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we'll get them next time [Music] foreign hope you're doing great absolutely fantastic right as promised a review of the Dell Alienware aw 3423 DWF now why am I so excited about this monitor it's quite simple really it gives me what I like I love the 21.9 aspect ratio for a start but it gives me a new technology into the monitor space which was primarily for TVs and it's still relatively new in TVs but not being OLED now in the monitor space all that makes a big difference in fact no it makes a huge difference because when choose normality you have to wear up what you want that monitor for because you always have to give off something to get something so if you want super fast response times you have to go with a TN and you're sacrificing them Rich colors that color accuracy then blacks if you want them blocks then you go to the year but then you suffer the response times and the viewing angles are not as good so you want good viewing angles you want good vibrant accurate colors then go with IPS but you're losing them Rich blacks your response time isn't as good as the TN models but what you're getting in IPS out of them free Technologies IPS is the one I would say all the way with VA I have very sensitive eyes so any motion blur any overshoot I pick up straight away apart from what I will say Samsung do the best tuning on Via panels hands down what they do with their via technology is astounding but that being said I don't want to compromise and all Ed gives me that option not to compromise if I want super fast response times which Dell reads this at a 0.1 millisecond great degree average now I don't have hardware tools to monitor this but what I do harm is my eyes and I do see it do I see a 0.1 adult law I would maybe see it between that range and a 0.5 personally but what it also gives you is it gives you the vibrant blocks because you get infinite contrast ratios well near infinite contrast ratio that being that all that technology when your pixels are not in use they turn off so if you display in a black image then pixels are not illuminators so you're going to get the blackest of black images which comes in handy when your watch is 16.9 content and you have them down the side they blend in especially in a darker room you just think you're watching a 16.9 monitor which is really handy because a lot of content you do consume is 16.9 and trust me when you see them black bars it becomes annoying because the black bars aren't block normally in Korea one here they're black now you also want accurate colors you want color Vibrance well all that offers that too so you're getting over a fast near infinite contrast ratio you get an accurate vibrant colors you're getting fantastic View and angles so it's a no-brainer isn't it why would you choose anything else orbit or lead well for me this is where the biggest con lies because all that is a complete package everything you want in a monitor it has it but we do have a downside which is the risk and I say the risk of all that burning and believe me when I say all that burn and anxiety is very much real and I suffer from it that being I currently have an Alienware image on my monitor in my day-to-day use it is just a black screen I have no static icons not on my desktop is displayed on there I have my tusbah hidden when not in use and this is all to prevent all that burning because I don't know what you know about TVs but all that burning is really big and you can read stories online you can read reviews all lead burning is an issue now this is slightly different from standard OLED this is a QD OLED which stands for quantum dot and apparently it's supposed to cut down on the risk of all Ed burning now to the point where Dell does offer a three-year warranty which includes all that burden now you would think to me personally you're given me a warranty which means I don't have to worry about this for at least three years all that burn is not gonna be a problem it burns in I swap it out but that's not the case with me I find myself babying this thing to the point where here's my one thing I will say if this is your main monitor what you do your content creation your game and your consuming every computer thing you do if this is your mere monitor highly suggest rethinking because I'll be honest I currently have three months I have a basic one just in portrait just the scripts and stuff I have my 4K High refresh Samsung Beyond there which was my main monitor which I've swapped this to the place of the main monitor but the Samsung is still doing all the heavy lifting because I am afraid of all that burning and to use this is my everyday monitor would mean static objects on the screen and I know it might sound Daft but I don't want that I don't want the risk of Walnut Bernard especially considering if this was my only Monitor and I got burning and had to worry me it I would then have to buy another monitor anywhere to see me through until I get the return because Dell aren't renowned for their quick delivery service honey so in reality you could be without a monitor for up to a month haven't forbid but it could be it could be even longer so be aware if it is your main Monitor and you might sit there and say I have no anxiety I've got three years it's fine trust me I thought the same until I got it and then once you've seen what this offers you don't want to use any other monitor so if you did have to wire a mirrored you don't want to send this back and go back to an IPS at the end of the year you will not do that you will purposely not game until this one returns and I can guarantee you because when it comes to gearman this is fantastic now like I said I've got the Samsung j8 the 4k 144hz monitor and that's only around six month old and I swapped it out for this and that has been relegated to a corner now I haven't gamed on that since I've got this over a week ago so I cannot go back to that I suppose if I had to I would I don't have to at the minute that's because I'm babying it so enough about the pros and cons we we know all these Technologies if you're watching this video you know what TN is you know VA IPS and all it I'm preaching to the choir Hunter so let's go into other things this thing has first of all it has a 3440 by 4040p resolution which is 21.9 which is that Ultra wide aspect ratio that's why I like it because although I play mainly Call of Duty I know it's in a bad place and it's even worse for me because I'm a 6v6 player but we have Call of Duty is my game of Choice Sports if I want to sit back with a nice single player AAA game or indiegib or something that takes advantage of that screen then Ultra wide content makes much more sense because it's so much more immersive now don't get me wrong after my Call of Duty in 21.9 as well but you don't get chance to enjoy the aspect ratio or the vibrant colors it's a twitch shooter so you're constantly used on the hunt but when you sit back slow down and play a single player game and taking in the sights and sounds and everything around you Ultra wide mix Lords of sense now you do get a curve let me get this right I think it's a 100 R curve which is not obnoxious at all it's very subtle but it's enough to give you more immersion and it's the perfect balance this monitor would not look right purely flat I think it's MSI is going to flop Ultra wide and it's not right I don't like it it looks awful no the content creation if your edit no Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve and you've got that straight timeline you're doing colors you know or you're in phone or shop them straight lines is important but like I said all stuff like that I currently do on my Samsung so that's not an issue to make now let's talk that screen it's there's been a bit of contention lately in the month of space hasn't it between glossy and that film they put on the hears I like to call it because it's just like smearing it on now personally my Samsung has that matte finish and I have to admit I don't like it I mean it's like putting a paper like screen protector on an iPad you look at it once the screen lights up behind it you just see all the textures of it I don't like it this on the other hand is glossy now I wouldn't say it's a pure gloss because it does diffuse some light I don't know whether that's down to the curb but sunlight is diffused look primarily it is a reflection magnet is it an issue though no personally for me nor our game with Mike curtains Orton throw the deer enable selfies and window my monitor is here my window is there Reflections are not an issue at all in fact I barely not some if you're focusing for them and you're really looking for those Reflections you will find them but for an all-led this gets unbelievably bright which I was worried about in SDR content it reaches up to about 260 nits now when you push it to that HDR 1000 then the brightness is phenomenal absolutely phenomenal so the glossy screen does not bother me 165 Hertz now if that's what you want but that comes with a caveat because if you rule 165 Hertz you can only run in Epic color now what this has is HDR which is out of this world this is a true HDR experience nor blooming nor anything like that this is per pixel demon so you can have a light object and a dark object right next to each other and see the stark contrast between them with no Bloom and at all the contrast is second and on and the HDR takes full advantage that per pixel dimmit now if you want to enjoy that HDR you want 10 bit cooler though now here comes the caveat to get that to him big Colette you need to lower your refresh rate to 144. now I had an issue with this because with my monitor in particular I don't know how widespread it is but I only got the option of 60 100 and 165. there was no 144 option now if I switch down to 100 I could get the 10 bit corner but to go from 165 to 144 is not a problem to make side game laundering 44 anyway what is a big difference is going down to 100. so what I have to do is essentially underclock the monitor and I'll show you how I did this right what we need to do guys is we need to go out your control panel and you can see there are 944 but that's because I've done this already but that doesn't normally show up for me I did try a few different refresh rates here we'll get the 10 bit but they didn't work but anyway what we do is we go into continue and create a custom resolution now all we did is I moved the screen refresh rate down to 144. and click the CVT reduce the blank and then okayed it there is no other points of change that was literally it then run the test the tests come back okay and then I was able to then select that resolution and I now get the 10-bit color as you can see there so that's all fantastic if you do run at the same issue that's literally all you have to do CVT blank and at 144 Hertz and that fixes that now this is an extra step that shouldn't be needed but Dell could fix this out with the firmware update because that's one thing you can do with the app variant with the DW there is no firmware update because you have that g-sync module your pain 1099 pounds for in my opinion a more inferior monitor than their second rendition of it which retails for 929 pounds because of that gsig module you cannot get firmware updates on the DW this does not have a juicing ultimate module now you can say to me well I need that put I've never understood the g-sync module nobody needs it this is still g-sync compatible it has freezing Pro so whether you're mvda or EMD you're absolutely fine but even further than that if you are pushing the frames I always have g-sync turned off I have mine or fixed refresh rate all the way I get no screen tearing no nothing so to pay that extra for that g-sync ultimate module that is handicapping your monitor makes no sense so for anyone looking between the DW and the DWF and seeing that price on the G6 module I think you know what I'm going to go with the JW trust me that would be the biggest mistake you've ever made it really would because this offers more than the DW this has a more HDR modes this has upgradable firmware and this has a price reduction that is the most important thing when you look at the competition in the OLED Spears for gearing monitors this is a no-brainer all the way you've got thee some so Odyssey g85 SB and that is essentially this model it's the same panel Samsung make this panel but let Dell put it on their monitor first before they release one don't ask I don't know they managed to run theirs at 175 Hertz the same as the DW version but why the age 10 frames different that's all it is 10 Hertz tall is a bit of a difference but as far as I'm aware the two-yeared haul lead can run 175 at 10 bit now that would have been a clincher for me what where Samsung went wrong in my eyes is they've integrated TV features into a monitor nobody asked for that yes you get people nowadays switching their TVs out to users monitors because of the high refresh rate all Nets such as the C2 from LG what nobody wants TVs in their monitors especially considering they've released a 21.9 Ultra wide and give it a 16.9 TV module it makes no sense at all absolutely no sense and what they want for this monitor is 1299 pounds which is over 350 pounds more than this one now about 350 pound if you don't have a graphic card to drive this monitor about 350 pound sermon could go towards a new graphic card to drive it so you get essentially saw you're essentially getting two upgrades for the price of one monitor now doesn't that make sense it does then we are the LG Ultra gear 27gr 95qe Dash B monitors why can't they call it the LG Ultra gear OLED one it's simple it rolls off the tongue it tells you what it is but monitoriums baffle me but that's where we are I'm not going to do a run with him and that is the standard 16.9 aspect ratio and the compelling part about this monitor is it's all Ed it's w war lead and it has a 240Hz response for it which is great if you're more of a competitive gamer who wants to move onto wallet but like I said at the start of this I got this monitor because of the 21.9 aspect ratio I don't want 16.9 even if for nothing else an ultrawide looks absolutely Epic on your desk it makes any setup look more premium in my opinion but another drawback of the LJ is the brightness and that screen Cordon a lot of the benefits all that gives you LG is spoiled by putting up my court none or semi-mutt whatever they call it personally if you look at the reviews for it you'll see I've never had Hands-On with it so I cannot see it if it's a good monitor or a bad monitor I wouldn't have got that one anyway because I don't want a 16.9 OLED if I wanted a 16.9 all that I would have went for the LG C2 with the fork here and 120 hertz and while we're on the lgc2 any console game is watching this this is not for you because unfortunately as powerful as these systems are these Xboxes and PlayStations and they are fantastic things they cannot run at a 21.9 aspect ratio so you're wasting money on real estate you're not going to be using and in that case I would always say the LG C2 all the way because it gives you everything that's compatible with your console it gives you the 4K it gives you the 120 hertz response time it gives you a 42 inch OLED panel because let's be honest console Gamers aren't sitting right in front of the desk Contour gamers are generally in the sitting room in an entertainment room in the bedroom at a distance because that is the beauty of consoles you switch them on grab a controller and relax with the PC yes you can use a controller but essentially you always just sat right in front of it now I did toy with the LGC too but for my Spears 42 inches still would be a little bit too big so and I like my monitor to be a monitor not a TV that is effective as a monitor so that's where I'll stand with that now before I go any further let's get into the menu system on this alright the menu system guys it's pretty straightforward when you first press the button you get your shortcuts just press open into your menu and we'll start from the top you hunt preset mods Ranger from standard to fps to More by RTS RPG Sports creator I was quite interested in the Creator but I've got to admit I've never actually used it game one game two game three warm and then if I believe I'm right custom collar is at the very bottom we have game enhanced modes which is a timer that puts a timer on your screen we have display in your frame rate so you can have that displaying in your corner or you can hard display alignment I just leave all them off we have a dark stabilizer which I'm in HDR so I've never roughly used console mode which gives us an option of color gamut the saucepawn mop alien Vision now this is something I've been asked about let me load up again no Wally this is just a private much we'll go into these we will try the alien vision and what this is just a couple of enhancements on the center of your screen we have a knight which just brightens up this end area never use it clear so can sharp right in the center Cromer gives you that false Heat Signature mop let's try firing to go and see that no and this is the one I was asked for mainly the Crosshair personally I think that Crosshair is absolutely ugly it's the only one we're saying to have access to and in all honesty you don't want static objects on your screen not in an all-head but it's there to use if you really didn't want to use it you could but me personally I never use any of these I lay them all off we have human saturation which are knocked out because I'm using HDR mode and you can reset it all back to the factory reset brightness and contrast I have the brightness currently in 100 percent and the contrast to 75 but normally guys I run the brightness on 75 as well and maybe he's dropped the contrast by another five input source like I said we've got one HDMI 2.0 and two display appointment Force FX Leighton that's your logo on the back and the 34 and also the power button display the aspect ratio or the color impact format which you have the ycbcr which you're not going to use because it's a computer sharpness which is too high and that should be set on 60 for me and the smart HDR mode so we do have a variety of them compared to the DW model we know our desktop movie HDR game HDR custom I've never played with true black and pink 1000 or you can turn it off and again you can reset all that we do have picture in picture and picture by picture saw essentially if you do want to console game on this you can hook your Xbox or Playstation up to one side and on the PC or MacBook written on the other or a little box of one of them Overland yeah man one audio if you do use the headphone jack on the line out then you can control your volume from here but you're not going to use that I am no I'm not your menu how transparent you want the menu how long do you want it to stay on the screen and in what language now them shortcuts when you first press the menu this is where you can access what you want on them and others it's just you display them for service tag and this is where you find your panel refresh and your pixel refresh and turn your auto model off now as you'll see the menu system is pretty much basic you are missing the response time that's because we don't need it all that does not need a response time you do not need an overdrive setting because it's essentially instant and that is one of the best things about this thing input lag is very low the response time is very fast like I mentioned the law response screens are really noticed that jar and blur I kind of flick or anything but with this I can while I'm learning to flick why does that sound wrong anyway I'm learning to flick and this monitor is making it easy because my eyes aren't playing catch up and it's not knocking me dizzy so that is a good thing so there's no overdrive mod in the menu but you'll notice we did have more HDR modes and that pixel refresh use it I use it daily at the panel refresh I'll memories use once a week I've used it once so far I might use it once a week or once a month because that one does take a little bit longer that obnoxious wall and that keeps all coming up telling you to do a pixel refresh my advice is turn that off because it comes on at the most inoptable moments so you're gonna know it needs a pixel refresh it becomes habit after a while when I turn my monitor off before I do I'll set that pixel refresh away if bonus standby and it's done so that one is really obnoxious the build of this monitor is it's very Alienware it's a bit more subdue than the DW because we no longer have that white on black action for that contrast we now just have a I would say a deep gray a space Gray no that's all the way that's around the back and the bezels understand which personally are like now when we go around the back it is all plastic it's a very high grade plastic and you'll notice our iOS also changed on the DW you've got two HDMI 2.4s a DisplayPort 1.4 and your line out and on the other side we had the power input but now on the DWF it's changed we now have one HDMI 2.0 because I think Dell's realized that we're not happy there's no 2.1 especially considering all models are 2.1 but I'll absolutely fine with that because I'm a PC Gamer and all mine runs through DisplayPort so I don't need 2.1 and Dells recognize this and give us one HDMI 2.0 port and two display part 1.4s now we still have the line out we still have the USB B Upstream with the two USB 3.2 downstreams on the back along with the line object and on the other side we still have the same power input which thankfully the power supply is integrated into the monitor so no ugly bricks hanging around it's just literally a kettle lead in and it's on the stand is very robust it's metal it's durable it's heavy it is designed like a tank so the ergonomics of the monitor it rises it lowers it swivels it tilts everything Among The Stance should do I don't use a stamp because it also comes with 100 by 100 vesa Mountain which as you can see is how I'm out on my OnePlus because I like as much despair as I like and it looks better when you you take your monsters floating as long as you don't have wires all over the place like I do I keep moving things around to make these videos so sorry about the wires you do also get a bit lightened you get the alien head on the rear and the 34 lighten up along with the pole one now unfortunately one thing I liked about Alienware is because around the stand area used to get lightning and right in the center where the joystick is you'll set light in there that's gone on this model it's on the DW but not this and you know what on that point alone I think I'm going to return it because that dealt that is disgraceful I'm only joking it makes no difference to me at all who's looking at lights on the gaming so yeah if you're in the market for an all-ed monitor and you don't want to pay over the odds because this is 929 pounds and I never thought I'd steer this it is worth every penny it really is I will go so far as to say it in the current Monte space it's underpriced when you look at the LG Ultra gear yes it's 240 hertz but it's a thousand pound dearer than this and this is in my opinion so much better you then have the Samsung j8 OLED which is 1300 pounds and you have the DW which is the big brother to this and that's 1100 pounds I mean what you're getting for less than a thousand pound is absolutely fantastic and trust me once you've gamed on an all end you cannot return so you better hope you don't get that burning I don't think you will and guys there we go that's my review of the Dell Alienware aw 3423 DWF if you have stayed to the end thank you very much I do hope you've enjoyed yourself and I haven't bought you too much and please if you've enjoyed the content please give it a like a subscribe I do a lot of reviews on this channel I'm certainly planning to so please call back anytime you're always welcome take it easy foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in China hello [Music] hey wait [Music] guys [Music] what's that [Music] right foreign [Music]
Channel: Ron's Gaming Moments
Views: 9,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alienware, AW3423DWF, 3440x1440, 1440, OLED, QDOled, 21.9, Ultrawide, HDR, True Black 400, Peak 1000, Glossy, Gaming, Monitor, Gaming Monitor, 34, Review, RGM
Id: HUI1ZnBsark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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