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there are many different ways to use the word even in this video I'll show you just some of them numbers two four six eight and numbers that end in zero or two four six and eight are even numbers 1 3 5 7 & 9 or numbers that end in 1 3 5 7 & 9 are odd even numbers are numbers that you can divide by two without a resulting fraction if you make something even then in this case even is kind of like the word fair you want to make something fair so you have two sides in opposition to each other one side has something that the other does not so you want to try to make the situation even that could be in a competition or in a fight or some other type of contest I do you a favor I help you or I give you something and then you do me a favor and this makes us even I did something for you you did something for me we also use the word even for scores in a competition so if one team for example scores three points and another team that they're playing against also scores three points then the result is even three to three or one team has 14 points and another team also has 14 points there even this is also called a tie when you have an even score you have a tie in this example the word even is a verb the other team evened the score this is enough past tense so one team has three points and the other team has two points with an additional point then the score becomes three the other team evened the score so now it's three to three it's a tie game it's an even game the word even in that sentence is an adjective it's an even game it's a tie game you can also use even when something is of the same quality or texture or smoothness so you could say that road is even if it's not even it might be bumpy bumpy might be considered kind of the opposite of even so you have a an even surface the whiteboard is an even surface this is an even surface there are no bumps in it if there are bumps and you have highs and lows then the surface is not even so when you're driving you want to drive on even pavement the pavement or the road is even we also use even when there's some sort of surprise or something happens that you don't expect he's not even tired he has been awake for a very long time or he has worked for a very long time and he's not even tired that would be a surprise because a person who has worked for a very long time or for several hours should be tired josè works all the time he even works on Sunday so this is a surprise whereas you would not expect that he would work on Sunday Monday through Saturday should be enough but he even works on Sunday so this provides more emphasis to the situation of what he's doing that he's working on Sunday sometimes the word even expresses an increase in something the quality of something so yesterday was a bad day today is even worse your English is pretty good now but it should get even better with more practice
Channel: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline
Views: 37,226
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: 3TR0dA4dr-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2016
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