gonna guide little mousetra here to the cheese at the end of this maze and now to mix things up a bit turn tables you won't be able to control it dad i can do this [Music] curses i really thought that would work huh i can't stop dancing melody's magic is making a stance what is the meaning of this whole school can't stop dancing and it's all my fault you have to get everyone dancing in sync hey raven i think these beats could use a little pick me up [Music] now listen up and let dj piper move [Music] dj piper is about to work some magic [Music] here's a little something for you rebels out there [Music] we're in sync the spell is play it again dj piper make us move melody [Applause] [Music] well played melody a plus you're right i'm gonna sign up for a class i never would have taken before princess ology what i mean i am a princess technically you can't take princess ology it's not right i mean how would you feel if i signed up for your favorite class home evilnomics [Music] ms white take a seat i was just giving out our first assignment i'd like each of you to go into the enchanted forest find an animal that'll be easy madame yaga animals love me and turn it evil oh wow [Music] what exactly about this animal is supposed to be evil well it's eating that carrot awfully fast which will give it a really evil tummy ache try again i'm so mean power before my meanness that's just a mask you made with a picture of me i will give you one last chance to turn that animal evil or else you'll fail [Laughter] whatever am i going to do we have to turn you evil her raven [Music] pretty evil huh huh huh fine you pass with a d minus minus yay well raven i passed my first home elenamics project how's princess ology going oh i dropped that class like 15 minutes in i couldn't take all the smiling practice made my cheeks hurt but that's not fair now we have to grow evil plans for class and mine just keeps keep your petals on another morning at ever after high as the students are getting fairest for another typical day typical there's nothing typical about this day is there anything more perfectly charming than my birthday um my birthday you're such a kidder i mean does the entire school celebrate your birthday with a royal cake baking contest it's not just the royals in the baking contest this year i'm gonna make you the most excellent apple crumb cake you mean poison apple crumb cake you wouldn't be the daughter of the evil queen if you didn't try to poison me don't you remember legacy day i'm writing my own destiny now and my cake is just gonna have sugar and cinnamon and a little bit of love can you believe it raven isn't going to try to poison me i need an herbal potion soak i wish there was something we could do yeah but it's not like you can make raven poison her great idea ash i'll pour a little creature concoction into raven's cake and apple will think raven tried to poison her we could just get her some cute shoes or something oh daring a cake with a picture of you on it how charming and now we have raven's cake taste it um apple have you forgotten i'm your official taster i have to make sure these cakes are just right oh wow it's so moist and tender what apple i swear you did try to poison me hey i'm the one who i mean yes way to go raven you bad evil girl briar um i gotta fly oh why can't i be a phoenix too oh well see ya gotta go yup uh here i go i can't answer any questions nope i am out of here hey this salad totally reminds me we're having a sale at the glass slipper how does salad remind you of you're cute so who wants to go shopping after school sure i'm in oh i can't cuz i entered the royals beauty pageant but i didn't want to tell you guys because i thought you think it's silly but i love celebrating being awesome empowered girl oh it's not silly cedar i say go for it bigger smile ms white bigger miss beauty cheshire big miss wood my cheeks are hurting beauty is not always pretty oh these shoes are so uncomfortable how are we supposed to walk in them gracefully my dear for the debate portion of the pageant the topic will be why is looking good more important than well anything without wait just a splinter i thought this pageant was about what it means to be a beautiful girl not painful shoes not silly smiles real stuff like being smart and graceful and oh [Music] and and the beauty inside of us she's right apple i'm well i'm sorry for what i said at the rehearsal why you told the truth you made me realize the pageant doesn't celebrate what being beautiful is really all about so what can we do we reinvent the contest do you mean like change the debate make it about being awesome empowered girls isn't that where real beauty comes from true beauty means living every day at our best and never forgetting that each of us is special in our own enchanting way that was beautiful does our judge have a winner i've thought long and hard and now choose me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't share the cute shoes i found online i can't tell everyone about the excellent new band playing at the red shoes dance club tonight or you could do those things by talking to each other except that professor employs online only test is due by sunset today oh i forgot about that okay let's panic [Music] it looks like someone's hogging all the bandwidth we need to find out who humphrey you stay here and sort out these cables while we search the school sure leave it to humphrey dumpty to put it all back together again 933 934 daring are you using the mirror net sure am i'm uploading a couple thousand high-res picks from my new photo shoot well that was rude melody are you downloading any large files from the mirror net just every recorded remix hey [Music] that is so not just right the mirror net is still slow as a troll and we only have another two hours to take our online test there's only one thing to do go to the heart of the mirror net now we're gonna find out what's been actually uh you're the one who's been slowing down the mirror nut but why let me guess so you could fail us give us detention and make you spin my straw into gold that's not gonna happen now that we know your little secret a tale i'm guessing the headmaster would love to be told what do you say you cancel the test and give us a little more time to study oh yeah fine and i think it's only fairest that he fixes what he broke ow oh don't go to pieces honest professor [Music] queen what evil act are you going to perform for this year's talent show no no no no miss queen this music is too nice if you will not give a performance suitable to a student of your destiny since my story didn't exactly go poof i think it's safe to change it up do something you know not evil nevertheless sparrow hood has already signed up to play the guitar sparrow's gonna show you a big time pow but i've been practicing my guitar solo for a month [Music] [Applause] bring it on like very song oh i mean that's more evil [Music] that was cedar wood and her little friend splinter oh oddly enough can only lie next on a guitar solo by raven queen [Applause] [Music] raven is spectacular not for long [Music] [Applause] that's it i told the headmaster that i didn't want to do anything evil but sometimes you gotta let your bad side out so evil it pays to practice [Applause] [Music] today i'll be reviewing that bookend favorite the wonderland haberdashery and tea shop blondie lox is coming here she's the toughest critic ever after we've got some time maybe we could tone down the you know wonder aren't you just the cutest little they better get to work if you guys say so oh [Music] welcome to the wonderland haberdashery and tea shop i have to say maddie this is not exactly what i expected well this is it my family's tea shop no wonder madness here what can i get you hmm um i think i'll have the charmed chai tea and a wonderland nut bar can i get a refill sure is that a floating tea kettle yes it is and there's so much more magnet and wonder to discover here these clogs all keep the wrong time and those doors transport you to new and wonderful places this is the real wonderland hammer dashery and tea shop and i don't care if we get a bad review cause to me this place is fantastic huh at first the wonderland haberdashery and tea shop seemed boring but then they let loose the madness and it became ever after awesome this tea shop is just right aren't you adorable [Music] and so your project is to trace your family tree but remember your research must be rooted in fact who would exaggerate their fairy tale just so they could say they have royal roots right right come on blondie time to turn in our family tree projects oh uh i'm not feeling just right really you were fine like 10 minutes ago yeah well i'm sick okay i made have fun without me blondie are you pretending to be sick so you don't have to do your family tree project no that's oh just right cupid my family is only oh distantly royal so what if i'm just choosing the destiny i want wouldn't that mean that i'm i'm actually a rebel blondie royals make choices too they choose to follow tradition and honor their stories if you know in your heart that you're a royal then you need to tell the world i uh traced my uncle elmer back to this branch of the family and um so even though we share the same name we are not related to the charmings of nottingham forest or the charmings of never after or even the charmings who came over on the charm flower who knew there were so many unrelated charmings in the fairytale world um after my mother was captured by the bears she vowed to be a good girl and was sent to live on a magical cul-de-sac where a long line of locks are from there she was declared queen of her community just like her mom before her and her mom before her as you would say that royal story is just right [Applause] look it's poppy o'hare [Music] twin sister to holly o'hare and daughter of rapunzel and it's her first day at ever after high she doesn't have a legacy holly got the rapunzel legacy because she's older by her hair you always get to say the interesting part have you decided on your classes i'm sorry but no on one hand magicology sounds like a blast literally but hero training sounds excellent too who wouldn't want to spar with a dragon well poppy you must choose today classes start tomorrow how'd it go with baba yaga i kind of got thrown for a loop she said i had to choose a destiny by the end of the day maybe it'll help if you ask everyone what they love about their sides of the story thanks holly you're fabulous being a royal isn't easy you have to work hard to keep your kingdom happy but you do get to date princess and live in enchanting castles of course you may have to eat a poison apple to get there if you're a rebel you don't have to be bad or dislike beanstalks or the people who climb them well if you're a royal you live every day to its fullest but isn't it more important to be who you want and not hide who you really are totally wicked point who did your highlights um my mom uh gotta go so have you made your choice well i've decided i'm not gonna decide on a sign [Music] wait a spell you must choose something after talking with everyone it's clear being a rebel or a royal is totally exciting so i'm gonna flip the script and choose both sides [Music] [Applause] i like your style i've been trying to decide my best side and i choose both two [Music] so yesterday in princess allergy apple recited the girl's royal headwear line from birth tiara to coronation crown from memory holly that is so fabulous [Music] hey lil sis see you after school at the tower hair salon uh-huh love you big sis oh hey nanny nona polly no i'm poppy the younger twin oh that's right dear i i've got some news what is it you know how your sister is older by three seconds well i made a teeny tiny mistake actually it's you i don't want to be the next rapunzel i'm trying to find my own destiny and being the next rapunzel means everything to holly how am i gonna tell her and so then i told apple look i know your story better than anyone ever after and it was a red delicious apple that something on your mind i uh hey check out my new hairdryer so then in hero class daring scaled the tower just like in his story okay i am totally getting a twin vibe that you are not telling me something what is it okay well you know when you know something guess we can't talk now what okay that's it tell me what's going on nanny nana mixed up our birth certificates and you're the younger twin what but that means i'm supposed to be the next rapunzel not you but i liked being the next rapunzel and i liked being something else wait does anyone else know about this no then what do you say we just keep it as our secret that way we can both have the destinies we want i love it thanks i'm just trying to let my hair down [Music] hurry the blossoms that bloom are headed for doom translation there is definitely something wrong [Music] oh what happened to wonderland grove [Music] it's usually so this part of the enchanted forest is our link to wonderland and it's the source of all magical madness in our world so if the grove is losing its magical madness are you saying our world will lose its magic too whatever after is all about magic so what do we do madden up people we need to recharge the grove by holding an honest to madness wonderland tea party time to get our madness on fantastic new outfits for everyone time to check my madness meter not enough we better get our dance on [Music] you guys you have to dance wonderland style [Music] so close we need some super silliness to put it over the top come on cerise it's up to you but i'm not so good at letting loose wait a spell i've got an idea no way come on ceres trust me [Music] you put on fake silly wolf ears for the tea party now that is madness hey look we did it [Music] come on sparrow give me a real challenge i'm betting you can't get a date with the next girl that walks through that door oh you are on what are we betting how about loser has to wash the winner's grimnastics uniform after swamp swimming done [Music] lizzy hearts [Music] the usual my good barista and the same for the lady off with the phone [Music] would these flowers change your mind i grew them using the light from my teeth [Music] i got this [Music] check it out i painted this just now am i charming or what no you're not well actually i am charming you know cause it's my last name [Music] oh lizzy what i thought that you might enjoy a tour of the castle on dragonback [Music] you gotta admit that that was pretty spectacular is something wrong i would go out with you but i've never been on a date before well all those things that we did today that was pretty much a date but that was quite lovely maybe you'd like to do it again sometime can we keep this a secret future queen of hearts i've kind of got a crazy rap going sure yeah i i i won't tell anyone yeah that's right [Music] uh dex dexter dexter charming i'm up i mean hi cupid what is up with you oh raven you know briar is having that party on friday and i want to ask raven to be my date but i'm i'm just afraid i'm going to mess it up there are other girls at this school you'd ask graven enough for me not what i meant i i wish i was more like my brother if i was the great daring charming girls would just fall for me literally why don't you try your asking out skills on your friends that's a great idea you're the best how about a little thank you kid [Music] the art of conjuration making things hey briar i said something like you want to go out with me would you oh man so did it hurt did what hurt when you fell from heaven cause maddie you are an angel you speak ritalish too oh man so this weekend you me oh man mind if i sit raven uh um you come up here too best place in the whole school to watch the sunset hey would you go with me to briar's party on friday what i'd rather just go with a friend less pressure that way know what i mean excellent i'll see you friday yes oh i'm going to a party with raven queen [Applause] it totally worked you're the best so here we find ourselves the day after legacy day and relationships between the rebels and the royals are anything but a fairy tale raven totally ruined legacy day if you ask me hey raven wants to write her own happily ever after not be told what to do by the royals oh please we all saw what really happened at legacy day if i can't have the destiny i want then i'll make sure no one has theirs [Music] i will tell you how it happened i propose we banish the rebels to their own evil school are you mad that did not happen uh i know the mature way to handle this let's just ignore them fine oh hex no you didn't oh it is on like fairy socks i know things have been hard recently and apple and i don't exactly see eye to eye but it doesn't mean we want our friends to fight about it i'm glad we can agree on something me too besides it's not like we can really rewrite our destinies we have happily ever afters you don't oh really okay oh my we're doing that are we you see what raven did this school will never be the same exactly and i think it's a good thing a very good thing [Applause] come on raven what's the header it's apple she's really upset about legacy day i wish i could do something to make apple feel better like all fairy tale princesses she needs an arch enemy to be the indoor yang and make her feel complete so i just need to find someone to take my place as apple's storybook nemesis um i'll do it it's always been my dream to be the evilest pig this school ever [Music] hey raven i did something diabolical i switched the yellow mustang for the brown mustard wow these hot dogs are great i know i think it's the new mustard okay okay i'm gonna drop dangerous gas-filled balloons on unsuspecting students [Music] really uh what kind of gas did you fill them with helium okay helium is not dangerous it does this i heard you're trying to find an evil replacement to make me happy that is so mean excuse me you and i are supposed to be frenemies but i don't want to i want to choose my own destiny why can't you understand that i can't believe you're doing this girls hi i don't want to be an evil queen anymore didn't you say this was your big dream oh oh that that was this morning now i want to be of a lunatic and so the struggle continues at ever after high maybe things will just magically work out yeah when pigs fly they told you everything was waiting for you they told you everything was set in stone [Music] excuse me professor piper can you show us that melody again of course my dear kitty you know what happens when yaga is everything okay raven take a seat as a faculty advisor it's my job to meet with the um troubled students what i'm not troubled we're here to get you back on the right path the wrong path i'll let your friends explain raven i adore you but like the other day you spilled that everlasting black ink all over my new ball gown that was an accident i felt really bad and said i was sorry like a hundred times you're not supposed to apologize you're evil oh but what if i don't want to raven you're here to listen briah would you like to go next everyone i set up a bungee jumping platform on the east turret mariah hocus focus maddie i think raven is wicked awesome just the way she is and you didn't tell me we were here to be hassle her you said we were gonna have a tea party yes i lied we haven't heard from lizzy hearts [Music] now that's what we're looking for from an evil queen i think we made real progress here but uh how do i change back [Music] hey apple could you not sing in the morning or ever oh you big kidder mirror so smart and cool who's the fairest at this school you are apple white greatest mirror ever i'm gonna borrow some jewelry from briar brb i wonder if some magic can get a little more curl going on here magic mirror what do you think what do i think my mirror did something happen while i was gone um nope not that i remember this is a royal fairy fail come on we're gonna find you another mirror my mirror here you go what you you don't have a bigger mirror you never know when you need to look good on the go i'm having trouble finding one that's just right some of these are too narrow too wide oh i don't like the frames you want to borrow my mirror well okay just let me do one quick checkeroo oh [Music] you're never getting that away from him yeah i know okay this is just the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone apple i broke your magic mirror oh i know you what duh you're supposed to be the most evil person ever i just assumed you did it and then lied about it until my new mirror arrives i know how you can make it up to me is this the perfect thing to wear to crown killer's class of course it is fairest one so heavy stop breaking character do you want to keep calling you the fairest be a good evil roommate everyone at school is buzzing about the royal student council elections but there's only one choice for president she's running on a post again apple white blondie just because i don't have an opponent doesn't mean i'm not going to work my crown off i'll use my debate time to outline my plan for royal dances royal fundraisers royal cannes food drives royal blend and royal blah and royal na-na-na wouldn't it be great if someone else i'll do it i will run against apple for president uh what now vote for me hats over crowns vote for maddie oh hey raven uh i mean ow boy thanks so much for that pin so here we go fellow fairy tales the ever after high royal student council debate first question goes to apple white why would anyone not vote for you let me just say i will preside over this school like i will my future kingdom perfectly [Applause] and maddie my question for you is why would you run against apple are you mad why yes and thank you for noticing if the squirrel eats acorns but never a steak how much water fills up the lake excuse me you heard us apple's been president long enough maddie's mad i have a terrific idea it'd just be oh so swell the council could have the castle doors widened for the not so tiny of us i think we can make that happen but i need to check with my co-president for the cave of the bear is open so wide would you really change the full of the tide what she said [Music] you had correctly raven queen uh professor rumpelstiltskin this is totally unfair you can't test us on chapters one through 34. we've only studied up to chapter two i cannot tell a lie and well that that's just not very nice you guys don't know about professor rumplestiltskin at the beginning of each year he gives an insanely hard test his students have to ask for extra credit which is just spinning straw into gold for him the test is tomorrow morning look i'm totally getting stressed splinters well i could tutor you guys i've been studying on my own like forever after royally cool let's start with the basic elements [Music] if we can't wake up briar we're totally gonna fail the test man if only she took studying as seriously his partying oh that's it hey guys what's up you finally but now you have to stay awake and help us well there's one thing i'm always up for a study party the basic elements there's pixie dust and dragon fire pixie dust and dragon fire time is up let's see how you failed raven never underestimate the power of a study party behold c.a cubit adopted daughter of arrows the god of love she currently attends monster high but is about to discover that another school is in need of her very special talents fairy tale destinies are now anything but certain will princesses end up with their princes will the rebel students now find true love these relationships will need cupid's help to end happily ever after hello fair lady of love i am hopper crookington ii and i am in desperate need of your counsel i know just what every frog needs to become a prince but lady wait hey there you're cupid i think they should call you cute pid when i get tongue-tied i turn back blast if only i possessed my poetic skills while in human form but so flustered i become near the beauty that is briar you know what i got this tell me how you feel about briar well there is none that can huffer wait you're the secret admirer who wanted to meet here i mean look first you send me a basket of chocolate-covered flies then a smelly bouquet of swamp grass i'm sorry but i just don't want to go to the dance with you my sweet briar the beauty of this night is not compared to the beauty you possess hopper i've never seen this side of you hey cupid oh dexter oh anything else you want to say [Music] you're just so i mean i mean lost ew oh ribbit i got the shoes now how about a hug for your hero boy i hope that's you hunter you know it pumpkin thank you so much for getting these and now you have to leave sorry sweetie but i have less than an hour to set up the display for these new shoes blondie and briar are gonna be here any minute and they can't know about us well uh-huh sounds great then you and you're the best get some coffee and now i'm here thanks for helping you guys now we don't have much time but no problem ashlynn i see where you have the platform set up and i would move it 20 inches to the left so the natural light hits the shoes giving them that halo effect just right right um i guess briar thoughts [Music] pesky oh it is on and that's why glass slippers are totally overrated [Music] that is the last straw [Music] hmm yeah we've only unpacked one box so far and the store opens in less than a minute we're never gonna make it you could run pesky but you can't hide wow so do we get free shoes for helping or wet you ready for that hug hero or how about a kiss [Applause] [Music] [Music] sorry carmine i'd love to race again but i gotta get back to school my ears go find our pack [Music] you beat that wolf in a race how do you do it i'm all ears kitty you can't tell anyone about that raven let me guess you yeah we want to talk about it i just i guess it would be a relief to finally tell someone my family is hiding a secret your mom red riding hood married the big bad wolf don't worry i won't say a word it's not you i'm worried about we're running laps today which you'll find very important when some crazy old bakers try to eat you okay now ready set kitty [Music] oh [Music] so serious anything you want to um tell us i can't believe the speed spell i cast on your sneakers actually worked what i'll show you raven thanks don't worry kitty it'll wear off eventually and so there i was professor jack b nimble about to jump over the candlestick when i realized it wasn't a candle at all but a nest of fire-breathing baby dragons your assignment is to come up with a tall tale of your own see it's just that since i'm cursed to never lie i'm not real good at stretching the truth well then why don't you try to find a real life story that is so dramatic that it sounds like a tall tale perfect wait where am i gonna find one of those my what big muscles you have all the better to hug you with wait a splinter you two are dating what no that's silly of course we're not romantic picnic um heart-shaped cupcakes really guys come on these aren't romantic my uncle made them what about this your initials inside a heart oh we didn't do that must have been that uh woodpecker bad woodpecker uh okay well what about this ashland i'm so glad we're secretly dating love hunter huntsman i mean come on you wrote that for me [Music] when professor nimble asks me if anything dramatic happened today i'm gonna have to tell everyone about you guys i can't lie what are you going to do i'm going to go along wait a splinter i think i have an idea well i was out walking in the woods and i saw something pretty amazing i fly hunter [Music] after the unfortunate events of legacy day some students are questioning our lesser school legends maybe if a certain student used her mirror cast to prove the school legends to be true great idea i'll prove those legends are just right hello fellow fairy tales with me today is cedarwood and she's gonna help me prove one of those school legends is totally true troll tears make awesome shampoo wait a splinter maybe we didn't use enough we're gonna make this just right blondie stop it see what did i tell you [Music] we're here in the germatorium to prove another of the school legends giants are terrible dancers helping me out is duchess and tiny and a one and a two but we're supposed to be proving the legends are true giants can't dance my eyes i can't see i'm okay the legend is proved with the help of sparrow hood we are going to prove playing just the right song will sue the fearsome griffin into leaving its nest [Music] true go fly away [Music] buy my demo on the mirror net it's totally outlawed headmaster the show is going great and i've got so many excellent ideas for more episodes we can prove that unicorns are really violent the beanstalks have the sharpest thorns [Music] welcome fairy tale friends to spring at ever after high where following their true hearts is the only thing on students minds royals with royals and rebels with rebels well it may not be as straightforward as that look at hunter and ashland [Music] hey [Music] it seems that hearts and destinies don't always move in the same direction cupid and dexter charming [Music] hey cupid [Music] anyone sitting here yes i mean no no one is sitting there and yes you should sit there thanks the evil step librarians are so wicked yeah last week they made me re-catalog the entire forbidden book section [Music] well look what i found the history of true hearts day thanks dex you are such a sweet and so each time a fairy tale is told my dear i am writing my speech love never waits what are you going on about true hearts day where did you find that it tells all about this totally excellent holiday that encourages everyone to follow their true hearts desire but it hasn't been celebrated in years and never will be again that holiday is dangerous but some students might see it as a sign to break from their destinies maybe true hearts day is um you are not to talk about this to anyone do you understand me yes sir i won't say a thing true hearts day i don't get it [Music] charades [Music] 48 words a holiday that used to be celebrated in the fairy tale world that encourages us to follow our true hearts desire but headmaster grimm doesn't want anyone to know about it but you think we should celebrate it anyway and throw a secret underground true hearts day dance why didn't you just say that cuz headmaster grimm told me not to say anything secret dance what if grimm catches us he won't come on it'll be happily ever awesome i do throw the [Music] [Music] and all [Music] come on they went this way i'm finally gonna get some proof why do you even care i care cuz it's not fair ashlynne is breaking the royal rules with her secret romance but she still gets a happily ever after and i don't so you got a plan i mean it's not like we're just gonna find them in some romantic moments [Music] wow [Music] ah curses hey duchess sparrow we didn't see you what's going on you two are totally busted ashlynn hunter i think the real question is what are you two doing here having a secret romantic rendezvous we gotta find a better place to picnic please you two can't tell anyone hunter and i are secretly dating um yeah wow well i'm gonna ash this is gonna knock you down the royal rankings but don't worry i'll take your place and you're happily ever after bummer princess to be now my love tale friends this is the part of the mirror cast where i try to solve your romantic problems so fragile and fairyland what's in your heart um well i i i kind of uh no i i do i do have a crush on this girl named raven raven queen you have a crush on raven queen i mean rachel rachel yeah i like a girl named rachel okay rachel so you like her what's the problem well whenever i'm around her i get really uh tongue-tied oh okay look how about putting down your feelings on parchment that is a great idea i'll write her a love poem thanks cupid you're the best by no problem [Music] [Music] it used to be such an important holiday on the royal calendar huh love finding our predetermined princes i'm sure yeah oh sweetie what's wrong you can tell me i mean we are friends forever after i'm not sure you'd understand what is it boy trouble oh wow hey i am thirsty um i'm gonna go get us a couple hocus lattes double foam extra apple caramel right [Music] ah you work here i want these in a size 74. oh and so dexter finished his true hearts poem for raven now he just had to wait for a response what's this [Music] it's a love poem a secret note is there anything more but who's it from d charming [Laughter] [Music] ladies [Music] daring i had no idea he felt this way sup brother oh gord love is very complicated yes complicated the path of love is never straight well it was until people started choosing their own stories you must admit this is much more interesting well let's see what happens hey ashlynn [Music] what's up with yours and text message is everything sorry cedar but i need help we need help uh hunter shh i'm not hunter i'm a gunter gunter gunsman is this about your guy's secret relationship yes it is about that duchess knows and she's gonna spell it out for the whole school we don't know what to do well i always find it's best to tell the truth you're right cedar gunter gunsman i got a triple mid hocus latte for gunter gunsman over here i got party supplies hey cupid oh i'm cupid that's me just sign here party supplies uh yes party supplies um for our play [Music] and what exactly is the name of this play it's a [Music] it's called the play that almost was and then wasn't but then was very well i don't know duchess it is a bomb spell but ash and hunter are my friends if you don't report on it someone else will no they can't own it no i'll never get my happily ever after oh hey duchess [Music] ashland you and hunter are dating but you're a royal and he's a rebel awkward [Music] a royal dating a rebel that's just not how the tale is told she followed her true heart which is kind of what true hearts day is all about so fellow fairy tales blondie locks here to give you reaction to the royally rebellious romance i think it's excellent ashland and hunter decided to rewrite their destinies what's wrong with that i feel for them i mean keeping secrets is hard a royal and a rebel they're from two different worlds i am trying to do an interview here i'm worried about ashlynn and hunter if they don't follow their destinies their books could close forever [Music] remember our quiz tomorrow on tiara size and future neck problems apple we have to talk ash this is hard for me which is a first because i usually handle everything so very well i know i'm just so surprised you didn't trust me enough to tell me i didn't think you'd understand i guess i don't it just doesn't make sense to me i don't want to see anything bad happen to someone i care so much about and so you're telling me all these heart-shaped cakes are for your play yeah the play you know it they're they're for that really funny scene where uh briar throws them at hopper excuse me oh yeah it's such a funny scene i just wind up and [Music] very well [Music] hi ashlynn duchess what do you want what do i want my own happily ever after of course and now that everyone knows that you're dating a rebel it looks like there's one available no glass slipper for you so you're happy about hunter and i dating while my best friends aren't maybe i did make a mistake what no you're totally doing the right thing follow your heart and all that sappy stuff [Music] sorry i'm saving this for ashlynn hey ashlynn [Music] hunter we need to talk uh ashlyn i just i thought this would be a good thing showing everyone we were dating i thought it would take the pressure off but now everything is worse what are you saying my friends are upset i don't know what's going to happen to our stories yeah but hunter i don't want anything bad to happen to us to you i think i think we should break up i'm sorry and so as the sun set on ever after high the students were getting fairest for the big dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] sparrow i need you to help me ruin the true hearts dance tonight what why briar is planning it and if i can get her in trouble with headmaster grimm then there'll be a new opening in the royal ranks you know what i am done with you what's ruffled your feathers i sparrow hood the rockingest handsomest guy in this school can't find out where the dance is no one will tell me cause i'm friends with you well someone around here must know something you really think anyone's gonna tell you the truth [Music] there's one person at this school who's cursed too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] raven over here wow briar you really know how to throw the most excellent parties i had some help i uh appreciate your kind kudos their maiden hey guys who's djing tonight we got the daughter of the pied piper melody piper what up ever after ready for me to drop some true hearts tunes then follow me this next chapter day saw a 30 rise in our semi-magical creature attendance rates which when you compare that to excuse me that's a swan i'm addressing the entire magical community on a mirror net at this very moment i know and i'm so sorry to disturb you but there's something i just thought you had to know about which is i hate to tell on my friends but some students are having a secret true heart stay dance show me where [Applause] so 300 autographs later my quilt finally gives out but there are a hundred more girls in mine gary uh can we talk for a minute of course yes i wanted to thank you for that poem you left on my locker um i never wrote you a poem you didn't but it says right here d charming dexter hi dex so not exactly a happy true hearts day huh why does my brother always get the girl it's not fair maybe you should stop thinking so much about your brother and um concentrate on someone else uh who you you spend so much time comparing yourself to daring you forget you're great just the way you are really cross my heart thanks cupid it was dexter oh can you believe it and dex he's so sweet and cute and i'm gonna tell him that i i'm too late [Music] where is this party not much further [Music] [Applause] since true hearts day hasn't been celebrated in such a long time i wanted to tell everyone what it's all about once upon a time there grew a very special tree the heart tree and even if the winter was harsh and the other trees failed to bloom the heart tree blossomed no matter what and so our fairytale ancestors gave the blossoms to each other on true hearts day to show that even though it's not always easy true love will always find a way and so to encourage all of us to follow our true heart [Music] make sure to give yours to someone special to you can i hunter when i listen to my true heart it tells me that you're my prince charming oh but how can you be a royal and date hunter i don't know but if writing our own happily ever after means i can't be a royal then call me ashlyn ella the rebel [Applause] i'd like to give this to you hunter if you'll have it of course [Music] [Applause] [Music] apple i'm so sorry i just had to do it why are you giving this to me i might be worried about you and i might think you're doing the wrong thing but i want you to know that we'll always be friends no matter what that's what's in my true heart thanks apple you are the best i know this is literally the best day ever i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it don't be a worry flurry let's park my mind hey cupid have you seen cedar i can't find her anywhere oh cedar had something really important to do tonight there it is dudes trying to practice here miss swan d what where are they you totally got what you deserved yeah you told cedar the wrong spot cause you knew duchess would try to get it out of her yep then she left me a note back in the dorm telling me the real party was here now that is a happy ending i have to say my true heart agrees [Music]
Channel: Ever After High
Views: 735,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after high, cartoons for kids, eah, ever after high, ever after high cartoons, ever after high dolls, ever after high dragon games, ever after high english, ever after high episodes, ever after high full episodes, ever after high full episodes en, ever after high legacy day, ever after high movies, ever after high songs, ever after high thronecoming, ever after high toys, girls cartoons, power princess shining bright, thronecoming ever after high, crystal winter
Id: hu1eXrfaAuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 38sec (5438 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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