Events in Google Analytics 4 // 2021 Tutorial // Automatic, Recommended and Custom Events in GA4

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Hey there, I'm Benjamin from Loves Data. In  this video, you are going to learn all about   events in Google Analytics 4 (or  GA4). We will cover what events are,   and how events in GA4 compare to events in  the previous version of Google Analytics.   We will also explore the events that are  automatically tracked into your reports,   along with Google's recommended events,  and custom events. Okay, let's get started!   With the introduction of Google Analytics 4,  the team at Google also introduced a new data   model. The new data model gives you more control  and flexibility over the information you collect   about your audience, their actions, and your  website. More options and greater flexibility   also mean events can be confusing. And if  you've been using Google Analytics for a while,   then you're probably already familiar with event  tracking, which has been available since 2007. So   we will start by talking about the events we could  track in the previous version of Google Analytics   (called Universal Analytics) and compare them to  the new events in Google Analytics 4. If you would   like to skip ahead to a particular topic, then you  can find links to each of the topics we are going   to cover in the description below this video.  First up, what are events in Universal Analytics?   In Universal Analytics, events were designed to  track actions within your website's pages (or   in your app). For example, if you wanted to track  the number of times people downloaded a file from   your website, you would implement event tracking  and use the event reports to see the number of   downloads. The two main issues with the previous  version of event tracking were the limits on the   amount of information you could collect and the  constraints around reporting. When you implemented   event tracking for Universal Analytics, you could  name the category of the event, name the action,   include an optional label (to capture additional  information), and assign an optional value (like   a dollar value). Here we can see an example of a  Universal Analytics event used to track a video   embedded on a website... We can see the event  category is 'Video', the event action is 'Play',   the event label is the URL of the embedded video,  and the event value is the amount of time someone   has watched the video. If you wanted to capture  additional information, you would need to either   replace one of the existing values or squeeze  the extra information in. For example, if you   wanted to use event tracking to report clicks on  different promotional banners, you might define   the event category as 'promotion', then the event  action as 'click', and the event label as 'summer   specials', like we can see in this example. But  what if you had two banners for the promotion?   You would then need to decide which of the  event parameters you would rename. For example,   you might have one event label for 'summer  specials top' and another event label for 'summer   specials sidebar'. This is okay, but it isn't  flexible, especially when it comes to reporting.   If you want to report on the performance of the  promotion, you would need to include both labels.   Otherwise, you would be missing data. Once you  implemented event tracking on your website,   all of the events would be included in  the event reports. Let's take a look...   In Universal Analytics, we can find the events  reports under 'Behavior'... And then 'Events'...   When we select 'Top Events'... All of the events  that have been tracked are in these reports.   So in Universal Analytics, events were  designed for tracking actions within a page.   However, in Google Analytics 4, events are used  to send all types of data to your reports. This   includes actions, details about your users,  and other information about your website.   If we compare this to Universal Analytics,  data was always sent as a 'hit'. And there   were predefined types of hits you could send,  which meant that you were out of luck if you   wanted to collect custom information that  didn't match one of the predefined hit types.   The hit types in Universal Analytics were:  pageviews, events, ecommerce, social interactions,   exceptions, user timings, and screens. Hits are  replaced by events in Google Analytics 4, which   means you can collect data for anything you like.  You're no longer restricted to these predefined   options. This brings us to our next topic... What  can you track with events in Google Analytics 4?   Well, in Google Analytics 4, you can use events  to track any action or piece of information   you like. From the pages people view (which are  automatically tracked) to button clicks or even   information you've collected in another  platform (like your email marketing platform or   CRM). You can send the data to Google Analytics  using events. We will cover different ways you   can use events in a moment, but here are some  examples of what you can track with events...   Pages people load on your website... Actions  people perform within a page... Elements people   have clicked... Information from the URL of  the page... Transaction and product details...   Elements that are visible in the browser... And...  Details you've collected about a user... There are   plenty of ways to use events, and it comes down  to your business, your audience, your objectives,   and the type of reporting and analysis you want  to perform. Okay, so events let us track all   types of things into Google Analytics 4. The next  important concept we need to cover are parameters.   Parameters send extra information with events.  For example, the 'page_view' event is sent to   your reports with the 'page_location' and the  'page_referrer' parameters. The 'page_location'   parameter lets you see the URL of the page that  someone viewed, and the 'page_referrer' parameter   lets you see the URL of the previous page they  viewed. Let's head to Google Analytics 4 to take a   look... We're looking at the DebugView which lets  us see incoming events while we're testing our   implementation. And we can see some events have  come through... Let's select one of the events...   And we can now see all of the parameters that have  been sent with the event... Selecting a parameter,   then lets us see the value or information  assigned to it... Google Analytics will   automatically send parameters with each event.  These can include: The 'ga_session_id' parameter   which includes the unique identifier assigned  by Google Analytics for the user's session.   The 'page_location' parameter which sends the  URL of the page currently being viewed. The   'page_title' parameter which sends the title  of the page currently being viewed. And the   'page_referrer' parameter which sends the URL  that someone viewed before the current page.   This can include other pages on your website  or third-party websites (if someone clicked   through to your website from another website).  Additional parameters can also be sent for   events that are automatically tracked by Google  Analytics. This brings us to automatic events.   When you add the Google Analytics 4 tag to  your website, it will automatically track a   number of events when someone views a page. For  example, Google Analytics will automatically   track an event when someone spends at least  10 seconds on your website. Events that are   tracked automatically include: The 'first_visit'  event which is collected the first time someone   visits your website. This event is also  used to calculate the 'New Users' metric   in your reports. The 'page_view' event which is  used to report on the page the user is viewing.   The 'session_start' event which is used to  determine when the user's session started.   A new 'session_start' event is triggered when  there is a period of inactivity of 30 minutes.   The 'user_engagement' event which can  be collected periodically and is used   to report when someone has spent at least 10  seconds on your website. These automatic events   can't be switched off or disabled. They are the  critical components needed for Google Analytics,   so you will find them in all Google Analytics 4  properties. Next, we have Enhanced Measurement.   Apart from the automatic events we just covered,  you also have the option of using the Enhanced   Measurement feature to collect additional data  automatically. Enhanced Measurement is configured   for each data stream in Google Analytics 4. The  best way to think about Enhanced Measurement   is that it lets you track optional automatic  events (while the automatic events we covered   previously are mandatory). So with Enhanced  Measurement, you can choose to turn particular   automatic events 'on' or 'off' depending on  what you would like to see in your reports.   Enhanced Measurement lets you automatically  track one or more of the following actions:   'Scrolls' for people scrolling at least 90% of  a page. 'Outbound clicks' from your website to   other websites. 'Site search' for the keywords  entered into your website's search function.   'Video engagement' of people watching embedded  YouTube videos. And 'Files downloads' for people   downloading files from your website. Okay, let's  head back to Google Analytics to take a look...   We're in the admin area of Google  Analytics. Let's select 'Data Streams'...   And let's open the data stream... We can see  details for the data stream at the top, and then   below this, we can see that Enhanced Measurement  is enabled. Let's select the configuration icon...   We can then turn any of the Enhanced Measurement  events 'on' or 'off' in the interface. They will   be set to 'on' by default, but if there are events  you don't want to track you can disable them.   Enhanced Measurement also provides advanced  settings for the automatically collected page view   events and site search events. For page views,  you can disable the 'Page changes based on browser   history events' option... By default, this option  will automatically track page views when the URL   of the page changes without the page reloading  or if content is loaded into the existing page   without the page reloading. For example,  if JavaScript is used to include additional   content on a page. It's looking for history  events in the browser. The other option you   can adjust in Enhanced Measurement is the  configuration for the Site Search event...   Apart from the default query parameters,  you can also adjust the query parameters   Google Analytics uses to identify the keywords  people are using to search within your website.   And you also have the option of adding  additional query parameters to collect   further insights. For example, if your search  function lets people refine their search   by choosing a search category, you could add this  to the 'Additional Query Parameters'. If you're   just getting started, I recommend watching my  getting started with Google Analytics 4 video   covering Enhanced Measurement. I've included  a link in the description below this video.   Okay, we've covered events that are automatically  tracked into your reports, but what if you want   to track something else? Something a little more,  custom? It's time to look at recommended events.   Recommended events are a list of events and  parameters that are provided by Google. They're   designed to give you a starting point for anything  custom you want to track into Google Analytics 4.   They're grouped by industry, but you can use  any recommended events that fit your needs.   Google provides a list of recommended events for:  All websites and apps. Retail and ecommerce. Jobs,   education, local deals, and real estate.  Travel. And games. Let's head to the Analytics   Help articles to take a look... We can see  the recommended event names on the left,   the recommended parameters on the right, and  when to trigger the event in the center. Let's   look at the recommendations for retail and  ecommerce websites (and apps)... We can see   'generate_lead' included in the list of  recommended events. However, we don't   need to be running an ecommerce website for this  event to be useful. Any website aiming to capture   leads should be using this event to report on the  number of people entering their contact details.   The main thing to remember is that you  can use any of these recommended events   on your website if they're appropriate. My  top picks from the list of recommended events   include: The 'select_content' event  for tracking actions within a page.   The 'select _promotion' event for tracking the  number of times a special offer was clicked.   The 'view_promotion' event to understand the  number of impressions of a special offer.   The 'generate_lead' event to track  the number of leads you've captured.   The 'view_item' event to understand  when people view particular products.   The 'add_to_cart' event to track people adding  items to their shopping cart. The 'purchase'   event for successful ecommerce transactions. If  you would like to learn more about implementing   recommended events on your website, then watch my  tutorial on 'click, button, and form tracking'.   In the video, I show you how to track these  elements, and you will see recommended events   (and parameters) being configured in Google Tag  Manager. I've included a link in the description   below this video. If you've reviewed the  events that are automatically tracked   (including the Enhanced Measurement options), and  you've checked the list of recommended events,   then the final option is to create custom events.  This is where you decide how to name your events.   You should aim for a consistent naming  convention. And, ideally, it should follow   Google's recommended event names. This will help  keep things clear and logical in your reports.   For example, you might let people rate products  on your website. You could then create a new event   named 'product', 'dash', 'rating' that collects  people's rating selections. Although you can name   your events anything you like, it's probably  better to follow Google's naming convention.   If we look at the recommended events, we will see  the naming convention for products include 'view',   'underscore', 'item' and 'select', 'underscore',  'item', so we see the action or behavior is used   first, followed by an 'underscore', then 'item'.  This doesn't quite align with our custom event   of 'product', 'dash', 'rating'. Instead,  we should probably consider a custom event   with the name of 'rate', 'underscore', 'item' to  follow a similar naming convention to other events   that are already available in our reports. You can  then follow a similar approach for any parameters   you send with your custom event. For example, we  would use recommended parameters like items and   'item', 'underscore', 'id' and a custom parameter  rating (or similar) for the actual rating people   selected. This means we would end up sending the  following event to Google Analytics for someone   who rated a product five out of five... And if you  want to see the event parameters in your reports,   you will also need to register them as custom  dimensions or metrics. We will cover registering   parameters in a moment. Now that we've covered  the different types of events, including Enhanced   Measurement, recommended events and custom  events, it's time to look at how we can send   events to Google Analytics. The first option is  creating a new event based on an existing event.   For example, if you want to create an event for  people viewing a specific thank you page on your   website. You can create a new event using the  existing 'page_view' event. Let's head to Google   Analytics to see how we can do this... We begin by  selecting 'Events'... And then 'Create Event'...   We can then name our new event... I'm going  to name this event 'generate', 'underscore',   'lead'... We can then enter the conditions for  our new event. This tells Google Analytics when   to trigger our new event. For this event,  I'm going to select 'page_location' as the   parameter... Then 'contains'... And then I'm going  to enter 'thank', 'dash', 'you' as the value.   This will mean our new event will be tracked  whenever someone views a page on our website   that has a URL containing 'thank', 'dash', 'you'.  When you're happy, you can create your new event.   And apart from creating new events in the  interface, you can also modify existing, incoming   events too. For example, if you want to change  the value of a parameter to clean up your reports.   If you would like to learn more about modifying  events, then I've included a link for you   in the extra resources below this video. If  you're not able to base your new event on   one already being sent to Google Analytics, you  can create new event tags in Google Tag Manager.   This lets you send new events for just about any  action taking place on your website. Let's head   to Google Tag Manager to take a look... Okay,  let's say we want to track people selecting   a promotional offer on our website. To do  this we're going to create a new event tag.   Let's create a new tag... And let's name  the tag 'Google Analytics GA4 Promotion'...   Let's select 'GA4 Event' as the tag type... Then  we need to select our existing GA4 configuration   tag... And we can name our event. Let's name  this event 'select', 'underscore', 'promotion'...   And let's select 'Event Parameters'... And add  a row... Let's name the parameter 'promotion',   'underscore', 'id'... And let's click the  variable icon... And choose 'Click Classes'...   This will automatically send the CSS class  for our promotional element as the value of   the parameter. Now let's add another row...  And enter 'location', 'underscore', 'id'   as the name... And let's click the variable  icon again... And choose 'Click URL'...   This will send the URL of our promotional element  for the parameter. Now we just need to add a   trigger to fire our tag when the promotion is  clicked... We can then save the tag... And publish   the changes when you're ready. If you would like  to learn more about creating these types of tags,   I recommend watching my Google Tag Manager  tutorial series on YouTube and checking out   my Google Tag Manager Course. I've included  links in the description below this video.   Now that we've covered how to send events to  Google Analytics 4, we need to touch on reporting.   The most important thing to point out is that  if you want to see the values of the parameters   you've sent with your events, you will need to  register them in Google Analytics. If you don't   register the parameter, you won't see them in your  reports. Let's head back to Google Analytics to   take a look... To register a parameter we navigate  to 'Custom Definitions'... Then we need to choose   either 'Custom Dimensions' or 'Custom Metrics'.  Custom dimensions are generally used to report   text-based information. For example, the name of a  Country or the URL of a link someone has clicked.   In comparison, custom metrics are used to report  a numerical value, like a count or a percentage.   For example, if you're sending a dollar value as  a parameter, you would register this as a metric.   Let's create a custom dimension so we can  report on the different outbound links people   are clicking on our website. Let's create  a new custom dimension... Let's name the   dimension 'Link URL'... We will leave the scope  for the dimension set to 'Event'... We can enter   a short description... And then we need to select  the name of the parameter we want to register...   Any parameters that have already been sent to  your reports will be available in the drop-down.   If you haven't sent the parameter yet, then you  can also enter it exactly as it will be sent.   Let's select 'link_url'... And we can  then create our custom dimension...   After your parameter is registered, you  will find it in your Google Analytics 4   reports moving forward (this doesn't  include historical data). Let's find   our 'Link URL' parameter in the reports.  To do this, let's select 'Events'...   And then select 'Click'... At the bottom of  the standard report we can now see details   for the parameter we registered. And if  you don't see the details straight away,   this is because it can take some time for it to  appear in your report. Apart from finding the   parameters in the standard reports, you will also  be able to use them when creating custom reports   (under 'Analysis' and then 'Analysis Hub').  Before you start configuring new events in   Google Analytics 4, I recommend you take the time  to review your current implementation and decide   what events you need to track. Begin by checking  the events that are automatically sent by default,   then review Enhanced Measurement. You can  then look at the recommended events and   custom events depending on what you want to send  to Google Analytics. What events are you going to   send to GA4? I'd love to know - Let me know in  the comments below this video! And if you found   this video helpful, then please like it, so I know  to make more videos like this. See you next time!
Channel: Loves Data
Views: 10,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Events Google Analytics 4 GA4, Google Analytics 4 Events, google analytics 4 custom events, google analytics 4 events
Id: N5mGXJLrtrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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