Even More OLEDs Are Coming - Cool Monitors of CES 2023

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I wanted to see mini led monitors. I'm not trying to baby an OLED to prevent burn in. Mini led is my happy medium. I have the GP27U and I'm interested in seeing more of that tech.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hawkingbird2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was hoping we'd see some 27" QD-OLEDs. Not sure if I should wait or go with the LG panel options. Would then also have to deal with the text fringing ugh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_dotMonkey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

What about a 32inch 4k oleds tho…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Florr007 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still waiting for an ultrawide 5120x2160 mini-led for work and gaming at somewhere between 34-38 inches πŸ˜•

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nyctalus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

So based on the video, most the new products won’t hit the market until second half of the year?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gys9527 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Even more low ppi crap. OK for media/gaming, shit for text and work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bobbie434343 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought the asus with the heatsync meant better brightness but he says the advertised brightness is the same?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blorgenheim πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

That guys a dumbass

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Knight_Time67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back to monitors unboxed today we've got a bit of an interesting news video for you guys I don't think I've done news on the monitors unbox Channel just yet but yeah we're going to be talking about monitor news and specifically the monitors that have been announced at CES 2023 which is currently underway over in the United States I'm not sure I think it's currently maybe the first day of the show at the moment there's obviously a lot of news that comes out before the show but anyway we're in the middle of CES 2023 and that means it's a big time for many monitor companies many monitor manufacturers to show off some of their new products that will be coming out at least at some point in 2023 not everything will be coming immediately some of it is more of a future look and things maybe for the second half of the year but yeah lots of monitor news so this one a bit of an unscripted video normally my videos are scripted here on the monitors unbox Channel but I thought yeah let's let's take a look at some of the interesting products that have been announced the new panels what Mart is using those panels and yeah just go through and give my thoughts the first set of monitors I think are particularly interesting and I'm sure will be interesting to many of you as well uh the 27 inch 1440p 240 hertz OLED option so these are all using LG W OLED panels we've already had one of these announced last year that was the 27gr 95qe from LG that monitor is expected to be available very soon if not available now I believe it's already up for pre-order for a thousand dollars US so yeah LG using their own panel in their monitor first makes makes a bit of sense there but we've seen at CES to additional monitors announced at least fully announced that are using this very same panel as well so we have from Asus the Rog Swift OLED pg27 aqdm and we also have the Acer Predator x27u so both of these monitors I expect to be very similar to the LG option in that well they're using the exact same panels that means the 27 inch 1440p 240 hertz same pixel density as 42 inch 4K oleds that we've already seen things like LG C2 Asus pg42 uq so no radical differences there we're still not getting something like a 27 inch 4K panel with OLED Tech but 1440p and 240 hertz is going to be great for a lot of modern gaming you're getting sort of that great combination of resolution and refresh rate I think is going to work really well for all sorts of types of gaming and we know that when we're getting a 240 hertz sort of refresh rate on OLED we should be getting really really good motion Clarity equivalent to an even higher refresh rate LCD panel in the sort of 300 to 4 100 Hertz range so I think this is going to be at least these family of monitors between LG the Acer and the Asus are all going to be very highly sought after a sort of the ultimate maybe multiplayer gaming monitors I I'm not quite sure it's going to play out up against some of those you know 360 Hertz monitors we're going to talk about 500 Hertz in a moment as well but I think for a lot of people that want that plus HDR for you know single player games or all that benefit then this sort of monitor is going to be the one to look out for I guess the big question here is which monitor you to go with would you go with the LG the Acer or the Asus variants I know Asus is saying things like they're using a heatsink with their monitor which may lead to Superior brightness to what we'll see from the other variants not 100 sure how that will play out they are using a matte coating the Asus monitor the pg27aqdm that's the same as we're seeing from the LG monitor as well Acer hasn't announced what bear coding is um but yeah I think with that sort of feature maybe the heatsink was still getting a thousands of peak brightness which has sort of been advertised across all of these three monitors their Factory using Factory calibration they've got the uniform brightness feature from the pg40 uq as well so I think that's going to be interesting to see whether we can get some really nice SDR desktop usage out of this monitor which was sort of possible with the pg42 uq but then of course there's all the downsides and concerns where things like burning and obviously the wrgb subpixel layout that we see with this LG panel so especially at 1440p on this sort of panel size will we see text Clarity issues again I haven't really tested these sorts of panels yet but we've got the Asus version the Acer version they're saying that monitor is coming out in sort of late q1 Q2 Asus q1 of this year Aces pricing their monitor at eleven hundred dollars so that's an interesting sort of price point for that particular product is it going to be a better buy than the 1 000 LG option not 100 sure on that they're not really talking about any additional features over the LG monitor so that is maybe going to be a bit of a tough sell but yeah it all sort of really rests on the brightness levels the performance HDR calibration of these products but yeah I think these are going to be sort of the big sellers of this year and it's good to see that we're getting multiple variants of this so you will have some option to choose and hopefully a bit of a pricing battle will occur between those different variants we're also seeing more announcements using the 45 inch 3440x1440 OLED again this is an lgw OLED panel 800 curvature on this one so very curved we already saw a couple of products announced already they're using this the LG 45 gr95qe that was announced with a q1 release date priced at Seventeen hundred dollars that sort of been announced at least last year we also saw the Corsair zenyon Flex similar sort of panel to this they're using a flexible version of that where you can sort of adjust the the level of curvature to your liking not really any further details on that hopefully we'll be getting something like that to review soon um but we did see it CES the edition of a third monitor using this same panel the a okay so credit at x45 that is priced also at Seventeen hundred dollars so price to match the LG monitor they're estimating a late q1 Q2 release for that particular product this monitor I'm not as sold on as I am with the 27 inch variant as far as how sold I can be able to monitor without testing it I guess my main concern here really is the pixel density of this particular product while the 27 inch 1440p version is very similar to 42 inch 4K OLED TVs when we're getting 3440 by 1440 at 45 inches that's obviously a lot larger than the typical ultrawide that we see using this resolution which comes in around 34 inches so worst pixel density than something like Alienware aw3423dw it's more in line with a 55 inch 4K OLED TV which you know it's okay I guess it's not amazing though and certainly won't have as good pixel density as we're seeing from some of these other products which again you know maybe somewhat of a concern should be an immersive monitor though again pricing is very high 1700 is it going to be a better buy than cutie OLED Ultra wides which we're seeing as low as eleven hundred dollars now I guess that's another uh question that we have to weigh up and of course things like brightness those sorts of things still up in the air for something like the Predator x45 but it is nice to see more OLED options and more formats as well this being 45 inch Ultra wide it's giving people kind of another option we've also seen at CES the announcement of two 24-inch 500 Hertz 1080p monitors for Esports Competitive Gaming one of them was already announced last year the Asus monitor they announced that as the Rog Swift 500 Hertz it's got a full name now the Asus Rog Swift Pro PG 248qp so this is an au optronics TN panel and it uses I guess Asus ee etn marketing it doesn't really mean too much it's a TN panel with Superior response times to what we've seen from existing TN Pals which of course is required to hit the 540 Hertz refresh rate so we're talking about here an upgrade on 360 Hertz which used to be the previous maximum that we'd seen from 10 monitors the interesting things here is there's a g-sync monitor reflex latency analyzer it's got to stand with these sort of weird retractable leg prongs so you can optimize the layout on your desk I think that's a pretty neat feature but of course the big selling point here being 1080p 540 Hertz so that's a bit of an upgrade from the 500 Hertz that was announced previously but obviously this is going to be a major Esports product so we'll be looking out for things like does this have backlight strobing how good is the backlight strobing is it going to get to the level of say BenQ zowie monitors which have very good backlight strobing what's the motion Clarity going to be like at 540 Hertz for Esports but it's not going to be a product for everyone 1080p monitors these days not really what high-end buyers are looking for this is obviously going to be a very expensive monitor although there's no pricing that's been announced yet so you know you're looking at people playing things like CS go OverWatch fortnite those sorts of games competitively who want the best sort of competitive advantage in their gaming session they're going to be using monitors like the pg248qp this will be released in Q2 so yeah I'm pretty interested to see sort of at least a preview of the next generation of refresh rate technology I would expect that eventually we'll see things like 500 Hertz hit 1440p which is going to be much more usable for most people and the closer that we get to a thousand Hertz and above a thousand Hertz Technologies we are going to see Superior motion Clarity and just better usability across a variety of different use cases we're not going to be relying as much on adaptive sync Technologies we're not going to be relying as much on backlight strobing because a lot of this stuff is just going to be run so fast that we won't see a ton of motion blur so yeah TN panel it's an interesting one the other monitor that was announced similar sort of technology is the Dell Alienware aw 2524h so when I first heard about this Monitor and the Asus monitor as well I thought both of them would be using the same aeoptronix TN panel but the Alienware model is actually using an IPS panel it's still from au optronics but it is going to provide something different to the TN panel that we're seeing from the Asus monitor so we're going to have this interesting position where Esports gamers are going to be able to choose between TN technology or IPS technology for their sort of Flagship high performance Esports Competitive Gaming sort of Monitor and we're going to see as well a sort of a good look at how fast is the fastest IPS technology that we've got today how fast is the fastest 10 technology that really is going to be a battle with these 500hz monitors the Dell version is a 480 Hertz native panel with a 500 Hertz overclock so 500 Hertz versus 540 Hertz I expect to be pretty negligible for most people the real difference between these monitors is going to be things like response times what's the motion Clarity like at 500 Hertz I would expect the TN monitor to be superior area in that area but again IPS has been improving significantly we saw earlier the what is it the pg27aqn 1440p 360 Hertz very good response times there so we'll see whether that sort of technology is as well brought to 1080p 500 Hertz again this is a g-sync mode monitor so g-sync module reflex latency analyzers included here it has HDMI 2.1 but as far as I know it's not the real HDMI 2.1 it's sort of this new fake HDMI 2.1 Tech the HDMI Forum upgraded there well I shouldn't say upgrade they downgraded the spec updated the spec so that HDMI 2.1 actually doesn't need to integrate any of the new HDMI 2.1 features such as the higher bandwidth and other features so I believe TFT Central uncovered this is probably not a real HDMI 2.1 monitor but of course 1080p 500hz should be accessible across things like DisplayPort as well this monitor should be coming out in q1 no pricing has been announced again sort of interesting to see how that will go up against the Asus monitor this Delmont is supposedly coming first so yeah we're sort of going to be getting into that 500 Hertz um revolution in 2023 which is exciting at least for those people playing competitive games also announced at CES 2023 uh we're more cutie all that monitors specifically a new cutie OLED monitor format 49 inches 5120 by 1440 the main product that was announced here is the Samsung Odyssey OLED G9 we've also seen the MSI project 491c announced which a sort of less of an announcement but MSI sort of teased it as a product but both of them were expecting to use the same 49 inch cutie OLED panel so this being a 32x9 aspect ratio super ultra wide monitor it should be delivering sort of a double 27 inch 1440p configuration so equivalent to using two 27 inch 1440p monitors side by side just obviously in the one panel with 1000r curvature 0.1 millisecond response times obviously the same sort of cutie OLED stuff that we've seen before so I'm expecting this to be pretty much what we've seen from monitors like the aw3423dw of the Samsung OLED G8 as well which I haven't tested but just extended to 49 inches so instead of being you know the standard 21 by 9 aspect ratio at 34 inches just more Ultra wide-ness to go with the sort of cutie OLED so unfortunately we aren't seeing you know new pixel densities or new formats with QD OLED we haven't seen sort of a 27 inch or 32 inch 1440p version of this we haven't seen 4K versions of this in a sort of monitor size at least 32 inch sort of 27 inch those sorts of formats so hopefully that will come at some point but for now it seems like all of the Cutie OLED focus is going to be on these Ultra wide formats the OLED G9 specifically is going to include things like smart TV features we saw something similar to that included on OLED G8 again hopefully we'll be testing that soon no price availability for either of these monitors so I think we're probably expecting them in the second half of this year but yeah it will be interesting to see how that sort of Super Ultra wide format goes with cutie OLED and whether this is a better buy than we've seen from say the OLED not the OLED G9 the Neo G9 that we saw previously that was a mini LED version had a few issues hopefully the 2D OLED version is more suited to the sort of high-end HDR gaming that you'd like to see from these sorts of products speaking of the Neo G9 Samsung announced a new version of the Neo G9 The Odyssey Neo G 95 NC it's sort of been talked about as an odyssey Neo G9 so this is a really interesting monitor format it's a 57 inch 7680 by 2160 monitor so it's really big first of all it's really big it's like dual 32 inch 4K monitors so the previous Neo G9 was that 49 inch format that we're talking about previously 5120 by 1440 that was like a dual 27 inch 1440p monitors this is getting a big upgrade dual 32 inch 4k monitor side by side with the 1000r curvature and it still retains a very high refresh rate of 240 hertz so to get that sort of bandwidth to run 7 2680 by 2160 at 240 hertz Samsung are integrating DisplayPort 2.1 with the uhbr 13.5 standard that's not full bandwidth DisplayPort 2.1 but it's the sort of upgrade from uhbr10 that we'd already seen with DisplayPort 1.4 the only graphics cards that support that sort of DisplayPort bandwidth at the moment are amd's new rx7000 series using rdna3 we don't we don't expect this to work over DisplayPort 1.4 at least at 7680 by 2160 at 240 hertz but it's possible that it will work over HDMI 2.1 not 100 sure on that the bandwidth of HDMI 2.1 is lower than DisplayPort 2.1 uhbr 13.5 but possibly it will squeeze into that or may squeeze into that with less of a hit to the refresh rate again you know we're not getting the full specifications of a product like this because it's probably more likely to come out in the second half of this year again no pricing no release date for something like this but it is a very interesting product we're expecting it to use a mini LED backlight release has been announced use a mini LED backlight but we haven't got dimming's own specifications so previously with Odyssey Neo G9 we were seeing 2 000 zones so I would expect at least that sort of Zone count from the larger variants in fact you'd probably need to go even more than 2 000 zones to get similar dimming capabilities yeah obviously it's going to be a very large very immersive monitor a thousand nits of brightness or more is being quoted here with HJ 1000 specs and yeah I'd expect this to be a very expensive Flagship monitor for people with a lot of space that want to use this for gaming productivity all those sorts of things of course being LCD versus OLED there's going to be some you know implications there for productivity whether you go with this or the OLED G9 again we're going to have a lot of high-end Ultra wide options for gamers throughout this year that all do HDR to an acceptable standard so yeah I'm Keen to see this one I'm also interested to see you know is this using VA technology is this going to solve some of the issues that Samsung monitors have had with things like flickering and banding the Neo G9 launch with pretty poor HDR performance that need to be resolved through firmware updates I'm hoping that Samsung has kind of learned the lesson there with the previous Neo G9 and we're not getting the same issues with the 57 inch version that we gained this year so fingers crossed for that one I'm not going to be holding my breath or anything um but yeah hopefully there's been some improvements there well I think most of the monitors that I've been talking about so far have captured most of my interest from the announcements at CES 2023 there have been a few other things they're probably worth talking about one of them is the Asus Rog Swift pg32 uqxr so this is a new 32 inch 4k monitor which provides a mini LED backlight it's just a 576 ohm mini LED so similar to The Cooler Master monitors that we looked at earlier well I shouldn't say earlier this year it's now 2023 I looked at them at the end of 2022 those were 27 inch monitors this is obviously a bit larger at 32 inches HDR 1000 has been quoted here a thousandth of brightness they're talking about DisplayPort 2.1 although that's not really required for a 4K 160 Hertz monitor just interested to see how this one goes and especially where it's priced at where we don't have pricing or availability information at the moment but we're seeing that sort of 576 zones I would expect this to be priced around a thousand dollars if it was to compete The Odyssey Neo G7 is offering 32 inches with over a thousand zones at that sort of eleven to thirteen hundred dollar price points often down as low as a thousand dollars so this really couldn't be priced more than a thousand dollars if it wanted to really compete with that Samsung offering so hopefully we see this sort of 32 inch 4K mini LED option available as sort of a it's hard to use the word budget when we're talking about a thousand dollar products but you know sort of a cheaper option for people however Rog Swift that branding is typically reserved for high-end products I'm not expecting it to be sort of a budget competitor but yeah it's just my thoughts on sort of where the pricing would have to be for that one LG announced new OLED TVs as well obviously the full Suite of C3 products going all the way up to the large sizes but there is going to be a new 42 inch model unfortunately though it doesn't seem like there's been any significant improvements for the 42 inch LG C3 compared to the previous version it's still a 120 hertz panel it's still using similar specs to the C2 there are brightness improvements for the C3 but they're apparently limited to the 55 inch models and above only so people buying the 42 inch version are probably not going to see too many significant improvements there they are talking about some software improvements things for the processing and smart TV functionality but yeah I really would like to have seen the C3 increase the refresh rate Beyond one 120 hertz whether we're talking 138 Hertz like we saw from the pg42 uq or even 144 160 Hertz all that sort of thing would have been a nice bonus for people buying the 42 inch C3 for PC gaming and I'm sure LG are aware that people do buy this particular TV variant for PC gaming so enhancing some of those PC features would have been nice to see unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's been any significant movement there and it's probably going to be just a straight refresh of the C2 so not sure whether I'll review it we'll see what other people have to say about how close it is to the C2 but yeah maybe a bit disappointing from the LG C3 this year the final product I want to talk about a bit of a different one for monitors unbox this is a productivity monitor it's the Dell Ultra sharp U 3224 KB interesting because this is a 6K monitor at a 32 inch size that uses IPS black technology so provides a 2000 to 1 contrast ratio still uses the same IPS technology that we know and love I think this will be interesting for productivity and created use because 6K does have benefits at this size for example if you're editing 4K videos in Premiere or DaVinci Resolve or one of those on a single monitor then 6K allows you to have both the interface and the native 4K video played at the same time so you can have a nice window size there that shows you the presentation at Native 4K while still having some UI room around the edges a bit of an upgrade on 5K that we'd seen previously at these sorts of sizes it does use HDMI 2.1 and display port 2.1 so obviously a lot of bandwidth is required for this sort of resolution but it is only a 60hz monitor it only has display HDR 600s or unexpecting Edge local dimming 99 DCI P3 coverage 10 bit it does have this integrated webcam at the top which yeah doesn't make them launcher look great in my opinion but you know it's a productivity focused monitor yeah it's going to be an interesting one I'm not sure whether I'll test something like this but you know part of me goes yeah 6K resolution at this sort of size would be ideal for some productivity use cases but these days 60 hertz is a very slow low refresh rate even for productivity use I think there are significant benefits to being able to run at higher refresh rates 120 hertz you know I don't want to say it's a minimum because for productivity monitor 60hz is still usable it's just that I would sort of class 120 hertz as being sort of a good refresh rate to use for productivity it's not crazy you know you're not really going to be using it for gaming a 6K resolution but 120 hertz would have at least improved the experience quite a bit so yeah I'm not sure whether we'll see sort of an upgrade of uh productivity monitors to high refresh rates and 60 hertz over time I'd like to think that we will see that at some point but for now a lot of the development for these sorts of you know 6K panels IPS black panels have been on the productivity focused 60 hertz market so yeah I'm kind of torn on this monitor it sounds cool from some perspectives refresh rate's a bit low yeah we'll see where that one plays out I think this one should be coming in Q2 no pricing has been announced on that one so those are the monitors that kind of caught my eye at CS in 2023 so far maybe we'll see some more announcements after this video goes live there's a few more days of CES to go so yeah we'll see whether there's anything else announced but I think these are the majority of the monitors that we will be seeing which again a lot of stuff is being talked about that uses very similar panel technology where that's the 27 inch 1440p OLED we're seeing 500 Hertz 1080p panels coming new Ultra wide formats using OLED lots of interesting stuff that I think will sort of play out throughout the rest of the year I think the big things that maybe I would have liked to see more talked about at CES whether they're coming or that's another question but you know there's still a lack of you know a wide variety of sort of the 27 and 32 inch monitors for gaming that also provide HDR technology we do have more options today than we have previously but we're still missing sort of you know 27 inch high Zone count backlight can we get a you know more 32 inch flat monitors that have high Zone backlight to use LCD obviously OLED we're getting 27 inch 1440p models whereas 32 inch waist 4K that sort of thing hopefully we see some of those products launched throughout the year not sure about the 4K all that options but maybe some more mini LED options I guess that's kind of on my wish list for the rest of the year but yeah that's pretty much it for this one if you do enjoy News videos please let me let me know in the comments below about sort of news coverage here on the monitors unbox Channel Please Subscribe as well that always helps us out and we do have links to patreon float plan in the description below so thanks for watching I'll catch you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Monitors Unboxed
Views: 137,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LuNvqnAdQQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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