Eurostar London to Paris (SO MUCH BETTER THAN FLYING!)

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to cj explores i'm charlotte behind the cameras cory and today we are going on a very exciting venture we are traveling on the eurostar from london to paris [Music] so the eurostar departs from saint pancraft station as near king's cross the underground station um and we are going in now we have to check in one and a half hours before our train departs uh we're gonna go find out where we're going from and what we need to do for security [Music] okay opens in ten minutes i guess we go down this way so inside same pancreas station there are a lot of shops so you can spend some time here if you want to do some shopping before your trip there are heaps of cafes heaps of restaurants and in fact we have just been doing some work in a pub there as a weather spoons here which is like the uk um very very discount priced uh pub for beers and pub food now we've been sitting there doing some work so yeah it's pretty busy as an international train station should be but um hopefully it'll go smoothly [Music] so we have just come to the international departures area we just saw our train time we followed the queue and so now we are queueing to go through like passport control security checks ticker control like all the usual things you do when you're catching a flight but not quite as long hopefully [Music] security [Music] okay and we're off we are through and i guess the only exciting thing about brexit is that we're getting stamps back in our passports from going to europe now we have one hour wait until our train leaves we've actually been allocated new seats but that's okay we're still together now we wait okay so we made it through password control with no issues we both got stamps in our passports and now we're just in this waiting area we have a cafe restaurant there's hot food grab-and-go food beers coffee kind of just you know train station goodies that's right here in the waiting area and then the platforms are upstairs um but here you have a lot of tables a lot of seating and there's plugs down here so if you need to get some work done before you train you can do that too [Music] time to board now we are going to platform nine they had to change it for some reason didn't they we've all seem to have got new seats for most people but i think they had to change trains or something technically difficult to use [Music] the numbers are on the door but i've gone the wrong way we're looking for a number four that goes to nine from so on your ticket you will have a carriage number and those numbers can be found on the doors of the train so if you're looking for what train cabin you're in it starts from the end of the big clock and runs towards the exit of the train [Music] don't worry if you get caught up in some of the queues like security and passport control because they won't leave that's what they said on the intercom they won't leave unless everyone's on the train so don't stress too much if you get stuck there [Music] i think so so i'll be tracking where we are on google maps and just after about half an hour is when we get to the coast and now we are going through the tunnel underneath the channel it's not actually very long actually through the tunnel because this was about half an hour and obviously we still have to go all the way down to paris but yeah it's just a bit of a performing site really but so far so good yeah very comfy nice and spacious cory's got a plug for his laptop yeah they have um they have english and european plugs so it's six people coming and going from whatever place they are [Music] my friends that literally took i think it's about five past five when we were going past like three euro tunnel so considering the time it took for us to get from folks down to dover and then under the channel and in pogba and france was less than 15 minutes voila here we are now we have another uh half an hour so to go until we get to paris 30 40 minutes bonjour [Music] oh it's a bit warm isn't it it's a bit warm well we're here we made it 36 degrees today 36 degrees that was says yeah it feels really warm definitely notice that yeah well that was it's just so easy like it's just so much more comfortable than a flight you have more room um it's just so cruisy like it's my favorite form of travel to get to europe from england it still blows me away that you go underneath the english channel like in a trained tunnel for 50 kilometers it's just like floating it blows my mind but yeah we're here now and we are going to find our way out of this place [Music] well i hope you enjoyed our little eurostar adventure if you have any questions just drop them in the comment section below and we will answer you otherwise subscribe unlike this video it really helps us and we'll see you in the next one where we're going to be adventuring around paris for two whole days [Music] you
Channel: CJ Explores
Views: 46,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eurostar, eurostar london to paris standard, london to paris, eurostar train, eurostar tunnel, eurostar vlog, eurostar vs plane, eurostar london to paris vlog, london to paris train, eurostar train review, eurostar train tour, eurostar tour, eurostar st pancras, eurostar travel, eurostar review, eurostar vacation, cj explores, train travel europe, train travel vlog, train travel, train travel video, eurostar london paris, travel london to paris, eurostar channel tunnel
Id: RbmsuNGlEgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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