EUP 9.3 and Backup Install Easy [Emergency Uniform Pack] - GTA 5 LSPDFR

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hey welcome back to the channel guys we're gonna be doing a simple fast install of the emergency uniform pack 9.3 but most importantly a lot of people keep asking me the question how do you get back up to respond with the proper uniforms we're going to cover that in today's tutorial we're going to go through this pretty quickly so let's go ahead and get into it okay let's hop on over to the internet real fast there's a couple things I want to show you uh we're going to be downloading the Eep menu so we're gonna go and download that and get it onto our desktop uh we're gonna go to the emergency uniform pack serve and rescue 1.5 so we're gonna download this now there's one thing I want to tell you about is they do have an LML package installer I would not get this one get this one right here at the very bottom it's going to be an oiv file it is going to be a single file so when you download this is this going to be one file there's no zip file with this one so we're gonna go ahead and download that and then we're gonna go ahead and go to the next one which is the emergency uniform pack Law and Order 9.3.1 so we're gonna go ahead and download this it's exactly the same way as serve and rescue May make sure that you get the oiv now the file is misnamed I want to kind of point that out it says 8.3 just realize that this is a mistype by Alex asphalt it is supposed to be 9.3 right there it is a 9.3 I can't confirm that so we're going to download that one as well now next we're going to download the Eep backup configuration files for 9.3 this is by Joe Wilson you did a great job and we're going to go ahead and download this one right here and get that onto our desktop as well last but not least we're gonna download the latest rage native UI now as of making this video this is the latest One released in December but just realized this will get updated and the links will all be provided down in the description so they will all be up to date you don't have to worry about making sure that you have the correct links so we're going to download this ZIP file right here okay we have all files on the desktop right now we're going to pull up our main game directory so we have the Eep menu we're gonna go ahead and install that one first so when you open this it's a zip file and then you're going to see some files right here you're going to see a plugins folder and you're going to see a rage 9 UI that is out of date so this rates native UI I'm not sure why the monitor made such a great plug-in and then just refuses to update his rage native UI but to each their own make sure you do not install this one it will crash your game so I'm telling you that right now it will crash your game so don't install this but take the plugins folder it's going to get merged in with this one over here due to Windows merging system so we're going to take the plugins folder you're going to drag it down here into your main game directory don't drag any folder just go ahead and just let it fall and we're going to go ahead and let it merge and if it didn't uh and you'll see it right here it's merged into the plugins folder so the EP menu is done as far as that goes however we do need to install the latest rage native UI so when you open up the rage native UI you're going to see two files right here so this is always going to be the latest one the link is going to be provided and even if you think you have it go ahead and make sure that you replace it anyway just in case you haven't outdated one so go ahead and drag these two files it's the dll and the registrative UI XML ml we're going to drag it right into your main game directory down here and then since already have it it doesn't really matter but I'm going to go ahead and replace it anyway and then that part is done okay once you've installed the eepm menu we're going to do next is make sure that inside your main game directory that you have a mods folder so I already have a copy of one right there but I'm going to make a new one and just in case you're kind of new to this so we're going to go to new make a new folder and we're going to call it mods mods just like this what you want to do next is pull up open IV so if you're not very familiar with open IV look to the top right of your screen there's a small video to kind of gets you more familiar with openiv so once you get it open just do a real quick check up here at the very top of the menu where it says tools I go to ASI manager and just make sure these are all in green so if yours is in blue for example that means you need to make sure that your ASI managers are installed so just make sure these are all in green and then you can kind of close that out you don't have to do that every time just make sure you do that if you just installed open IV so this is a very important note if you don't install them in the correct order it may not show in game so my advice is to grab the eup Law and Order you know like I said before it's a little typo from the the actual author of The Mod it says 8.3 but just be reassured that this is actually 9.3 of the emergency uniform pack so make sure you grab the Law and Order first that's imperative otherwise the sermon rescue will not work uh will not show in game for some reason so make sure you grab the Law and Order first and you what you want to do is make sure edit mode is on and then grab this entire oiv file that is on your desktop and it may look like a blank document like it is right now and that's perfectly fine you can see right there it says oiv you're going to drag this right inside open IV with edit mode on and it will get installed in the correct order and the correct pathway so you just click on install and you just click on mods folder then you just click on install takes a couple of seconds and then that way you'll install Law and Order now once again this is not 8.3 this is 9.3 and then once I get successfully installed go ahead and close it out so if you try to check the lawn I'm sorry the serve and rescue 1.5 and you try to drag it over immediately you might get a red circle with a line through it it happens to be all the time to figure out why it's doing that with edit mode is on what you want to do next is just click anywhere inside open IV I usually just click right here at the top once see right here just click one time and you'll probably notice that this will turn blue and that way you're inside it technically it's a Windows issue I'm not sure why it does that it happens with Windows 10 as well and I'm on windows 11. so now you want to take the file that is selected right here that is the Serv and rescue a 1.5 Edition and then drag it right into open IV and it's going to be the same process as the Law and Order and then also just note that this is actually supposed to be 1.5 that's actually mentioned right here is to say typo that the modder did and you're just going to click on install make sure it goes to the mods folder and you're going to click on install and then you're going to close it out okay let's go ahead and open up this file right here it's called emergency uniform pack configuration 9.3 now it is a RAR file so you will need to have WinRAR or 7-Zip installed under your PC now those are free on the internet just type into WinRAR for free or 7-Zip free download and you'll be able to open this file right here your computer naturally if you don't have that installed it will not be able to open this file so just kind of be aware of that you'll need to download that so when we open this file up right here this RAR file you'll see EP backup configuration so it's 9.3 we're going to click on modification files and you're going to see eup Law and Order 9.3 and serve and rescue 1.5 so we have the original version which we're going to probably install today however they have these other ones if you want to experiment maybe later on if you are not comfortable with those or if you just really want to make sure that they respond when in a certain way like BS bcso vintage version I probably wouldn't install that to be honest but this one here is your backup would show up with basically a green taser instead of a different color taser and I think for the majority of you I think we're probably gonna end up picking the original version anyway and when you open this file you're going to see a standard you're going to see one with no hats one with body cameras plus no hats and one with body cameras so if you are comfortable with this you can come back and experiment later on and just replace the files with what I'm about to show you with the ones that are in these folders they're the same same file types but they're just modified differently so for now we're going to leave off body cameras for now but if you want to come back you can always do that we're going to go to standard first and we're going to open this one and you'll see that you're going to have three other versions so they have one for snow one for rain and one for normal now it kind of goes about saying if you want your backup to show up with more you know snow gear heavier jackets then you would want to use the snow one if you are planning on doing maybe a rain Patrol then you could always uh you'll select that one and your backup should show up with rain gear you know hopefully that makes sense if you're not sure what you want to do you just want to install something normal uh you know especially if you just don't want to hassle with this then I would install the normal version so for now we're going to go ahead and go to the normal you'll notice that it's going to pull up a Grand Theft Auto 5 folder because the author of The Mod is going to navigate you to the proper pathway so we're going to go to Grand Theft Auto 5 and we're going to see uh you'll see two holders right here you're gonna see a plugins folder and an lspdfr folder so if you look in your main game directory right here you'll see that you have a plugins folder and you'll have a LSPD fire folder in lower caps so let's go ahead and do the lspdfire folder first when you open this you're going to see a data so we're going to go over here to the left we're going to click on lspdfr and you're going to see a data folder right there you probably want to have a copy that's something I did earlier we're going to click on data and we're going to click on date over here to the right so you're going to see a custom you're going to see stations regions outfits and the list goes on so if you look close you already have these in here so you're going to take the entire contents that you have right here in the RAR file and remember this is the data folder we're going to drag it and replace whatever's over here but first before you do that you may want to consider doing what I did is make a copy of your data folder just in case something goes wrong in case you're not happy and you want to go back to the previous version so we're going to leave it like this but we're going to go back to the data and once again drag all these files and just drag over here and it's going to ask to replace we're going to say yes and now we're going to back this up right here you can see a little arrow key to the right we're going to back it up again and then we're going to get to the plugins folder okay let's install this plugins folder now it's important to note that you will need to have Ultimate Backup installed in into your game if you're not familiar with Ultimate Backup you're probably going to have to just go and download that and by the way I have a website down in my description feel free to visit the website just type in Ultimate Backup you'll find it's pretty easy to install how you just drag and drop files into here and then once again you'll probably need to replace that rage native UI but I digress that's another video probably whenever I need to do an updated tutorial on how to install Ultimate Backup but I'm sure you guys if you're watching this video you probably already have Ultimate Backup installed but speaking of Ultimate Backup guys it's pretty important if you go to your plugins folder you're going to see your AP menu right there you're going to make sure you want to make a copy of that just in case you're not happy with the preset outfits that comes with this uh you know the ultimate backup configuration so you could just make a copy of that folder and then also if you go into lspdfr uh by the way I took out all my mods just so you can watch the tutorial easier you're going to want to play make a copy of this folder right here Ultimate Backup just in case you're not happy with the uniforms you know if you've already modified your uniforms and your jurisdictions and all these other things and you already kind of know what you're doing don't mess your files up by replacing these things just to see what they look like so I would make a copy of that and just have it down here the game cannot see a copy anyway so I just wanted to point that out just in case you know you're not happy with any of this stuff and you have a backup version of that so let's go ahead and go into the plugins folder once again in case you're new to all this we're going to drag the plugins folder right down here and I'm okay with this replacing these files because this is just a tutorial so I already have my other files on backup so we're going to go ahead and just replace so let's go ahead and dive into the plugins folder I'm going to show you where everything landed so let's go to the plugins folder you're going to see your AP menu and you're going to see a preset outfit that just got replaced by the Ultimate Backup configuration file and then also if you go into your LSPD file folder it's an upper caps it's going to be right here if you click on this you're going to see your ultimate backup folder you're going to see your dll and i9i so if you dive into the ultimate backup folder this is where those files ended up right here so that's why I was saying it's imperative that you probably make a copy of that folder just in case you've already modified a few things because I'd hate to really messing things up for you by just doing a tutorial like this and then you come back and post in the comments that have screwed your game up you know so just make sure you back a backup copy of that and then you should be all set at that point because those files just got replaced and then you're also going to have the EP menu and so let's go ahead and talk about that right now and we're going to reduce this and I'm going to show you what to do with the EPM menu now since eup menu is a standalone plug-in you can tell the rage hook how to load it properly you know you can either have raid chick load it or you can load it yourself in game so I'm gonna go ahead and fire up my ratio I'm going to hold down my shift key and I'm just going to keep holding it down if you get a little message like this which is kind of a good thing it's something kind of new they're doing in the last year with rage plugin hook it's asking if you want rage plug and hook to unblock these files and you'll notice right here it says plugins AEP menu and then also the rage native UI so always click on yes to unblock those files so when you get to the range menu obviously make sure this is 60 000 right here by the way in case you're new to all this it allows your system to load more efficiently if you go to plugins right here inside your rage menu you're going to see EP menu is not checked off whenever you you load into the game EP menu will already be ready for you but if you want to uncheck everything and just say you know don't load anything on Startup I'm going to load it myself when you're in the game and I'll show you how to do that it's pretty easy or you could say load all plugins to start up if you've got a bunch of plugins you could do that if you feel comfortable but just realize it's a lot it's pretty taxing on rage hook to load all of your plugins so you can probably take my advice and only either check the things that you intend to use on that Patrol or you could just leave everything unchecked and then just load it inside the game I think it it works a little bit more efficiently allows you to get into the game first and then you can load it yourself so for now I'm going to go ahead and say don't load anything on Startup and just load into the game and I'm going to load it myself but once again if you want to have red shook for you if you feel comfortable you can go ahead and say load these plugins and start up and then click on Save and launch I'm going to go ahead and uncheck it we're going to go ahead and save and launch the game and I'm going to show you what the uniforms look like okay I just Harry Potter my ass back over here so it's a little more quiet away from the city so remember I chose on my end that I didn't want rage took to load anything on Startup now you may choose to do the same thing that way you can get into the game totally up to you if you want to have red shook load Eep menu for you if you know you're going to be using it which more than likely you will you can click on the thing I mentioned earlier to allow rage hook to load this for you so if you press your f11 key it may already have the menu already loaded in but if you're like me and you like to kind of load things yourself you can press your F4 key and start typing in load plugin and type in AUP you'll notice that it's right there in the tab to the left of the upper hand left hand of the screen now the reason why you can see that is because eup menu is a standalone plug-in it does not require you to be on duty in order to use eup which is the emergency uniform pack so I'm going to go ahead and press my Tab Key I'm going to press my Enter key and even though I have a fast PC it does take a couple of seconds to load this particular plug-in the other ones may load a little bit faster but this one for some reason loves to take a couple seconds to load in so right now I'm still not on duty it doesn't really matter but this is more for demonstration purposes and I'm going to press my f11 key now so if for some reason if you try to load your AP menu and you get a crash either you did not update your rage native UI that I mentioned earlier so make sure you have the latest rage native UI it's imperative otherwise the rage menu I'm sorry the EP menu will not work so make sure that you you've done that because a lot of times these modders will include these rage native uis that are outdated and a good example of that is the stop the ped and Ultimate Backup copy light these all require you know rage native uis that are out of date that's inside that those downloads so don't rely on the monitor to have an updated one for you I already provided the link that's up to date so make sure you replace the one that you have in there so that could be one reason so now we're uh into the game you'll notice that the lawn orders there the servant rescue's there but once again if you installed the serve and rescue before the Law and Order uh and then the Law and Order is second uh this will show up as gray it'll be grayed out so make sure you go back and re-watch that part of the video where we installed the Law and Order first so if you go to the Law and Order and you click on this you can go to different branches of LSPD but they do look rather crisp and I do apologize my Graphics probably look like crap right now you guys remember I'm using a blank mods folder so there is no Graphics mod installed at this very moment so there's jackets in here really nice ones there's a nice coat right there I like that one and then there's a raincoat that's kind of cool I like that actually there's a nice raincoat there now there's a polo that looks like my 5m server and you can take your uh you know the hat on and off through the Wardrobe if you feel like it jacket two if it's raining you know things like that there's some pretty nice ones here I like it I really like this this is where I'm digging these sahb pretty cool I like it so this is the 9.3 and I must say the raincoats look actually better than the 9.5 to be honest with you the right gear fast Force SWAT here's bcso kind of speech for itself jacket two code code two yeah real nice agent task force do away it's pretty cool like that in DOA nice kind of like a leather jacket right task force I think the lsia that's the Los Santos International Airport has some really really nice uniforms early I love these things I like how dark they are and the patches look really nice they even have a polo there's a raincoat for lsia here's a really good one it's a Rockford Hills Police Department I really love the uh the way the patches look look really nice I think they better look better than the LSPD personally quick Pro tip if you have the radio in the middle of your chest which most time that will be by default if you want to get it in the uh the upper left hand corner above your badge uh press your backspace key go to wardrobe and then go to uh create outfit and then you can name it whatever you like uh radio left and then what you're going to do is go up uh just kind of Arrow up go to armor and then move it to the left it's uh 14. you can see that goes from 15 to 14. 14 will put it right there on your shoulder and once you're done you know just make sure you save it and you should see it under wardrobe now okay here's a little test I want went ahead and force Duty we're on duty right now technically I took all the Peds and all the cars out of the game I just saw you guys can hear me a little bit better that's why I look so desolate right now but I'm going to impress my Ultimate Backup key and then we're just gonna get a local Patrol out here so it's gonna be default cars so I apologize but this is what's responding out of here in this jurisdiction at the moment which maybe park ranger so don't let that worry you you know if it depending on what jurisdiction you're in so this is grandsonora Desert okay so this is what's responding out here and that is a looks like a park ranger so she's got a good uniform on okay now remember we're out here in Sandy Sandy Shores so this is who's going to respond out here uh Blaine County may be responding out here because this is Blaine County in this area right here but we're gonna go ahead and release him and we're gonna go ahead and teleport over to palato area I'm going to show you what they look like there so this is Blaine County uh on this extra sector of the map it really depends on the default regions and the jurisdictions uh that without me going too complicated as to uh how to modify that that would require a very detailed tutorial so I probably will not do that at any anytime soon to be honest because uh most people on YouTube we get bored by that and if we teleport just a little bit more south uh you know they're near the forest it looks like the uh yeah looks like they're definitely park ranger for sure in this case even though it's just code 2 backup uh the two of them came that time so we're gonna go ahead and do it dismiss um let's do a few more parts of the map how about Zancudo let me see what that looks like you can always teleport over here and do a military type Patrol but I'm curious to see what kind of local Patrol shows up here but uh just as I thought they'd probably be military police so this is what the military police would look like right there so that's the Emer that is the military police right there if you look around your map you'll notice there's a lot more icons on here that you could probably use as a police station if you really wanted to okay here we are inside the airport you can see right there LSA Santos International Airport police now they're using LSPD cars obviously because we don't have anything modified inside the mods folder my mods folder is very blank it's just for the tutorial so kind of bear with the default cars okay and they should be uh be responding with the uniforms similar to mine on this particular Ultimate Backup config he's got it as a Los Santos Metro Police so those uniforms are available for you you can see right here he's got the same thing a little drop down holsters and things so Los Angeles Metro Place are going to be spawning near Mission Row and I'll be right down here LSPD it'll be Metro Class B Class C for example right there so now you can you know look like the units that are responding around this area right here let's see what SWAT looks like when they come in that is definitely Ultimate Backup configure out there okay we are near Del perro Beach so this would be kind of cool so let's go and change our uniform real quick here let's go ahead and call in Ultimate Backup see what they look like okay now they should be responding out of here with Del perro uniforms if I'm not mistaken let's take a look yeah they look like they're in Del apparel uniform same as me oh actually you know what we remember we saved that one right there we go that's Rockford Hills Police Department where we put the uh microphone on the left shoulder showed you how to do that see how it's grabbing the chest pressure m key get a police radio you can change it to shoulder right there chest or shoulder looks real nice and crisp man let's try it out let's go to weather I will make it uh really cold we'll make it snowing make it a blizzard why not sit they come with jackets okay well I just learned something new guys so even without the Ultimate Backup config I'll take the snow version now that I think about it I think the snow version of The Ultimate Backup config they probably have like certain types of big hats you know like the uh buoy hat or something like that I forget they call those like a parka hat you know I'm talking about the big flaps and stuff like that that's probably what they would look like so I'll tell you what Let's Make It Rain Let's Make It Rain boys I try not to make this tutorial too long but I am curious let's see if they show up with the rain gear so depending on the weather the gain uh we'll check to see what kind of weather forecast it is and what they look what the weather's doing currently is how the Ultimate Backup will respond that's pretty cool I like that now remember this is no graphic spot this is all uh default so which actually the game doesn't look too bad right okay let's go down to the highway okay now we are if you look at the bottom of the screen there I'm using player location display by the way I have a video about that pld if you look that up you'll see this is the interstate one grandsonora desert Blaine County so let's go ahead and call for a backup here I have a feeling if I do local uh it's going to be probably park ranger or something like that yeah it's gonna be a park ranger out here that's what it's going to be just remember this is the jurisdiction that is set up and look it's bright and sunny out here and this is who's responding out here is the park ranger division but if you do this if you uh type go to Ultimate Backup and you go to state patrol unit this is the top uniform that he should show up in and that's the police force lot that is uh the default Vehicles okay so I don't want you to think that my vehicles look like this I took out my mods folder and this is what they look like yeah so this is what they would look like for a highway patrol with the Ultimate Backup config you remember you have access to other things that you can call for backup so if you press your U key and you were to go down here for example uh air as they HP swap back up let's take a look at that that is the uh SWAT Department there for the San Andreas Highway Patrol okay I've never done this before this is something different uh bicycle Patrol so if you're doing a bicycle Patrol guys look at this this is who would show up right here oh this is really cool oh wow I was not expecting this that's a Del perro bicycle Patrol right there that is so cool I like that I like I get excited about new things I haven't haven't used that pretty cool I love her outfit too by the way I'm just saying lighter okay let's kind of go through this little bit faster we'll do border patrol and uh how about we do down here we do um Bobcat security why not uh do they have a coast guard swats what I did not know that I have a dirt bike Patrol and then uh forget measure let's just do a supervisor yeah let's do that got to do supervisor guys okay so this is border patrol I called them first look at this oh that is weird look the Bobcat security is showing up in a snow-covered Riot vehicle what I have to look and see what does that say in there a bobcat security yeah that's very strange oh there's a there's dirt bike Patrol guys this is actually pretty cool oh that's my supervisor right there unfortunately he doesn't have any rank strikes because raid ship tends to break those rank stripes you cannot have ranked stripes or decals on your sleeve however if you look to the top right of your video there is a fix for that so if you want to get the rank stripes on your sleeve to look like a sergeant you know a lieutenant purple whatever and I'll show you how to fix that this is what the Marshalls look like really nice I love that oh that looks sick I love that so uh anyways guys we're going to head on out here and I hope you got some use out of today's video thank you so much guys for helping me push over that 100 000 Mark you guys are awesome but the patreons and the YouTube members your names are floating across the screen because that is who is active right at this very moment so thank you guys so much for all the the patronage and the YouTube membership you guys are awesome you guys take care we'll see on the next Patrol stay safe thank you for watching benzo's YouTube channel be sure to drop a like comment and subscribe if you're new benzo uploads often so stay tuned for the next episode [Music]
Channel: BlueLine Vibes
Views: 145,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lspdfr gameplay, lspdfr, gta 5 mods, gta 5 lspdfr, lspdfr police mod, best mods lspdfr, lspdfr plugins, top lspdfr plugins, top mods gta 5, benzo, benzo effect, lspdfr install, gtav mods, gtav lspdfr, eup install, eup 9.3, eup back up uniforms, eup ultimate backup
Id: ZknghdkV1qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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