Eurostar Vacation Paris To London And Back To Paris On The Chunnel Train

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we are bringing you along on our round trip vacation from and to paris we're splitting up our time in paris into two chunks with a nice side trip over to the lovely city of london we will be using the eurostar to get to london and back to paris so guys grab a beverage of your choice and get ready to join us on this fun european adventure [Music] [Music] okay so we are headed uh through security here and then we are going to be into the london hall to wait for our train which is going to be in about an hour hour and a half or so we got here a little bit early today but we are here and we are ready to go all right so we are getting ready to stroll through security and passport control so once we are in london hall we are considered officially in the uk in london so we've cleared security and passport control so we are in london hall which is the waiting area for the eurostar so we're just going to hang out here for a little bit since we're a little bit early it looks like lots of other people are here early as well now they usually start to board the train about 20 to 30 minutes before its departure time once those doors open it is a mad dash down to the platform so you just follow the crowd and then once you get to the bottom of the ramp to the platform you will see the numbers make sure you know which direction you're going in because otherwise you could end up walking a long ways in the wrong direction from where your seat is so pay attention to those numbers once you get down here to the platform we have found our train car so we hop on here and the mad dash is mainly for this reason to nab a spot here on the luggage rack so you don't end up with all your bags in your lap or under your seat and we are riding in the economy seats today so we track down our assigned seats and then get ready for our ride but before we do that we of course are going to give you a quick little tour of our seats so these are nice comfortable seats you have a foot rest here at the bottom if you don't have bags right in front there is a nice big enough tray table you could put a computer on there if you need to this little spot above is just a little kind of pocket this one pulled this pocket pulls out and you can actually slide stuff in there and then you've got your arm rest as well here in this middle section as well as some fairly comfortable head rest we also want to make sure that we can get onto the wi-fi so we do that right from the start and it is a really nice service that they do offer to have wi-fi and surprisingly enough you can get on there pretty easily and you can connect to it and then you're ready to go and then you know us we definitely have to check out how fast is the speed of this wi-fi and as it turns out it's actually not too bad we check the download speed as well as the upload speed so actually for a train that's moving this fast across to two countries um it's actually not not bad at all your download speed and then of course checking that upload speed not that we're really going to be uploading anything but just in case you need to get some work done while you're on the train this is good to know so let's take a quick peek here at a little bit more of the train walking through those automatic doors we're going to walk through to the back and we're going to find that dining car because in the economy class you do not have meals included in your fare but they do have a nice snack bar area where they do have quite an extensive menu as you can see you can get soups and sandwiches you can have hot sandwiches they do have pastries and some sweet treats desserts really lots of choices as well as lots of choices of beverages as well from alcoholic beverages to sodas soft drinks different waters from seltzers and just still water so a lot of choices as well as juices and a few children's meals and snacks as well so we decided to split a sandwich because we will be getting something to eat when we get into london but we're just going to split this sandwich here this baguette ham and cheese sandwich and bring it back to our seat and enjoy it there since there is no seating in the cafe the snack car [Music] so while we're enjoying our sandwich we're going to give you a little bit of scenery here of what we saw along the way from leaving the station and i'm going along this route from paris over to london [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] all right i am inside the bathroom on the eurostar and we're actually in the tunnel right now so we are under the water going from paris to london and decided to check out what the bathroom looks like so it's got a nice handle you push the door to come open with a lock there underneath just flip that for privacy and there's quite a bit of space for the toilet a little bar you can hang on to there if you need to and then kind of an all-in-one sink area where you just put your hand under there and the water comes out automatically and you can uh do the same here with this you can push on that get a little wash going and then i think you're just going to put your hand under this see if i can get it to work yep it's going now it's not very loud but it's kind of a quiet air dryer there so nice little area in here pretty big bathroom not too bad all right guys so we are in the tunnel for about 30 minutes or so so it's not too bad time does seem to go a little bit faster than you expect it to when you're down there in the dark but it is nice once you get to see the actual light at the end of the tunnel come out and enjoy some of the great views along the countryside [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] okay we've arrived into london we're here at the blackfriars thameslink station and we're about to walk over to our hotel excited to check in and start exploring the city this is what happens when we get to our hotel room and you got an amazing view your photographer husband sets up camp and gets ready to take pictures right outside the window we decided to come check out the imperial war museum which is free uh it wasn't that long of a walk from a hotel so we gotta take it for five o'clock we're gonna see what time they let us in we're going to check it out right now [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] we're here just outside big ben and the palace of westminster and this is a prime location to take pictures and have your picture taken the scaffolding is starting to come down on these buildings it's going to make it better i've wanted to get a picture of this for a long time i'm going to have to wait a little bit longer because the scaffolding on big bend is not quite down but it is great you can see the top it is beautiful it's the first time i've ever seen it looking like that so pretty excited to be here right now [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] made it to the london eye and i don't think we're gonna get ally up in that but we do have also the place here where you catch the river cruises uh so that is cool we have done that before and it's pretty windy and cold today in here it is february so i don't know if we'll do that today but this is a great tourist area just to walk around and see the sights [Music] um [Music] [Music] we've been here for a few minutes taking some pictures allie wanted some pictures i started to smell something smells really good i think it's this westminster's burger place behind me so i noticed they have sausages i feel like i need to go try that out right now [Music] [Music] oh look at those those that was what was smelling good those look so good so got two sausages and a water we're gonna have some lunch here on the river [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] so we had another great trip to a lovely city and one that we really like london we are ready to take off and head right back to paris and spend a few more days here but first we're trying out a new class we are going in business premier class back to paris so we have access to the lounge and we get into the train and we've got some great seats here towards the back and they're right next to the luggage rack which is great because there's no one directly behind you it's just the bag sitting back there and you're by that exit door so quick seat tour here they're very similar to the economy seats you have the pocket here at the top you have a little spot where you can set your phone and there's also a mirror there the tray table is about the same size as the one in economy it's also a little pocket down here just like those seats as well as a foot rest where you could set your feet it's really helpful for people with short legs like me there's also some usb ports as well as actual electrical outlets you've got a light a cup holder's a little bit small for most cups but it is something that's nice to have each person does have their own arm rest in business premier class and before too long they bring us our warm washcloths which is one of my personal favorites wiped my hands down nice and clean and they are ready to bring us our food so i thought this was going to be all of the food so we thought okay this is great they bring you like a greek yogurt with some pear compote and some jam water juice and i got tea as well then they give us a croissant and a roll and i'm just gonna enjoy that right here for a little bit so so [Music] so and just as i'm finishing up i was wrong that was not all the food that we were getting they brought us more food gave us a choice between an english breakfast and a western breakfast or american breakfast so chose the english breakfast and that was actually quite good it was a grilled tomato with sausage and bacon and a little egg a souffle so quite a lot of food really wasn't even able to finish it all because it was it was a lot and it's really not that long of a train ride [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] and when you're watching the scenery out the window and your belly is full time goes by real quick before you know it we are arriving back into paris and we're excited to explore a little bit more of the city of lights together okay you probably recognize the structure behind me one of the most famous iconic things to see here in paris france that is the eiffel tower absolutely amazing it's such an enormous structure you just are not prepared for just how large it really is we walked down from our hotel it was about a mile uh to get down here we could have taken the metro but honestly it just feels like it was a lot more trouble than that was worth for just a mile so we walked down here nice uh jaunt down here there's not too many people around so we dug some pictures and uh we're gonna walk around and find some other viewpoints to take pictures from [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so we are on the trucadero and this is probably the most popular spot to take pictures from now there is a construction going on right now so as you can see down there there's a lot of stuff kind of barricaded off but even from here look at how enormous the tower looks the first time i ever came to paris this is the viewpoint where i saw it from and i just couldn't believe how enormous it was okay we are going to take a peek here at the louvre it is another iconic spot here in paris france and it houses one of the most famous paintings in the whole world whether you like paintings or not you would know this painting and that is the mona lisa it is inside and it is uh quite the spectacle when you get into the room with her because she is kind of a lot she's a lot smaller than you envision she's going to be and you walk into the room and you see the crowd of people and kind of make your way to the front there to see her she's behind some protective glass so that's a really incredible experience a lot of beautiful pieces inside here but we're gonna go in and take a look around [Music] hmm [Music] guys thanks for joining us hope you enjoyed this vacation with us don't forget to subscribe to the channel give us a like leave us a comment below what your favorite part of the video was and we will see you guys on our next vacation
Channel: Grounded Life Travel
Views: 15,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eurostar, eurostar paris to london, eurostar train, eurostar standard, eurostar standard class, eurostar underwater train, underwater train, eurostar london to paris, eurostar paris, eurostar trip, eurostar trip report, eurostar travel, gare du nord, london pancras, eurostar train travel, eurostar vlog, eurostar tips, paris to london train, train paris to london, European trains, eurostar from paris, eurostar vacation Paris to London, chunnel, eurostar vacation, uk trains
Id: 8U2Cf3Xbhdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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