Ethel Cain Tattoos Her Own Hands #shorts #coachella

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if you can figure out how to do your own tattoos I highly suggest it if you don't like paint hi refinery29 I'm Ethel Kane I got a couple of them done at a studio I think these right here this one these four and this one and it was so expensive they wanted like a hundred dollars per tiny individual one and I was like I can do that myself so I bought some needles and some ink online and I've just been kind of going at it I like to treat it like a doodle page when I went on there there's just something that pops into my head I put it on me when you do it yourself it like it really is not that bad yeah it really does not hurt I've started a cross sleeve and I have been having each one of my friends add across so I've been kind of adding to it and I just as I meet people and make friends I want to go all the way up to my shoulder and have a full sleeve of just crosses so I'm excited it's gonna take me a long time and I'm excited
Channel: Refinery29
Views: 100,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: deC3QxFHQ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 51sec (51 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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