Euro-Style PowerBait Tricks for Trout, part 1 (fishing for trout)

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good morning guys welcome to fisher tanker i'm chad lachance and i appreciate you joining us now you have caught me sitting on the side of bel air lake and that's almost irrelevant the only reason i bothered to tell you that is to set the stage of where we are this is a put and take trout lake it's a lake that's slammed full of stock or trout and it's a great place to come for just a quick and easy fishing trip and that's why we're here because today's whole episode is about fishing with power bait for trout now hardcore fish will thinker fans are going to say oh man what are we doing we don't bait fish we don't do that we throw lures that's what we do here fishful thinker well that's okay because the way we're going to work our power bait today i think is going to be surprising to you guys i learned it from some europeans that take power baiting to a whole nother level we are not going to sit here with bait on the bottom waiting for fish to come to us you'll see how it's going to go so stay tuned get comfortable i think it's going to be a unique show fish full thinker is brought to you by sportsman's warehouse gear up for unforgettable berkeley your fish our science abu garcia fish to win lowrance find navigate dominate the gentlemen that manages powerbait as far as the production and marketing of powerbait for all of berkeley reached out to me and said hey you live in colorado where there's lots and lots of trout how many of your people retrieve powerbait and i started asking around including on our facebook page and basically i found zero i didn't find anybody that casts and retrieves power bait everybody lets it float under a bobber they let it float up under the bottom sometimes they drift it in the current but nobody was molding it into shapes and retrieving it in a couple weeks worth of research i did so i got a hold of the european pros there's literally powerbait pros in europe that are devoted to this stuff and said how do i do it what what are the nuances what do i need to know how do i need to do this to catch some of these trout in our country and the first thing they said was you need to build action into the bait the beauty of power bait is that it is moldable because i can make a big ball this is what you guys are used to you guys are used to a big round ball like that okay and you put it on sometimes a small treble hook is very common the little snelled hooks you guys see very common as well with the line coming off them and the bait holder little barbs on the back but very common as well but this has basically minimal to no action at all if i retrieve it through the water just sort of wobbles around but if i make it long and skinny put a skinny tail on one end of it now i have a tadpole looking thing well now i have something that actually will have some action when i retrieve it in the water and if i want it to spin all i've got to do is offset it to one side and give it a healthy bend in it so that it's kind of an l shape now it will spin like mad when you retrieve it through the water column this thing will constantly spiral in the same way that an inline spinner will spiral when you retrieve it through the water column really really important because i'm generating action and also a certain amount of buoyancy with it by retrieving it it's got resistance in the water another shape that the european guys taught me about they'll give it a distinct twist a real gentle twist to it now it'll spin really fast under water and again i can generate bites with it the other thing that they do is generate some of the shapes that just wobble as you retrieve it through the water column all right so i'm going to get two little hunks of this power bait okay and it looks like pretty big pieces and actually that might be a little bit too much here i'll put some of that back and i'm gonna roll them up and get them in little ball okay so you guys are probably familiar with the little powerbait balls like that then i'm going to take my hook which is right here give myself a little bit more ride here and i'm going to take this single hook and i'm going to pinch these together one on either side of the hook and i'm going to just keep pinching on them until they get a good bind on each other and the hook itself and i'm covering the whole shank of the hook and in so doing it gives this power bait something to hold on to for one and i'll just keep working it until i get it to where it's really bound good i'm not doing any of the crazy twist moves or anything just yet i'm just getting the bait on here where it's really bound on all the way up to the eye of the hook and i'll help hold the bait on the on the hook when i do that and you know a lot of guys use treble hooks but i'm not a big fan of trebles for for this type of a situation because i don't want the excess hooking i don't need the excess hooking i'm retrieving the bait and the europeans taught me that i don't need to have uh is nearly that much hook those many hook points on it so then i'll get it now that i've got it bound on the hook now you can see the entire hook is covered in power bait there's two different colors now i keep flattening it keep flattening it keep flattening it and by flattening it out i'm gonna make it create its own motion in the water kind of like a spoon so i'm to flatten it all the way out on here you'll see what i mean in a minute get it all molded out give it a little twist now i have this and basically when i retrieve it it's going to spin in the water column like this and that will draw fish or at least that's the theory so set this over here we're gonna take this and gently throw it out here and let it sink just a tiny bit and then i'll just start retrieving it and we'll see what happens as it comes through the water you can see it wobbling back and forth and as you fine-tune your shapes you can make it do different things now i might need a little bit of weight on here because that's a big piece of power bait and so i might need to go ahead and put a little bit of weight on there because powerbait does float but you can see the action it's getting coming through the water depending on how i retrieve it and so now i've got a oop i got a refusal but i can kill it because it's power bait and he'll probably come and eat it anyway and that's too big of a piece so what that fish just told me is my bait is too big and you can see he got a hold of it so that's no problem what i'm gonna do is i'm going to flatten it out make it longer and skinnier and i bet you we can get them to bite it just by modifying the size of my bait i'm going to give this one a twist for the colors now my little spoon is back in action try again trout love the action and because of that it's well known they love the smell and the flavor but it's that retrieve speed and action that really gets a lot of fish to bite and the thing about trout is they live in clear water environments just like here at bel air today they get a good chance to look at stuff the trout are going to come up and look at the bait when it's static and not bite it but when i retrieve it they will grab it on a much higher uh percentage basis and you can see that thing wobbling back and forth back there so it's kind of got action like a spoon and the swivel will keep it here comes here comes one little closer see if he grabs it uh he looked at it so i might have to make a different shape out of it but that's the beauty of this is that i can make another shape out of it and i can go slow or fast just like you would and just like that so the the difference between the european techniques and americans is you know we think of it we think of doe baits power bait doe baits as a static retrieve or a static presentation you know where you just throw it out and you sit it there and you wait for a fish to come to you but by doing this way two things happen maybe i should burn these guys out a little bit more before i bring them in on this super light rod but two things happen first of all by me retrieving the bait as you can see it's hooked in the corner of the mouth and just like that that fish is out of there so i've got a single hook i've just got a single hook i've got no weight at all and then i've got a swivel right here and i'm putting just enough dough bait on here to give me the weight i need to cast it we can see the fissure right at the surface so i'm just retrieving the bait through the water column and by retrieving it they'll swim up and they'll bite it but you're not gonna deep hook fish at all and so i'm not keeping fish today if we do deep hook when i'll keep them but that's not my intention so by retrieving the bait two things happen i'm covering a lot more water for one two i don't have any chance really much of a chance of fish gut hooking and then three i can change my shape my size uh my speed all of those things to help me get more bites just as i would with any other lure so it's kind of a hybrid between bait fishing and lure fishing [Music] fishful thinker is brought to you by sportsman's warehouse gear up for unforgettable lowrance find navigate dominate the other thing that's important about powerbait is it comes in so many colors and so many glitter and and even metallic colors silver and gold and right here in the in the throws of the coronavirus i've had actually a hard time sourcing some of that stuff right this minute but as that gets better and better over time you'll find out that the shiny power bait is really popular for that for that method as well and it's the same thing it's a combination of a spoon turned into power bait it's just i've always said if you're fishing with a spoon you got to be real good with your hook sets because the fish won't hold the bait at all well now you've got the opposite now i've got the effect of a spoon a bait that's wobbling along through the water column like a spoon but if he gets near it and tastes it he's going to eat it and most of these trout if you see them they'll just happily eat this stuff just about so it's a very good way to basically bridge the gap between bait fishing and artificial lure fishing so there's my shape and if cameron looks at that i'll hold it real still as far as i can tell i'm not a european but as far as i'm can tell that's pretty close to what they call the ducky and so if you watch i'll just pitch it over here camera will watch it come through the water column right here if i retrieve it let it go down a little bit where i can retrieve it and then if you watch it as it comes along here it spins all the way through there so now i have effectively an inline spinner made out of power bait no trout is gonna swallow that because it's coming through the water column i'm gonna know when he bites it and when he does i got him and so it's a it's a basically a really really good way to mix lure fishing and bait fishing which is why we wanted to share this with you because i did have the opportunity to deal with the europeans and they sell a lot of power bait oh there's one and got that sucker yeah they sell a lot of power bait in europe and this is how they fish it they don't put it under a bobber and just sit there and wait for a fish or sit on the bottom and i haven't even seen this fish yet here he comes but i'd be willing to bet when he get him over here that hook is in the tip of his snout or the corner of his mouth one or the other and i am correct it is right in the corner easy fish easy fish easy fish easy hold still i know i know i know i know i know you don't you're not into this i get it okay there's the hook guys right in the corner just like that hook's already out fish is no worse for the wear perfect little stalker trout see you buddy i think that's pretty good illustration of the point right there so by bending the various shapes uh and they have names some some of them spin some of them just wobble depending on how they're bent but by by doing that you can literally mix up no different than a guy mixing up his lures on top of it with the power bait i can blend colors together make a custom color pattern something like that as well but really the sky is limitless it's up to you as far as how big how small what shape long skinny short fat whatever it's all up to you one of the best benefits i see to this whole thing is the fact that fish are not deep hooked and that's the one knock anglers have had for years on power bait or worms or any other real bait that people are using if you leave it static and you've got a heavy sinker to hold it there on the bottom where you want the you don't even know a fish got it until he's straight up yanking on it and by then he swallowed your bait and then we found this thing laid on the side of the lake it's a deep it's for unhooking deep hooked fish completely irrelevant we can throw that in the trash because we don't need that if we're going to retrieve our power bait all i needed today to unhook anything was a pair of forceps and i actually never even used those the whole day went by without me even having to use these because every fish we caught was hooked somewhere around the outside of the mouth right in the corners of the mouth around the jaw or the top of the mouth so important because trout are fragile fish in the first place the last thing i want to do is deep hook them if i'm not going to eat them yeah there we go [Laughter] just wind it up behind him guys and so that fish followed it followed it followed it and as i was watching him following it as soon as he got up right up behind it i just killed it and let it start sinking straight down and as soon as it started doing that um then you end up with an immediate bite and a fully committed bite at that okay come here fish and if you look even with this little fish easy don't skip me with the hooks even with this little fish if i just watch do it again the hook is going to come right out we aren't worried about deep hooking fish if i can get a hold of it it'll come right out it's right there in the corner of his mouth but we don't have to worry about deep hooking any of these fish come out of there there we go it'll be no worse for the wear and my rig guys is very complicated i want to point out right now i have a split shot i have a swivel and i have a single hook and i'm throwing it on ultralight rod and it's so so so simple that it's very very easy way to catch a lot of fish in there and lies the beauty of it so let's see if we can catch another one we've already been catching them pretty good and the lake we're at got a lot of fish in it and the reason we came here is because this is the type of place where you where we see a lot of guys throw power bait but they're not they're static fishing they're throwing it out and letting it sit and you can catch a lot of fish doing that don't get me wrong i'm not knocking that in any way shape or form but by turning your power bait effectively into a lure it gives me a chance to have the best of both worlds so i have a little scrap piece right here and i'm going to go ahead and pack it down good and tight and i'll get it how i how i want it as far as my basic shape i've got two colors right here then i'll take my little tiny hook which is right here and i'm going to press it on to here we'll cover the whole hook shank with it and we figured out already today that they're size sensitive so we we're going to be a little bit careful about the size of the baits we make if we start getting fish that are really short striking a lot or anything like that then i will go from there but at this point it seems to me that they want the bait going relatively quickly and then stalled when they get up behind it so that's what we're gonna do okay so now i got my little ball i like how it looks rinse my fingers off and we'll see if we can catch another one real quick here we go start out here let it sink for just a second or two and then retrieve it and i'm just barely holding onto the rod and i just wait for the fish to come tight on it i'm not i'm not uh i'm not gonna do any big hook sets of any kind today you're gonna notice that uh i'm just gonna retrieve the bait and it seems like almost every time i get the bait brought into where i can see it right in front of me is there'll be somebody following it and then i can just stall it and let them go now i didn't get a follower that time but most of these we have been getting followers [Music] you
Channel: Fishful Thinker
Views: 80,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, powerbait trout fishing, chad lachance, fishful thinker, trout fishing with powerbait, powerbait fishing, how to catch trout with powerbait, how to use powerbait, powerbait setup for trout, best powerbait setup, fishing for trout, powerbait rig, best powerbait, berkley powerbait trout, fishing with powerbait, powerbait trout, powerbait rainbow trout fishing, fishing for rainbow trout with powerbait, best powerbait rig, trout fishing tips and tricks
Id: 7t-6VHOxBMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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