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[Music] i see god doing something new sister god said i should tell you that he's giving you a new slate i feel the prophetic anointed now it just dropped on me you know my own prophetic anointing is not to tell you the color of your pants or you don't need me to tell you that one your phone number god said i should tell you that he's giving you a new slate i heard him now [Music] the blood of jesus will wipe your past because somebody is here yes you know as the lord minister to me there are people who are already condemning themselves see if i am called up in eternity what will i be remembered for god said he will wipe the past and he will present for us a new slate on this ground [Music] what will you do with that new slate beginning from now i can see the finger of god rewriting your story [Music] any time i feel this prophetic anointing the heaven is about to do something it doesn't happen anytime it doesn't happen anyhow and i don't mechanize it now let me tell you something you know when you have access to that which god has said concerning you your life travels faster people said you know when we visit when you go back to that john chapter 20 people here thomas and they call him all kinds of names thomas the doubter the young man was correct he didn't want to build his ministry on the account of another person i want to see him thomas said peter you people saw him john you saw him no problem i will not i cannot edify my ministry on the account of your encounter let me see him too let me see him [Music] jesus didn't rebuke him in fact because of him jesus came back and let me shock you among all the apostles he was the first to receive the revelation of jesus as god when he thought jesus said my lord and my god none of them said that [Music] people build their life [Music] he said papa peter i know you are the chief i want to build my ministry based on my personal encounter of jesus let me see him so he had to touch him when men touch jesus you know that touch between a revelation my lord and my god jesus didn't have to speak to him but by that touch he understood the trinity the revelation of the trinity the godship of jesus listen to me the new move of god demands that you will have to encounter jesus for yourself you cannot risk running your life on the encounter based on the encounters of other people thomas said peter keep your encounter andrew keep your encounter john keep your encounter i will not believe i want to see him by myself that desire provoked another appearance of jesus [Music] who wants to touch jesus here tonight who wants to touch jesus tonight [Music] thank god for your encounter thank god for encounter it is good for you it is good for you i need to encounter him for myself may god help you that the encounter you are running your life with is basically on the count of your father in the lord when he's no more alive [Music] he said my lord and my god show me the scripture [Music] and thomas answered and said unto him my lord and my god sir prior to this time the encounter of peter the rest of the apostles did not generate this revelation during he stopped at bloodsheet he didn't proceed to this so he became the first apostle because what peter saw in matthew 16 was just you are the christ the son of the living god he didn't really defeat christ as god but as this song the one way they are the one we hear we preached it was that his tonicity that brought this revelation my lord and my god can i ask you have you touched jesus do you know him for yourself [Music] can i ask you a question can i ask you a question tonight on what encounter are you running your life on whose encounter are you running your life can you cry to god in five minutes and say lord if i don't encounter you i quit oh ah my i my oh now i'm glad to inform you that [Music] i am glad to announce to you that consequent upon this revelation thomas traveled to india he left the apostles in jerusalem he went to where the battle fierce india you can be in jerusalem [Music] today consequent upon this encounter we have the biggest cathedral in india called saint thomas when he arrived india they were worshiping the water goddess watercolors and he presented christ to them they argued he told them i'm going to show you a sign this is what are you you are worshiping i will do a miracle i will throw this water up and it will suspend in the air when a man has touched god the the the audacity is something else you know that's why sometimes i do some crazy things i was in a program one day in brazil i saw a crippled man i became mad i jumped down i told the guy i said raise this man up he was afraid he was late i jumped down in the midst of more than 15 000 people i took him up and the man began to walk the man that was pushed into the program was the same person that pushed back his wheelchair [Music] thomas went to india consequent upon this revelation and he met people who were serving what water goddess [Music] you know what he did he threw water up and water suspended in the air and right there he won the entire village and that's why today we have christianity in india and you have to go to the optimus you have the god to abuse this kind of person to call people tom [Music] can i ask you a question can i humbly ask you a question [Music] on the account of whose encounter are you running your life can you sincerely answer that question can you certainly respond to that question on the account of which papa [Music] on the account of whose encounter are you running your ministry [Music] sir who presented nicodemus no nathaniel to jesus who presented him his brother [Music] what's his name andrew no sorry philip [Music] no who presented who wait philip the one jesus said i saw you under who he who did he tell was it nathaniel who presented nathaniel please i want to confirm that so that you know it was who now when philip told him about christ you know he despised it he said can anything good come out of it when he met christ for himself what he confessed shows that scripture what he confessed about jesus was superior to what his father in the lord told him because he went to jesus directly let's see let's do something let's let's see the scripture so that you understand and nathaniel said unto him can you be any good thing no go to let's give it context go to 45. go to 45 go to 45 phillip find that nathaniel and said unto him we have found him of whom moses in the law and the prophets did right jesus of nazareth the son of joseph his father in the lord revelation about jesus the carpenter the son of joseph that was what he presented now imagine if this man has based his life upon this revelation and run his life on this possibility imagine what would have become of him now let's go further and i said unto him can there any good thing come out of nazareth philip said unto him come and see there are certain things that you can only respond with come as just come and see jesus saw nathanael coming to him and say it behold an israelite indeed jesus used word of knowledge any gift that does not translate into we know so it's an abuse of is an abuse of gift you come here you display the miraculous and lives are not transformed people people don't repent they came the same way they came and left the same way they left is an abuse of grace it's an abuse of gift now jesus used this look at the result jesus used the gift of the word of knowledge look at the rest of verse 48 i hope you knew this thing opened up something to nathaniel jesus was not speaking about an immediate occurrence that is to say that maybe nathaniel was coming and then he was before he came to jesus he was under a sycamore tree no jesus went into time because he was jesus mate you know jesus didn't have much age mate they were all killed because of the massive massacre now that guy was jesus and during the time of the massacre theologians have it that the guy was hidden under isaiah 3 and he escaped that massacre so jesus was actually telling him something that only him and jesus knew he was not telling him of an immediate action he was telling him how his father hid him from the massacre of the army of herod that was why the guy became mad it was not nobody knew that it was only him and his parents and jesus so while you were hidden there i saw you jesus was a baby then [Music] i saw you die yeah yeah when this order of manifestations strike the earth men will change but bala was returned to evangelists massive salvation of souls i feel i i see heaven he gets waiting to you now something they do mean okay respond to this with five minutes wow my my my my [Music] jesus look up and jesus son natalia come and say to him behold an israelite indeed in whom is no guy go ahead nathan i said unto him when's noah's army jesus anselm said unto him before that philip called thee when thou was under the victory i saw thee by the time they hit you from the massacre of herald i saw you [Music] go back nathaniel answered and said unto him rabbi oh my god go to 49 now nathaniel now let's compare the revelation of his papa philip saw him as the son of joseph imagine if he had run with that revelation you can get something better from god rabbi number one he called him a rabbi for him he was a jewish theologian for him to call jesus a rabbi that was the highest respect rank you cannot call the man [Music] rabbi he got the revelation of jesus as a rabbi thou art the son of god his papa said thou are the son of joseph this one saw jesus and saw that i was the son of god and the king of israel [Music] and yet in this age you want to run your life on the encounters of others [Music] you know i have 20 minutes so i have to we have to break we they'll be healing if you are sick here today there is no demon of sickness or infirmity that will escape here now listen to me today is face to face with your destiny there are some of you that are caught in the web of pornography immorality what do we call it masturbation you are here i'm not talking about something you are here tonight is your night because there will be healing there will be deliverance some of you have cried and cried and cried and cried over in matter the more you cry the more you see yourself sinking sir jesus will set the captive free tonight i take my call tonight i understand i understand that i understand my blessing god and i make demand on account of who i am in god things must happen tonight i am angry with the devil i want to see him i stand to him you know your life by the time you go up before you know it what is happening the thought you fall tonight if i be a servant of god i met demand on the backing the celestial backing upon my ministry and call that every such yoke every such addiction will break tonight in the name of jesus shut [Music] black black black black black black in the name of jesus [Music] but the same time you have pornographic wario [Music] jesus will save you are some of you that are only desiring for strength you want to break certain relationship but you don't have the strength god will give you strength jesus jesus jesus [Music] there is nothing god cannot do i have never been angry like this in my spirit hi there is one young man here now the lord just saw your heart cry you have been swimming in pornography it has been your greatest desire has been to come out of that that that peace god will touch you now and that power that power breaks now in the name of jesus not just review see let me tell you something let me tell you your greatest enemy tonight will be shyness oh i know i'm gonna see me if you are here under the sound of my voice and you are under any form of addiction sexuality stop addiction masturbation playing with your sensitive parts pornography immorality and tonight i say lord i repent i am working as god is directing me now come out from where you are down here if you if you if you refuse to repent you remain with your problem you remain with that problem everybody that is under the rock of sexual sin [Music] because i know i make my personality forget it nobody is going to use it against you but men and women both men and women you know that your problem is pornography addiction to sexual immorality come here a new town before god come out [Music] is a night of deliverance deliverance listen to me silence silence [Music] silence i was preaching in one unit many years ago 2000 [Music] the holy spirit came on me man a thief in the configuration i knew he was the one but i didn't call him out i said you are here and you are in the midst of a robbery gang jesus wants to save you come out come jesus wants to deliver you come he closed his heart with zip and padlock after his service he came to me man of god nothing you said is for me but i don't want to come out now later god help you it was on a sunday monday tuesday wednesday he was killed and they threw his body at mccody police headquarters that thing brought revival in one way they say a man of god came and announced he didn't come now his disobedience saved other people but he himself went to hell i'm going to country if you are here and you are into any form of the practice of immorality some of you are here listen to me you do sex with you with your friends boyfriends and girlfriends you are here i will count five if you fail to come out your blood is not in my heart the monarch of zion gave you an opportunity for you you become too proud and arrogant you say lord i repent i'm going to count five i can in fact there are some of you that i'm seeing you now i can capture i can come and throw you out i see i can see you you are still you are still obstinate if the lord permits me i will go there and bring you out now listen i will count five if you don't appear here your problem remains with you one we are struggling with immorality tonight is your night number two come if you are coming come out very clearly don't hide shame the devil [Music] nobody is looking at you activity see we understand these things we are not going to say you are a canal because of that we know that it is an activity of the devil i want to deal with it somebody will say but they know me as a prayer no it's far from that we know you are praying you are genuine we know we are god is trying to help you because there are there are marks you must meet and tonight is that night four are you struggling there come on you down as i pray for them the number three protocol of a warrior is a protocol of sanctification [Music] the protocol of sanctification joshua chapter 3 verse 5 joshua said to them and that's why we are doing what we are doing here that's why we are doing what we are doing here joshua said to them sanctify yourselves today for tomorrow the lord shall do great things in your midst [Music] nevertheless the foundation of the lord stand ashore and the lord knoweth those that are his let him that name at the name of the lord depart from iniquity for in the great house there are many vessels the vessels of gold and of not only vessels of gold and of silver but of wood and of clay some to honor and some to this honor if any man if any man purifies himself of the latter he will become a vessel to one of meet for every good work in brazil i got to a city called fyrad de santana entered into a building material shop i was pressed when i entered into that facility it was too late i couldn't use it as i tried to step out the law said why did you not use it i said it was that i got an immediate answer he said i am pressed i am pressed god told me i am pressed but i can't use some vessels because you know i am god told me he's pressed but even though he's pressed he can't use some vessels because they are deity if any man purifies himself there are some of you that are addicted liars if you tell us good morning we have to look at our time to confirm [Music] whether it's true you know you are addicted in lying cheating people come out come and live down here [Music] i expect i expect i expect to see people you know you're a liar you can lie it has become an addiction the same amount you use in speaking in tongues your thoughts carry no weight at the same time after speaking you still lie use the same amount of light you know you are an addicted liar you know how to lie you know how to in fact your relationship is based on lies come and need help come come before god [Music] sir i hope you know that there are believers that are thieves steal [Music] i see a young man here in fact what happened to you was not ordinary somebody that is like a stepmother to you spoke into your life [Music] and you you discover that you have the traces of stealing you enter a place something disappears [Music] you pick something you take it you see charger the truth is that you are a thief you know it somebody projected it into your life and god wants to save you [Music] live where you are come here and you know what you must not look at anybody don't look at anybody that is coming out you have that trace that tendency to take what is not your own come out it's a serious issue it's a serious matter that the devil has projected to kill you to finish you but how can we have that kind of a person here he's here you take things that don't belong to you those of you that are in the front [Music] i will give you just two minutes to cry to god if it is pornography you are going to tell god today is the end we are going to tell god i will not live here the same way [Applause] [Music] those of you in the front tell god that we are not living here the simple he touched me he touched me oh what joy has filled my soul jesus touched me some of you still smoke and drink you smoke and you drink you are addicted to alcohol why not come and join them you still smoke and and licked on them to diffuse the smell come back from them you believe that you still drink alcohol you still drink life come don't be ashamed god bless you young man god bless you [Music] god bless you god we do something you smoke you drink yesterday you know come come [Music] he touched me [Music] something happened he touched me he touched me jesus touched me [Music] now i know he touched me man of god because of time what instructed me that tonight is an impartial night so i am no matter how many we are i am going to lay hand on everybody there's an impartation that will happen sir there are matters god wants to touch now listen to me before i pray for you once my hand touch you just know that the matter is resolved don't go yet there is somebody here you had an encounter it was a sexual encounter and that day you knew something left your life [Music] you knew something left your life and from that day you were no longer the same [Music] you are here i wanted to hold it let's say no you come to a point when god wants to deal with matters there are certain things it doesn't hide [Music] if you are the one now this is a matter of life and death you knew something left you you knew something left and as i'm talking now you know you know you will live where you are whether you are here in front and come to me here come here you will come here if you are the one come here see this call is not for everybody it's not for everybody it's not for everybody today the lord chose you to break that barrier you know the exchange they exchange your destiny through that sexual act your destiny was [Music] exchanged [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] how many of them thank you [Music] jesus jesus restore restore restore let's go let's go now now let's go now [Music] jesus take it back i take it back i take it back [Music] in the name of jesus that look is broken [Music] take it back take it back take it back [Music] [Music] maybe your shots or however you are going to control it we are going to take organize ourselves in such a way that everybody will pass as you pass i will place my hand with the oil on you then we will enter in this session the healing alone but first of all this i want to address these issues those of you that are here you will still come up for the general anointing do you understand [Music] that addiction is broken [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] now listen are there people here with medical condition ulcer high blood pressure hiv if you have hiv to be healed you need to be healed you know one of them by the grace of god one of the strength of [Music] a healing dimension whatever you know we told you some of you didn't hack into that [Music] you have visual problem you are deaf you are dumb [Music] cardiac problem problem heart with the organs jesus will heal you now with practical evidence you are booked for an operation the monarch of zion will operate you now now and i want to inform you that as that is happening [Music] thank you jesus the lord told me that there are 27 people he said but i give you a blank check if you want to increase it you can increase it that's what god told me now is that he will raise 25 27 healing evangelists here with with specific grace of healing now let me tell you it will happen there is only for struggle 27 but he told me that and increase that quantity [Music] so 2070 at the mercy is that whatever dick as you want oh so it means that i got to anoint everybody that idea just struck me it means everybody here can be a healing evangelist [Music] but you know for god to do it so that we know that he's true he will first of all put his hand on the 27 people [Music] it will manifest in different people with the kind of healing kind of healing that will happen through your ministry they will mind properly [Music] you know why as i was speaking the lord deployed an entity behind you and as i inquired it is a dimension of healing so apart from that god will heal people everyone that appears here with sickness you'll be practically [Music] and then 27 people that this now my demand is that god will make everybody here now listen to me god gave me an open check he said i can include now my desires that everybody here will have a touch of healing grace as long as you're under the influence of this meeting but to confirm it god will first of all separated 27 people then there will be a massive outpouring that simultaneously somebody came in here asthmatic you asthmatic you experience difficulty in breathing your airwaves will be cleared tonight [Music] migraine spinal pain will disappear they will diffuse into the thin air are you ready now your hands lifted up if you wish to close your eyes you can close your eyes maintain silence in your spirit maintain absolute silence only the keyboard [Music] can you strike [Music] silence silence silence only to keep both playing silence only to keep on playing father can you now put your hand on the first 27 people you told me about you said you will have 927 people with an evangelistic badge of healing can you separate them now as a sign at a count of seven one two three four five six seven there are 27 of them there are 27 of them bring them here there meanwhile as that is happening healing is taking place [Music] healing is taking place healing is taking place [Applause] there are 27 make sure you count them count and count them there's no mistake about that there are 27 of them 27 of them 27 of them help her help her bring her count them and confirm for me there are 27 of them [Music] somebody count them and confirm please don't have time my god some count them and confirm they are more there are 27 of them 27 of them lord if there is any other person in the crowd touch and spread them now you said 27 you said 27 ransack them and them and start them and bring them out their power of god be lost their power of god be lost their power of god be lost how many do we have that's the healing fire that is the healing fire there are 27 you know there's something that happens to me when i'm ministering angels sing and when i hear that song i think the problem is that i'm a local person i need to begin to let some of the modern songs this reality for a lot for a long time maybe because i've not been in nigeria i think i am hearing one song that says oh kaka okay that's the song i'm hearing now [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes [Applause] yes yes [Music] foreign m okay yes oh yes yes okay okay [Music] oh oh oh okay okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen listen listen listen [Music] hi i'm sorry man of course i'm gonna enter into the prophetic it is always difficult there are four people here that by their gender and by the calendar of the devil you have been a mark to die this year but god is going to visit two people and of course these people i'm talking about strange things have been happening in your family with regards to strange debt now the power of god will yank that condition out now i'm going to i'm going to join everything in one [Music] there are loads now you will not pray it's not time to pray i will pray i will pray you don't need to pray now just only position yourself to receive that's all it's not time to pray [Music] there are five people that god just deployed the warring angels and their duty is to remove a load that has been imposed on you you have been carrying it for long and that's why you don't gain speed as a matter of fact when you do people good they pay you with evil there are three ladies here i will not call you out the holy spirit is going to every matter i am mentioning will be addressed in the next three minutes when people come near they begin to experience bad luck it looks as this close is an oppression [Music] but that will be lifted [Music] in your dream you always discover that you you are always confronted with an insurmountable mountain you keep her and the more you try to clamp it is reciprocal your legs are losing strength [Music] and in the physical it has culminated in near success syndrome jesus will add that matter now [Music] because you are here i want to hear that [Music] song [Music] anyone that is sick [Music] i stand in my office as an apostolic evangelist and i met the man for the function that breaks you the ocean that heals [Music] the youngster [Music] let it now hit your people from head to head from person to person from person to person from head to head as many that are in need as many that i need therefore they have been appointed tonight lose them now those that are carrying unnecessary loads take it off from them now lord lord lose your power in the midst of your people now now he'll heal you the power yes he's breaking his black eyes yes is [Applause] [Music] high blood pressure bowels father let the healing win the healing wind the healing wind [Music] let the oppression of asthma diabetes high blood pressure in case there is as a point of contact to any member of his family or her family let your healing wind blow through that situation [Music] with evidential [Music] in jesus name in the next one minute if you came here sick now ago it's practical now if you came here with an evidential symptom maybe you couldn't there hear things you couldn't do with your hand partial paralysis in the next one examine yourself just examine yourself you came with heart breathing respiratory problems something is there is something you cannot do you cannot exercise your hand or you can't do something begin to do those things you have astigmatism visual problem myopia jesus is correcting your sight now heart pain the left side of your chest hurts you pile arthritis all are disappearing right now if you just felt healed you can't feel that pain again examine yourself come out just check yourself jesus healed you you came here and jesus healed you you came here sick and jesus healed you many healing has taken place now many people have just checked yourself you came here and you have been healed you came here sick or you brought somebody that is sick [Music] you came in with pain and you are healed what's the situation say it i have plantar fasciitis huh plantar fasciitis under my leg just like when i no one stopped burning me and now it appeared [Applause] now there are some of you listen listen there are some of you that what you are well the sickness you are passing through is not it's not a sickness that has symptom that you feel now maybe you have high blood pressure i'm talking about if you entered here with pain [Music] with a particular sickness you could check yourself in the next one minute and see if you could do those things all those pains are no more there i want you to come out those that came ahead come on don't if you hide your the sickness i can guarantee that it will return and because what you seek to do is to make god a liar you came in here you come in here with pain now i want to guarantee something there is no one that entered here with any form of pain that we leave here with this with that same thing nobody it's not possible now those other classes that you may need to go to hospital to verify to run a test now that one is by monday you can go and run the test but if you came here with a particular pain maybe waste pain maybe respiratory problem now you can breathe very well and if you don't come out if you don't come well i won't say more than that just give them michael we need to hear what god did you have this fight you can go back yes okay she said that for the past three weeks she has been having pain on this hand lastly we have been having pain on this hand and she can't move it so yesterday the pain reduced but why you were praying the pain completely so can you do what you couldn't do before do it let's see sorry wow [Music] so god be glory okay let's you know the problem i have with people the same god i heal this condition can raise the dead and raise somebody else on the wheelchair but nobody brought them here can you see that's the problem this same god that took away this pain is the same anointing that is required to heal the yes she has been having headache consistent headache system headache and what happened now he said before you even began to pray your headache disappeared he disappeared at least we'll never come back again [Applause] yes praise god me i've been having this respiration problem since corona period praise god wow yes profit 19. my god what of now i don't i breathe normally you can breathe normally now i was whenever i'm tired i can't breathe father in the name of jesus this plague ends forever in the name of jesus never again you see the devil is trying to make her feel as if she is infected with prophet nothing which is a lie but jesus healed her respiratory you know i said respiratory problem i saw it i saw it in the spirit jesus hearing somebody yes what happened she said she has been having acute headache and tooth pain two discipline the two of them have gone you are sure to god be the glory what is spelling me you know i'm not is do god be the glory but what is failing means the number of cases i expected to see i didn't see [Music] we advertised it very well that people should come with problem people should come okay tell us she said after she had the surgery after the surgery the incision has been opened and been closing and she has been feeling pain consistently about last week they sutured it again and she has been feeling pain but while you are praying the pain disappeared it disappeared never to come back again that's a very powerful miracle yes she has been having migraines please get their testimonies let's be fast she has been having migraine migraines appeared it disappeared it has gone what happened what happened yes it's gone as if her head was breaking up he's gone okay okay she has been having difficulty in breathing since last year difficulty breathing asthma since last year no more and it has gone it has gone you can breathe normally now very well wow jesus has two people with respiratory tract issues yes my sister what is it something close to her eyes but now she's here now he's gone you can't feel it again okay what sister he said he has been having headache as a result of burning but now he's gone as a result of what groaning groaning you can't be praying and be having a headache that's gone forever so you will grow more now you will grow more she has been obviously yeah but she cannot pray without holding her hand on her head she cannot pray with her [Music] god punish the foreign god police the devil [Music] she has been having difficulty in breathing and body pain difficulty breathing again now you can breathe normally very well are you sure somebody said hallelujah shall be having serious pain due to ovarian syrup and now ovarian cysts do what you couldn't do before [Music] are you just looking like that are you just looking like that she has been having heartbeat heart heartbeat happy he's gone now you know i said what by the left side in this in the center that's it i talked about heart condition jesus just you don't you won't have it again it's gone because of time now disappear you are just looking like that not for jesus she says she has been having eye pain i pain is completely gone [Music] now now finally if you if you are here and you have eye problem you can ask me astigmatism [Music] whatever kind of eye condition come here come out you have eye problem any other testimony eye problem come you can't see without glasses sorry there's one more testimony one more testimony share the testimony he has been having pain on his leg due to stress [Music] those high conditions come here come now god will he i don't see you just make up your mind that you are coming here you'll be healed so there are certain things you cannot see except you react glass and then if you came here with a particular pain a sickness that is characterized by a kind of pain and you are still feeling the pain come to this side just come to this side nobody will go here without being you you came and you came with a particular that is what i mean is that if i pray for you and you can't feel the pain again you will know you are sure those people should come here i'm not talking of guesswork that you are sure that there is a pain and if prayer is made and you can't feel it again you can you will know those are the people i'm calling now just come and stay by this side step by side those of you with i condition put your hand my god up put your hand on your eye let's be fast [Music] if you are wearing a glass jesus touch their eyes touch their eyes heal their sight give them new vision give them new vision give them new vision give them new vision in the name of jesus the fire through the eyes right now in the name of jesus now open your eyes remove your hand now if you cannot see i won't take all these testimonies because of time you you came in with glass right you used to use glass glasses with that glass you can't see very well just tell me briefly without glass you can't see fire or you can't see near you can't see fast okay remove the glass now can you see me how many fingers up say very loud one how many without glass how many how many [Music] now listen i want you see when god does something it shouldn't be guess work i don't like that kind of thing because god's power is real if god he let us know that i don't like all these things that people try to add god can heal he doesn't he's still god [Music] without glass glasses could you see like that before with that can you see without can you be able to identify one thing [Music] you cannot read but you can see hands now do you believe that if we protect something without glasses you can read do you believe now camera studio man display scripture display a scripture now why i am going to do this is that i won't have time to take i want to have time to take all your testimonies what is going to happen is that just i believe what i'm going to tell you now with her testimony every one of you will be healed time will not permit us to take one one one so let us the confirmation that god will give us for your healing will be her testimony is that okay is that okay now father clean up her eyes sanctify her eyes and let her begin to read perfectly in the name of jesus open your eyes calm down open your eyes read the scripture for me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] everyone under the sound of my voice i declare that from today you become a partaker in the healing dimension in the name of jesus now i will pray and take just three testimonies from here the three testimonies will evidentiate that everyone here is healed do you agree just because of time we want to economize time sir what is the situation also but you are feeling dependent if you are healed now and you can't feel it you will know jump up three times just three times it's okay it's okay it's okay check the pain [Music] check it very well are you still feeling the pain so all you're feeling is hotness father take away this hotness take away this hotness by the time he gets himself the testimony would have been confirmed where what is the situation where is it you are feeling the pain they are feeling the pain [Music] jesus let his pain be gone in the name of jesus jesus check it check it [Music] it has disappeared [Music] i will take you to brazil [Music] yes yes no no here we go i don't need your permission ah i will he will come back he will go and come back no of course god will even allow me to take him from here and stop this work no to host you people i want to hear my god we will go and talk here you know you know you know fire fire is a universal language the demon in brazil is also here [Music] every one of you that is here [Music] feel it is [Music] he's not moving again [Music] that thing that is standing out now in the name of jesus strangers shall hear my voice and they shall hide they shall come out from their hiding place come out now in the name of jesus come out come out in the name of jesus that is [Music] jesus oh now the final the final testimony check that that's it you did not bond that ever well then open up check yourself i don't want any small pain safe it will not there will be no more pain remaining but if there any remaining pain should be taken out now in the name of jesus let the remaining pain be taken out in jesus name in jesus name president [Music] intensity of that pain again it's gone the pain is gone it will not come back [Music] [Applause] again the lord just told me to pray for the singers those in the music department you know this song is sung now it made it it touched something you know you understand what i'm talking about you know what i'm talking about they touch something there's something there's something you [Music] touched [Music] okay okay it's okay come on come join them join them but i want to warn you the time i don't know the the requirement of your call comes to a very high level of concentration are you in any relationship are you happy with it tell me the truth break it break it because what i saw is that resistance and that resistance is on the account of the relationship meanwhile the requirement of her calling the concentration is high in case a person is listening to me i said it break it if you like continue you know when we are talking about this kind of thing where it is it is beyond the we are talking about the people's their temperaments of god it has nothing to do with your pleasure human pleasure that's what god said i should tell you and because of that there was something that there was a consignment that came to you that you couldn't collect well god was waiting for this decision guys to hear that song again [Music] foreign [Music] you know father in the name of jesus i ask that you will now release your power upon the musical team upon the musical team let your power now fall on them in the name of jesus yes one after john from person to person from person to person from person to person from person to person from person to person yes yes yes yes yes take it take it you can't stand it you can't stand the power yes yes yes yes [Music] lord let your power now come on her that consignment that conservative release for her let her now take it let her now take it jesus touch the keyboardist touch the brace the drama touch them touch them touch them out of your perishable flow reverse of living water ahead lose it now lose that down lose that up lose it lose it lose lose lose that up lose that up [Music] so [Music] oh foreign oh [Music] i want to i want to impart somebody [Music] i don't know who this one we thought yes something is something is something something [Music] uh [Music] oh there is a deposit of anointing that came on your hour will bring souls to jesus there is a bad passion that just [Music] hi [Music] just decided sing that song just desire one thing as we close now [Music] listen to me as i close you know i'm not the one praying for you now you desire one thing and god will give it to you i came here and god god gave me friends and covenant brothers [Music] this and god brought me here for sinners to meet people like you now i would come into nigeria and my and we will deeply nation even about the data you have god will be entered here any stronghold in that animal land must bow to the lordship of jesus satan is in trouble oh [Music] foreign you can you can just be seated in a moment visit and visit be be seated [Music] nobody should leave that door close the door for me close that door for me i say close the door now [Music] listen to me listen listen listen listen come on where is your friend basket come and give your offering me first where is your friend basket who is responding to my call now if i'm talking you it's your friend basket [Music] amen tomorrow is the finale and we start but tomorrow's on we start by from the night watch [Music] and then we bring you to an overflow that i may see [Music] god has given you a lot but that there is an overflow an overflow dimension is where you don't say tell people about it as soon as they meet you they will know something has overflowed i say close the door for me who is doing that close the door for me close that door close that door don't open that door now listen to me after now that the bosses are here that will convey you to camp so um i will hand over to you in five minutes but three minutes you should release the people are you hearing me okay you cannot you don't but wait let him finish he's remaining three minutes why is somebody nodding her head if you waited tonight you can still wait sit down wait sit down wait sit down you can't receive all these things and not learn how to obey and then he's wasted he's wasted who even told you where you are going is still safe you think you are safe because because you you are careful you are safe because something is covering you i told people that as long as is this program you decided to come to you have covering nothing will happen you are not safe because you are careful you are saved because god protected you come and finish in two minutes suspend on unimportant tomorrow we start as usual morning and evening and then i don't know but i think i have not won my regalia at this meeting i know you don't believe some things but you can't be where i am if you didn't touch deep matters i found out it doesn't take time don't ever look at us and think it's coincidence nothing not one these are things we knew many years and i assure you those things can be you can be brought into it very fast don't play for me this man [Applause] okay we'll be returning back to the camp now so as much please bring your offering let's bring your housing that's your offering cast your offering please let's have the our account numbers projected on the screen please relax relax wherever you are relax now i'm saying this okay missing items missing phone whatsoever let's bring our offerings now the offering basket is going around the other side so please you can see put your offer [Music] immediately we are done now
Channel: Revivalhub International
Views: 993
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: PRGJ5wqe8y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 2sec (6302 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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