Evel Knievel | American Trucker

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coming up on american trucker an adventure i was born to take it's so cool evel knievel daredevil truck lover nobody did anything like evil knievel did evil spirit is all around me right now and his custom rig hasn't been seen in decades well i'm about to change all of that i think it's worthwhile trying to find it and rescue it did you hear what i said to you it's a mission that is beyond crazy which means it's just my style it's time to shift into tall gear i will find evil it's the last thing now don't get me wrong i'm an elvis fan but as far as i'm concerned this guy was the king everything today that is quote unquote extreme oh you can thank the guy on the bike [Applause] nobody went higher nobody went farther and nobody was cooler than evil knievel and not only did he like to jump mack trucks he had one it was a one-of-a-kind rig that knocked me out when i was a kid and in 81 when he retired the rig pretty much fell off the map and that's not okay this is bill's in sanford florida and it's my hangout i'm hunting for a very very very special lost celebrity big rig and it's rumored to be in florida but that's about all i have to go on right now i'm gonna chat with bill and lou i got another little mission uh oh this is a 74 mac that evil had custom made this thing is legendary rumor is that it's in a salvage yard in florida somewhere so why start making calls i was wondering if you might have some tips and after an hour on the phone i finally get a tip from my buddy all the way up there in north carolina brad white bradster what's up i've got a hot tip on the lost power rig that at a was called woody shut the heck up dude bombshell number one but here's bombshell number two if we can get it i can get skeets to come and pick that thing up and get it kaboom explanation needed brad weick owns a small trucking company called bpw every year he has an awesome vintage truck show this year it's his 10th anniversary and he wants this rig that show which is almost nine hours from here in taylorsville north carolina if i can find it it's probably inoperable so it'll need to be towed enter skeet and he doesn't own a local towing company oh no skeets towing is also from north carolina over 500 miles away but he's the only guy we trust with a mission like this now for the bad news it's thursday the truck show is this saturday now this is my kind of adventure and to top it all off who agreed to drive off to woodys in ocala you know that i got a real problem for vintage big rigs so it's like i'm on a crusade to save every one i can get my hands on in this case it's got a pedigree so i think it's worthwhile trying to find it and rescue it brad is 100 confident that this tip is legit he's going to be sending skeet down here tonight so that he can be standing by tomorrow i guess that means i have to find this rig or i'm in big trouble you never know when you're hunting for legendary rigs like this one right here sometimes the tip sounds good and then it ends up being a dud but we're gonna find out now aren't we an hour and a half later and we have arrived i'm supposed to hook up with the manager dan [Music] it's my kind of place already luke a friend of mine he was told that the evil knievel rig was resting somewhere in the bowels of woody's awesome awesome awesome boneyard dan is skeptical that the hauler is back there but hey he said go look around and he gave us this cool cart to ride around in which is a good thing because this is a big place i see all kinds of stuff old stuff rain sleet or snow cannot stop me from the truck junkyard i know it there's a truckload of stuff here let's go down this way okay so far no go the hunt goes on cause i'm not done we're the dead end [Music] i see a lot of cool stuff but nothing super big with a trailer on it yet a few hours in the rain and i can safely say evil's rig it's not here i think we hit what we call a bad tip well i just remembered i have one last friend that i can call american daredevil bubba blackwell hey bubba it's rob you know that there's this vintage evil knievel hauler rig custom built by mack in 74. and i'm on the hunt for it that's the most popular trailer somewhere baba's telling me he thinks a guy named jeff actually owns it and historian in clearwater florida which is two hours south of here thanks bob i will find evil if it's the last thing i do start this baby right on up and get the hell out of dodge all right it's off to clearwater we got some evil to find coming up we arrive in clearwater we're either going to be shot down or it's going to be like winning um the lottery but i sure hope we didn't come all this way for nothing this is why we call it truck ology right now we're excavating we're digging we're finding out things [Music] day one of my evil knievel big rig hunt was a bust but last night i got a serious clue that brought lou and i here to clearwater florida i found out from my friend bubba blackwell that a guy named jeff actually owns the rig and he's storing it at a place called jerry's custom cars so lou i'll bet you never thought when i came into bills that you'd be involved at this level no it didn't you gotta admit it's fun though right truck hunting different yeah definitely different we're finding a uh historical mack truck custom built for the legendary evil knievel which is about as cool as it gets that guy was definitely the king of cool all right we are close see how it goes well if it's here we just tacked on two more hours for the trip back to north carolina well here we go the very fact that you're standing here is giving me good vibes right now because i think that we might have the rig you found it brother you want to go see it you know what i absolutely do man i can't thank you enough for this holy mackerel jeff right there big as life holy smokes [Music] oh man look at it [Music] okay it's okay i'm excited i'm very excited this is like pop culture americana beyond americana nobody did anything like evil knievel did somehow this crazy rig makes sense cause only someone with as much moxie as evil knievel would have the audacity to build a truck like this this truck was the longest truck on the road at the time he had to get special permits from each state that he would pass through to put this with the trailer on the roads this is something i never ever ever thought that i would be standing next to evil spirit is all around me right now how in the world did you come to acquire it i managed robbie evil son for last five years we found out where evil had the truck stored when he died so you went after it so i went after you great i found it now what all right it's wheel and deal time i don't know what your plan is are you good are you would you sell that or or are you going to move it what are you going to do with it i'd like to restore it it's obvious he's not going to sell it now i just have to convince jeff to let me at least show it off a bit because people need to know that this rig is still around a very good friend of mine his name is brad white he has a collection of 60 vintage big rigs he's got a truck show this saturday that's in north carolina lucky for me he's totally down with the idea in fact i think that brad and his guys might be the very crew that could restore this rig so this is gonna work out for everyone i'm gonna literally drag this thing out of here and see if we can possibly resurrect evil knievel's rig brad i'm gonna tell you what's up i'm actually leaning on the 74 mack of evil i i am looking at well it's got rust on it the cab is toast i have to find somebody over here that would have tires this is the culprit we don't need to swap out all the tires but we do need enough new rubber that this is a major problem and you can't find tires that will work for a trailer like this just anywhere we gotta find a tire place do you have yellow pages we do let's go don't forget i'm in a custom car shop and now it's all making sense because the owner jerry was a good friend of evil knievels so you've known the rig for a long time i'm told 19 years 19 years you've been the caretaker stationery and you were good friends with with evil yes sir yes i was so i have an address now i just need a ride hey maybe the owner of this 57 nomad would like to join my circus is there any way that i can maybe hit your ride with you in this cool car i'd love to give you a ride in this car to the tire because a a it wouldn't have does it too hey it's a nomad and b you're the only one of his customers is hanging around and i need to get there so okay plus it's awesome all the pressure is hitting hard i have everybody amped up but if i can't find tires for this trailer this whole thing is gonna come to a screeching halt i hope this place can help 8 25 15. that's a dinosaur it's exactly what we're saying miraculously nick tracks some down i need to get those on the afternoon truck yeah by three o'clock okay thanks run away guys do you need some proof that truck tires are expensive twenty four hundred and fifty dollars eight tires 300 bucks a pop hey man that worked out pretty well it's perfect i mean what are the odds oh this plan is falling into place tomorrow this rig is absolutely going to the show in north carolina at least i think so up next look who just showed up the cavalry has arrived but then my luck changes for the worst we need to get this thing two brads and it doesn't look good right now we have a major major problem today is literally one of the best days of my life i have found one of my all-time favorite celebrity rigs evil knievel show truck and tomorrow i will show it to the world at a truck show in north carolina the issue is i'm currently over 600 miles away in clearwater florida and i have to get it there but that's no problem we even tracked down some very hard to find tires so that this rig can make the 11 hour journey the tires are supposed to show up soon the tow rigs are supposed to show up soon this plan has totally fallen into place all this is going with us right going into triathlon yeah whatever we can do it's 2pm i'm giving two hours once the tires and the tow rigs arrive to get on the road there is this one last item that may cause a delay that would be frozen brakes but we won't know until skeet's towing arrives i hear decents two tow rings one for the truck one for the trailer guess what the cavalry has arrived [Music] skeet i talked to braddyson you guys are on your way skeet and jerry looked refreshed which is surprising because they were on the road all day yesterday 11 hours from north carolina what do you think this is going to be a job oh it's going to be a job but you know what job i think we got the right horsepower here you sure did this is an icon and we can't screw it up i mean it's made it this far in its life what's the first step you guys got to do to assess what we need them to do we need to get it out of here so we need to drag it out of here i get out of here so we're going to see right off the bat if the brakes are locked yeah yeah okay america see if the brakes are locked [Music] storm's coming adding insult to injury you just gotta go with it all right out now what he's going to do is he's going to lock that on there out of that kingpin that's what he's hammering on right now you think it's going to go one more time it's going to roll or it's going to drag well it is florida of course we aren't gonna let a little rain stop us look at this it's rolling we're talking it's rolling the back half of evil's rig where his ramps and his motorcycles rolls again on american trucker did you hear me [Music] one down one to go oh mama this is getting exciting look at that that chassis is holding up he's going one last time son of a biscuit is rolling i don't even believe it evil spirit is alive and guess what he's making sure that it rolled are all of them rolling we have some tire changing to do and then we're gonna get that thing on the interstate and get to north carolina because i think we're gonna make the truck show on saturday yes so far so good and to top it all off when this thing gets to north carolina jeff's got a great idea this is the legendary evil knievel stepping out of this door right here oh it's like yellow ground it's so cool if we get the tires here which is a major problem for us right now and we get to stay on the road we get it to north carolina to brad's truck show jeff said we can open up the door and go inside the sarcophagus if you will and see what kind of treasure we have did i speak too soon sure i did it's been two hours since we pulled the rig and the trailer from the weeds and no sign of my tires what's worse i can't get anyone on the phone so right now we have a major major problem saturday is approaching and we need to get this thing two brads and it doesn't look good right now and believe me it's not an option to pull this rig without new tires what happened when you're rolling down the interstate if you dragged it on these axles as hard as it is today and as hot as them roads are out there yeah it'll build up heat in this tire boom be like a big explosion i started today feeling on top of the world but the clock is seriously ticking and i am almost ready to push the panic button [Music] coming up think things can't get any worse well they do we're not going to be able to get tires on this trailer uh until the morning we'll miss the show i just don't think we'll be able to do it it's friday night and i was not expecting to have to make this phone call this sucks bradley rob how's it going well everything was going good except we now we have a problem and it ain't looking good the guys at millennium tire um everything was good and their guys were coming out here but um they just called they have an emergency on the interstate we're not gonna be able to get tires on this trailer uh until the morning so that i don't think that we're gonna be able to make it man i swear we'll miss the show i just don't think we're gonna be able to do it basically brad tells me that he has a friend of a friend in the area and that he owes brad a huge favor copy that man well i thought my mission was over but now i don't think so why well i just got off the phone with an american trucker and when you put a trucker on task you generally get results [Music] i don't know the details but my guess is the favor that brad was owed just got paid in full [Music] news flash these boys have kicked some serious butt and we now have new rolling stock of course we still have an 11 hour trip north and we can make it by the skin of our teeth assuming that all of the scales are going to be closed from here to north carolina we don't have any time to deal with any setbacks including the d.o.t man the clock is running and we gotta go man oh man i got a long way time to get oh skeeter skeeter skeeter i'm going to tell you what we're doing it for future generations we drove all night and to say the fates were with us on this hall is an understatement over 600 miles without a hitch taylorsville north carolina happy to see you we've been on the road for i don't know how many hours i do know that it's saturday morning this truck is actually right there we're gonna make it to brad's you best believe that what's going on here today is the 10th annual truck show that we put on here at my place and as you can see it's 50 acres full of trucks they should be arriving anytime now that's what we're waiting on [Music] everybody's snapping pictures of it already [Music] how's that rad skir well listen we got a grand prize here for you my man this is something that i think future generations need to see this kids that didn't know what we knew what we got to see and find out who evel knievel was believe it or not i have only completed the first part of my secret master plan the second phase starts right now because i brought jeff and brad together which means the restoration discussion can begin i know you're getting excited about it come on brad come on brad i got this rig here and jeff did promise me a little tour people have wondered what's in this truck for years and years have the honors and i don't know what's in there but i'm thinking if it's evil knievels you know for a fact that it's cool behold this is what i'm talking about i got i gotta let it soak soak in right here the history that we this is steeped in history this was one of a kind mac built this for him there was there's not another one like it this was laying on the floor here under the carpet he probably sat in this chair and looked at the magazine yeah sometimes i get a little excited i can't stand anymore oh now for the big money you won't even believe this and i know that you planted this in here this is legit isn't it it's sizzling these are legit kids get out of here these are actual evil knievel i'm actually touching them like i said before evil knievel the king a man among men and you know what hail to evil knievel when i was a kid i watched evel knievel jump 13 mack trucks and today well let's just say that i had an out of body experience behold the lost evil knievel mack f model cab over can you even believe it well guess what i can't believe it normally right now i like to say mission complete but this time all i can safely say is to be continued [Music] you
Channel: Evel Knievel
Views: 11,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evel knievel, evel knievel caesars palace, evel knievel jumps, evel knievel stunt cycle, evel knievel jump, evel knievel documentary, i am evel knievel, evel knievel stunt, evel knievel crash, evel knievel all jumps, evel knievel jumps caesars palace, evel knievel death crash, evel knievel crashes, caesars palace, evel knievel snake river canyon, Viva Knievel, robbie knievel, daredevil
Id: Ff9DaakEzdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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