Ethical Hacking Lab: Step-by-Step Metasploitable 3 Win2k8 Installation with Added Vulnerabilities

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hi everyone welcome to this video will be downloading metasploy table 3 after we have successfully completed downloaded and completed these setups as you can see parrot security the attacker's machine for our ethical hacking Virtual Lab setup then meta splatable 2 and we also downloaded Windows Server 2019 and a few steps left to make it vulnerable but that will be in my upcoming video for now I will close this machine and we will install metasploitable 3. for that we have some prerequisite and it will be installed here after the steps are done so first we have to search for git and then visit this website git hyphen and go to downloads after that uh 64-bit my system is 64-bit so I will download this one for Windows setup after I download as you can see I have already downloaded this so I'll just cancel after the download is complete we will double click and then continue the installation and finish the setup we will install it so this is we'll double click and the installation will start I have already installed it so I won't install it now as you can see this is how like we have to agree and then next next next and the installation will be done I'll just cancel it after the installation is complete we need some dependencies or requirements as you can see we need the Packer vagrant and vagrant reload plugin and we also need to download virtualbox so virtualbox we have already downloaded in our earlier before we started installing download and install these operating systems so we already downloaded metasped virtualbox and this is the version right now 7.0 7.0 okay so we also need to Go download Packer and vagrant of a packer we'll go to download packer and then windows up for Windows operating system yeah so this is the Packer or we can also go to uh you can type tracker download and we will have again same thing like we can download it install a grind here we have Windows and the latest version we'll download this as well so I have already downloaded the two file that is Packer from here and vagrant form here after we successfully download or download process is complete we'll see this vagrant will double click and next next next and install the installation is pretty simple but for Packer a 1.9.1 that we have we actually need to copy this packer and then go to C drive program files and here we need to create a directory this doesn't exist but we have to do a new folder and folder name is packer we have to name it Packer right now uh I have already created that folder so I will delete this new folder okay so we have the Packer folder and here we will actually copy that uh zip file that we have downloaded from Packer website and we will extract it for this we need WinRAR or even if you don't have winner you can extract it and after we extract we'll have this picker.exe here as you can see this is the file that we need to extract after we extract we'll have the packer.exe I'll delete this again after we have the packer.exe we have to actually specify this path otherwise I won't be able to access it using terminal other than this directory before that we will again go to this PC right click and then properties and then we will go to Advanced system settings here we will click on environment variables and the environment variables we have to check system variables and under system variables we have to click on the part then edit after that we have to click on new and here we have to give the path to pecker but I have already uh done this here you can see see Drive program file and this is the part to pegger pecker so this you have to do like this and then after this is done you have to click on OK OK it will be added now we are good to go so after this step if you simply open command prompt and then type Packer we are able to uh execute the pecker now we can do pecker hyphen hyphen version to check the version 1.9.1 as you can see uh our same Packer version that we downloaded so this step is done packer and again down for vagrant if we download this file and then double click in the installation.msi same as exe file and then next next next and the the background installation will be done it's simple so after this tip we need this plug-in vagrant reload plugin actually so this is the plugin and in order to install the plugin we have to Simply type this command in our Command Prompt type the command background plugin install background vagrant reload so it will take some time few minutes and the installation will be complete there can be some interference during the installation we'll go to system and security Windows Defender Firewall and we will turn it off for now Windows Defender is turn off and also we will actually disable the virus protection for now because it can interfere with the installation so I'll just turn off this this this one and this one okay this is done for now command prompt run as administrator okay so we will clone it here we are in the C directory widget uh rapid seven meta Square table tree repository in GitHub and clone it here foreign ing is done you can see this is made of spreadable three we'll change the directory to metasploitable tree now we are in metaphorable tree you can see this is the directories we have git picker background file now we will use the manual not the automatic build but we will build manually for that we will copy this command and we will give the provider as a virtualbox ISO here then press enter and it will take some time this it's doing the process automatically as you can see it downloaded the ISO file and now it is waiting for 10 minutes to boot and in the meantime Windows Server 2008 will be like you can see it will be actually the setup will be done then rest of the setup will be done later on all right foreign updates and then it will complete the installation the right hand side you can see it's waiting to boot for 10 minutes within 10 minutes this will be done and then the next steps will be done automatically by packer thank you foreign the new ring the installation this is a long process but during the installation sometime pausing the video to make the video shorter the machine is booting now after that it will connect by SSH and do a couple of configuration and setup thank you foreign to become available [Music] as you can see in the right hand side command prompt should be the exact part last time I think there was some error because I was using the drive instead of C drive now it's trying to upload the meta spreadable templates and now doing the rest of the configuration and setup thank you foreign [Music] installation process foreign again so during the installation process be ready uh that the installation I mean the virtual box will restart for a couple of times will be prepared for that and also it will be long process foreign foreign waited for three minutes and now doing the rest of the process all right now again it will pause for one minute and then do the next provisioner with running all the scripts in script config directory configs now it is provisioning with the powerful script chocolatey Powers clip one thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign again foreign foreign is finished now but there were some errors you can see some built-in complete successfully and had errors still we are good to go we will copy this limit as virtual box and then press enter now it failed to add let's see let's see foreign the installation will get a complete with errors of course but we will still have a Windows meta spreadable three machine with some vulnerabilities in it and then later on I will show you how we can install Windows uh the other operating system which is Ubuntu Linux one the other version of meta Square table 3 machine but if anyone knows about the issuer or could successfully install it without any errors I mean the meta spreadable 3 Windows Server 2008 then please let me know in the comments section and also if you can show me the steps that would be helpful for others also so again yeah I got an another error digest installation failed installation error okay so let's go and check my virtual box hopefully I can see something yeah we can see something actually it's running and if I start I can see uh let's control alt delete and then try to log into this background user that was created automatically okay so now I'm logging in and let me again start my parrot security also let me check the networks here we have host only adapter and then net okay so I will start my parrot security which will be the attacker machine for this virtual article hacking lab and I'll be using okay it's already selected I'll start this machine side by side to check whether I could find some which is uh we must restart your computer apply these changes okay I'll just restart it again the meantime we are also starting parrot security operating system to check I will actually use nmap and check whether uh the few vulnerable Services were installed in our vulnerable metasputable tree Windows Server 2008 or not even though we got a couple of Errors during the installation and it is booting up and also we I restarted we also restarted metasploitable three Windows machine login again with Ctrl alt delete so it is booting up and here we have our parrot security my left hand side I'll open a terminal to quickly do the host Discovery before that I'll just check the IP address of this subnet we have uh 192 168 56.102 for this machine I'll do a quick host Discovery in this internal Network subnet this is also booting up so we should get I mean meta spreadable three Windows Server 2000 machine should get an IP address I'm doing a host Discovery by sending being scanned no port scan should be the IP address of meta spreadable Windows Server 2008 machine this is the IP address of our machine carrot security 56.102 and I will run an nmep scan and check for open ports and services in this uh with this n map in parrot security and ask me later so now we are in metasploitable Windows Server 2008 machine and let's start a port scan which is guest editions available I'll do that later on let's run an nmap scan quickly on our Windows Server 2008 machine and we can see uh FTP is open SSH HTTP so I think the setup was not 100 unsuccessful but although we have some errors but we can still uh practice in our ethical hacking lab uh we can use Windows Server 2008 and see and test our penetration testing skills I'll also do a version detection system we did version detection as well and we have all this like we have Microsoft pppd and then open SSH we have httpd Microsoft server this is the web server RPC and SQL we have Java and we have it's SMB 135 and 139 okay then uh we will end the video now and let me know in the comments if somebody could successfully install it without any errors and now we are good to go with the rest of the installation and see you in the upcoming video thanks for watching guys
Channel: Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking Skills
Views: 3,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EthicalHackingLab, Metasploitable3, Win2k8Installation, EthicalHackingTutorial, VirtualLab, CyberSecurityStudents, StepByStepGuide, VulnerabilityTesting, PenetrationTesting, WindowsServer2008, HackingTools, EducationalPurpose, CyberSecurityTraining, SecurityVulnerabilities, SafeEnvironment, Troubleshooting, ExploitTesting, CyberSecurityEducation
Id: G1WcZOiv3K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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