had = if

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you can use the word had to form conditional sentences for past situations a very simple sentence that you could make is had I only known this would be in response to some situation that you didn't know about here's the helping verb and then here is the past participle notice that this is not a question it begins with a helping verb but it's not a question so if I start with this I'm gonna have to use a past participle and it just means that something didn't happen in the past and I only known means I didn't know there's the same it's the same meaning really however and I only known whatever this is this could be followed by I would have and then this would be a past participle I would have made other arrangements had I only known I would have made other arrangements in this first part of the sentence this is the condition but I didn't know and this is the action that I would have taken but I didn't take that action and he studied for the test he probably would have gotten a better score so at the end of this part of the sentence here is the comma and then you can use the word probably and we're talking about the past and then would have and here's the past participle so this didn't happen he didn't study for the test and he didn't get a better score or a good score and I felt this is the past participle for feel and I felt better comma I would have gone to the game so I didn't feel well and I didn't go to the game notice again that there's no question mark here this is not a question even though it begins with a helping verb head to plane left the airport on time comma we would have arrived earlier or I can make this negative by putting the the word not here at the plane not left the airport on time we would have arrived late so it just depends on how you begin the sentence and that determines how it will end if you use the negative it goes in front of the past participle and he not had the operation , he would have died you don't always have to use this form for the verb in the second part of the sentence it's okay to change it to something like I did not have the operation he wouldn't be here today it's common to use never in these kinds of sentences when this happens then something did happen had she never broken her leg and she did break her leg she never would have met her husband and she did meet her husband so whatever the situation is perhaps her husband was a doctor or he was at the hospital that day she never would have met him if she hadn't broken her leg sometimes in response to the description of a situation a person will say something like this for example had I only become a doctor and of course it means that I didn't become a doctor had they only saved their money which means that they didn't save their money and suffered some consequence had he only known but he didn't know and the consequences were not good and we left earlier we'd be there by now so this didn't happen and this is the present situation we'd be there now but we aren't there now and we didn't earlier sometimes the word had goes in the middle of the sentence and then notice then there's no punctuation we'd be there by now had we left earlier you
Channel: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline
Views: 42,911
Rating: 4.9455919 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English language, english language, past conditional sentences
Id: vqfgsUKnREA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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