Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN

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Oh chica is homeless she don't have a roof over her head so today we're gonna put our hand to the test to see what we can build with nothing but a couple two-by-fours nails a hammer and the power oh wow where's your rubber anything even say my rubber I don't have one no that's a shame what are you gonna use it for what do you need a rubber mallet for uh a murse it's for the chisel there you go see I didn't mean to stab it I worked in deck-building for about two years I know my way around wood I am NOT a fully fleshed-out for a licensed carpenter or woodworking expert but I know my way around a log I also know my way around would different why give us a little belt to work all right a belt or something for you doo doo doo doo doo doo doo it's my belt or hey I've got a hammer you have got a crescent wrench it's not a crush around you go I've got safety goggles for when we saw some wood Oh safe they've got a tape measurer you to do I'm this long okay what else do I have got a box cutter doo doo doo doo doo put it back in and be safe what else do I have a chisel do dah dah dah doo doo doo I've got a level oh hey that level I've also got some pliers needlenose and normal and that's all - I've got you give me your tool I'll go - I've got a pencil so you know where to cut do you have a pencil okay I also want to say just for my own thing that you went to Home Depot and got stuff specifically for this I I asked if you needed anything you got me there so I've got nails I thought that was like a communal tool I can lend you some nails all right interest rate or anything I've got a square ooh love a good square it is a level it's also magnetic it's got a ruler on it and it's got also a 45 degree angles I've got my my box cutter here I got my rubber mallet for the chisel I got my 20 ounce for nails claw hammer specifically and then one of the most important tools in any woodworkers kit is a chocolate what chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate cha-cha Cline Champa what does it do it's a chalk line like this so this is what a chalk line would be for this line is full of chalk right you would have measured something but you go and then you've got a line so we're not gonna use that line by the way oh god I'm like should we go I guess we've done our tool list I didn't finish my taste you've got a little baby measly measly they measure how big thick I think this is and I got a little one just for things that don't need to be 35 feet long so what are we doing today we're building a doghouse for chica we are and we're doing it all by hand we're doing it all by hand and also with a lot of things we do it for bits and do some gaps we're actually gonna try yes build a dog we're gonna try and we're gonna just like use basic woodworking principles here we're not gonna do any fancy joints or anything like that and we don't need to you yeah just needs quick and dirty also although we are not using power tools we are still using saws make sure if you're using tools be very very safe that's why we're not messing around because you can get seriously seriously hurt we'll turn on toys you got a treatable with respect and you gotta you gotta use them like they're supposed to be because if you don't even if you're just joking around things gonna happen and slip up and you can get really hurt so be careful on one saw gas right here could cut an artery it's no joke be safe this is not a joke it's not a goof you've misuse tools I'll kill you so the general idea with any build is you gotta figure out your dimensions you've got to figure out what you got and how much you can work with and then what you can turn that into we have six six foot two by fours we have ten these are fence planks we can either use them for the roof or the siding and then we have four I believe they are are they two foot by four feet to measure four foot by two foot four foot by two foot I was right didn't even need to measure it that's the first rule woodworking you don't need to measure [ __ ] yeah eyeball it you trust yourself we get aside like what's gonna be the framing how big is this thing gonna be cheek is a big girl I'll see you later yeah yeah chica she could come out here oh yes yeah I think 2x4 would be this size that we're going for yeah base then we cut this should we just put one on one side and one on the other sort of like outline the bottom of it we could do this all right so before we commit to this describe your plan all right so we're gonna take two of these boards we're gonna cut it at four feet because then we'll have two twos and two fours will we when we cut another one will we have a 4-foot side and a two-foot side is the saw ah thick is the saw what's are we using I think which sauce should we use this point otherwise that is a hacksaw normal trade cut track is the name of the brain it's 380 millimeters wide you can generally count on a saw being 1/16 okay so you know you're gonna but is it paramount that it needs to be that length when you put the board's here or you laying them on the inside of the lip or the outside of the lip of this plane true we also haven't figured out if we're putting it down or if we're going up if we want it to be on stilts yeah because if we put it down she could have like padding in there and a little nook a defined look for bed to go in oh so this isn't going on the outside it would be on the inside if it's on the outside you need more length because it would be on the outside for feet but then Liz would not connect all right I trust your judgment here is the pencil you want the square [Laughter] [Laughter] no no dude just make a small mark first alright so code cut a little bit to the a little bit to the left okay I trust you dude what you saw okay okay okay okay I don't want to see you struggle too much I want you to succeed okay thank you it's a push saw sawing is a is a light art you don't need to push hard you can just very gently start your groove it's a push saw is a it's a it's a push pushing lightly graze it across like just very lightly back and forth just like easy as possible you get more you could you have a whole blade you can use yeah I really can't push it just be lighter on the push try to like lifted you push you know it actually sure it's a push stuff I'm pretty sure but you know it go it maybe it's it's both it's both ways Universal cut there you go anything that's good then you can go it cuts both ways so but you should technically be able to push it stay here hold on try it and try and push it seems hard okay alright wait I want the satisfaction oh that was my bad that was my mistake that is something you should never do don't just let go on the tool and expect it to stay hey there you go there you go you made your first cut made the first cut it's not terribly even so you're at 4 and 1/16 now measure this looks like the saw blade took off about at one thirty seconds need one more now you've done it once you can do it a thousand times right right when you're getting started light as a feather [Music] huh I'd rather you be slow and precise you know but saws kind of work on a function of speed yeah yeah yeah speech necessary soft do you want me to do it sure ok cool all right thank you what do you do when your cuts not going straight you autocorrect you what there's another option but how is that I'm gonna I'm gonna start cutting from the other side just hold that bad boy down now we're trying to get to the left side now of this line and now you see you going from the other side you've got a more even cut it corrected the angle that was going in the other way and then suddenly you've got a square cut yeah that's okay because these edges are gonna be together so nice sanding not really it's not really a concern to sand that tendon or for like finishing fine woodworking at if you get like some splinters up she's ready for what yeah like - no I yes I would you know in the tool world where there's a little thing called so this is gonna be the base of it well it was a bit we were going with your plan yeah yeah which is - yep as I oh yes - frame it now did you decide if they're gonna go like this or like this classic hopper work what's power I'm watching it hey water can go underneath is this the inside as I was asking you very specifically where they were gonna attach right here or hey yeah we could do with that we could we could do that wait Oh what if Hey Oh I might be on to something I think that's it okay but how I'm just gonna pose to you are you absolutely sure you don't want to just cut off the width of this wrist so that it can all be in that's probably the best way to go okay we can do this by only doing one cut for each of these one cut yeah how do we do that we measure from both ends and we take them on so say this is 2 inches you take 2 inches here or take to 4 inches here there you go that wasn't my strong suit well is anything how wide is this this way to my door 2x4 no three-and-a-half yep jeez they fooled me all the time there's more than a half wide to our life they're all a half an inch shorter why I can't remember so now that you know it's one and a half you can even correct any distance errors on these ones by taking three and a half or sorry three and then adding the tiny bit here that it's off how much is it off measure right okay flush this is flush to this end right here measure on that side but this is what what do you what do you mean hoo-boy why wouldn't you just put push it up good what what what's this like this yeah but then but then there's a little thing it's not accurate oh my god you don't know do you not know why the tip here moves everything every single tape measure has a tip that moves so that it's always accurate whether you're attaching at the end or you're pushing it up against something because if it pushes it moves and accounts for the width of the tip of the metal if you're pulling it'll pull away the exact distance of that width so it's accurate whether you're pushing or pulling you could have done it I yeah Engineers work no engineers made thee well yes but they engineered it ingenuity yeah can we get there cuttin short I could just figure out just cuts three and a quarter off of both of them three and a quarter order order mm-hmm actually I forgot I'll be right back I'm gonna cut this wood are you doing in cotton okay good hey you got it mom I'm learning you're learning I'm a real man's man Ethan get on your knees why I'm ten feet away you have safety glasses and we're outside mark today's the day mark today's the day will you back up a little bit further no ten feet that was the exact and I just measured from where you are to where I am is ten feet okay but hold on with that paintball gun mm-hmm we can we know that it's more powerful we don't know we do know how because you tested it and it was so much more powerful in what way because it was so much louder so what do you want another two feet I don't know what I want you don't know what you want I don't know what I want listen life comes at us fast we don't know what life is gonna give us and today it's gonna give you a people we don't know how fast that one shoots shoots this fast whether you take a couple more steps back how about you go to where that was right there okay that's unfair okay but you will have a tip what should I tense or should I let my body loose I don't think it matters dude I'm freaking out right now it's fine man well shoot the shoot the thing again what you just saw that's so powerful do you want me to get the other gun okay the only thing is you know what that one felt like true true all right you know that's fair I'll go look for the use you you think about it you you think about what's about to happen all right at this I also found this for you fruit ears this is in case I'm off target wait wait where did it go it bounced oh wait hit it again so it is slower okay I don't know if that's better or worse well if it doesn't break it's bad it'll hurt worse great get over there okay you won't you won't shoot me and tell them over there right no I'll shoot you right here if you don't go that's my promise okay fine are you standing over there I don't know just do it get on your knees no why not just do it are you sure yeah well you're you a proper distance away I am you ready okay it's gonna happen oh my god that really stings oh yeah and it's over it's over it's over it's not as bad as I thought so much less worse than I thought you big baby these things a lot but it's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be yeah yeah it's gone it's done it's over done the curse I'm it's I made way bigger deal about that connection yeah you really did it's over oh my god I'm free so now we can do a video where you're up against the wall and shooting paintballs at you well I don't know if we have to I only got so much time left all right let's build this dog Alice all right so did you cut this to the right length I cut it so we just need to cut the other one to the right length too and the even better thing about that one is you don't even need to measure that what you want to know why because you can use this use this as a measuring and I wouldn't put it on top of it I would but lungs do it uh-oh you didn't cut the side that was already being yeah you can you can cut this one all right cool there we go so now we got our two pieces now we can start hammering it together okay yeah boom how's that they look good good enough good enough good enough I'm okay with good enough now comes the fun part the hammer the hammering all right so you may hamper I know what I'm doing you know I love hammering and I'm super good at it but what if he what have you showed me he's your hammering skills know how to hammer a nail I know how to do it I just don't know where to go for the best place into here yes you're assembling this first no one saw that it's fine take a bigger swing okay well real tool guy here Tim the tool man Taylor Tim the tap man Taylor really let me show you how it's done on the top rung here I don't know why you're getting down on your knees there you go just all you gotta do is yeah get in it it's nice yeah oh you gotta hit the nail off the nail the nail is Mark's hammer larger maybe trimmer yeah it's the slammer you want let me take her for a whirl oh no don't worry about it everything's fine okay yeah I really should have gotten two and a half inch nails for this but you know they'll still get some you know that's what I was thinking too Wow why are you on your knees as I don't get it what did you do I don't know what that mean dude all right you want to go again it's like a speed you know well it's it's a frame well forget your hammer how do we do now now we got to attach the walls figure out if the walls are gonna go the inside we got figure if we're gonna do corner posts we got to figure out how this bad boys gonna get together this is a longer process than that that's why I was saying it was gonna take a bit it's actually not that long oh yes it just happens to be taking us a bit longer I think it's good we'll make a dog bed instead of a dog frame house the house so now what we do we take this off and put it on top we took put the wood on top and then we put the hammers and the nails in like this under here and then it's all stuck together right technically yes and technically yes is the best kind of yes all right you gonna be good get this yeah neighbors love it I goofed it you beat me you did it student becomes the master you know your real man alright you have a hammer holder in your belt flip her over there's pretty nice hey you sand this down alright done good sand ya good Sam Toby the comfy bed looks cozy oh yeah ba ba ba boom that's what that's that's what they say chica chica chica come here where you get a bird oh it's lumpy good girl would you good girl oh she loves it how much longer do I have to stay in this doghouse doghouse doghouse oh gosh today was a good day yeah you learned some things learn some things own that paint balls don't hurt that bad look it's never too late to learn anything even if you are approaching the bitter end that will come in just a few months you could still learn a thing or two don't be afraid to face your fears because nine times out of 10 probably not that bad challenge yourself step out of your comfort zone maybe break out the saw safely little dog house yeah or a dog bed or a cat house or a house for yourself I don't know but don't forget the most important thing of all the chisel as a mind of its own and disrespected you will take the life of anyone who gets in its way respected for it her strength and no mere mortal can huh comprehend
Channel: Unus Annus
Views: 7,464,258
Rating: 4.9804173 out of 5
Keywords: unus annus, markiplier, crankgameplays, memento mori, paintball, wood, woodworking, man, challenge, test, carpentry, carpenter, dog house, dog bed, chica, fail, attempt, try, build, construction
Id: gRYHn9FcQAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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