EURO 2024 King of the Hill

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Every four years the best team  in Europe is decided by the EUROs but today it'll be decided  by a game of King of the Hill as Italy are the defending Champions their land is now the Hill and each round this wheel will pick a country  that will fight their way towards Italy so let's say the wheel lands on Germany as Germany and Italy don't share a border Germany  would have to travel through Austria first but Austria aren't happy being invaded and they will defend their  land in a football match as neither team is King this match will be first goal wins so if Germany score first they take over  Austria and can attack Italy on their next turn but if Austria score first they take over Germany the last country holding  Italy's land is the new Champion up first will be... Netherlands and for the Netherlands to get to Italy  they first will have to get through Germany who aren't happy with them invading their land now this is already a matchup worthy  of a final and it's crazy to think   that the first shot on target can decide  which team moves on who will Score first Germany with a chance here it's Muller to Wirtz Can he end it? and he ends it just like that in the 9th minute it really was the first shot on target Germany is moving on and Netherlands  have been wiped off the map just like that who is up next wheel the Czech Republic and if the  Czech Republic want to get to Italy they'll have   to go through Austria who will now defend their  land cheff Republic does look better on paper   but I'm hoping this Austrian side surprises us it  only takes one shot C Republic with a chance here   is VK to hosek will he find an option in the Box  he takes it himself Provo and it's all over as the   Czech Republic now border Italy the next time the  wheel lands on them they will be able to take on   the king next up will be Serbia Serbia have a long  journey to Italy and their first stop is their   rival Croatia this one's going to be interesting  Serbia can't get this ball out of their half we're   in the 30th minute the longest match yet what  an attack what a go by vmir what have I just   seen Croatia defeat Serbia with an absolutely  magnificent goal a bicycle kick I can't believe   he hit that which country will we see in round  four Scotland I never know if I do a good accent   is that is that a good Scotland I don't think so I  think it's really bad actually and they two have a   very long journey to get to Italy with their first  stop being England good luck the last time these   two countries met in the Euros England won 2-0 but  here only one goal will decide it will England be   able to defend their land they have a good start  here it's Bellingham can this be the quickest goal   yet it is under 3 minutes for England to defeat  Scotland what a start for this English side and   of course Bellingham has to hit his celebration  it's pretty cool it is we're in round five and the   King has yet to defend their Hill who is up next  it's Belgium the fastest way for Belgium to get   to Italy is through France another matchup worthy  of a final but even with so many good players on   this Belgian side France is the favorite to win  this entire competition their team is stacked   it's mbapp beats one can he beat another what was  he doing there I guess it all is part of the plan   but what a save or did he just hit that over the  net what a horrible shot that should have been the   gamewinner right there Griezmann waiting for it  at the top of the box is gerud to Griezmann will   he take it from distance he doesn't it's rabio  and this time he puts it away it's one nil France   Belgium have been eliminated yeah I just realized  ravio is left footed no wonder he missed that   earlier chance which country will we see next  it's going to be Switzerland which means Italy   will finally have to defend their land as king but  as this is a match against the King of the Hill it   will not be first goal wins but a regular football  match Italy already with a good chance here it's   kasasa to raspadori and it's 1 nil Switzerland  are lucky this isn't first goal wins how will   Switzerland respond to that with a Chance already  Gran Shaka and bolo off the crossbar what a chance   that was for Switzerland will they get a better  one Switzerland with a chance here they let him   walk in and it goes through Donar ruma's legs poor  goalkeeping gives Switzerland some life here it's   Bella with loads of room to barardi to raspadori  and he makes it 2-1 how are they letting him just   walk in like that can they equalize once again  lomba with options in the middle it's ambolo and   it's 22 what is donaruma doing Italy's Crown is  in trouble a chance for Switzerland here in the   last few minutes can they win it and they do so  an unlikely hero Italy have fallen they couldn't   even defend their land for one match Switzerland  are the new King of the Hill what a first touch   magnificent who is up next wheel Romania Romania  has two options to get to the hill they can either   go through Croatia or they can go through Hungary  and after what Croatia did to Serbia I think that   Romania rather go through Hungary Romania with a  chance here to win it a free kick right outside   the h box and they make it count in the 30th  minute to win it and it's off the crossbar   Romania on the Counterattack here in the 80th  minute options in the middle lets him walk in and   it's all over Romania have done it in 79 minutes  Hungary defended well but one error causes them   to lose the match still so many nations we haven't  seen play and it's Poland up next but before they   take on the king they'll have to get through the  Czech Republic the Czech Republic already with   some experience in this competition but Poland  does have fresh legs how will this one go now   it's levandowski the captain look at the burst  of pace back to SL takes it himself gives it to   levandowski tki takes the shot but it's a great  save Poland with another corner here 36th minute   the fans doing the wave but they may have to wave  goodbye to their country if Poland score this corner still a chance here takes the shot great  save the deflection levandowski to end it and he   does Poland move on finally they win a game in  one of these competitions who do we got up next   Denmark for them to get to the hill they'll have  to go through the mighty Germany but they might   surprise us they've done it in the past then  again this German side defeated Netherlands in   like the first 5 minutes and they look to do  it here again it's San out wide to kimich to   San look at the start they have it's ver to end  it already it's blocked Denmark have survived   45 minutes again against the Germans will they  be able to get one in the second oand to end it   Germany have been eliminated right at the start of  the second half damgard puts it away past Turan a   defensive mistake and Germany are wiped off the  map half the team still on the wheel haven't   played a match yet will we get a new one this  time we won't we're going to do Croatia but for   Croatia to get onto the Kings land they'll have  to go through Slovenia who is making their debut   in this tournament tough opponent for their first  match I don't know how long they're going to last   Slovenia with a Chance already what a start this  would be and now there's been a free kick Slovenia   with a chance to end it inside the first 5 minutes  Campbell to end it and he hits the wall what was   that now it's Croatia on the attack and they have  a free kick how many free kicks are there going to   be in this match let's see what MRI does swings  it in and it's in the camera didn't move in time   but it's budimir getting his second goal of the  tournament to eliminate Slovenia first he got that   bicycle kick in the match against Serbia and now  he ends it against Slovenia what a tournament this   gentleman is having who is up next wheel Spain  will they end up like Belgium or will they take   over France ravio what's the hero against Belgium  who will be the hero for France this time if there   even is one now France on the Counterattack after  giveway by Spain it's Theo Hernandez the left back   walks in takes the shot but it's blocked mbapp  still with it what was he do and someone changes   battery now this is a chance it's Rio all alone  with the keeper on his left foot and he puts it   away his second goal of the tournament another  elimination for Adrian ravio br's take over Spain   and mbappe's Euro 2024 dream continues can we get  a new country this time it's going to be turkey   turkey has a long journey to get to the king's  Hill first they'll need to cross the ocean into   Albania good chance for Albania here they let him  walk in brya still with it drops it off to asani   from distance it's blocked but it might have hit  a hand it is a free kick right outside the box for   Albania this is their chance to upset this Turkish  side now I don't think this free kick should have   even been called I went into the replays and this  ball doesn't even hit the opponent's hand why do   they have a free kick can they take advantage of  this error by the referees if they win it I'm not   even [Music] celebrating and that might be the  most beautiful free kick I've ever seen is this   allowed should we replay this match I don't  think it's fair for turkey to be eliminated   in such a fashion and if Albania are the better  team they'll be able to beat him twice imagine   they get another free kick off a fake hand ball  and they win it again if that happens I'm just   going to let him win turkey with a chance here  great cross and it goes in Turkey have defeated   Albania in the rematch they will be moving on  France Denmark Poland and Croatia all border the   king will they play in this next round France  is taking on the king as you can hear by the   trumpets the king's land has been invaded will  Switzerland be able to defend their land from   their first attacker or will France be the new  king what a giveaway by the Swiss defense mppe   to jerud and it's 1 n the contenders lead the king  is looking shaky a poor tackle right outside the   box gives France another chance for a goal here  and it's a straight red card for Zacharia one   of the dumbest tackles I think I've seen in my  entire life mbappe to put this match away fakes   it to Griezmann lays it off walks in and it's a  really bad shot 90th minute can they put another   one in it's keman it doesn't go in but it doesn't  matter France are the new king of the hill and   Switzerland are a Ras from the map France is the  new king 10 Nations remain on the wheel who is up   next Slovakia but before they get to attack the  king they'll have to defeat Poland Poland put on   a dominating performance in their first match can  they do it again here against Slovakia it's been   all Slovakia so far PO with their first chance  and levandowski do something can he Inspire this   polish Nation leash back to levandowski takes it  down the wing and then he tries to get a red card   what are you doing Robert wait what a giveaway  Ted it and leowski does it it was all part of   his plan Poland Defender land and they remain  in this competition never doubt the Polish goat   next up will be Georgia and I think they have  the longest journey to get into the king's land   they'll have to beat turkey first some may say  turkey's first win was controversial here they   have a chance to prove themselves against the  Georgian side and already there's a free kick   it's not too far from goal can they convert this  takes the shot and it goes in what a strike by   chal hanoglu Georgia already eliminated in their  first match will we see the king defend their land   yes we will it's Denmark up next play the trumpets  it's hard to believe that mbappe has yet to score   in this competition will we see one tonight  this is their chance Griezmann is screaming   for it keman doesn't play it now he does Griezmann  toju to keman to jerud I mean that's Griezmann   takes the shot is that a foul it's a penalty  FR with a chance to take a lead here in the   20th minute and who else but mbappe steps up  to take it can he get his first goal of the tournament oh what a penalty cheeky cheeky boy  it is the 208th minute and France lead 1- nil   now free kick for France at the start of the  second half half can they make this count and   they do it's rapio once again his third goal of  the tournament brand in the driver's seat now   their Crown is not going to fall BRS have held on  for their 2-n win what a performance by the kings   and they'd get a much needed rest cuz Romania  was up next but instead of traveling through   Croatia to get to the king's land they decided  to try their luck in Poland and it was the best   decision that they made because only 11 minutes in  a shot at the near post beat Sten meaning Poland   was eliminated and Romania we're moving on to the  next round which country will we see next England   they will be taking on the king lots of pressure  on both of these nations countries that I believe   can win Euro 2024 in real life which one will win  today England finally with a Chance of their own   it's Dean rice the Harry Kane T Saka to take the  lead England have the lead against the king what   a confidence booster that is for the English  side how will France respond the English are   running circles around the French can they get  one more before the 45th minute Saka to Kane   to double their lead and they have what a story  this is Harry Kane doubles England's lead what   is that celebration though I will be shocked if  they could somehow come back rabio it's blocked   and it's demell with the rebound it's 2-1 it's not  over just yet the substitute making the difference   England just seconds away from being the new king  to seal the deal it's Harry Kane England are the   new king France have fallen which team will we  see next Ukraine and the only way to get to the   Kings land is to go through Romania Romania to  end this one quickly to alib bets still with it   takes the shot off the goal line he puts it away  what a goal by the Romanian I think the Ukrainian   keeper will have nightmares about that goal for  a long long time and just like that five teams   remain in Europe Portugal Romania Croatia turkey  and the King England we have yet to see Ronaldo   in this competition and we still won't as turkey  are up next and they're going to play Croatia in   a first goal wins match turkey putting Croatia  under some pressure looking to surprise him   and it's a great save off the line how has that  not gone in how important will that save be for Croatia never mind Croatia is out turkey move on  a great save in one moment and then he lets that   in who would have thought these three nations  would be left on the wheel but finally we get   to see Ronaldo's debut a debut against the king as  well now this is England's third match and they're   first defending the land they should be a little  more tired than Portugal Ronaldo looking to make   something special happen and that's what he does  Portugal with a Chance already is xia Canelo the   Barcelona boy he walks in from distance it hit  M oh it's a penalty it hit Maguire's hand did it   actually hit his hand though oh yeah that is  a penalty Portugal with their chance to take   the lead against the Kings here and who else  but Cristiano Ral allo steps up I swear if he   doesn't score this oh oh he didn't what was that  and Portugal make this corner kick count Ronaldo   to otavio to Paulino from distance and it's a save  by pord is this England's chance to take the lead   Gish and he runs out of room options in the middle  Doo what the heck are you doing to Wi it f nanch   and it's blocked this one needs extra time T Saka  is this their chance to score and win it what was   that cross that may have been one of the worst  crosses I've ever seen England get what they   wanted the penalty shootout is here 120 Minutes  without a goal I almost fell asleep will we see   some action here in the penalty shootout Pigford  can end it now with a save oh he was so close Bing   can't miss puts it away the confidence all the  pressure on Portugal they must score xia consel   Pigford has guessed the right way three times in  a row to end it but he hasn't been able to reach   it will this be the one he saves dooo looking  a little shaky puts it away Stones steps up and   it's a save by Dio Costa all the pressure now  on Pigford he must save this and Portugal are   the new king England have been eliminated Ronaldo  a chance at another Euro trophy now which country   will take on Portugal first Romania they've had  a fairy tale run up to this moment will they be   able to take down Portugal I doubt it a chance for  Romania here to take the lead oh it's off the post   Romania it's 1 n the Portuguese cannot believe  it and neither can I what an upset this would   be for the Portuguese if they lose to Romania  Portugal looking to equalize Ronaldo and it's   all level he missed it against England but this  time he doesn't miss now a chance for Romania in   extra time I think they want a penalty shoot but  maybe they just want to win it now it's minin it's   21 Romania Portugal on the brink of elimination to  Romania how is this a thing this may be Portugal's   final chance Guerrero who was face the dribble  to Ronaldo to equalize in the 120th minute and   he does this one's going to a penalty shootout  do not count Portugal out just yet now we're in   round four jot no one has missed just yet and  it was close Romania can't afford a miss here   and he saves it Portugal remain King of the Hill  and will play turkey in the final match we've   had so many kings sit in the throne but only one  can be the true champion will Portugal be able to   defend their land or will turkey who were given a  second chance against Albania be able to take the   throne from Ronaldo what a journey this has been  regardless and it's already a foul Portugal play   the free kick sh he's got loads of room to dribble  what will he do here that was the worst shot I   think I've ever seen lots of room for turkey to  dribble here will they be able to copy Romania   and take an early lead chogo with space and it's 1  nil in the e8th minute exactly how it went against   Romania maybe this is Portugal's game plan but  it's a weird one I'll say that now Portugal with   some room to dribble it's Ronaldo will he take it  from distance they're giving him a room deflected   but it's Bernardo Silva and it's one1 and it's  all level once again when Portugal won the Euros   they did it in extra time they have a chance here  against turkey I don't know how there hasn't been   another goal so far Ronaldo has been substituted  off I don't know why maybe he got injured just   like he did in the actual Euros but now turkey  have a chance oh no this does not look good it's   cooku from distance but it's an easy save for  Costa a chance now to get the winner Guerrero but   it's saved Ronaldo with a scored that approaching  the final 5 minutes of this finals matchup which   of these two teams will be the final King can  they do it now a chance 117th minute zot tries   to beat the defender he can't but they give it  away zot to end it and he does what a strike   from Dio jot Portugal in the driver's SE now with  just minutes left will they be able to hold on and   be Crown the true Kings of Europe turkey every  run out a time Portugal are the true Kings of   Europe and if you enjoyed this video make sure to  subscribe and if you want to watch another video   I think you're going to love this one right here  make sure to click it I'll see you guys soon peace
Channel: Pazjor
Views: 565,806
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Keywords: fc24 king of the hill, king of hill, euro 2024 fc24, king of the hill euro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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